Results for 'Michaela Barber'

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  1.  4
    History, Hype, and Responsible Psychedelic Medicine: A Qualitative Study of Psychedelic Researchers.Michaela Barber, John Gardner & Adrian Carter - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-17.
    Background Psychedelic medicine is a rapidly growing area of research and policy change. Australia recently became the first country to legalize the prescription of psychedelics and serves as a case study of issues that may emerge in other jurisdictions. Despite their influence as a stakeholder group, there has been little empirical exploration of psychedelic researchers’ views on the development of psychedelic research and the ethical concerns. Methods We thematically analysed fourteen interviews with Australian psychedelic researchers. Results Three themes were constructed (...)
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    Avoiding the Premature Introduction of Psychedelic Medicines in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders.Adrian Carter, Myfanwy Graham, Wayne Hall, Michaela Barber & John Gardner - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):129-131.
    Peterson et al. (2023) identify two potential uses of psychedelic drugs in Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (AD/ADRD). The first is to treat depression and anxiety that commonly occur afte...
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    Review of Sotirios A. Barber: On What the Constitution Means[REVIEW]Sotirios A. Barber - 1985 - Ethics 96 (1):202-203.
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    Review of Benjamin R. Barber: The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times[REVIEW]Benjamin R. Barber - 1990 - Ethics 100 (3):673-676.
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    Masked emotional priming beyond global valence activations.Michaela Rohr, Juliane Degner & Dirk Wentura - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (2):224-244.
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    The Case for Parentalism at Work: Balancing Feminist Care Ethics and Justice Ethics through a Winnicottian approach: A School Case Study.Michaela Edwards, Caroline Gatrell & Adrian Sutton - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):231-247.
    Using an ethnographic case study based in a UK state school for 11- to 18-year-olds, this paper explores the tensions that arose when the senior leadership team (SLT) introduced a justice-based ethic-of-care that prioritized good grades and equal treatment for all pupils over a feminist ethic-of-care (preferred by most teachers in non-leadership roles) that accentuated individual pupil need and placed greater emphasis on a broader social education. Through highlighting the tensions between a feminist ethic-of-care and a more ‘masculine’ style, justice-based (...)
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    Beyond the Stalemate of Economics versus Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Discourse of the Organizational Self.Michaela Driver - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (4):337-356.
    The purpose of this paper is to advance research on CSR beyond the stalemate of economic versus ethical models by providing an alternative perspective integrating existing views and allowing for more shared dialog and research in the field. It is suggested that we move beyond making a normative case for ethical models and practices of CSR by moving beyond the question of how to manage organizational self-interest toward the question of how accurate current conceptions of the organizational self seem to (...)
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  8. Why Mary left her room.Michaela M. McSweeney - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 109 (1):261-287.
    I argue for an account of grasping, or understanding that, on which we grasp via a higher‐order mental act of Husserlian fulfillment. Fulfillment is the act of matching up the objects of our phenomenally presentational experiences with those of our phenomenally representational thought. Grasping‐by‐fulfilling is importantly different from standard epistemic aims, in part because it is phenomenal rather than inferential. (I endorse Bourget's (2017) arguments to that effect.) I show that grasping‐by‐fulfilling cannot be a species of propositional knowledge or belief, (...)
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    Deleuze and the naming of God: post-secularism and the future of immanence.Daniel Colucciello Barber - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze’s philosophy of immanence, because it vigorously rejects every appeal to the beyond, is often presumed to be indifferent to the concerns of religion. This book argues against such a presumption. It does so, first of all, by emphasising how both Deleuze’s thought and the notion of religion are motivated by a demand to create new modes of existence, or to imagine and enact a future that would substantively break with the present configuration of being. If Deleuze’s thought and the (...)
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    Research on Human Subjects.Bernard Barber - 1979 - Transaction Publishers.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface to the Paperback Edition -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Research Design and Methodology: The Two Studies -- Chapter 3: Is There a Problem? Current Patterns of Ethical Standards and Practices -- Chapter 4: The Dilemma of Science and Therapy: The Effects of Competitionin the Science Community -- Chapter 5: The Dilemma of Science and Therapy: The Effects of Competitionin the Local Institution -- (...)
