Results for 'Pope Leo Xiii'

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  1.  35
    8.2 Aeterni patris, Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII: On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy.Pope Leo Xiii - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (1):169-192.
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  2. Georg Cantor and Pope Leo XIII: Mathematics, Theology, and the Infinite.Joseph W. Dauben - 1977 - Journal of the History of Ideas 38 (1):85-108.
  3.  32
    Eça de Queirós versus Papa Leão XIII: questões alimentares (Eça de Queirós versus Pope Leo XIII: food issues) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n28p1363. [REVIEW]Antonio Augusto Nery - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1363-1379.
    O artigo “Encíclica Poética” foi publicado por Eça de Queirós (1845 -1900) na Revista Moderna em 20 de outubro de 1897 e coligido postumamente no volume Notas Contemporâneas , em 1909. Eça versa sobre uma epístola que o Papa Leão XIII (1810-1903) escreveu e dedicou a certo Fabricius Rufus, seu conterrâneo romano, com o intuito de sugerir o que seria uma nobre alimentação cristã. O pontífice, grande conhecedor do latim e adepto de passatempos literários, dava indicações “politicamente corretas” de (...)
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    Book Review:The Condition of Labor: An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. Henry George. [REVIEW]D. G. Ritchie - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (4):522-.
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    Apostolic Letter Alma Parens in honor of John Duns Scotus.V. I. Pope Paul - 1967 - Franciscan Studies 27 (1):5-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Apostolic Letter of Our Most Holy Father PAUL VI, by Divine Providence, POPE to Our Venerable Brethren, Cardinal John Carmel Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster, and Gordon Joseph Gray, Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh and to the other Archbishops and Bishops of England, Wales and Scotland. On the Occasion of the Second Scholastic Congress held at Oxford and Edinburgh on the Seventh Centenary of the Birth of John (...)
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    ‘Ireland is not going to take her orders from Rome’: Leo XIII, Thomism, and the Irish political imagination.Rose Luminiello - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (7):964-981.
    ABSTRACT This article explores the extent to which the traditional Catholic philosophies of Thomas Aquinas influence the Irish political imagination in the nineteenth century. It looks first to Pope Leo XIII, one of the leading proponents of restoring Thomism into mainstream Catholic political thought, and the author of the influential encyclical Rerum Novarum (1891). The article examines how the Irish Land War during the 1880s influenced the development and audience of the encyclical. Finally, it analyses how the Thomistic (...)
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    Pope Francis’s Social Encyclicals and the Social Teaching of the Church.Charles E. Curran - 2022 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 19 (2):181-203.
    Pope Francis’s two encyclicals—Laudato si’ and Fratelli tutti—belong to the tradition of Catholic social teaching that began in 1891 with Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum novarum. There have been continuities and discontinuities within the tradition of Catholic social teaching, but there has been a tendency to downplay the discontinuities. Francis’s two encyclicals show both discontinuities and continuities with the earlier documents. The final section criticizes these two encyclicals as being too overly optimistic in their approach to solving the (...)
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    The Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas: History and Mision.Abelardo Lobato Op - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:309-327.
    A presentation of one of the most important Thomistic institutions, the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1879, and renewed in 1999 by John Paul II. The article covers the origins of the project, its long history, and its recent reform.
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    Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Law.Thomas E. Woods - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Since Pope Leo XIII wrote Rerum Novarum, the Catholic Church, while opposing socialism, has adopted a skeptical and suspicious posture with regard to the free market. The popes have supported labor unions, the idea of a "just wage," and a variety of other interventions. Yet the economic recommendations of the Church have consistently proven counterproductive, and have apparently been devised without recourse to economic law. Papal economic teaching is filled with unstated assumptions which, if false, throw into question (...)
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    The clergy, economic democracy, and the co-operative movement in Ireland, 1880–1932.Patrick Doyle - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (7):982-996.
