Results for 'Martin Pamientier'

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  1.  60
    Boekbesprekingen.W. Beuken, Erik Eynikel, P. C. Beentjes, A. Lascaris, M. J. J. Menken, Theo de Kruijf, Bart J. Koet, Martin Pamientier, Martin Parmentier, A. Noordegraaf, Arie L. Molendijk, Marcel Sarot, W. Logister, Geert van Dartel, Martien Parmentier, J. van den Eijnden & M. F. M. van den Berk - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (2):203-235.
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    How We Hope: A Moral Psychology.Adrienne Martin - 2013 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    What exactly is hope and how does it influence our decisions? In How We Hope, Adrienne Martin presents a novel account of hope, the motivational resources it presupposes, and its function in our practical lives. She contends that hoping for an outcome means treating certain feelings, plans, and imaginings as justified, and that hope thereby involves sophisticated reflective and conceptual capacities. Martin develops this original perspective on hope--what she calls the "incorporation analysis"--in contrast to the two dominant philosophical (...)
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    Model theory of modules.Martin Ziegler - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 26 (2):149-213.
  4. Ethical Implications and Accountability of Algorithms.Kirsten Martin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):835-850.
    Algorithms silently structure our lives. Algorithms can determine whether someone is hired, promoted, offered a loan, or provided housing as well as determine which political ads and news articles consumers see. Yet, the responsibility for algorithms in these important decisions is not clear. This article identifies whether developers have a responsibility for their algorithms later in use, what those firms are responsible for, and the normative grounding for that responsibility. I conceptualize algorithms as value-laden, rather than neutral, in that algorithms (...)
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  5. The Practice-Based Approach to the Philosophy of Logic.Ben Martin - forthcoming - In Oxford Handbook for the Philosophy of Logic. Oxford University Press.
    Philosophers of logic are particularly interested in understanding the aims, epistemology, and methodology of logic. This raises the question of how the philosophy of logic should go about these enquires. According to the practice-based approach, the most reliable method we have to investigate the methodology and epistemology of a research field is by considering in detail the activities of its practitioners. This holds just as true for logic as it does for the recognised empirical and abstract sciences. If we wish (...)
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    Brand Society: How Brands Transform Management and Lifestyle.Martin Kornberger - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Brands are a fait accompli: they represent a mountain range of evidence in search of a theory. They are much exploited, but little explored. In this book, Martin Kornberger sets out to rectify the ratio between exploiting and exploring through sketching out a theory of the Brand Society. Most attempts to explain the role of brands focus on brands either as marketing and management tools or a symptoms of consumerism. Brand Society combines these perspectives to show how brands have (...)
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  7.  18
    Practicing the Correspondence Principle in the Old Quantum Theory: A Transformation Through Implementation.Martin Jähnert - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a history of the correspondence principle from a new perspective. The author provides a unique exploration of the relation between the practice of theory and conceptual development in physics. In the process, he argues for a new understanding of the history of the old quantum theory and the emergence of quantum mechanics. The analysis looks at how the correspondence principle was disseminated and how the principle was applied as a research tool during the 1920s. It provides new (...)
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  8.  45
    Why the Fence Is the Seat of Reason When Experts Disagree.Martin Hinton - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (2):160-171.
    ABSTRACTIn order to properly understand how expert disagreement should be dealt with, it is essential to grasp how expert opinion is used in the reasoning process by which humans reach conclusions and make decisions. This paper utilises the tools of argumentation theory, specifically Douglas Walton’s argument schemes, and variations upon them, in order to examine how patterns of reasoning are affected by the presence of conflicting testimony. This study suggests that although it may be supplemented with the construction of epistemic (...)
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    Inducement in Research.Martin Wilkinson & Andrew Moore - 1997 - Bioethics 11 (5):373-389.
    Opposition to inducement payments for research subjects is an international orthodoxy amongst writers of ethics committee guidelines. We offer an argument in favour of these payments. We also critically evaluate the best arguments we can find or devise against such payments, and except in one very limited range of circumstances, we find these unconvincing.
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  10.  39
    Women and Partnership Genealogies in Drosophila Population Genetics.Marta Velasco Martín - 2020 - Perspectives on Science 28 (2):277-317.
    Drosophila flies began to be used in the study of species evolution during the late 1930s. The geneticists Natasha Sivertzeva-Dobzhansky and Elizabeth Reed pioneered this work in the United States, and María Monclús conducted similar studies in Spain. The research they carried out with their husbands enabled Drosophila population genetics to take off and reveals a genealogy of women geneticists grounded in mutual inspiration. Their work also shows that women were present in population genetics from the beginning, although their contributions (...)
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  11.  29
    Finding categories through words: More nameable features improve category learning.Martin Zettersten & Gary Lupyan - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104135.
