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Michael P. Nelson [13]Michael Paul Nelson [4]
  1.  22
    The Great New Wilderness Debate.J. Baird Callicott & Michael P. Nelson (eds.) - 1998 - University of Georgia Press.
    The Great New Wilderness Debate is an expansive, wide-ranging collection that addresses the pivotal environmental issues of the modern era. This eclectic volume on the varied constructions of “wilderness” reveals the recent controversies that surround those conceptions, and the gulf between those who argue for wilderness "preservation" and those who argue for "wise use." J. Baird Callicott and Michael P. Nelson have selected thirty-nine essays that provide historical context, range broadly across the issues, and set forth the positions of the (...)
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    Pathways from Environmental Ethics to Pro-Environmental Behaviours? Insights from Psychology.Chelsea Batavia, Jeremy T. Bruskotter & Michael Paul Nelson - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (3):317-337.
    Though largely a theoretical endeavour, environmental ethics also has a practical agenda to help humans achieve environmental sustainability. Environmental ethicists have extensively debated the grounds, contents and implications of our moral obligations to nonhuman nature, offering up different notions of an ‘environmental ethic’ with the presumption that, if humans adopt such an environmental ethic, they will then engage in less environmentally damaging behaviours. We assess this presumption, drawing on psychological research to discuss whether or under what conditions an environmental ethic (...)
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    Holists and Fascists and Paper Tigers...Oh My!Michael P. Nelson - 1996 - Ethics and the Environment 1 (2):103 - 117.
    Over and over, philosophers have claimed that environmental holism in general, and Leopold's Land Ethic in particular, ought to be rejected on the basis that it has fascistic implications. I argue that the land Ethic is not tantamount to environmental fascism because Leopold's moral theory accounts for the moral standing of the individual as well as "the land," a holistic ethic better protects and defends the individual in the long-run, and the term "fascism" is misapplied in this case.
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    Teaching Holism in Environmental Ethics.Michael P. Nelson - 2010 - Environmental Ethics 32 (1):33-49.
    Students who enroll in my environmental ethics courses often come with a background in ecology and natural resources. Moreover, they often point to this background when they express their frustration with, or outright rejection of, individualistic or atomistic moral theories that simply strive to include individual living things within the purview of a moral community. They ultimately evoke the concept of holism as the source of their frustration. Addressing this concern requires trying to make sense of both the concept of (...)
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    American Indian Environmental Ethics: An Ojibwa Case Study.J. Baird Callicott & Michael P. Nelson (eds.) - 2003 - Prentice-Hall.
    "For courses in anthropology, cultural geography, environmental philosophy and ethics. Brief text focusing on environmental attitudes and practices of American Indians using the Ojibwa narrative, myths, legends, stories and rituals. Introductory essay offers theory of environmental ethics, an overview of the field of environmental ethics, and places the Ojibwa within this contemporary debate."--Publisher.
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    On doing helpful philosophy.Michael P. Nelson - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (4):611-614.
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  7. Rethinking Wilderness.Michael P. Nelson - 1996 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 3 (2):6-9.
    The “received” concept of wilderness as a place apart from and untouched by humans is five-times flawed: it is not universalizable, it is ethnocentric, it is ecologically naive, it separates humans from nature, and its referent is nonexistent. The received view of wilderness leads to dilemmas and unpalatable consequences, including the loss of designated wilderness areas by political and legislative authorities. What is needed is a more flexible notion of wilderness. Suggestions are made for a revised concept of wilderness.
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    The Venn Diagram from Hell.Kathleen Dean Moore & Michael Paul Nelson - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 89:84-90.
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    A Defense of Environmental Ethics: A Reply to Janna Thompson.Michael P. Nelson - 1993 - Environmental Ethics 15 (3):245-257.
    Janna Thompson dismisses environmental ethics primarily because it does not meet her criteria for ethics: consistency, non-vacuity, and decidability. In place of a more expansive environmental ethic, she proposes to limit moral considerability to beings with a “point of view.” I contend, first, that a point-of-view centered ethic is unacceptable not only because it fails to meet the tests of her own and other criteria,but also because it is precisely the type of ethic that has contributed to our current environmental (...)
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    Linda Sargent Wood: A More Perfect Union: Holistic Worldviews and the Transformation of American Culture after World War II.Michael P. Nelson & Adam M. Sowards - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (2):213-218.
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  11. Wilderness, Value of.Michael P. Nelson & John A. Vucetich - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Review of: Markku Oksanen and Juhani Pietarinen Philosophy and Biodiversity. [REVIEW]Michael P. Nelson & Matt Grisko - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (1):124-127.
  13.  25
    J. Michael Scott, John A. Wiens, Beatrice Van Horne, and Dale D. Goble. Shepherding Nature: The Challenge of Conservation Reliance. [REVIEW]Michael Paul Nelson - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (3):281-284.
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  14. The Pine Island Paradox. [REVIEW]Michael P. Nelson - 2007 - Teaching Philosophy 30 (3):335-339.
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    The World and the Wild. [REVIEW]Michael P. Nelson - 2004 - Environmental Ethics 26 (1):107-110.
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    Worth Doing. [REVIEW]Michael P. Nelson - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):451-452.
    Chapter 1 makes a persuasive case for the “worthiness of worth thinking” within moral thought. Perhaps more importantly, it demonstrates that any systematic attempt to consider the meaning of a good and worthwhile life must seriously address the concept of worth: “we need ideals of worthiness to address the more threateningly and excitingly open questions about how to live”.
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