Results for 'Michael C. Keeley'

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  1.  51
    Review of Michael Keeley: A Social-Contract Theory of Organizations.[REVIEW]Michael C. Keeley - 1990 - Ethics 100 (3):681-682.
  2.  36
    The microeconomics of nonhuman behavior.Michael C. Keeley - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):396-397.
  3.  72
    Liberalism without humanism: Michel Foucault and the free-market Creed, 1976–1979*: Michael C. behrent.Michael C. Behrent - 2009 - Modern Intellectual History 6 (3):539-568.
    This article challenges conventional readings of Michel Foucault by examining his fascination with neoliberalism in the late 1970s. Foucault did not critique neoliberalism during this period; rather, he strategically endorsed it. The necessary cause for this approval lies in the broader rehabilitation of economic liberalism in France during the 1970s. The sufficient cause lies in Foucault's own intellectual development: drawing on his long-standing critique of the state as a model for conceptualizing power, Foucault concluded, during the 1970s, that economic liberalism, (...)
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  4. The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations.Michael C. Williams - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    Realism is commonly portrayed as theory that reduces international relations to pure power politics. Michael Williams provides an important reexamination of the Realist tradition and its relevance for contemporary international relations. Examining three thinkers commonly invoked as Realism's foremost proponents - Hobbes, Rousseau, and Morgenthau - the book shows that, far from advocating a crude realpolitik, Realism's most famous classical proponents actually stressed the need for a restrained exercise of power and a politics with ethics at its core. These (...)
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    On the evolution of language and generativity.Michael C. Corballis - 1992 - Cognition 44 (3):197-226.
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  6.  48
    Recursion, Language, and Starlings.Michael C. Corballis - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (4):697-704.
    It has been claimed that recursion is one of the properties that distinguishes human language from any other form of animal communication. Contrary to this claim, a recent study purports to demonstrate center‐embedded recursion in starlings. I show that the performance of the birds in this study can be explained by a counting strategy, without any appreciation of center‐embedding. To demonstrate that birds understand center‐embedding of sequences of the form AnBn (such as A1A2B2B1, or A3A4A5B5B4B3) would require not only that (...)
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    Laterality and human evolution.Michael C. Corballis - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (3):492-505.
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    The generation of generativity: a response to Bloom.Michael C. Corballis - 1994 - Cognition 51 (2):191-198.
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  9. Euvoluntary or not, exchange is just*: Michael C. munger.Michael C. Munger - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (2):192-211.
    The arguments for redistribution of wealth, and for prohibiting certain transactions such as price-gouging, both are based in mistaken conceptions of exchange. This paper proposes a neologism, “euvoluntary” exchange, meaning both that the exchange is truly voluntary and that it benefits both parties to the transaction. The argument has two parts: First, all euvoluntary exchanges should be permitted, and there is no justification for redistribution of wealth if disparities result only from euvoluntary exchanges. Second, even exchanges that are not euvoluntary (...)
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  10.  61
    Mental time travel: a case for evolutionary continuity.Michael C. Corballis - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):5-6.
  11. Hylomorphism reconditioned.Michael C. Rea - 2011 - Philosophical Perspectives 25 (1):341-358.
    My goal in this paper is to provide characterizations of matter, form and constituency in a way that avoids what I take to be the three main drawbacks of other hylomorphic theories: (i) commitment to the universal-particular distinction; (ii) commitment to a primitive or problematic notion of inherence or constituency; (iii) inability to identify viable candidates for matter and form in nature, or to characterize them in terms of primitives widely regarded to be intelligible.
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    Adopting AI: how familiarity breeds both trust and contempt.Michael C. Horowitz, Lauren Kahn, Julia Macdonald & Jacquelyn Schneider - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Despite pronouncements about the inevitable diffusion of artificial intelligence and autonomous technologies, in practice, it is human behavior, not technology in a vacuum, that dictates how technology seeps into—and changes—societies. To better understand how human preferences shape technological adoption and the spread of AI-enabled autonomous technologies, we look at representative adult samples of US public opinion in 2018 and 2020 on the use of four types of autonomous technologies: vehicles, surgery, weapons, and cyber defense. By focusing on these four diverse (...)