    ABSTRACT The publication of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum in 1891 established a tradition of Catholic social teaching concerned with the moral obligations that should exist between capital and labour. In Ireland the encyclical instigated enthusiasm among some clergy for their congregation's welfare. An urgency given to social and economic questions coincided with the co-operative movement's introduction to the Irish countryside. Rural co-operative societies were established as part of a wider programme of economic democracy that placed ownership (...)
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  11.  25
    Katolicyzm a liberalizm. Szkic z filozofii społecznej.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2008 - Zakład Wydawniczy Nomos.
    In the individual, social, and political dimensions, the shaping of the liberal tradition has met up with and will continue to meet up with the presence of the Roman Catholic Church with its own philosophy. Yet has this always led to sharp conflict between Catholicism and liberalism? Has the social thinking of the Church evolved in its assessment of the liberal tradition and vice versa? Have there been points in common in the two systems of thinking? In contrast, where have (...)
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  12.  23
    Vetera Novis Augere et Perficere: Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim Dialogue.Joseph Ellul - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1231-1247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vetera Novis Augere et Perficere:Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim DialogueJoseph Ellul, O.P.Pope Leo XIII's encyclical letter Aeterni Patris, issued on August 4, 1879, sought to address many issues that were challenging nineteenth-century Catholic scholarship and academic life. In proposing the thought of Thomas Aquinas as a model of Catholic teaching, the Pope intended, in his own words, "to strengthen and complete the old by aid of the (...)
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  13.  12
    How to Inherit a Kingdom: Reflections on the Situation of Catholic Political Thought.Russell Hittinger & Scott Roniger - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):971-990.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How to Inherit a Kingdom:Reflections on the Situation of Catholic Political Thought*Russell Hittinger and Scott RonigerPrudenceIn 1890, in his Sapientiae Christianae, Pope Leo XIII wrote: "The political prudence of the Pontiff embraces diverse and multiform things, for it is his charge not only to rule the Church, but generally so to regulate the actions of Christian citizens that these may be in apt conformity to their hope (...)
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  14.  15
    Catholic Teaching on Slavery: Consistency or Development?Roger Bergman - 2022 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 19 (2):231-250.
    In Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis wonders why it took the Church so long to condemn slavery unequivocally. Indeed, the place of slavery in Catholic teaching provides a test case of change in official Church intellectual tradition. This paper examines the divergent arguments of four authors who have written about Church teaching on slavery: Pope Leo XIII, Fr. Joel S. Panzer, Judge John T. Noonan Jr., and Fr. John Francis Maxwell. It considers the statement on slavery in the (...)
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  15. Grazia e Ordine nel dialogo anglicano-romano cattolico.Paolo Gamberini - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (4):754-775.
    The decision of some provinces of the Anglican communion to extend to women the threefold ordained ministry has compromised the possibility of the recognition of Anglican orders by the Catholic church: they were declared invalid by pope Leo XIII in the bull Apostolicae Curae of 1896. The refusal to recognise as valid the sacrament of Order , administered in the Anglican church, does not signify, however, denial of efficacy on account of the grace present in the ordained minister (...)
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  16.  22
    The disfigured face: traditional natural law and its encounter with modernity.Luis Cortest - 2008 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Thomistic ontology -- Ontological morality and human rights -- The war of the philosophers -- The modern way -- Pope Leo XIII and his legacy -- The survival of tradition.
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    Neo-Thomism in action: law and society reshaped by neo-scholastic philosophy, 1880-1960.Wim Decock, Bart Raymaekers & Peter Heyrman (eds.) - 2021 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    In his encyclical 'Aeterni Patris' (1879), Pope Leo XIII expressed the conviction that the renewed study of the philosophical legacy of Saint Thomas Aquinas would help Catholics to engage in a dialogue with secular modernity while maintaining respect for Church doctrine and tradition. As a result, the neo-scholastic framework dominated Catholic intellectual production for nearly a century thereafter. This volume assesses the societal impact of the Thomist revival movement, with particular attention to the juridical dimension of this epistemic (...)
