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  1.  28
    Who Speaks for Plato?: Studies in Platonic Anonymity.Hayden W. Ausland, Eugenio Benitez, Ruby Blondell, Lloyd P. Gerson, Francisco J. Gonzalez, J. J. Mulhern, Debra Nails, Erik Ostenfeld, Gerald A. Press, Gary Alan Scott, P. Christopher Smith, Harold Tarrant, Holger Thesleff, Joanne Waugh, William A. Welton & Elinor J. M. West - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this international and interdisciplinary collection of critical essays, distinguished contributors examine a crucial premise of traditional readings of Plato's dialogues: that Plato's own doctrines and arguments can be read off the statements made in the dialogues by Socrates and other leading characters. The authors argue in general and with reference to specific dialogues, that no character should be taken to be Plato's mouthpiece. This is essential reading for students and scholars of Plato.
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  2.  47
    Hegel's Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies.Joyce B. Hoy, Hans-Georg Gadamer & P. Christopher Smith - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (1):140.
  3.  23
    The Hermeneutics of Original Argument: Demonstration, Dialectic, Rhetoric.P. Christopher Smith - 1998 - Northwestern University Press.
    And in what sense can one speak of the hermeneutics of original argument? In The Hermeneutics of Original Argument, P. Christopher Smith explores these questions in building upon Heidegger's hermeneutical thought.
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    Hermeneutics and human finitude: toward a theory of ethical understanding.P. Christopher Smith - 1991 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Having thought out the Enlightenment project of individualism, privacy, and autonomy to its end, Anglo-American ethical theory now finds itself unable to respond to the collapse of community in which the practices justified by this project have resulted. In the place of reasonable deliberation about the goals to be chosen and the means to them, we now, it seems, have only what MacIntyre has aptly called “interminable debate” among “rival” positions, debate in which each party merely contends with the others (...)
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  5. The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy.Hans-Georg Gadamer & P. Christopher Smith - 1988 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23 (1):53-53.
  6.  9
    Hegel's Dialectic: Five Hermeneutical Studies.P. Christopher Smith (ed.) - 1976 - Yale University Press.
    These five essays on Hegel give the English-speaking reader a long-awaited opportunity to read the work of one of Germany's most distinguished philosophers, Hans-Georg Gadamer. Gadamer's unique hermeneutic method will have a lasting effect on Hegel studies.
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    Heidegger's Misinterpretation of Rilke.P. Christopher Smith - 1979 - Philosophy and Literature 3 (1):3-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:P. Christopher Smith HEIDEGGER'S MISINTERPRETATION OF RILKE Certainly one of Heidegger's most important accomplishments is to have reminded us of the original unity of poetry and philosophy. The "metaphysical" philosophy which Heidegger calls into question is characterized by its sharp separation of itself from what it calls "unscientific" modes of discourse. But that, Heidegger shows, is a limitation which comes from its narrowed conception of itself as strict, methodical (...)
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  8.  56
    The ethical dimensions of Gadamer's hermeneutical theory.P. Christopher Smith - 1988 - Research in Phenomenology 18 (1):75-91.
  9.  96
    Poetry, Socratic Dialectic, and the Desire of the Beautiful in Plato’s Symposium.P. Christopher Smith - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):233-253.
    I attempt in this paper to argue a thesis that is the opposite of the standard reading of Plato’s Symposium. I maintain that it is not the persuasive speech of thecomic or tragic poets that is criticized and undermined in the dialogue, but Socratic dialectic and dialogical argumentation. This is to say, it is not Aristophanes’ and Agathon’s speeches that are the object of Plato’s critique, but Socrates’ minimalist and rather unpoetic elenchos. My anaysis leads to the conclusion that Diotima’s (...)
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    A Poem of Rilke: Evidence for the Later Heidegger.P. Christopher Smith - 1977 - Philosophy Today 21 (3):250-262.
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  11.  21
    Being and Time. A Translation of "Sein und Zeit" (review).P. Christopher Smith - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):148-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Being and Time. A Translation of “Sein und Zeit by Martin HeideggerP. Christopher SmithMartin Heidegger. Being and Time. A Translation of “Sein und Zeit. Translated by Joan Stambaugh. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. Pp. xix + 487. Paper, $18.95.A new English translation of Heidegger’s best book, Sein und Zeit has been eagerly anticipated ever since the appearance of the Macquarrie/Robinson translation in 1962.1 For anyone (...)