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    ‘Milk from the purest place on earth’: examining Chinese investments in the Australian dairy sector.Michaela Böhme - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):327-338.
    This article explores the emerging intersections between the shift towards higher quality food consumption in China and Chinese investment in overseas farmland. Based on an ethnographic study of a Chinese company acquiring one of Australia’s largest dairy farms, the article argues that the linkage between imported Australian milk and perceptions of safety and quality has served as a powerful driver of Chinese investment in overseas farmland—a linkage that has largely been overlooked by literature on China’s role in the global land (...)
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  12. Understanding in Science and Philosophy.Michaela McSweeney - forthcoming - In Sanford C. Goldberg & Mark Walker (eds.), Attitude in Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    I first quickly outline what I think grasping is, and suggest that it is both among our basic aims of inquiry and not essentially tied to belief, justification, or knowledge. Then, I briefly look at some places in the metaphysics of science in which it looks like our aim of grasping and our aim in knowing—or perhaps more specifically in knowing the explanations for things—might seem to conflict. I will use this conflict to support a broader view: sometimes, we might (...)
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  13. Logical Realism and the Metaphysics of Logic.Michaela Markham McSweeney - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (1):e12563.
    Abstract‘Logical Realism’ is taken to mean many different things. I argue that if reality has a privileged structure, then a view I call metaphysical logical realism is true. The view says that, first, there is ‘One True Logic’; second, that the One True Logic is made true by the mind‐and‐language‐independent world; and third, that the mind‐and‐language‐independent world makes it the case that the One True Logic is better than any other logic at capturing the structure of reality. Along the way, (...)
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  14. Metaphysics as Essentially Imaginative and Aiming at Understanding.Michaela Markham McSweeney - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):83-97.
    I explore the view that metaphysics is essentially imaginative. I argue that the central goal of metaphysics on this view is understanding, not truth. Metaphysics-as-essentially-imaginative provides novel answers to challenges to both the value and epistemic status of metaphysics.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Michael Barber - 2023 - Schutzian Research 14:7-8.
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  16. A note on a paradox of analysis.Kenneth Barber - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (3):37 - 43.
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    3 Relational Division.Daniel Colucciello Barber - 2021 - In Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet (eds.), Nothing Absolute: German Idealism and the Question of Political Theology. New York City, New York, USA: Fordham University Press. pp. 73-86.
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  18. Schutz and Gurwitsch on agency.Michael D. Barber - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    The Social Life of a Modern Community. William Lloyd Warner, Paul S. LuntThe Status System of a Modern Community.Bernard Barber - 1943 - Isis 34 (5):421-421.
  20.  21
    Workshop.Michaela Haase - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:75-85.
    I give a short report on the origin of the International Working Group on Business Ethics Education (IWBEE) the group’s workshop sessions at the IABSconference. Building on the discussions throughout these workshop sessions, I outline how IWBEE’s perspective on business ethics education can be related to analytical perspectives from anthropology and economics.
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    Arqueología, género y periodismo.Carlos Maciá-Barber - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-13.
    Los medios de comunicación incrementan la cobertura de hallazgos sobre el pasado. Impedir la discriminación por razón de sexo es mandato de los códigos deontológicos periodísticos. Desde la perspectiva de género, el estudio abordó la presencia de científicas como sujetos noticiables y fuentes expertas. Se analizaron mediante técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas mensajes (n=59) en los dos principales diarios españoles de referencia (El País, El Mundo). Es preponderante la voz del profesional de la arqueología y prima la autoría de reporteros especializados. (...)
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    Science and the social order.Bernard Barber - 1978 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The author, seeing science as a social activity, directs our attention to the problems of the social control of science. He discusses the sense in which science as a social activity is planned and unplanned.
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    John Locke, „Zwei Abhandlungen über die Regierung“.Michaela Rehm & Bernd Ludwig (eds.) - 2012 - Akademie Verlag.
    Even his peers called Locke's political philosophy “The ABC of Politics“: not only does he clarify why one should exit the state of nature (government guarantees protection of life, freedom, and wealth) but also what a good government has to provide. A government should protect individuals from assaults of fellow citizens, other countries, and itself. Locke also shows how to put limits to the power of political institutions: by division of powers, by law, by neutral judges, and by making people (...)