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    Only the Truth Has Grace: A Tribute to Father Romanus Cessario, O.P.Ryan Connors - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (4):1077-1087.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Only the Truth Has Grace:A Tribute to Father Romanus Cessario, O.P.Ryan ConnorsGod's providence arranged that I was first to meet Father Romanus Cessario, O.P., during my studies as an undergraduate at Boston College. One of the first occasions in which I was privileged to learn from him transpired at the 2005 priestly ordination of my friend and his student, Father Kevin Bordelon of the Diocese of Lafayette in Louisiana. (...)
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  19.  32
    Józef Alojzy Dmowski SJ (1799-1879) Precursor of the Renewal of Thomism.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):241-258.
    Józef Alojzy [Josephus Aloisius] Dmowski was one of the precursors of the nineteenth century renewal of Thomism and this was a few dozen years before the promulgation of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical, Aeterni Patris. He was one of the most famous Christian philosophers of the nineteenth century. His work was also the first extensive philosophy textbook of that time which included a l l the disciplines of the time, published by the Jesuits after the re-establishment of the Order (...)
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  20.  17
    Catholic Social Teaching and Unionism.Charles W. Baird - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Catholic Social Teaching on labor unions as promulgated by Pope Leo XIII and several of his successors is contrary to the form of unionism imposed on American workers and employers by the National Labor Relations Act. Since many of the coercive aspects of the NLRA are replicated in laws adopted in several to papal condemnation. The 1986 pastoral letter of the American Conference of Catholic Bishops promulgates views on unionism that are inconsistent with papal teaching. Frederic Bastiat, a (...)
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  21.  24
    Henry George, Private Property and The American Origins of Rerum Novarum.Leonard P. Liggio - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Rerum Novarum, the papal encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, has had a major impact on Catholic thinking. Issued in 1891 it immediately received much public attention. This was especially the case in the United States where it was seen as the response re-affirming the sanctity of private property long sought by the American bishops in the public debates with Henry George and his supporters. George was a central public figure in the United States, England and Ireland, whose speeches (...)
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  22.  25
    Institutionalizing the Common Good in Economy: Lessons from the Mondragon Cooperatives.Kenneth W. Stikkers - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 5 (1):105-115.
    While the idea of worker-owned cooperatives is centuries-old, the network of over 300 such enterprises in the Basque region of Spain and founded upon Catholic social justice teachings, is the most successful and impressive in history. The central claim of this paper is that the worker-owned, Mondragon cooperatives demonstrate not only how economic institutions can be structured so as to promote the common good but also how participation in them can engender a concern for the common good among individual participants (...)
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  23.  29
    Books on Utopia Published in Italy in 2016 and During the First Semester of 2017.Jaqueline Pierazzo - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (3):637-651.
    On December 29, 1886, in Florence, Pope Leo XIII beatified Thomas More together with other English martyrs from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The canonization happened on May 19, 1935, conducted by Pope Pius XI at Vatican City. On October 31, 2000, also at Vatican City, Pope John Paul II proclaimed Thomas More "the heavenly Patron of Statesmen and Politicians," praising him for being capable of conciliating the natural and the supernatural. Perhaps it is exactly this (...)
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  24.  15
    American Classical Liberalism and Religion: Religion, Reason and Economic Science.Leonard P. Liggio - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Rerum Novarum, the papal encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, has had a major impact on Catholic thinking. Issued in 1891 it immediately received much public attention. This was especially the case in the United States where it was seen as the response re-affirming the sanctity of private property long sought by the American bishops in the public debates with Henry George and his supporters. George was a central public figure in the United States, England and Ireland, whose speeches (...)
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    Prawda ekonomiczna według Jana Pawła II.O. S. B. O. Leon Stefan Knabit - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):13-18.
    It is important to specify terms – the truth is conformity of a word to a thing or an event, whereas a lie is making the truth unavailable to someone who has the right to it. John Paul II promoted the essential truth that a man is God’s creation; God knows what is good for his creation; human person is God’s image, then should act in such a manner that the image is clear. Faith has moral dimension-it is moral dimension. (...)
