Results for 'Mark de Rond'

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  1.  63
    Serendipity: fortune and the prepared mind.Mark de Rond & Iain Morley (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Since 1986 Darwin College, Cambridge has organised a series of annual public lectures built around a single theme approached in a multi-disciplinary way. These essays were developed from the 2008 lectures, which explored the idea of serendipity – the relationship between good fortune and the preparation of the mind to spot and exploit it. Serendipity is an appealing concept, and one which has been surprisingly influential in a great number of areas of human discovery. The essays collected in this volume (...)
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  2.  6
    Games: Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation.David Blagden & Mark de Rond (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The essays from prominent public intellectuals collected in this volume reflect an array of perspectives on the spectrum of conflict, competition, and cooperation, as well as a wealth of expertise on how games manifest in the world, how they operate, and how social animals behave inside them. They include previously unpublished material by former Cabinet minister Sayeeda Warsi, the philosopher A. C. Grayling, legal scholar Nicola Padfield, cycling coach David Brailsford, former military intelligence officer Frank Ledwidge, neuro-psychologist Barbara J. Sahakian, (...)
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  3.  25
    Understanding Quantum Mechanics.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    Quantum Mechanics has faced deep controversies and debates since its origin when Werner Heisenberg proposed the first mathematical formalism capable to operationally account for what had been recently discovered as the new field of quantum phenomena. Today, even though we have reached a standardized version of QM which is taught in Universities all around the world, there is still no consensus regarding the conceptual reference of the theory and, if or if not, it can refer to something beyond measurement outcomes. (...)
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  4.  36
    Unscrambling the Omelette of Quantum Contextuality : Preexistent Properties or Measurement Outcomes?Christian de Ronde - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (1):55-76.
    In this paper we attempt to analyze the physical and philosophical meaning of quantum contextuality. We will argue that there exists a general confusion within the foundational literature arising from the improper “scrambling” of two different meanings of quantum contextuality. While the first one, introduced by Bohr, is related to an epistemic interpretation of contextuality which stresses the incompatibility of measurement situations described in classical terms; the second meaning of contextuality is related to a purely formal understanding of contextuality as (...)
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  5.  40
    For and Against Metaphysics in the Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechancis.Christian de Ronde - 2010 - Philosophica 83 (1):85-117.
  6.  27
    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: I. Kochen-Specker Contextuality and Global Intensive Valuations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we present a new categorical approach which attempts to provide an original understanding of QM. Our logos categorical approach attempts to consider the main features of the quantum formalism as the standpoint to develop a conceptual representation that explains what the theory is really talking about —rather than as problems that need to be bypassed in order to allow a restoration of a classical “common sense” understanding of what there is. In particular, we discuss a solution to (...)
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  7.  20
    Kochen-Specker Theorem, Physical Invariance and Quantum Individuality.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we attempt to discuss what has Kochen-Specker theorem to say about physical invariance and quantum individuality. In particular, we will discuss the impossibility of making reference to objective physical properties within the orthodox formalism of quantum mechanics. Through an analysis of the meaning of physical invariance and quantum contextuality we will derive a Corollary to KS theorem that proves that a vector in Hilbert space cannot be interpreted coherently as an object possessing physical properties. As a consequence, (...)
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  8.  18
    Taking Mermin's Relational Interpretation of QM Beyond Cabello's and Seevinck's No-Go Theorems.Christian de Ronde, Raimundo Fernández Mouján & Massri Cesar - unknown
    In this paper we address a deeply interesting debate that took place at the end of the last millennia between David Mermin, Adan Cabello and Michiel Seevinck, regarding the meaning of relationalism within quantum theory. In a series of papers, Mermin proposed an interpretation in which quantum correlations were considered as elements of physical reality. Unfortunately, the very young relational proposal by Mermin was too soon tackled by specially suited no-go theorems designed by Cabello and Seevinck. In this work we (...)
