Results for 'Peggy Golden'

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  1.  27
    A Real Options Reasoning Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ): Integrating Real Option Sensemaking and CSR Orientation.Richard Peters, Ethan Waples & Peggy Golden - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (1):61-93.
    In this article we explore the conceptual relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) orientation and real option reasoning. We argue that the firm's attitude, communication, and behavior toward CSR will act as significant determinants to the firm's sensemaking approach to real options; that is, if and how it (the firm) acknowledges, receives, and manages strategic real options. Integrating the previous work of Basu and Palazzo with Barnett, we propose a new model that extends the influence of CSR orientation/character to general (...)
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    “We’re very late to the party”: motivations and challenges with improving soil health in Utah.Peggy Petrzelka, Jessica Ulrich-Schad & Matt Yost - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):381-386.
    The criticalness of soil health to agricultural production and conservation has been well documented in certain areas of the US and among certain farmers. Yet, other agricultural lands and producers in the US remain largely understudied in regards to soil health, particularly agricultural production systems in the Intermountain West. Using results of in-depth interviews with farmers and ranchers in Utah participating in the Utah Soil Health Network On-Farm Soil Health Demonstration Project on their agricultural lands, we begin to fill these (...)
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    Reading-Idioms ( de la poussance).Peggy Kamuf - 2023 - Derrida Today 16 (1):36-46.
    This essay traces the figure of the ‘leap’ in the second year of Derrida’s Beast and the Sovereign seminar, where it crosses in a significant way the central concern with Walten in Heidegger’s thought. A key question for the reading is about the impulse, drive or push behind all these leaps. Precipitated out is a notion that names what is neither subject nor object, action nor passion, but de la poussance, a noun forged on the model of those third-voice substantives (...)
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    Spatial Reasoning in Tenejapan Mayans.Anna Papafragou Peggy Li, Linda Abarbanell, Lila Gleitman - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):33.
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    Annual Dinner & ACT Golden Gavel Competition.Golden Gavel Entrants Jake Howard, Scobie Mac-Kay, Elisabeth Bicevskis & Tanya Canny - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Annual dinner and act golden gavel competition." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (194), pp. 18.
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    Learning what to expect.Peggy Seriès & Aaron R. Seitz - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  7.  80
    Public Discourse: Creating the Conditions for Dialogue Concerning the Common Good in a Postmodern Heterogeneous Democracy.Peggy Ruth Geren - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (3):191-199.
    This paper offers a philosophical `history' of the nature of`public discourse' – a basic element of human rights. It beginswith Enlightenment views from Condorcet and Jefferson, turns to Dewey,and then to Habermas. Over a couple of centuries not only does thecentral character of discourse change but so too does the definition ofa public person.
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    A Derrida Reader: Between the Blinds.Peggy Kamuf (ed.) - 1991 - Columbia University Press.
    Jacques Derrida is one of the most prolific and influential contemporary French intellectuals. Twenty-two essays and excerpts from Derrida's writings over the last twenty-five years are gathered in this accessible introduction, _A Derrida Reader_. The book's five sections are carefully introduced by the editor, and each selection of Derrida's work is presented succinctly in context. A general introduction to the volume by Peggy Kamuf provides an original interpretation and overview of Derrida's work and philosophy.
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    Introduction to decolonizing nursing.Peggy L. Chinn & Marlaine C. Smith - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (2):e12431.
    The fact that racism and other forms of discrimination and injustice have persisted in our own nursing communities despite our rhetoric of caring and compassion can no longer be denied. This fact gave rise to a webinar in which the scholars represented in this issue of Nursing Philosophy appear. The webinar centered on the philosophy, phenomenology and scholarship of Indigenous nurses and nurses of color. The authors of the articles in this issue are giving us the precious gift of their (...)
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    Examining a model of evolutionary educational systemic change within existing societal systems.Peggy B. Gill & Amy Stevens Griffith - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):241 – 252.
