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  1. The Job’s Dilemma: Fiat justitia, ruat caelum.Paolo Gomarasca - 2013 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (3):95--115.
    The aim of the paper is to examine the problem of suffering in the book of Job and the possible solution it offers. For this reason, it is structured as follows: In the first section, we will analyse Job’s evidential argument; the second section will delve into the ”friends’ and their failed attempt at a retributive theodicy; finally, we shall look into God’s argument and try to explain Job’s answer in terms of sceptical theism.
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  2. Trust as the End of Practical Reason. Justification Procedures.Alessandro Giordani & Paolo Gomarasca - 2012 - In Botturi Francesco (ed.), Understanding Human Experience. Peter Lang.
    This paper is about the epistemology of practical reason and, in particular, the function of trust as an end to be pursued rationally in praxis. Our purpose is threefold: first, to present an outline of the structure of practical reason; secondly, to compare practical reason and scientific reason in order to determine the main differences between these two basic manifestations of human reason; finally, to argue in favour of a non-utilitarian model of practical reason in the light of some results (...)
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    Critica della ragione generativa.Francesco Botturi, Paolo Gomarasca, Giacomo Samek Lodovici & Paolo Monti (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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  4. Capitalismo perverso e crisi del desiderio: Magatti con Deleuze.Paolo Gomarasca - 2013 - Etica E Politica 15 (1):334-348.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly to show the partial agreement between two ap-proaches to capitalism, considered as will of power and perverse metamorphosis of desire: Magatti’s conception of ‘techno-nihlist capitalism’ and the idea of ‘libidinal economy’, proposed by Deleuze&Guattari and Lyotard. Secondly, to evaluate the difference be-tween Magatti and Deleuze, in the light of the impact of financial crisis, understood as contraction of will of power and crisis of desire. From this clinical point of view, what is (...)
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    Direito de excluir ou dever de acolher? A migração forçada como questão ética.Paolo Gomarasca - 2017 - REMHU 50 (25):11-24.
    The first aim of this paper is to examine if and why the European reaction to the migration crisis of 2015 can be considered anti-ethical. In order to argue this, the paper discusses the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM), which since 2005 has been the EU's overall framework for migration and asylum policies. The second aim of the paper is to justify that an ethics of migration is possible, arguing in favor of the thesis that caring for refugees (...)
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    Enjeu cartésien et philosophie du corps. Etudes d'anthropologie moderne.Paolo Gomarasca (ed.) - 2012 - New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang.
    L'objectif du present travail est avant tout de retracer le celebre clivage cartesien entre pensee et corps, a partir d'une analyse epistemologique de la disqualification - operee par Descartes - du role cognitif de l'imagination. L'auteur approfondit, d'un point de vue phenomenologique, trois solutions symptomatiques de l'epoque moderne, pour repenser le statut anthropologique et politique du sujet de facon unitaire: la tentation de reduire le corps a une idee, comme on le voit dans l'interpretation hegelienne de Malebranche; la reaction anti-cartesienne (...)
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    Fitting Attitude Theory in Economics: Menger and Keynes.Paolo Gomarasca - 2017 - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 20:61-83.
    Despite the substantial difference in their monetary theories, Menger and Keynes agree in terms of stigmatizing the love of money. This paper attempts to demonstrate that the shared ethical judgment is defensible for both on the grounds of the same metaethical assumptions—the value theory of Franz Brentano. The paper will be structured in two main parts: I. Ethics. The first part justifies the common rejection of the love of money, at the ethical level. This classical position, as a matter of (...)
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    I confini dell'altro: etica dello spazio multiculturale.Paolo Gomarasca - 2004 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Multiculturalismo e convivência. Uma introdução.Paolo Gomarasca - 2012 - Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 38 (1):11-26.
    What is the usual way of interpreting the relationships and exchanges between cultures? Despite the widespread “backlash”, multiculturalism is the model that still prevails in one of its two main versions: (1) the “assimilationist” version, which tends to eliminate all cultural differences, reducing them to the colonial domain of the Occidental culture, and (2) the so called “differencialist” version, a current trend (taking into account the identity crises of the West), according to which cultures are like “museum pieces”, fixed and (...)
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  10. Multiculturalism or Hybridisation? Cultural Mixing and Politics.Paolo Gomarasca - 2013 - Diversities 15 (2):67-80.
    The aim of this article is to analyze the recent debate on the end of multiculturalism. It has become a commonplace to say that multiculturalism has failed because of its presumed differentialism, i.e. its tendency to conceive different cultures as cognitive islands. The competing model is characterized by an intercultural approach. The article firstly intends to demonstrate that this is a false alternative within limits. Contrary to popular caricature, one version of multiculturalism is in fact attuned to the emphasis on (...)
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  11. The category of "métissage": status quaestionis.Paolo Gomarasca - unknown
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    The Love of Money : On Menger and Keynes.Paolo Gomarasca - 2018 - Éthique Et Économique / Ethics and Economics 15 (2):18-31.
    For Keynes, the history of money begins when the function of measure of value arises for the first time. By contrast, Menger believes that the origin of money is determined by the appearance of the function of medium of exchange. Despite this substantial difference in interpretation, Menger and Keynes agree in terms of criticizing the function of store of value, even though this third function is useful under certain conditions. This paper argues that this agreement, at the level of monetary (...)
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