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  9.  36
    Epistemological and Ontological Paraconsistency in Quantum Mechanics: For and Against Bohrian Philosophy.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    We interpret the philosophy of Niels Bohr as related to the so called ''linguistic turn'' and consider paraconsistency in the light of the Bohrian notion of complementarity. Following [16], Jean-Yves Beziau has discussed the seemingly contradictory perspectives found in the quantum mechanical double slit experiment in terms of paraconsistent view-points [7, 8]. This interpretation goes in line with the well known Bohrian Neo-Kantian epistemological account of quantum mechanics. In the present paper, we put forward the idea that one can also (...)
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  10.  40
    Against the Tyranny of ‘Pure States’ in Quantum Theory.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):27-41.
    We argue that the notion of pure sate within Standard Quantum Mechanics is presently applied within the specialized literature in relation to two mutually inconsistent definitions. While the first provides a basis-dependent definition which makes reference to the certain prediction of measurement outcomes, the latter provides a purely abstract invariant definition which lacks operational content. In this work we derive a theorem which exposes the serious inconsistencies existent within these two incompatible definitions of purity.
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  11.  39
    Causality and the Modeling of the Measurement Process in Quantum Theory.Christian de Ronde - 2017 - Disputatio 9 (47):657-690.
    In this paper we provide a general account of the causal models which attempt to provide a solution to the famous measurement problem of Quantum Mechanics. We will argue that—leaving aside instrumentalism which restricts the physical meaning of QM to the algorithmic prediction of measurement outcomes—the many interpretations which can be found in the literature can be distinguished through the way they model the measurement process, either in terms of the efficient cause or in terms of the final cause. We (...)
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  12.  33
    Probabilistic Knowledge as Objective Knowledge in Quantum Mechanics: Potential Powers Instead of Actual Properties.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In classical physics, probabilistic or statistical knowledge has been always related to ignorance or inaccurate subjective knowledge about an actual state of affairs. This idea has been extended to quantum mechanics through a completely incoherent interpretation of the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics in terms of "strange" quantum particles. This interpretation, naturalized through a widespread "way of speaking" in the physics community, contradicts Born's physical account of Ψ as a "probability wave" which provides statistical information about outcomes that, in fact, cannot (...)
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  13.  26
    Revisiting the First Postulate of Quantum Mechanics: Invariance and Physically Reality.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we derive a theorem which proves that the physical interpretation implied by the first postulate of quantum mechanics is inconsistent with the orthodox formalism. In order to expose this inconsistency we will analyze how the concept of ‘physical system’ is built within classical theories through the notion of invariance and explain in what sense a vector in Hilbert space is not capable of fulfilling these same mathematical conditions. Through an analysis of the mathematical formalism we derive a (...)
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  14.  30
    Modality, Potentiality and Contradiction in Quantum Mechanics.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In [9], Newton da Costa together with the author of this paper argued in favor of the possibility to consider quantum superpositions in terms of a paraconsistent approach. We claimed that, even though most interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to escape contradictions, there are many hints that indicate it could be worth while to engage in a research of this kind. Recently, Arenhart and Krause [1, 2, 3] have raised several arguments against this approach and claimed that —taking into account (...)
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  15.  41
    A new objective definition of quantum entanglement as potential coding of intensive and effective relations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Synthese 198 (7):6661-6688.
    In de Ronde and Massri it was argued against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement in terms of pure and separable states. In this paper we attempt to discuss how the logos categorical approach to quantum mechanics is able to provide an objective formal account of the notion of entanglement—completely independent of both purity and separability—in terms of the potential coding of intensive relations and effective relations. We will show how our novel redefinition allows us to provide an anschaulich content (...)
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  16.  47
    A Defense of the Paraconsistent Approach to Quantum Superpositions.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In, Newton da Costa together with the author of this paper argued in favor of the possibility to consider quantum superpositions in terms of a paraconsistent approach. We claimed that, even though most interpretations of quantum mechanics attempt to escape contradictions, there are many hints that indicate it could be worth while to engage in a research of this kind. Recently, Arenhart and Krause have raised several arguments against this approach. In the present paper we attempt to answer the main (...)
