31 found
  1.  57
    Still Waters Run Deep: A New Study of the Professores of Bordeaux.R. P. H. Green - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):491-.
    Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the works in which Ausonius of Bordeaux and Libanius of Antioch, writing within a few years of each other, recall their long and varied careers is that there is so little resemblance between them; the impressions given by these experienced and successful teachers could hardly be more disparate. The reader of Ausonius finds in his Protrepticus a familiar enough picture of the terrors of the schoolroom; his Professores offer at first sight a series of (...)
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  2.  63
    Marius Maximus and Ausonius' Caesares.R. P. H. Green - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (01):226-.
    The disappearance of the imperial biographies written by Marius Maximus is one of the more frustrating losses of Latin literature, for various reasons: the well-known testimony of Ammianus, the interest of Marius Maximus' attested contribution to the Historia Augusta, his importance, much in dispute, to the writer of that work, the lack of information on much of the period he covered, and, not least, the fascinating role assigned to him by modern scholars, remodelling a previous duality of sources, of bad (...)
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  3.  34
    Ausonius' Use of The Classical Latin Poets: Some New Examples and Observations.R. P. H. Green - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (02):441-.
    The primary aim of this article is to reveal a number of previously unrecorded appearances of classical Latin poetry in the poems of Ausonius, with a brief assessment of their value in understanding his text, and an incorporation of them into the general picture of his acquaintance with his predecessors; a final section will outline some ways in which his adoptions and adaptations are used. Latin poets now fragmented or lost are not included in this study; for the survival of (...)
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  4.  49
    Proba's cento: its date, purpose, and reception.R. P. H. Green - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):551-.
    It may seem faintly absurd to claim or imply that a Vergilian cento has suffered unjustified neglect from scholars. These works—of which there are sixteen, covering a period of over three centuries within Late Antiquity—are usually treated at best with amused tolerance, and at worst with angry disdain. Though always ingenious, sometimes funny, and occasionally informative about the reception of Vergil, they are seldom admired. Even among Italian scholars, some of whom have paid much attention to centos, a recession has (...)
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  5.  34
    Proba's introduction to her Cento.R. P. H. Green - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):548-.
    The cento of Proba has recently enjoyed a remarkable upsurge of scholarly interest. A welcome translation was provided in 1981, and an article of five years later, scrutinizing the evidence for its date and authorship, has aroused much controversy. In two recent contributions vindicating the traditional date new or more precise suggestions have been made about the poem's historical context. In between these, yet another article has argued, without confirming or refuting the revised dating and attribution, that in various ways (...)
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  6.  75
    Fabio Ruggiero : Tertulliano, De Corona. Pp. liv+184. Milan: Mondadori, 1992. Paper, L. 12,000.R. P. H. Green - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (1):213-213.
  7.  40
    Ausonius' Fasti and Caesares revisited.R. P. H. Green - 1999 - Classical Quarterly 49 (02):573-.
    This paper reconsiders certain questions about Ausonius’ two incomplete works on historical themes, Fasti and Caesares, with particular attention to points raised in a recent article by R. W. Burgess. Of the Fasti we have only a few tantalizing snippets, the packaging and not the core: what did the work look like when it left Ausonius? What was its coverage? was it in verse or prose? The Caesares as we have it breaks off in mid-quatrain, at line 139: did it (...)
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  8.  7
    Ausonius Opera.R. P. H. Green (ed.) - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Ausonius has become a more accessible writer since the appearance of Professor Green's acclaimed commentary on him in 1991, which among other things stimulated discussion of his text and the textual tradition. This newly revised text takes advantage of recent criticism, both conservative and conjectural, and re-examines the difficulties inherent in the long held view that extant manuscripts derive independently from separate authorial editions. The opportunity has been taken to reassess earlier decisions on various problematic passages and to introduce several (...)
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  9.  48
    G. Clark: Augustine: The Confessions. Pp. xi+110. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Cased, £20.R. P. H. Green - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (2):452-452.
  10.  76
    Hungarian Latin.R. P. H. Green - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):131-.
  11.  52
    L. Morisi : Alcimi Aviti De Mundi Initio . Pp. 146. Bologna: Patron, 1996. Paper, L. 19,000. ISBN: 88-555-2376-7.R. P. H. Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):198-199.