    Within today's emerging global society, educational systemic change is a dynamic, complex process that must seek to engage active participation of all stakeholders. This article examines alternative models of this process, providing different perspectives of the recursive and comprehensive nature of change when viewed from the vantage points of those stakeholders within the process. An envisioned school or educational system that addresses preparation of a citizenry dedicated to democratic principles and issues of social justice must consciously examine the relationships, that (...)
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    The experience of deconstruction.Peggy Kamuf - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (3):3 – 14.
  12.  42
    Lakatos versus archimedes: How new is the idea that mathematics grows by trial and error?Peggy Marchi - 1978 - Philosophia 8 (2-3):295-315.
  13.  29
    Emotional eating and Pavlovian learning: evidence for conditioned appetitive responding to negative emotional states.Peggy Bongers & Anita Jansen - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  14. White privilege : Unpacking the invisible knapsack.Peggy McIntosh - 2008 - In Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta (eds.), Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers. The New Press.
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  15. Moral Perception and Responsiveness.Peggy DesAutels - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (3):334-346.
  16.  6
    Without Alibi.Peggy Kamuf (ed.) - 2002 - Stanford University Press.
    This book brings together for the first time five recent essays by Jacques Derrida, which advance his reflections on many issues: lying, perjury, forgiveness, confession, the profession of faith, and, most recently, cruelty, sovereignty, and capital punishment. Strongly linked by their attention to "performatives" and the "as if," the essays show the necessity of thinking beyond the category of acts that are possible for a subject. Derrida argues forcefully that thought must engage with the im-possible, that is, the order of (...)
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    Response to Masafumi Ogawa, "Music Teacher Education in Japan: Structure, Problems, and Perspectives".Peggy Wheeler - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):205-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Masafumi Ogawa, “Music Teacher Education in Japan: Structure, Problems, and Perspectives”Peggy WheelerMasafumi Ogawa's paper presents challenge after challenge facing the teacher and the teacher educator in Japan. One has the sense that a lifetime of frustrations with the national curriculum, the set-up of student teaching, and the definition of music as a school subject each made its way into the paper. Even choosing to focus on (...)
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    Decolonizing nursing knowledge.Peggy L. Chinn - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (4):e12410.
    This dialogue introduces the concepts of colonization and decolonization of nursing knowledge, the harms that have come from colonization, and the importance of engaging in the processes of decolonization as a means of achieving social justice and humanization for all. Specific options to decolonize nursing knowledge are discussed.
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    Moral mindfulness.Peggy DesAutels - 2004 - In Peggy DesAutels & Margaret Urban Walker (eds.), Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 69--81.
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    Power, Ethics, and Journalism: Toward an Integrative Approach.Peggy Bowers, Christopher Meyers & Anantha Babbili - 2004 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 19 (3-4):223-246.
    Although we think 1 of the basic purposes of journalism is to provide information vital to enhancing citizen autonomy, we also see this goal as being in direct tension with the power news media hold and wield, power that may serve to undercut, rather than enhance, citizen autonomy. We argue that the news media are ethically constrained by proceduralism, resulting in journalists asserting power inappropriately at the individual level, and unwittingly surrendering moral authority institutionally and globally. Anonymity, institutionalization, and routinization (...)
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    Alternative spin on phylogenetically inherited spatial reference frames.Peggy Li & Linda Abarbanell - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103983.
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    Sentir et penser.Peggy Avez, Charles Capet, Gweltaz Guyomarc'H. & Nicolas Grimaldi (eds.) - 2013 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.
    Ces contributions s'articulent autour de la problématique du couple sentir et philosopher, décliné sous plusieurs formes : vivre et agir, théorie et sensation, sentiment et émotion. A partir d'un thème, d'une question ou d'un corpus, chacune remet en question l'opposition tranchée entre sensation et intellect, entre rationalité et affectivité.
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    Introduction: Feminism and Aesthetics.Peggy Zeglin Brand & Mary Devereaux - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (4):ix-xx.