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  17.  40
    Hilbert Space Quantum Mechanics is Contextual.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In a recent paper Griffiths [38] has argued, based on the consistent histories interpretation, that Hilbert space quantum mechanics is noncontextual. According to Griffiths the problem of contextuality disappears if the apparatus is “designed and operated by a competent experimentalist” and we accept the Single Framework Rule. We will argue from a representational realist stance that the conclusion is incorrect due to the misleading understanding provided by Griffiths to the meaning of quantum contextuality and its relation to physical reality and (...)
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  18.  28
    Representational Realism, Closed Theories and the Quantum to Classical Limit.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this paper we discuss the representational realist stance as a pluralist ontic approach to inter-theoretic relationships. Our stance stresses the fact that physical theories require the necessary consideration of a conceptual level of discourse which determines and configures the specific field of phenomena discussed by each particular theory. We will criticize the orthodox line of research which has grounded the analysis about QM in two metaphysical presuppositions —accepted in the present as dogmas that all interpretations must follow. We will (...)
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  19.  46
    Interpreting the quantum wave function in terms of 'interacting faculties'.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this article we discuss the problem of finding an interpretation of quantum mechanics which provides an objective account of physical reality. In the first place we discuss the problem of interpretation and analyze the importance of such an objective account in physics. In this context we present the problems which arise when interpreting the quantum wave function within the orthodox formulation of quantum mechanics. In connection to this critic, we expose the concept of ‘entity’ as an epistemological obstruction. In (...)
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  20.  56
    Metaphysical Issues in the Philosophical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics.Christian de Ronde - 2010 - Philosophica 83 (1):5-14.
  21.  23
    QBism, FAPP and the Quantum Omelette.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this paper we discuss the so called "quantum omelette" created by Bohr and Heisenberg through the mix of objective accounts and subjective ones within the analysis of Quantum Mechanics. We will begin by addressing the difficult relation between ontology and epistemology within the history of both physics and philosophy. We will then argue that the present "quantum omelette" is being presently cooked in two opposite directions: the first scrambling ontological problems with epistemological solutions and the second scrambling epistemic approaches (...)
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  22.  24
    Quantum mechanics and the interpretation of the orthomodular square of opposition.Christian de Ronde, Hector Freytes & Graciela Domenech - unknown
    In this paper we analyze and discuss the historical and philosophical development of the notion of logical possibility focusing on its specific meaning in classical and quantum mechanics. Taking into account the logical structure of quantum theory we continue our discussion regarding the Aristotelian Square of Opposition in orthomodular structures enriched with a monadic quantifier. Finally, we provide an interpretation of the Orthomodular Square of Opposition exposing the fact that classical possibility and quantum possibility behave formally in radically different manners.
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  23.  22
    Against Collapses, Purity and Separability Within the Definition of Quantum Entanglement.Christian de Ronde & Massri Cesar - unknown
    In this paper we we will argue against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement which has been implicitly grounded on several widespread presuppositions which have no relation whatsoever to the formalism of QM. We will show how these presuppositions have been introduced through a naive interpretation of the quantum mathematical structure which assumes dogmatically that the theory talks about "small particles" represented by pure states which suddenly "collapse" when a measurement takes place. In the second part of this paper we (...)
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  24. Quantum Superpositions and the Representation of Physical Reality Beyond Measurement Outcomes and Mathematical Structures.Christian de Ronde - 2016 - Foundations of Science 23 (4):621-648.
    In this paper we intend to discuss the importance of providing a physical representation of quantum superpositions which goes beyond the mere reference to mathematical structures and measurement outcomes. This proposal goes in the opposite direction to the project present in orthodox contemporary philosophy of physics which attempts to “bridge the gap” between the quantum formalism and common sense “classical reality”—precluding, right from the start, the possibility of interpreting quantum superpositions through non-classical notions. We will argue that in order to (...)