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    Artificial intelligence and moral rights.Martin Miernicki & Irene Ng - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (1):319-329.
    Whether copyrights should exist in content generated by an artificial intelligence is a frequently discussed issue in the legal literature. Most of the discussion focuses on economic rights, whereas the relationship of artificial intelligence and moral rights remains relatively obscure. However, as moral rights traditionally aim at protecting the author’s “personal sphere”, the question whether the law should recognize such protection in the content produced by machines is pressing; this is especially true considering that artificial intelligence is continuously further developed (...)
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  13.  42
    Wittgenstein on Perspicuous Presentations and Grammatical Self-Knowledge.Christian Georg Martin - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (1):79-108.
    The task of this paper is to exhibit Wittgenstein’s method of perspicuous presentation as aiming at a distinctive kind of self-knowledge. Three influential readings of Wittgenstein’s concept of perspicuous presentation – Hacker’s, Baker’s and Sluga’s – are examined. All of them present what Wittgenstein calls the “unsurveyablity of our grammar” as a result of the “complexity” of our language. Contrary to this, a fundamental difference between matter-of-factual complexity and the unsurveyability of grammar is pointed out. What perspicuous presentations are designed (...)
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  14.  76
    Situated agency: towards an affordance-based, sensorimotor theory of action.Martin Weichold - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):761-785.
    Recent empirical findings from social psychology, ecological psychology, and embodied cognitive science indicate that situational factors crucially shape the course of human behavior. For instance, it has been shown that finding a dime, being under the influence of an authority figure, or just being presented with food in easy reach often influences behavior tremendously. These findings raise important new questions for the philosophy of action: Are these findings a threat to classical conceptions of human agency? Are humans passively pushed around (...)
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  15.  13
    Personal injury: Plaintiffs' lawyers and the tension between professional norms and the need to generate business.Stephen Daniels & Joanne Martin - 2012 - In Leslie C. Levin & Lynn Mather (eds.), Lawyers in practice: ethical decision making in context. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 110.
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  16. The Shifts and the Shocks; What we’ve learned – and have still to learn – from the financial crisis.Martin Wolf - 2014
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    (1 other version)Education as a positional good.Martin Hollis - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 16 (2):235–244.
    Martin Hollis; Education as a Positional Good, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 16, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 235–244,
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  18.  44
    (1 other version)Reconstructing the social constructionist view of emotions: from language to culture, including nonhuman culture.Martin Aranguren - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4).
    The thesis of social constructionism is that emotions are shaped by culture and society. I build on this insight to show that existing social constructionist views of emotions, while providing valid research methods, overly restrict the scope of the social constructionist agenda. The restriction is due to the ontological assumption that social construction is indissociable from language. In the first part, I describe the details of the influential social constructionist views of Averill and Harré. Drawing on recent theorizing in psychology, (...)
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  19.  48
    Opportunity, discovery and creativity : a critical realist perspective.Lee Martin & N. R. Wilson - unknown
    In this article, we draw upon the philosophy of critical realism to reflect upon issues concerning discovery processes and opportunity development. First, paradoxes in the relationship between opportunity discovery and creativity are identified and explained. Second, the question of how to investigate opportunities is discussed and a solution informed by critical realism presented whereby three new types of discovery are identified and defined for empirical investigation. Using critical realism to augment entrepreneurial opportunity theory, we propose that discovery processes have significance (...)
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  20.  29
    Beyond moral distress.Martin Woods - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (2):127-128.
  21.  70
    Climate Models: How to Assess Their Reliability.Martin Carrier & Johannes Lenhard - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (2):81-100.
    The paper discusses modelling uncertainties in climate models and how they can be addressed based on physical principles as well as based on how the models perform in light of empirical data. We ar...
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  22.  32
    Breaking the Privacy Paradox: The Value of Privacy and Associated Duty of Firms.Kirsten Martin - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (1):65-96.
    ABSTRACT:The oft-cited privacy paradox is the perceived disconnect between individuals’ stated privacy expectations, as captured in surveys, and consumer market behavior in going online: individuals purport to value privacy yet still disclose information to firms. The goal of this paper is to empirically examine the conceptualization of privacy postdisclosure assumed in the privacy paradox. Contrary to the privacy paradox, the results here suggest consumers retain strong privacy expectations even after disclosing information. Privacy violations are valued akin to security violations in (...)
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  23. Evangelical Ecotheology: How the Resurrection Entails Creation Care.Martin Jakobsen - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (2):228-247.
    This article advocates evangelical environmental care by grounding an ethic of nature at the centre of evangelical theology, namely, in Christ and his resurrection. As Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 15, the continuity between our earthly bodies and our resurrected bodies entails that we should take care of our bodies. Drawing on Romans 8, I argue that the same line of reasoning applies to nature: the continuity between creation and the new creation entails that we should take care of (...)