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  26.  31
    Laudato Si’: Care for Creation at the Center of a New Social Issue.Pablo A. Blanco - 2018 - Journal of Religious Ethics 46 (3):425-440.
    This essay reviews the documents of the pontifical magisterium of the Church from the encyclical Mater et magistra (1961) to the exhortation Evangelii gaudium (2013), in order to show the Church’s historical commitment to the defense of the environment. It then argues that Laudato si’ elevates the theological status of the environmental crisis to that of a new social issue, much as Leo XIII did for the industrial crisis with his encyclical letter Rerum novarum (1891).
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    Philosophy and Psychology in the Service of the Catholic Faith: Paweł Siwek, SJ and His Legacy.Józef Bremer & Jacek Poznański - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1297-1330.
    Fr. Paweł Siwek, SJ may be considered the only Polish Jesuit philosopher of the 20th century to have achieved worldwide recognition. This article surveys his work from a broad perspective reflecting philosophy, psychology and theology as pursued in Catholic circles in the 19th and 20th centuries. We review his achievements, while also offering an interpretation. We put forward the thesis that he found his own way of practising neo-Thomism in the spirit of Pope Leo XIII’s Aeterni Patris. To (...)
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  28.  27
    Grace and Graciousness: The 1879 Addresses and Replies.Thomas G. Kudzma - 2005 - Newman Studies Journal 2 (2):6-23.
    For two decades, ultramontane Roman Catholics viewed Newman with suspicion and surreptitiously questioned his orthodoxy; such covert charges were practically impossible to refute. Vindication came only in Newman’s declining years, when Pope Leo XIII named him a cardinal. Such an honor was an irrefutable riposte to Newman’s critics. His elevation to the cardinalate unleashed a torrent of congratulations from religious communities and civic organizations, from personal friends as well as from the general public. This article revisits Newman’s cardinalatial (...)
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    Cardinal Mercier's philosophical essays: a study in neo-Thomism.Désiré Mercier - 2002 - [Herent, Belgium]: Peeters. Edited by David A. Boileau.
    Desire Joseph Mercier (1851-1926) was founder and first president of the Institute of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Leuven. After his studies in the classics, philosophy, and theology at the seminary of Mechelen, Mercier was ordained (1874), obtained a licentiate in theology at Leuven (1877), and became professor of philosophy at Mechelen the same year. In 1922 he was commissioned to inaugurate the chair of Thomistic philosophy created at the University of Leuven at the request of Pope Leo (...)
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    Towards a Christian Philosophy. [REVIEW]F. F. Centore - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (3):628-630.
    This work is volume twenty-one in the Catholic University of America's Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy series. It consists of fifteen parts: an Introduction, thirteen previously published articles, subdivided into Parts I and II, and an Epilogue. Part I deals with the idea of Christian philosophy in general. It covers topics such as the meaning and intent of Pope Leo XIII's Aeterni Patris, the differences between the scientific and theological views of nature, the idea and (...)
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    Józef Alojzy Dmowski SJ , prekursor odnowy tomizmu.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):258-258.
    Józef Alojzy [Josephus Aloisius] Dmowski was one of the precursors of the nineteenth century renewal of Thomism and this was a few dozen years before the promulgation of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical, Aeterni Patris. He was one of the most famous Christian philosophers of the nineteenth century. His work was also the first extensive philosophy textbook of that time which included a l l the disciplines of the time, published by the Jesuits after the re-establishment of the Order (...)
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    Thomistic Papers VI.John F. X. Knasas - 1994
    The essays in this volume offer a critique of From Unity to Pluralism: The Internal Evolution of Thomism by Gerald McCool, SJ. Twelve philosophers in this collection analyse key aspects of McCool's interpretation of Aquinas, which stands opposed to the motivating ideals found in One Hundred Years of Thomism: Aeterni Patris and Afterwards, a symposium published in 1981 to celebrate the centenary of Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Aeterni Patris.