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  13.  29
    On the status of inhibitory mechanisms in cognition: Memory retrieval as a model case.Michael C. Anderson & Barbara A. Spellman - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (1):68-100.
  14.  58
    Throwing out the Bayesian baby with the optimal bathwater: Response to Endress.Michael C. Frank - 2013 - Cognition 128 (3):417-423.
  15.  92
    Modeling human performance in statistical word segmentation.Michael C. Frank, Sharon Goldwater, Thomas L. Griffiths & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2010 - Cognition 117 (2):107-125.
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  16. Number as a cognitive technology: Evidence from Pirahã language and cognition.Michael C. Frank, Daniel L. Everett, Evelina Fedorenko & Edward Gibson - 2008 - Cognition 108 (3):819-824.
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  17. How to Be an Eleatic Monist.Michael C. Rea - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s15):129-151.
    There is a tradition according to which Parmenides of Elea endorsed the following set of counterintuitive doctrines: (a) There exists exactly one material thing. (b) What exists does not change. (g) Nothing is generated or destroyed. (d) What exists is undivided. For convenience, I will use the label ‘Eleatic monism’ to refer to the conjunction of a–d.
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  18.  55
    On the biological basis of human laterality: I. Evidence for a maturational left–right gradient.Michael C. Corballis & Michael J. Morgan - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):261-269.
  19.  41
    Issues associated with research on sheep parasite control in new zealand – a descriptive ethic.Michael C. Morris - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (2):187-207.
    In common with much of theEnglish-speaking world, New Zealandersgenerally oppose the use of animalexperimentation where there is no demonstrableand immediate benefit for human, animal, orenvironmental health. Intrusive experiments onsheep internal and external parasites publishedbetween 1996 and 2000 are reviewed, anddiscussed in relation to these publicsensibilities. A total of 16 publishedexperiments on sheep parasites involvedsurgical manipulations or other intrusiveprocedures. Some of these experiments had noshort-term application, or the only applicationwas in increasing animal production. Otherscould have been modified at some extra expenseso (...)
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  20.  14
    Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems.Michael C. Banner - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses such key ethical issues as euthanasia, the environment, biotechnology, abortion, the family, sexual ethics, and the distribution of health care resources. Michael Banner argues that the task of Christian ethics is to understand the world and humankind in the light of the credal affirmations of the Christian faith, and to explicate this understanding in its significance for human action through a critical engagement with the concerns, claims and problems of other ethics. He illustrates both the distinctiveness (...)
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  21.  27
    Optimal Predictions in Everyday Cognition: The Wisdom of Individuals or Crowds?Michael C. Mozer, Harold Pashler & Hadjar Homaei - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (7):1133-1147.
    asked individuals to make predictions about the duration or extent of everyday events (e.g., cake baking times), and reported that predictions were optimal, employing Bayesian inference based on veridical prior distributions. Although the predictions conformed strikingly to statistics of the world, they reflect averages over many individuals. On the conjecture that the accuracy of the group response is chiefly a consequence of aggregating across individuals, we constructed simple, heuristic approximations to the Bayesian model premised on the hypothesis that individuals have (...)
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  22.  27
    Plato's Socratic conversations: drama and dialectic in three dialogues.Michael C. Stokes - 1986 - Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  23.  55
    Mutually algebraic structures and expansions by predicates.Michael C. Laskowski - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):185-194.
    We introduce the notions of a mutually algebraic structures and theories and prove many equivalents. A theory $T$ is mutually algebraic if and only if it is weakly minimal and trivial if and only if no model $M$ of $T$ has an expansion $(M,A)$ by a unary predicate with the finite cover property. We show that every structure has a maximal mutually algebraic reduct, and give a strong structure theorem for the class of elementary extensions of a fixed mutually algebraic (...)
