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Rafaela Hillerbrand [26]Rafaela C. Hillerbrand [1]
  1. From Principles to Practice. An interdisciplinary framework to operationalise AI ethics.Lajla Fetic, Torsten Fleischer, Paul Grünke, Thilo Hagendorf, Sebastian Hallensleben, Marc Hauer, Michael Herrmann, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Carla Hustedt, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski, Tobias Krafft, Wulf Loh, Philipp Otto & Michael Puntschuh - 2020 - Bertelsmann-Stiftung.
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    Designing for Care.Giovanni Frigo, Christine Milchram & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-23.
    This article introduces Designing for Care (D4C), a distinctive approach to project management and technological design informed by Care Ethics. We propose to conceptualize “care” as both the foundational value of D4C and as its guiding mid-level principle. As a value, care provides moral grounding. As a principle, it equips D4C with moral guidance to enact a caring process. The latter is made of a set of concrete, and often recursive, caring practices. One of the key assumption of D4C is (...)
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    Climate Simulations: Uncertain Projections for an Uncertain World.Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (1):17-32.
    Between the fourth and the recent fifth IPCC report, science as well as policy making have made great advances in dealing with uncertainties in global climate models. However, the uncertainties public decision making has to deal with go well beyond what is currently addressed by policy makers and climatologists alike. It is shown in this paper that within an anthropocentric framework, a whole hierarchy of models from various scientific disciplines is needed for political decisions as regards climate change. Via what (...)
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  4.  57
    Values in University–Industry Collaborations: The Case of Academics Working at Universities of Technology.Rafaela Hillerbrand & Claudia Werker - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1633-1656.
    In the applied sciences and in engineering there is often a significant overlap between work at universities and in industry. For the individual scholar, this may lead to serious conflicts when working on joint university–industry projects. Differences in goals, such as the university’s aim to disseminate knowledge while industry aims to appropriate knowledge, might lead to complicated situations and conflicts of interest. The detailed cases of two electrical engineers and two architects working at two different universities of technology illustrate the (...)
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    Probing the improbable: Methodological challenges for risks with low probabilities and high stakes.Toby Ord, Rafaela Hillerbrand & Anders Sandberg - 2010 - Journal of Risk Research 13:191-205.
    Some risks have extremely high stakes. For example, a worldwide pandemic or asteroid impact could potentially kill more than a billion people. Comfortingly, scientific calculations often put very low probabilities on the occurrence of such catastrophes. In this paper, we argue that there are important new methodological problems which arise when assessing global catastrophic risks and we focus on a problem regarding probability estimation. When an expert provides a calculation of the probability of an outcome, they are really providing the (...)
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    Nuclear Power is Neither Right Nor Wrong: The Case for a Tertium Datur in the Ethics of Technology.Rafaela Hillerbrand & Martin Peterson - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (2):583-595.
    The debate over the civilian use of nuclear power is highly polarised. We argue that a reasonable response to this deep disagreement is to maintain that advocates of both camps should modify their positions. According to the analysis we propose, nuclear power is neither entirely right nor entirely wrong, but rather right and wrong to some degree. We are aware that this non-binary analysis of nuclear power is controversial from a theoretical point of view. Utilitarians, Kantians, and other moral theorists (...)
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    On Non-Propositional Aspects in Modelling Complex Systems.Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2010 - Analyse & Kritik 32 (1):107-120.
    This paper aims to show that modeling complex systems inevitably involves non-propositional knowledge and thus the uncertainties associated with the corresponding model predictions cannot be fully quantified. This is exemplified by means of the climate system and climate modeling. The climate system is considered as a paradigm for a complex system, whereby the notion of complexity adopted in this paper is epistemic in nature and does not equate with the technical definition of a complex system as for example used within (...)
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    Order out of Chaos? A Case Study in High Energy Physics.Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 5 (2):61-78.
    In recent years, computational sciences such as computational hydrodynamics or computational field theory have supplemented theoretical and experimental investigations in many scientific fields. Often, there is a seemingly fruitful overlap between theory, experiment, and numerics. The computational sciences are highly dynamic and seem a fairly successful endeavor---at least if success is measured in terms of publications or engineering applications. However, for theories, success in application and correctness are two very different things; and just the same may hold for "methodologies" like (...)
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  9. Dianoetic Virtues in Addressing a Morally Correct Treatment of Genetic Engineering.Rafaela C. Hillerbrand - 2008 - In R. C. Hillerbrand & R. Karlsson (eds.), Beyond the Global Village. Environmental Challenges inspiring Global Citizenship. The Interdisciplinary Press.