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    Thomists at War: Pierre Mandonnet, Étienne Gilson, and the Contested Relationship between Aquinas's and Dante's Thought (1879-2021). [REVIEW]George Corbett - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1053-1096.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thomists at War:Pierre Mandonnet, Étienne Gilson, and the Contested Relationship between Aquinas's and Dante's Thought (1879-2021)*George CorbettAt the turn of 1921, the French Dominican Pierre Mandonnet (1858–1936) helped to launch a new historical institute for Thomistic Studies at the Dominican study house of Le Saulchoir in Belgium. One of the pressing purposes of the foundation of the Institut historique d'études thomistes was to provide a properly historical approach to (...)
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  34.  28
    Confederação Católica do Trabalho: práticas discursivas e orientação católica para o trabalho em Belo Horizonte (1919-1930). [REVIEW]Deivison Gonçalves Amaral - 2007 - Horizonte 5 (10):56-74.
    Resumo O objetivo deste artigo será de analisar a atuação da Confederação Católica do Trabalho junto aos trabalhadores de Belo Horizonte, entre 1919 e 1930. Para tanto, são consideradas a prática discursiva católica, a luta por direitos e por melhores condições de vida e a mediação dos conflitos entre capital e trabalho. A entidade, orientada pela encíclica Rerum Novarum , foi a difusora do catolicismo junto aos trabalhadores de Belo Horizonte. A metodologia da análise do discurso é utilizada com o (...)
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  35.  46
    Catholic social teaching and the allocation of scarce resources.John Langan - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):401-405.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Catholic Social Teaching and the Allocation of Scarce ResourcesJohn Langan S.J. (bio)I shall approach the issue of justice in the allocation of scarce resources from the viewpoint of Catholic social teaching, as developed over the last century. This teaching is found primarily in the social encyclicals issued by popes from Leo XIII (1878–1903) to John Paul II (1978- ), but also in the pastoral letters of the various (...)
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  36.  44
    One protestant looks at centesimus annus.James Armstrong - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (12):933 - 944.
    One Protestant Looks At Centesimus Annus is an attempt to analyze Pope John Paul II''s centennial encylical on economic justicein context. It relates the early contributions of Reformation thought to the emergence of laissez-faire capitalism. It describes the social gospel as a convergence of the radical implications of 19th century German Protestant scholarship and the harsh economic/social realities of the industrial revolution. Then it compares the economic teachings of the institutional church from Leo XIII and the old Federal (...)
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  37.  19
    Catholic Ajornamento is a manifestation of time.Iryna Viktorivna Bogachevska - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 24:20-30.
    When more than four decades ago, in 1959, Pope John XXIII announced the convening of a high forum of bishops of his Church, many considered his decision to be the least risky. Although the official doctrine of Catholicism, systematized in Pope Leo's encyclical XIII "Rerum novarum", remained virtually unchanged from its adoption, and each successive head of the Church only developed its position in specific circumstances, John XXIII was convinced: after a long time In centuries of controversy (...)
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    Democracy and Catholic Social Teaching: Continuity, Development, and Challenge.V. Bradley Lewis - 2014 - Studia Gilsoniana 3:167–190.
    The first part of the paper discusses the origins and meaning of democracy relative to the development of Christian political thought through the modern period; it is important here that democracy means something different in the ancient world than it does in the modern. The second part discusses the view of democracy proposed in the formative period of modern Catholic social doctrine in especially from the pontificate of Leo XIII to the Second Vatican Council. The third part analyzes the (...)
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  39. Théologie politique et doctrines républicaines en France de 1875 à 1914.L. de Vaucelles - 1994 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 82 (1):9-37.