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  24. (1 other version)One and many in presocratic philosophy.Michael C. Stokes - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (1):127-128.
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  25.  34
    Correction: Producer and consumer perspectives on supporting and diversifying local food systems in central Iowa.Michael C. Dorneich, Caroline C. Krejci, Nicholas Schwab, Tiffanie F. Stone, Erin Huckins, Janette R. Thompson & Ulrike Passe - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):683-683.
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  26.  54
    Substances and substrata.Michael C. LaBossiere - 1994 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 72 (3):360 – 370.
  27.  40
    Fieldwork and Cooperative Learning in Professional Ethics.Michael C. Loui - 2000 - Teaching Philosophy 23 (2):139-156.
    Many college and university courses are complemented by collaborative or cooperative activities such as role playing, team projects, or problem solving in small groups. This paper summarizes the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in professional ethics, describes two courses (Engineering Ethics and Professional Ethics) that involved a fieldwork component where students were required to interview a group of professional who deal with an ethical problem, and articulates the pedagogical value of complementing a course using a fieldwork assignment. By integrating a fieldwork (...)
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  28. Universalism and extensionalism: A reply to Varzi.Michael C. Rea - 2010 - Analysis 70 (3):490-496.
    In a recent article in this journal, Achille Varzi (2009) argues that mereological universalism (U) entails mereological extensionalism (E). The thesis that U entails E (call it ‘T’) has important implications. For example, as is well known, T plays a crucial role in Peter van Inwagen’s argument against universalism (1990: 74–79). In what follows, I show that Varzi’s arguments for T rely on a tendentious assumption about parthood.
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  29.  19
    Becoming Foucault: The Poitiers Years.Michael C. Behrent - 2023 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Though Michel Foucault is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century, little is known about his early life. Even Foucault’s biographers have neglected this period, preferring instead to start the story when the future philosopher arrives in Paris. Becoming Foucault is a historical reconstruction of the world in which Foucault grew up: the small city of Poitiers, France, from the 1920s until the end of the Second World War. Beyond exploring previously unexamined aspects of Foucault’s childhood, including (...)
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  30.  99
    Provability in predicate product logic.Michael C. Laskowski & Shirin Malekpour - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5-6):365-378.
    We sharpen Hájek’s Completeness Theorem for theories extending predicate product logic, \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Pi\forall}$$\end{document}. By relating provability in this system to embedding properties of ordered abelian groups we construct a universal BL-chain L in the sense that a sentence is provable from \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\Pi\forall}$$\end{document} if and only if it is an L-tautology. As well we characterize the class of lexicographic sums that have this universality property.
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    Development of infants’ attention to faces during the first year.Michael C. Frank, Edward Vul & Scott P. Johnson - 2009 - Cognition 110 (2):160-170.
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  32.  77
    The elementary diagram of a trivial, weakly minimal structure is near model complete.Michael C. Laskowski - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (1):15-24.
    We prove that if M is any model of a trivial, weakly minimal theory, then the elementary diagram T(M) eliminates quantifiers down to Boolean combinations of certain existential formulas.
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  33.  17
    The Atlantic realists: empire and international political thought between Germany and the USA.Michael C. Williams - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (3):125-128.
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  34.  14
    The Lopsided Ape: Evolution of the Generative Mind.Michael C. Corballis - 1991 - Oup Usa.
    A detailed account of human language and evolution, reconciling the apparent dichotomy between humans and all other animals. Focuses on the speculative presence of a Generative Assembly Device, unique to Homo sapiens.
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  35.  36
    Family violence and family systems: Who is the patient?Michael C. Gottlieb - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (3):273 – 277.
  36.  49
    The extensions of the modal logic K.Michael C. Nagle & S. K. Thomason - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (1):102-109.
  37.  60
    Seven ways to plagiarize: Handling real allegations of research misconduct.Michael C. Loui - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (4):529-539.