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  24. The Requirement of Total Evidence: A Reply to Epstein’s Critique.Martin Barrett & Elliott Sober - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (1):191-203.
    The requirement of total evidence is a mainstay of Bayesian epistemology. Peter Fisher Epstein argues that the requirement generates mistaken conclusions about several examples that he devises. Here we examine the example of Epstein’s that we find most interesting and argue that Epstein’s analysis of it is flawed.
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    The Pluralistic Problematic: William James and the Pragmatics of the Pluriverse.Martin Savransky - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):141-159.
    In his lectures on pragmatism, William James famously proposed that the question of ‘the one and the many’ constitutes the most central of all philosophic problems, and that it is ‘central because so pregnant’. Prompted by James’ proposition, this article explores the intimately political connection in James’ thought between his pluralistic metaphysics and the nature of the problematic as a generative force that impregnates worlds and thoughts with differences: what I here call ‘the pluralistic problematic’. Exploring the generative significance of (...)
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  26.  47
    More fine structural global square sequences.Martin Zeman - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):825-835.
    We extend the construction of a global square sequence in extender models from Zeman [8] to a construction of coherent non-threadable sequences and give a characterization of stationary reflection at inaccessibles similar to Jensen’s characterization in L.
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  27.  27
    Trust and the Online Market Maker: A Comment on Etzioni’s Cyber Trust.Kirsten Martin - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):21-24.
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  28.  26
    Trustworthiness as information: Satisfying the understanding condition of valid consent.Robert K. Martin - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (5):478-488.
    Within medical ethics, there is widespread agreement that morally valid consent includes an understanding condition. Disagreement centers on what is meant by that understanding condition. Tom Dougherty proposed that this understanding condition should be divided into the two mutually exclusive categories of descriptive information and contextual information. Further, Dougherty argues that each type of information is necessary to satisfy the understanding condition. In contrast, I argue that when the deontic aspect of valid consent is in view, each type of information (...)
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    Digital Art as ‘Monetised Graphics’: Enforcing Intellectual Property on the Blockchain.Martin Zeilinger - unknown - Philosophy and Technology 31 (1):15-41.
    In a global economic landscape of hyper-commodification and financialisation, efforts to assimilate digital art into the high-stakes commercial art market have so far been rather unsuccessful, presumably because digital artworks cannot easily assume the status of precious object worthy of collection. This essay explores the use of blockchain technologies in attempts to create proprietary digital art markets in which uncommodifiable digital artworks are financialised as artificially scarce commodities. Using the decentralisation techniques and distributed database protocols underlying current cryptocurrency technologies, such (...)
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  30. .Martin Wayne - 2008
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  31.  60
    Who Should Decide How Machines Make Morally Laden Decisions?Dominic Martin - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):951-967.
    Who should decide how a machine will decide what to do when it is driving a car, performing a medical procedure, or, more generally, when it is facing any kind of morally laden decision? More and more, machines are making complex decisions with a considerable level of autonomy. We should be much more preoccupied by this problem than we currently are. After a series of preliminary remarks, this paper will go over four possible answers to the question raised above. First, (...)
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  32. Williams and Cusk on Technologies of the Self.James V. Martin - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):525-536.
    The rejection of a “characterless” moral self is central to some of Bernard Williams’ most important contributions to philosophy. By the time of Truth and Truthfulness, he works instead with a model of the self constituted and stabilized out of more primitive materials through deliberation and in concert with others that takes inspiration from Diderot. Although this view of the self raises some difficult questions, it serves as a useful starting point for thinking about the process of developing an authentic (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Toward an Expressivist View of Women's Autonomy.Laura Martin - 2024 - Ergo 11.
    Feminists debate whether women can autonomously embrace their own subordination. Some argue that it is the process of identifying with desires and values that matters; others, that it is the content of the desires and values that matters. In this paper, I introduce a novel class of cases of ‘thwarted autonomy,’ in which women pursue autonomy but in ways that reinforce gendered subordination, and draw on these cases to develop an expressivist view of women’s autonomy. On this view, agents must (...)
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  34.  16
    Los esquemas de los conceptos empíricos y matemáticos como procedimientos de síntesis gobernados por reglas conceptuales.Martín Arias Albisu - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 17:74-103.
    El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer una interpretación de la doctrina del esquematismo de los conceptos empíricos y matemáticos presentada por Kant en su Crítica de la razón pura. Mostramos que los esquemas de los conceptos empíricos y matemáticos son procedimientos de síntesis gobernados por reglas conceptuales. Aunque no consideramos que esta doctrina kantiana carece de problemas, nuestro trabajo muestra que: 1) esos esquemas pueden distinguirse rigurosamente de sus correspondientes conceptos; 2) esos esquemas no son entidades superfluas. Estas conclusiones (...)