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  25. Interpreting the Modal Kochen–Specker theorem: Possibility and many worlds in quantum mechanics.Christian de Ronde, Hector Freytes & Graciela Domenech - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 45:11-18.
    In this paper we attempt to physically interpret the Modal Kochen–Specker theorem. In order to do so, we analyze the features of the possible properties of quantum systems arising from the elements in an orthomodular lattice and distinguish the use of “possibility” in the classical and quantum formalisms. Taking into account the modal and many worlds non-collapse interpretation of the projection postulate, we discuss how the MKS theorem rules the constraints to actualization, and thus, the relation between actual and possible (...)
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  26.  38
    Representing Quantum Superpositions: Powers, Potentia and Potential Effectuations.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this paper we attempt to provide a physical representation of quantum superpositions. For this purpose we discuss the constraints of the quantum formalism to the notion of possibility and the necessity to consider a potential realm independent of actuality. Taking these insights into account and from the basic principles of quantum mechanics itself we advance towards the definition of the notions of power and potentia. Assuming these notions as a standpoint we analyze the meaning of ‘observation’ and ‘interaction’. As (...)
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  27.  18
    Measuring Quantum Superpositions.Christian de Ronde - 2023 - In Jonas R. B. Arenhart & Raoni W. Arroyo (eds.), Non-Reflexive Logics, Non-Individuals, and the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics: Essays in Honour of the Philosophy of Décio Krause. Springer Verlag. pp. 261-296.
    In this work we attempt to confront the orthodox widespread claim, present in the philosophical and foundational debates about Quantum Mechanics (QM), that ‘superpositions are never actually observed in the lab’. In order to do so, we begin by providing a critical analysis of the famous measurement problem which, we will argue, was originated as a consequence of the strict application of the empirical-positivist requirements to subsume the quantum formalism under their specific understanding of a physical ‘theory’. In particular, the (...)
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  28.  43
    Quantum Superpositions Do Exist! But ‘Quantum Physical Reality ≠ Actuality’.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this paper we analyze the definition of quantum superpositions within orthodox Quantum Mechanics and their relation to physical reality. We will begin by discussing how the metaphysical presuppositions imposed by Bohr on the interpretation of QM have become not only interpretational dogmas which constrain the limits of the present Orthodox Line of Research, but also how these desiderata implicitly preclude the possibility of developing a physical representation of quantum superpositions. We will then continue analyzing how most interpretations of QM (...)
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  29.  28
    Alcance y Función de las Teorias Físicas em Hylary Putnam y Werner Heisenberg.Christian de Ronde & Pablo Melogno - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (2):331.
    In this work we attempt to analyze the intra-theoretic characterization provided by Hilary Putnam and Werner Heisenberg between quantum mechanics and other theories. The first defended the idea that physical theories include macro principles that under specific definite historical conditions can be revised on the light of rival principles. Putnam will concentrate in the impact that quantum mechanics has produced in the classical image of knowledge. Heisenberg, on the other hand, develops his analysis from the notion of closed theories, assuming (...)
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  30.  26
    Epistemological vs. Ontological Relationalism in Quantum Mechanics: Relativism or Realism?Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernandez Moujan - unknown
    In this paper we investigate the history of relationalism and its present use in some interpretations of quantum mechanics. In the first part of this article we will provide a conceptual analysis of the relation between substantivalism, relationalism and relativism in the history of both physics and philosophy. In the second part, we will address some relational interpretations of quantum mechanics, namely, Bohr’s relational approach, the modal interpretation by Kochen, the perspectival modal version by Bene and Dieks and the relational (...)
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  31.  41
    Quantum Superpositions and Causality: On the Multiple Paths to the Measurement Result.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    The following analysis attempts to provide a general account of the multiple solutions given to the quantum measurement problem in terms of causality. Leaving aside instrumentalism which restricts its understanding of quantum mechanics to the algorithmic prediction of measurement outcomes, the many approaches which try to give an answer can be distinguished by their explanation based on the efficient cause —recovering in this way a classical physical description— or based on the final cause —which goes back to the hylomorphic tradition. (...)