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    Shallow vs. Deep Geoethics: Moving Beyond Anthropocentric Views.Giovanni Frigo, Luiz Anselmo Ifanger, Roberto Greco, Helen Kopnina & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 37 (1):1-18.
    At its inception, geoethics was envisioned as a type of professional ethics concerned with the moral implications of geoscientific research, applications, and practices. More recently, however, some scholars have proposed versions of geoethics as public and global ethics. To better understand these developments, this article considers the relationship between geoethics and environmental ethics by exploring different aspects of the human-nature relation (i.e., the moral status and role of humans in relation to the non-human world). We start by noting that the (...)
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    Ahead of Evidence: Computer Simulation and Epistemic Risks in Particle Physics.Marianne van Panhuys & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2025 - Perspectives on Science 33 (1):65-87.
    In present-day particle physics, empirical reasoning is highly inferential as experiments rely on complex instruments and an intensive use of computer-based methods. This paper investigates how these methods impact the evidential status of the data produced, using an expanded epistemic risk framework. Based on a case study from a top-quark physics experiment, we clarify the relationship between inductive and other epistemic risks. We argue that various epistemic risks that arise ahead of evidence affect the inductive risk of the experimental results, (...)
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  12. Towards a Third ‘Practice Turn’: An Inclusive and Empirically Informed Perspective on Risk.Sabine Roeser & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2016 - In Anthonie W. M. Meijers, Peter Kroes, Pieter E. Vermaas & Maarten Franssen (eds.), Philosophy of Technology After the Empirical Turn. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Implementing AI Ethics in the Design of AI-assisted Rescue Robots.Désirée Martin, Michael W. Schmidt & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2023 - Ieee International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (Ethics).
    For implementing ethics in AI technology, there are at least two major ethical challenges. First, there are various competing AI ethics guidelines and consequently there is a need for a systematic overview of the relevant values that should be considered. Second, if the relevant values have been identified, there is a need for an indicator system that helps assessing if certain design features are positively or negatively affecting their implementation. This indicator system will vary with regard to specific forms of (...)
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    Scenarios as Tools of the Scientific Imagination: The Case of Climate Projections.Michael Poznic & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (1):36-61.
    Climatologists have recently introduced a distinction between projections as scenario-based model results on the one hand and predictions on the other hand. The interpretation and usage of both terms is, however, not univocal. It is stated that the ambiguities of the interpretations may cause problems in the communication of climate science within the scientific community and to the public realm. This paper suggests an account of scenarios as props in games of make-belive. With this account, we explain the difference between (...)
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    Praxisfelder Angewandter Ethik. Ethische Orientierung in Medizin, Politik, Technik Und Wirtschaft.Rafaela Hillerbrand & Florian Steger (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Mentis Verlag.
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    Tugendethik.Rafaela Hillerbrand & Michael Poznic - 2013 - In Armin Grunwald (ed.), Handbuch Technikethik. Stuttgart: Metzler. pp. 165-170.
    Bis in die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts war die philosophische Ethik neben Vertragstheorien geprägt von zwei ethischen Theoriefamilien: der deontologischen Ethik und dem Konsequentialismus, Letzter vor allem in Form des Utilitarismus. Diese beiden Ethiktheorien scheinen in vielerlei Hinsicht diametral entgegengesetzt zu sein, etwa wenn die moralische Korrektheit einer Handlung entweder an ihren Folgen oder in Übereinstimmung mit einem allgemeinen moralischen Gesetz bemessen wird. Dennoch sind es in beiden Theorien die Handlungen, die bewertet werden.
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  17. Designing as playing games of make-believe.Michael Poznic, Martin Stacey, Rafaela Hillerbrand & Claudia Eckert - 2020 - Design Science 6:e10.
    Designing complex products involves working with uncertainties as the product, the requirements and the environment in which it is used co-evolve, and designers and external stakeholders make decisions that affect the evolving design. Rather than being held back by uncertainty, designers work, cooperate and communicate with each other notwithstanding these uncertainties by making assumptions to carry out their own tasks. To explain this, the paper proposes an adaptation of Kendall Walton’s make-believe theory to conceptualise designing as playing games of make-believe (...)
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    Praxisfelder angewandter Ethik: Medizin, Technik und Umwelt.Florian Steger & Rafaela Hillerbrand (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Mentis.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Lorraine Code, Struan Jacobs, Deepanwita Dasgupta, Charles R. Twardy & Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2008 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):97 – 114.
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