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  12.  34
    Colloquium 6.P. Christopher Smith - 1992 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 8 (1):231-241.
  13.  61
    Comment by P. Christopher Smith.P. Christopher Smith - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:178-183.
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  14. Gadamer's Hermeneutics and Ordinary Language Philosophy.P. Christopher Smith - 1979 - The Thomist 43 (2):296.
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    Gadamer on Language and Method in Hegel’s Dialectic.P. Christopher Smith - 1975 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 5 (1):53-72.
  16.  42
    Heidegger's Break with Nietzsche and the Principle of Subjectivity.P. Christopher Smith - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 52 (3):227-248.
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    Heidegger’s Critique of Absolute Knowledge.P. Christopher Smith - 1971 - New Scholasticism 45 (1):56-86.
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  18.  33
    H.-G. Gadamer's Heideggerian Interpretation of Plato.P. Christopher Smith - 1981 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 12 (3):211-230.
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  19.  30
    Heidegger, Hegel, and the Problem of das Nichts.P. Christopher Smith - 1968 - International Philosophical Quarterly 8 (3):379-405.
  20. Heidegger, persuasion, and Aristotle's rhetori C.P. Christopher Smith - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 185.
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  21.  55
    Heidegger's Ways.P. Christopher Smith - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (1):158-160.
    158 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 34: ~ JANUARY 199 6 philosophical differences between Gramsci and himself could have been "easily" re- solved if they had only had the chance to talk them over. But if the prison letters left Croce with the impression that Gramsci was, in short, a good Crocean, the subsequent publication of the prison notebooks would soon dispel it. After reading the volumes of prison notebooks published in 1948 and 1949, the first of which to (...)
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    Parmenides and Poetry: Taking Gadamer's Reading one Step Further.P. Christopher Smith - 2003 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 34 (3):265-280.
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  23. Poetic peithō as original speech.P. Christopher Smith - 2009 - In William Wians (ed.), Logos and Muthos: Philosophical Essays in Greek Literature. State University of New York Press.
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    Religion: A phenomenon of finite or infinite consciousness?P. Christopher Smith - 1971 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 9 (4):433-443.
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  25.  80
    Virgil’s Destruktion of the Stoic Rational Agent.P. Christopher Smith - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):449-462.
    This paper uses the exchanges between the lovers Dido and Aeneas in Aeneid IV to undercut the pretensions of Stoic philosophers to lead a dispassionate, imperturbable life under the sole guidance of “reason.” It takes Aeneas as an example of Stoicism’s lawyer-like, falsified rationality—“I will say just a few words in regard to this matter [pro re]” (IV 336)—and Dido as an example of someone who, though under the sway of furor, nevertheless makes honest, reasoned arguments that are continuous with (...)
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  26.  54
    Between the audible word and the envisionable concept: Rereading Plato's theaetetus after Gadamer. [REVIEW]P. Christopher Smith - 2000 - Continental Philosophy Review 33 (3):327-344.
  27.  43
    "Frau Lou: Nietzsche's Wayward Disciple," by Rudolph Binion. [REVIEW]P. Christopher Smith - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (2):214-214.
  28. Gerd Brand; transl. by Robert Innis: "The Essential Wittgenstein". [REVIEW]P. Christopher Smith - 1982 - The Thomist 46 (1):161.
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  29.  70
    Nietzsche and Gadamer: From strife to understanding, achilles/agamemnon to achilles/priam. [REVIEW]P. Christopher Smith - 2002 - Continental Philosophy Review 35 (4):379-396.
    Nietzsche penetrates behind any rational discussion to its affective ground, but though he goes deeper than Gadamer's fusion of horizons, he nevertheless fails to acknowledge any other affective disposition besides the will to power. Hence for him Gadamer's Sichverständigung, or reaching an understanding, is fiction. In contrast, Gadamer's Zugehörigkeit, a sense of kinship, and Nachlassen, relenting, suggest not only the possibility of reaching an understanding but its real, affective ground. Two passages from Homer's Iliad illustrate how Nietzsche might penetrate behind (...)
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