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  32.  51
    Quantum Logic.C. de Ronde, and, G. Domenech & H. Freytes - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Quantum Logic in Historical and Philosophical Perspective Quantum Logic was developed as an attempt to construct a propositional structure that would allow for describing the events of interest in Quantum Mechanics. QL replaced the Boolean structure, which, although suitable for the discourse of classical physics, was inadequate for representing the atomic realm. The … Continue reading Quantum Logic →.
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  33.  18
    Unscrambling the Quantum Omelette of Epistemic and Ontic Contextuality: Classical Contexts and Quantum Reality.Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this paper we attempt to analyze the physical and philosophical meaning of quantum contextuality. In the first part we will argue that a general confusion within the literature comes from the improper "scrambling" of two different meanings of quantum contextuality. The first one is related to an epistemic interpretation of contextuality, introduced by Bohr, which stresses the incompatibility of quantum measurements. The second, is related to an ontic notion of contextuality, exposed through the Kochen-Specker theorem, which focuses on the (...)
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  34.  35
    Quantum probability: a reliable tool for an agent or a reliable source of reality?C. de Ronde, H. Freytes & G. Sergioli - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S23):5679-5699.
    In this paper we attempt to analyze the concept of quantum probability within quantum computation and quantum computational logic. While the subjectivist interpretation of quantum probability explains it as a reliable predictive tool for an agent in order to compute measurement outcomes, the objectivist interpretation understands quantum probability as providing reliable information of a real state of affairs. After discussing these different viewpoints we propose a particular objectivist interpretation grounded on the idea that the Born rule provides information about an (...)
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  35.  16
    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: III. Relational Potential Coding and Quantum Entanglement Beyond Collapses, Pure States and Particle Metaphysics.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we consider the notion of quantum entanglement from the perspective of the logos categorical approach [26, 27]. Firstly, we will argue that the widespread distinctions, on the one hand, between pure states and mixed states, and on the other, between separable states and entangled states, are completely superfluous when considering the orthodox mathematical formalism of QM. We will then argue that the introduction of these distinctions within the theory of quanta is due to another two completely unjustified (...)
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  36. Una defensa del enfoque paraconsistente de las superposiciones cuánticas.Christian de Ronde - 2019 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 9:45--59.
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  37.  23
    Relational quantum entanglement beyond non-separable and contextual relativism.Christian de Ronde & César Massri - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):68-78.
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  38.  24
    The Return of Realism in the Logos Approach to Quantum Mechanics (Reply to Arroyo and Arenhart).Christian de Ronde - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-32.
    In a recent paper (Arroyo and Arenhart in Found Sci 28:885–910, 2013) Arroyo and Arenhart presented a detailed critical analysis regarding some essential aspects of representational realism and the logos approach to Quantum Mechanics (QM) addressed in terms of (i) “a diagnosis of what is wrong with currently available solutions”; (ii) “a proposal of a new methodology for addressing the problem”; and finally, (iii) “a positive proposal to answer the question, which is arrived at by following the methodology suggested.” In (...)
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  39.  21
    The Logos Categorical Approach to QM: II. Quantum Superpositions.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we attempt to consider quantum superpositions from the perspective of the logos categorical approach presented in [26]. We will argue that our approach allows us not only to better visualize the structural features of quantum superpositions providing an anschaulich content to all terms, but also to restore —through the intensive valuation of graphs and the notion of immanent power— an objective representation of what QM is really talking about. In particular, we will discuss how superpositions relate to (...)
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  40.  67
    Ways of Meaning: An Introduction to a Phiosophy of Language.Mark de Bretton Platts - 1979 - Boston: MIT Press.
    This second edition of the book contains a new chapter on the notions of natural-kind words and natural kinds.