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    It is Time for Bioethicists to Enter the Arena of Machine Learning Ethics.Michaela Hardt & Marshall H. Chin - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (11):18-20.
    Increasingly, data scientists are training machine-learning models for diagnosis, treatment selection, and resource allocation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given regulatory appro...
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    Review of Benjamin Barber: Strong Democracy[REVIEW]Benjamin Barber - 1985 - Ethics 95 (4):940-941.
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  26. Debunking Logical Ground: Distinguishing Metaphysics from Semantics.Michaela Markham McSweeney - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (2):156-170.
    Many philosophers take purportedly logical cases of ground ) to be obvious cases, and indeed such cases have been used to motivate the existence of and importance of ground. I argue against this. I do so by motivating two kinds of semantic determination relations. Intuitions of logical ground track these semantic relations. Moreover, our knowledge of semantics for first order logic can explain why we have such intuitions. And, I argue, neither semantic relation can be a species of ground even (...)
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  27. Following logical realism where it leads.Michaela Markham McSweeney - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (1):117-139.
    Logical realism is the view that there is logical structure in the world. I argue that, if logical realism is true, then we are deeply ignorant of that logical structure: either we can’t know which of our logical concepts accurately capture it, or none of our logical concepts accurately capture it at all. I don’t suggest abandoning logical realism, but instead discuss how realists should adjust their methodology in the face of this ignorance.
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  28. Introduction.Alex Barber - 2003 - In Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Could the Focus on Transcendental Violence Be Violent?Michael Barber - 2019 - Studia Phaenomenologica 19:235-250.
    Eddo Evink criticizes Emmanuel Levinas’s supposed view that all acts of intentionality and rationality commit transcendental violence against their objects, including the Other. If this is so, Levinas undermines the possibility of his own philosophy. Evink further argues: that there are non-violent forms of intentionality and so intentionality is only potentially violent; that some non-violent counter-pole is needed to define violence; that there are contradictions in Levinas’s notion of violence; that Levinas, like empiricists, aspires to a metaphysical absolute untainted by (...)
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    The ethical in Jan Patočka’s thought: Sacrifice and care for the soul.Michaela Belejkanicova - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (1-2):1-12.
    In his two works from the 1970s, Patočka proposes a very personal way that the spiritual crisis, which manifests itself as a techno-scientific reality of Gestell, can be overcome. Patočka argues that the only way to escape spiritual decline is through sacrifice. This study examines how the ethical is represented in Patočka’s philosophy. It focuses on his two main concepts of sacrifice and care for the soul and explores the relationship between them. Through a close reading of Plato and Europe, (...)
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    Divergent approaches to the ‘family farm’: celebrate, reform, or abolish?Michaela Hoffelmeyer, Kathleen Sexsmith & Leland Glenna - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1309-1316.
    As the United Nations declared the beginning of the “Decade of Family Farming” in 2017, scholars were increasingly questioning the romanticized and uncritical use of the term to mask some structural inequalities, including patriarchal ownership, colonialism, heteronormativity, family and child labor exploitation, poor labor standards, and environmental destruction. This introduction to a special symposium on the family farm differentiates scholarly approaches to studying family farming into three categories: celebratory, reformist, and abolitionist. After summarizing the papers included in this special issue, (...)
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    Der Begriff der Implikation in einigen frühen Schriften von Hugh McColl.Michaela Stroh - 1993 - In Werner Stelzner (ed.), Philosophie Und Logik: Frege-Kolloquien 1989 Und 1991. De Gruyter. pp. 128-144.
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  33. The Participating Citizen.Michael D. Barber - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (2):229-232.
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    The Intentional Spectrum and Intersubjectivity: Phenomenology and the Pittsburgh Neo-Hegelians.Michael D. Barber - 2011 - Ohio University Press.
    In The Intentional Spectrum and Intersubjectivity Michael D. Barber is the first to bring phenomenology to bear not just on the perspectives of McDowell or Brandom alone, but on their intersection.
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    Die Ökonomisierung des Vertrauens: Eine Kritik Gegenwärtiger Vertrauensbegriffe.Michaela I. Abdelhamid - 2018 - Transcript Verlag.