    Les Républicains français poursuivent la mise en œuvre du projet de société des Lumières, dans la ligne, volontiers anticléricale, de la sécularisation de la société. Rejetant l'idée de l’utilité sociale de la religion, ils lui opposent l'idéal d'un humanisme laic, censé capable de satisfaire les aspirations les plus hautes des hommes. Ils entendent aussi fonder l'État sur la souveraineté populaire, les droits de l'hornme et les libertés civiques.Léon XIII combat inlassablement ces conceptions de la société et de l'autorité qui (...)
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  40.  13
    How to think like Aquinas: the sure way to perfect your mental powers.Kevin Vost - 2018 - Manchester, New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press.
    About St. Thomas Aquinas, Pope John XXII said: “A man can derive more profit in a year from his books than from pondering all his life the teaching of others.” And Pope Pius XI added: “We now say to all who are desirous of the truth: ‘Go to St. Thomas.’ ” But when we do go to Thomas – when we open his massive Summa Theologica or another of his works – we’re quickly overwhelmed, even lost. If we (...)
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    Aquinas and Anscombe on Connaturality and Moral Knowledge1.John Haldane - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1114):668-688.
    The idea of ‘connatural knowledge’ is attributed to Aquinas on the basis of passages in which he distinguishes between scientific and affective experiential knowledge of religious and moral truths. In a series of encyclicals beginning with Leo XIII's Aeterni Patris, popes have celebrated and commended Aquinas as the supreme guide in philosophy and theology and in some of these cited his discovery of connatural knowledge. The course and context of his ‘elevation’ are explored before proceeding to a discussion of (...)
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    Leo Strauss on Moses Mendelssohn.Leo Strauss - 2012 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Martin D. Yaffe.
    Leo Strauss's introductions to ten writings of Moses Mendelssohn -- Preliminary remark by Alexander Altmann -- Introduction to Pope a metaphysician! -- Introduction to "Epistle to Mr. Lessing in Leipzig" -- Introduction to Commentary on Moses Maimonides' "Logical terms" -- Introduction to Treatise on evidence in metaphysical sciences -- Introduction to Phädon -- Introduction to Treatise on the incorporeality of the human soul -- Introduction to "On a handwritten essay of Mr. de Luc's" -- Introduction to The soul -- (...)
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    From Leo XIII to John Paul II.Gerald A. McCool - 2000 - International Philosophical Quarterly 40 (2):173-183.
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    Leo XIII and the new scholasticism.Joseph Watzlawik - 1966 - Cebu City, Philippines,: University of San Carlos; [foreign distribution by Cellar Book Shop, Detroit.
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    Pope Leo's Legacy.Sheridan Gilley - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):127-130.
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  46. Premonition, Holiness, and Pope Benedict XIII : Some Historical Retrospects on Veritatis Splendor.Romanus Cessario - 2013 - Nova et Vetera 11 (4).
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    Giordano Bruno, Leo XIII. und Römische Frage.Karl Josef Rivinius - 2018 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Die Prinzipien der Klassifizierung im Altägyptischen. By Eliese-Sophia Lincke.Leo Depuydt - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1).
    Die Prinzipien der Klassifizierung im Altägyptischen. By Eliese-Sophia Lincke. Göttinger Orientforschungen, vol. IV/38. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011. Pp. xiii + 159. €38.
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  49. Some fundamental aspects of catholic higher education in the magisterium of the venerable Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI'.Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke - 2010 - The Thomist 74 (4):499-513.
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    John Courtney Murray’s Problematic Interpretations of Leo XIII and the American Founders.Michael J. Schuck - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):595-612.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:JOHN COURTNEY MURRAY'S PROBLEMATIC INTERPRETATIONS OF LEO XIII AND THE AMERICAN FOUNDERS MICHAEL J. SCHUCK Loyola University Chicago, Illinois "Useful falsehoods are dangerous things, often costing something down the road." Garry Wills IN THE PROLOGUE to his provocative study of ithe Declaration of Independence, Garry Wills claims Abraham Lincoh1 distorted Thomas Je:fferson's document for po1it~caJ purposes. Amid the tumult of civil war, L,incoln encouraged Amer1cans to "dedicate" themsely;es (...)
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