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  41. Immanent powers versus causal powers (propensities, latencies and dispositions) in quantum mechanics.Christian de Ronde - 2019 - In Diederik Aerts, Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Christian de Ronde & Decio Krause (eds.), Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics: information, contextuality, relationalism and entanglement: Proceedings of the II International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, CLEA, Brussels. New Jersey: World Scientific.
  42.  14
    Are 'Particles' in Quantum Mechanics "Just a Way of Talking"?Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernández Mouján - unknown
    In this work we discuss the widespread use and application of the notion of 'particle' within the standard understanding of quantum mechanics, trying to prove how it is not just an innocent and unproblematic “way of talking”, as it is often claimed, but the expression of an atomist metaphysics that represents rather a way of perceiving and thinking that inadvertently determines our understanding of the mathematical formalism and the experimental content of quantum mechanics. We show how the retention of atomist (...)
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  43.  28
    The contextual character of modal interpretations of quantum mechanics.Graciela Domenech, Hector Freytes & Christian de Ronde - unknown
    In this article we discuss the contextual character of quantum mechanics in the framework of modal interpretations. We investigate its historical origin and relate contemporary modal interpretations to those proposed by M. Born and W. Heisenberg. We present then a general characterization of what we consider to be a modal interpretation. Following previous papers in which we have introduced modalities in the Kochen-Specker theorem, we investigate the consequences of these theorems in relation to the modal interpretations of quantum mechanics.
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  44. Mind, language and morality: essays in honor of Mark Platts.Mark de Bretton Platts, Gustavo Ortiz Millán, Cruz Parcero & Juan Antonio (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    Mark Platts is responsible for the first systematic presentation of truth-conditional semantics and for turning a generation of philosophers on to the Davidsonian program. He is also a pioneer in discussions of moral realism, and has made important contributions to bioethics, the philosophy of human rights and moral responsibility. This book is a tribute to Platts's pioneering work in these areas, featuring contributions from number of leading scholars of his work from the US, UK and Mexico. It features replies (...)
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  45. Epistemological vs. ontological relationalism in quantum mechanics: relativism or realism?Christian de Ronde & Raimundo Fernández Mouján - 2019 - In Diederik Aerts, Dalla Chiara, Maria Luisa, Christian de Ronde & Decio Krause (eds.), Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics: information, contextuality, relationalism and entanglement: Proceedings of the II International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, CLEA, Brussels. New Jersey: World Scientific.
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  46. Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics.Christian de Ronde, Diederik Aerts, M. L. Dalla Chiara & Décio Krause (eds.) - 2019 - Singapore: World Scientific.
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  47. Non-individuality In The Formal Structure Of Quantum Mechanics.Graciela Domenech & Christian De Ronde - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (1):207-222.
    We argue that the notion of individual is controversial not only for indistinguishable particles but also in the case of quantum distinguishable systems. We also argue that not only a picture in which “actual individuals” are taken into account is in contradiction with the quantum formalism, but also the case of “possible individuals” turns inconsistent within the quantum realm.
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    On the complexity of task allocation.Arjen Schoneveld, Jan F. de Ronde & Peter M. A. Sloot - 1997 - Complexity 3 (2):52-60.
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  49.  18
    Appraising Economic Theories: Studies in the Methodology of Research Programs.Mark Blaug & Neil de Marchi (eds.) - 1991 - Edward Elgar.
    Papers produced for a conference of economists, economic methodologists and historians of economics, convened to reflect on the question of whether MSRP - the methodology of scientific research programmes - has proved useful in the light of 20 years' experience.
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  50.  70
    Simondon and Quantum Mechanics.Vincent Bontems & Christian De Ronde - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (3):611-624.
    In this paper, we propose a Simondonian interpretation of quantum mechanics taking as a standpoint his “preindividual hypothesis” in order to consider the problem of contextuality. We will examine whether the epistemological obstacle produced by the notion of entity can be bypassed by specifying, according to Simondon and the Kochen-Specker Theorem, the mode of existence of quantum potentialities.
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