    Aufgrund der Dominanz eines okonomistisch verengten Rationalitatsideals wird Vertrauen zunehmend als Reputationskalkul oder quasi-vertragliche Kreditbeziehung definiert. MIchaela I. ABdelhamid zeigt: Was hier als "Vertrauen" bezeichnet wird, soll vielmehr der Wertschopfung sowie der Legitimation strategischer Entscheidungen, Sanktionen und Abhangigkeitsverhaltnisse dienen. MIt verstandlichen Analysen und Begriffsscharfungen bietet sie die Grundlage, um die Probleme solcher Inszenierungen erkennen oder auch die Gegenstande sogenannter Vertrauenskrisen reflektieren zu konnen.
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  36. Science and the Social Order.Bernard Barber - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (112):87-88.
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    Life Crafting as a Way to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life.Michaéla C. Schippers & Niklas Ziegler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Voluntary Assisted Dying in Australia—Key Similarities and Points of Difference Concerning Eligibility Criteria in the Individual State Legislation.Michaela Estelle Okninski - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (1):13-16.
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    Spatially Resolved Transcriptomes—Next Generation Tools for Tissue Exploration.Michaela Asp, Joseph Bergenstråhle & Joakim Lundeberg - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (10):1900221.
    Recent advances in spatially resolved transcriptomics have greatly expanded the knowledge of complex multicellular biological systems. The field has quickly expanded in recent years, and several new technologies have been developed that all aim to combine gene expression data with spatial information. The vast array of methodologies displays fundamental differences in their approach to obtain this information, and thus, demonstrate method‐specific advantages and shortcomings. While the field is moving forward at a rapid pace, there are still multiple challenges presented to (...)
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    Comparison of Expressive Spoken Language Skills in Children With Cochlear Implants and Children With Typical Hearing.Michaela Socher, Rachel Jane Ellis, Malin Wass & Björn Lyxell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Spatial frequency filtered images reveal differences between masked and unmasked processing of emotional information.Michaela Rohr & Dirk Wentura - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:141-158.
  42.  26
    Teaching Innovations in Principle-Based Ethics Education.Michaela Driver & James J. Hoffman - 2022 - Teaching Ethics 22 (2):193-200.
    This article discusses the integration of principle-based ethics into business ethics education. It explains how several pedagogical innovations were successfully undertaken in over 20 business ethics courses taught since 2018 to enhance active student engagement with a principle-based ethical framework central to decision making in the complex environment that many organizations face on a day-to-day basis. The teaching initiatives used include case-based projects and discussions, a personal code of ethics developed by each student, and an arts-inspired presentation as well as (...)
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    Frontmatter.Michaela I. Abdelhamid - 2018 - In Die Ökonomisierung des Vertrauens: Eine Kritik Gegenwärtiger Vertrauensbegriffe. Transcript Verlag. pp. 1-4.
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    3. Modellierungen und Geltungen: Ökonomisierung und Vertrauensmodellierungen.Michaela I. Abdelhamid - 2018 - In Die Ökonomisierung des Vertrauens: Eine Kritik Gegenwärtiger Vertrauensbegriffe. Transcript Verlag. pp. 71-152.
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    Books in Review.Sotirios A. Barber - 1987 - Political Theory 15 (4):657-661.
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    Father Neuhaus and the Constitution.Sotirios A. Barber - 1997 - Theory and Event 1 (2).
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    How Not to Change the World.Benjamin R. Barber - 1999 - Constellations 6 (2):233-236.
  48. The Bourgeoisie in 18th Century France.Elinor G. Barber, Frank E. Manuel, Alexander Herzen, Jean J. Joughin, Aaron Noland & Val R. Lorwin - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (3):264-272.
  49.  15
    Protiveřejná a antiveřejná alternativní média a jejich kritika žurnalistické objektivity.Michaela Dudová - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (4):268-282.
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    ŠVANTNER, Martin – KARĽA, Michal – ŠEDIVCOVÁ, Karolína (eds.): Semiotické marginálie: Mezi epistemologií, estetikou a politikou.Michaela Fikejzová - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (5):377-379.
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