  12.  70
    Prolegomena to Claudian.R. P. H. Green - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (01):32-.
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  13.  35
    Symmachus' Style.R. P. H. Green - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):46-.
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  14. The Teubner Claudian.R. P. H. Green - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):183-.
  15.  96
    Carl P. E. Springer: The Gospel as Epic in Late Antiquity. The Paschale Carmen of Sedulius. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language, 2.) Pp. xi + 168. Leiden, New York, Copenhagen and Cologne: Brill, 1988. fl. 72. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):159-159.
  16.  94
    Tolle Lege - G. Clark : Augustine: Confessions Books I–IV . Pp. x + 198. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Cased, £37.50/$59.95 . ISBN: 0-521-49734-5. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):70-72.
  17.  74
    Ronald H. Martin: The Epitoma Margarite Castigate Eloquentie of Laurentius Gulielmus Traversagni de Saona . Pp. v + 133. Leeds: Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Ltd, 1986. Paper, £10. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (1):188-188.
  18.  72
    P. F. Alberto : O De Ira de Martinho de Braga, Estudo, Ediçao Critica, Traduç'o e Comentário. Pp. 246. Oporto: Fundação Eng. António de Almeida, 1993. Paper. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):165-165.
  19.  65
    Iván Boronkai : Lexicon Latinitatis medii Aevi Hungaricae/A Magyar országi Küzépkori Latinság Szótára. Vol. II, Fasc. l/II Kötet, 1 Füzet caballa–cliciarius; Vol. II, Fasc. 2/II Kötet, 2 Füzet cliciarius–conor; Vol. III, Fasc. 2 /II Kötet, 3 Füzet conor–czwkarum. Pp. viii + 461. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1991. Paper, $19, 300 Ft. per fascicle. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (2):461-461.
  20.  65
    D. R. Slavitt : The Fables of Avianus. With a Foreword by J. Zipes. Pp. xix+55; 4 III. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Cased, $19.95. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (2):449-449.
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  21.  44
    Barry Baldwin: An Anthology of Later Latin Literature. (London Studies in Classical Philology, 19.) Pp. xiii + 371. Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben, 1987. fl. 110. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (1):142-143.
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  22.  8
    (1 other version)Ausonius at Play. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):38-40.
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  23.  34
    An Edition of Nemesianus. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (1):30-32.
  24.  67
    Acta symposii latini de lingua latina vinculo Europae. Parisiis in instituto Finnico 25–27 m. Oct. anno 1991 auspiciis Finnici ministerii publici rei institutoriae. (Institut Finlandais en France.) Pp. 189. Brussels: Melissa, 1992. Paper. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (1):212-213.
  25.  14
    (1 other version)Consoling Heliodorus. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 44 (1):61-62.
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  26.  61
    C. P. E. Springer: The Manuscripts of Sedulius: a Provisional Handlist. (Transactions of the American Philosphical Society, 85, Pt 5.) Pp. xxi + 244. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, 1995. Paper, $20. ISBN: 0-87169-855-2. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):198-198.
  27.  55
    J. George: Venantius Fortunatus: Personal and Political Poems: Translated with Notes and Introduction. (Translated Texts for Historians, 23.) Pp. xxv + 156, 1 fig., 1 map. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996. Paper, £9.95. ISBN: 0-85323-179-6. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):196-196.
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  28.  56
    M. Grant: Anthimus De obseruatione ciborum: On the Observance of Foods. Translated and Edited with Notes. Pp. 142, 7 ills, 2 maps. Blackawton: Prospect Books, 1996. Paper, £9.99. ISBN: 0-90732575-. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (01):203-.
  29.  39
    Symmachus' Style Gerd Haverling: Studies on Symmachus' Language and Style. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, 49.) Pp. 295. Gothenburg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1988. Paper, Sw.kr. 200. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (01):46-48.
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  30.  6
    (1 other version)Studien zur Hirtendichtung Nemesians. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):158-158.
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  31.  63
    W. A. Sumruld: Augustine and the Arians. The Bishop of Hippo's Encounters with Ulfilan Arianism. Pp. 196. Selinsgrove, London, Toronto: Susquehanna University Press/Associated University Presses, 1994. Cased, £28. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (2):469-469.