  24.  22
    Walls and Co‐Existence: Chinese and American Footprints.Peggy Spitzer Christoff - 2019 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 46 (1-2):78-96.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Book Review: Policies for an Aging Society.Peggy A. Gallup - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (3):306-308.
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    Preparing new professionals for administrative leadership in higher education: identifying specific skills for training.Peggy C. Holzweiss, Daniel W. Walker & Meredith Conrey - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (2-3):54-60.
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    chapter 1. Beginning with Literature.Peggy Kamuf - 2018 - In Kelly Oliver & Stephanie M. Straub (eds.), Deconstructing the Death Penalty: Derrida's Seminars and the New Abolitionism. Fordham University Press. pp. 13-31.
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    On the subject of ravishment.Peggy Kamuf - 1993 - Paragraph 16 (2):202-215.
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    Violence, Identity, Self-Determination, and the Question of Justice: on Specters of Marx.Peggy Kamuf - 1997 - In Hent de Vries & Samuel Weber (eds.), Violence, Identity, and Self-Determination. Stanford University Press. pp. 271-283.
  30.  32
    Le droit à l’ère des neurosciences.Peggy Larrieu - 2012 - Médecine et Droit 2012 (115):106-110.
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    Discourse to Lady Lavinia His Daughter.Peggy Osborn (ed.) - 2003 - University of Chicago Press.
    When eleven-year-old Lavinia Guasca began her new life as a lady-in-waiting at the court of Turin, she brought with her a parting gift from her father Annibal : a detailed guidebook he wrote to help steer her through the many pitfalls of court life. Lavinia had her father's _Discourse_ published in 1586; this English translation is the first version published in any form since that time. The _Discourse_ displays an incredibly far-sighted view of women's education. Annibal thought gifted young girls (...)
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    The Green Movement.Peggy J. Parks - 2011 - Referencepoint Press.
    What is the green movement? -- How has the green movement influenced environmental policies? -- Do the benefits of going green outweigh the costs? -- What is the future of the green movement?
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    Trapped in a metaphor.Peggy Reeves Sanday - 1994 - Criminal Justice Ethics 13 (2):32-38.
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    Converging glances: A response to Cathy Caruth's ‘parting words’.Peggy Phelan - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (1):27-40.
    This essay empasizes the dimensions of opticality in Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle and in Caruth's Parting Words. Thinking how to move from the ‘o‐o‐o‐o’ to the ‘a‐a‐a‐a’ central to the Fort/Da game, suggest that ‘u’ must be drawn into the creative act that inspires testimony, critical theory, psychoanalysis and love.
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    Addressing education: purposes, plans, and politics.Peggy A. Pittas & Katherine M. Gray (eds.) - 2004 - [Philadelphia]: Xlibris.
    Addressing Education: Purposes, Plans, and Politics is the first in the 10-volume series, Lynchburg College Symposium Readings, 3rd edition. Each volume presents primary texts organized around an interdisciplinary, liberal arts theme such as education, politics, social issues, science and technology, morals and ethics. The series has been developed by Lynchburg College faculty for use in the Senior Symposium and the Lynchburg College Symposium Readings Program (SS/LCSR). While these programs are distinctive to Lynchburg College, the texts are used on many college (...)
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    A commentary on research on American farmwomen.Peggy J. Ross - 1985 - Agriculture and Human Values 2 (1):19-30.
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    Transfer of response groupings in paired-associate learning.Peggy A. Runquist - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):152.
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    Beyond Sense and Sensibility: Moral Formation and the Literary Imagination From Johnson to Wordsworth.Peggy Thompson (ed.) - 2014 - Bucknell University Press.
    Drawing on philosophical thought from the eighteenth century as well as conceptual frameworks developed in the twenty-first century, the essays in Beyond Sense and Sensibility examine moral formation as represented in or implicitly produced by literary works of late eighteenth-century British authors.