    As the research integrity officer at my university for two years, I handled eight allegations of plagiarism. These eight cases show that initial appearances can be mistaken, that policies for handling allegations of research misconduct cannot cover every contingency, and that many cases can be resolved collegially without resort to formal procedures.
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  38.  45
    Making the ineffable explicit: estimating the information employed for face classifications.Michael C. Mangini & Irving Biederman - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (2):209-226.
    When we look at a face, we readily perceive that person's gender, expression, identity, age, and attractiveness. Perceivers as well as scientists have hitherto had little success in articulating just what information we are employing to achieve these subjectively immediate and effortless classifications. We describe here a method that estimates that information. Observers classified faces in high levels of visual noise as male or female (in a gender task), happy/unhappy (in an expression task), or Tom Cruise/John Travolta (in an individuation (...)
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  39. Elusive referentiality and allusive reference in Indonesian conversation.Michael C. Ewing - 2024 - In Michael C. Ewing & Ritva Laury (eds.), (Non)referentiality in conversation. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Preface.Michael C. Jordan - 2002 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 5 (3):4-11.
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  41. Öffentlichkeit durch Bildung, Bildung durch Öffentlichkeit? : zur Rolle des Berner Hinkenden Boten und der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung in der Frage der Lehrerbildung zwischen 1800 und 1830.Michael C. Ruloff - 2013 - In Tamara Deluigi (ed.), Sakralität, Demokratie und Erziehung: Auseinandersetzungen mit der historischen Pädagogik Fritz Osterwalders. Zürich: Lit.
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  42.  15
    Recognition of disoriented shapes.Michael C. Corballis - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (1):115-123.
  43.  18
    The Origins of Modernity: Was Autonomous Speech the Critical Factor?Michael C. Corballis - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):543-552.
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  44.  22
    Toward an evolutionary perspective on hemispheric specialization.Michael C. Corballis - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):69-70.
  45.  25
    The Gradual Evolution of Language.Michael C. Corballis - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    Language is commonly held to be unique to humans, and to have emerged suddenly in a single “great leap forward” within the past 100,000 years. The view is profoundly anti-Darwinian, and I propose instead a framework for understanding how language might have evolved incrementally from our primate heritage. One major proposition is that language evolved from manual action, with vocalization emerging as the dominant mode late in hominin evolution. The second proposition has to do with the role of language as (...)
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    Encouraging the nascent cognitive neuroscience of repression.C. Anderson Michael & J. Levy Benjamin - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):511-513.
    Repression has remained controversial for nearly a century on account of the lack of well-controlled evidence validating it. Here we argue that the conceptual and methodological tools now exist for a rigorous scientific examination of repression, and that a nascent cognitive neuroscience of repression is emerging. We review progress in this area and highlight important questions for this field to address.
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  47. Sameness without identity: An aristotelian solution to the problem of material constitution.Michael C. Rea - 1998 - Ratio 11 (3):316–328.
    In this paper, I present an Aristotelian solution to the problem of material constitution. The problem of material constitution arises whenever it appears that an object a and an object b share all of the same parts and yet are essentially related to their parts in different ways. (A familiar example: A lump of bronze constitutes a statue of Athena. The lump and the statue share all of the same parts, but it appears that the lump can, whereas the statue (...)
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  48.  10
    Caregiving, Carebots, and Contagion.Michael C. Brannigan - 2022 - Lexington Books.
    This work explores caring robots' lifesaving benefits, particularly during contagion, while probing the threat they pose to interpersonal engagement and genuine human caregiving. As humans, we have a binding moral responsibility to care for the Other, and genuine caring demands our embodied, human-to-human presence.
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  49.  36
    Brain twisters and hand wringers.Michael C. Corballis - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):331-336.
  50.  13
    Parmenides.Michael C. Rea - 2006 - In W. C. Campbell-Jack, Gavin J. McGrath & Stephen Evans (eds.), New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics. Intervarsity Press. pp. 533-534.
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