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  1. The structure of consciousness and absolute knowledge. The unruhe in the phenomenology of spirit.Pierpaolo Cesaroni - 2008 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 37 (1-3):83-104.
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    L'eticità come oggettivarsi dello spirito. A proposito dell'identità di reale e razionale nella filosofia del diritto di Hegel.Pierpaolo Cesaroni - 2007 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 36 (1):187-202.
    This paper reconstructs what the famous sentence "what is rational is actual /and what is actual is rational" specifically means within the Hegel's Philosophy of Right. The two traditional and antithetical interpretations of these words share one main point: both transpose them on the level of the Philosophy of History. Haym does this from a conservative perspective. He regards the Hegelian saying as an immediate justification for existence. Gans and, more recently, Ilting do this from a liberal perspective. They find (...)
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  3.  10
    La distanza da sé: politica e filosofia in Michel Foucalt.Pierpaolo Cesaroni - 2010 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    La forza del vero: un seminario sui corsi di Michel Foucault al Collège de France (1981-1984).Pierpaolo Cesaroni & Sandro Chignola (eds.) - 2013 - Verona: Ombre corte.
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    La vita dei concetti: Hegel, Bachelard, Canguilhem.Pierpaolo Cesaroni - 2020 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Politiche della filosofia: istituzioni, soggetti, discorsi, pratiche.Pierpaolo Cesaroni & Sandro Chignola (eds.) - 2016 - Roma: DeriveApprodi.
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    Arndt, Andreas, Paul Cruysberghs, and Andrzej Przylebski, hg., in Verbindung mit Franck Fischbach. Internationaler Hegel-Kongress, 2004, Das Leben denken. Hegel-Jahrbuch (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2006). Arndt, Andreas, Christian Iber, and Günter Kruck, hg., Hegels Lehre vom Begriff, Urteil und Schluss (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2006). [REVIEW]Christoph Asmuth, Jörg Baberowski, William Andrew Behun, Hans-Georg Bensch, Michele Bianco, Tobias Blanke, J. D. J. Buve, Pierpaolo Cesaroni & Giuseppe Duso - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 37 (2).
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  8. Stefania Achella: Tra storia e politica. La religione nel giovane Hegel.[Zwischen Geschichte und Politik. Die Religion beim jungen Hegel.]. [REVIEW]Pierpaolo Cesaroni - 2009 - Hegel-Studien 44:182.
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