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  35.  9
    Zuschreibungen propositionaler Einstellungen.Martin Anduschus - 1998 - F. Schoningh.
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    Das Problem der Wahrhaftigkeit in der Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung: ein Beitrag zur Ethik und zum Naturrecht des 18. Jahrhunderts.Martin Annen - 1997 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Domenico Losurdo: Nietzsche der aristokratische Rebell. Intellektuelle Biographie und kritische Bilanz.Martin Arndt - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 62 (4):399-401.
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    Heiner F. Klemme (Hg.): Kant und die Zukunft der europäischen Aufklärung.Martin Arndt - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 62 (3):305-306.
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    Rudolf Langthaler/Herta Nagl-Docekal : Glauben und Wissen. Ein Symposium mit Jürgen Habermas.Martin Arndt - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (3):287-288.
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    Bernd Fischer, Ein Anderer Blick. Saul Aschers politische Schriften, Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 2016, 194 S.Martin Arndt - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (3):294-295.
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    Global square sequences in extender models.Martin Zeman - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (7):956-985.
    We present a construction of a global square sequence in extender models with λ-indexing.
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  42.  23
    Developing and Testing a Checklist to Enhance Quality in Clinical Ethics Consultation.Martin L. Smith, Ruchi Sanghani, Anne Lederman Flamm, Margot M. Eves, Susannah L. Rose & Lauren Sydney Flicker - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (4):281-290.
    Checklists have been used to improve quality in many industries, including healthcare. The use of checklists, however, has not been extensively evaluated in clinical ethics consultation. This article seeks to fill this gap by exploring the efficacy of using a checklist in ethics consultation, as tested by an empirical investigation of the use of the checklist at a large academic medical system (Cleveland Clinic). The specific aims of this project are as follows: (1) to improve the quality of ethics consultations (...)
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    Dodd parameters and λ-indexing of extenders.Martin Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (01):73-108.
    We study generalizations of Dodd parameters and establish their fine structural properties in Jensen extender models with λ-indexing. These properties are one of the key tools in various combinatorial constructions, such as constructions of square sequences and morasses.
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    Immanuel Kant; Ontologie und Wissenschaftstheorie.Gottfried Martin (ed.) - 1969 - Walter de Gruyter.
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  45.  41
    Many simple cardinal invariants.Martin Goldstern & Saharon Shelah - 1993 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (3):203-221.
  46.  19
    Tuning in to non-adjacencies: Exposure to learnable patterns supports discovering otherwise difficult structures.Martin Zettersten, Christine E. Potter & Jenny R. Saffran - 2020 - Cognition 202 (C):104283.
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    Manipulation and Degrees of Blameworthiness.Martin Montminy & Daniel Tinney - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (3-4):265-281.
    We propose an original response to Derk Pereboom’s four-case manipulation argument. This response combines a hard-line and a soft-line. Like hard-liners, we insist that the manipulated agent is blameworthy for his wrongdoing. However, like soft-liners, we maintain that there is a difference in blameworthiness between the manipulated agent and the non-manipulated one. The former is less blameworthy than the latter. This difference is due to the fact that it is more difficult for the manipulated agent to do the right thing. (...)
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  48.  13
    General Introduction to the Handbuch Richard Rorty.Martin Müller - 2023 - In Handbuch Richard Rorty. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 43-72.
    Richard Rorty is first introduced as both the best known and the most controversial neopragmatist. This introduction then offers a sketch of Rorty’s version of pragmatism that focuses on his democratic anti-authoritarianism, whose transformative aspiration must be taken seriously. The introduction then outlines the main themes of Rorty scholarship for users of the Handbuch, e.g. the questions of truth, realism, relativism, and religion. The debates in the scholarship revolve around Rorty’s transformative aspiration and around what are taken to be the (...)
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    Einleitung.Martin Bondeli & Dirk Westerkamp - 2023 - In Martin Bondeli & Dirk Westerkamp (eds.), Vorstellung, Denken, Sprache: Reinholds Philosophie zwischen rationalem Realismus und transzendentalem Idealismus. De Gruyter. pp. 1-6.
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  50. Intersectionality without Fragmentation.Annette Martín - 2024 - Ethics 134 (2):214-245.
    Feminist philosophers have long worried that intersectionality undermines the viability of the concept and category of woman, thereby undermining feminist theory and politics. Some have responded to this problem by abandoning intersectionality; others have attempted to find some suitably inclusive way of reconceptualizing woman. I provide a novel solution that focuses on conceptualizing oppression in light of intersectionality, rather than trying to provide an account of what it is to be a woman. By enabling us to understand feminism as responding (...)
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