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    To follow: the wake of Jacques Derrida.Peggy Kamuf - 2010 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book collects ten years of Peggy Kamuf's writing on the work and friendship of Jacques Derrida. The majority of the chapters discuss a key aspect of Derrida's thought, either from a single work or across several texts. Kamuf engages with a broad array of his work, from the 1960s to the posthumous publication of his teaching seminars. She also considers press interviews and the collaboration on a film. These close readings are punctuated by brief recollections from their long (...)
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  40. Sex differences and neuroethics.Peggy DesAutels - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (1):95-111.
    Discussions in neuroethics to date have ignored an ever-increasing neuroscientific lilterature on sex differences in brains. If, indeed, there are significant differences in the brains of men versus women and in the brains of boys versus girls, the ethical and social implications loom very large. I argue that recent neuroscientific findings on sex-based brain differences have significant implications for theories of morality and for our understandings of the neuroscience of moral cognition and behavior.
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    Turning the tables: language and spatial reasoning.Peggy Li & Lila Gleitman - 2002 - Cognition 83 (3):265-294.
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    Ethical Issues in Six Religious Traditions.Peggy Morgan & Clive Lawton - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    A new edition of this bestseller, the only book to cover this range of ethical issues with attention both to the roundedness and individual integrity of each religious tradition and to focused issues which are of contemporary interest. The format of the book has not changed. It provides for parallel study of the values held by different communities, exploring the ethical foundations of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each section introduces a different religion and sets the wider context (...)
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    Competing perspectives on frames of reference in language and thought.Peggy Li & Linda Abarbanell - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):9-24.
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    Nurse Activism in the newborn intensive care unit.Peggy Doyle Settle - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (2):198-209.
    Nurses working in a newborn intensive care unit report that treatment decision disagreements for infants in their care may lead to ethical dilemmas involving all health-care providers. Applying Rest’s Four-Component Model of Moral Action as the theoretical framework, this study examined the responses of 224 newborn intensive care unit nurses to the Nurses Ethical Involvement Survey. The three most frequent actions selected were as follows: talking with other nurses, talking with doctors, and requesting a team meeting. The multiple regression analysis (...)
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  45.  14
    Given Time: I. Counterfeit Money.Peggy Kamuf (ed.) - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Is _giving_ possible? Is it possible to give without immediately entering into a circle of exchange that turns the gift into a debt to be returned? This question leads Jacques Derrida to make out an irresolvable paradox at what seems the most fundamental level of the gift's meaning: for the gift to be received as a gift, it must not appear as such, since its mere appearance as gift puts it in the cycle of repayment and debt. Derrida reads the (...)
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    The death of heuristic?Peggy Marchi, Joseph Agassi & John R. Wettersten - 1982 - Philosophia 11 (3-4):249-276.
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    Misrepresentation in the marketplace and beyond: ethics under siege.Peggy C. Askins (ed.) - 1996 - Washington, DC: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
  48.  17
    An analysis of nursing citations and disciplinary characteristics in 79 articles that represent excellence in nursing publication.Peggy L. Chinn, Leslie H. Nicoll, Heather D. Carter-Templeton & Marilyn H. Oermann - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12296.
    Development of the knowledge base for a profession depends on research and scholarship that builds on the insights and work of scholars within the discipline and is disseminated through the literature. The purpose of this study was to examine a unique collection of 79 articles selected by editors as representative of their nursing journals. Articles were assessed for congruence with long‐standing values and conceptual definitions of nursing, and the extent to which they built on prior literature published in nursing. Articles (...)
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    (1 other version)Neubelebung und Überbietung socinianischer und deistischer Interpretamente im "geistlichen Antisemitismus".Peggy Cosmann - 2000 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 52 (1):210-242.
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    Global Feminist Ethics.Peggy Desautels, James L. Nelson, Sabrina Hom, Virginia Held, Marilyn Fischer & Victoria Davion - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume is fourth in the series of annuals created under the auspices of The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST). The topics covered herein-from peacekeeping and terrorism, to sex trafficking and women's paid labor, to poverty and religious fundamentalism-are vital to women and to feminist movements throughout the world.
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