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M. A. Stewart [54]Melville Y. Stewart [10]Michael Stewart [9]M. Stewart [6]
Michael Alexander Stewart [6]Matthew Stewart [6]Mary Stewart [5]Mark T. Stewart [3]

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  1.  25
    Patient-centered Medicine: Transforming the Clinical Method.Moira A. Stewart, Judith Belle Brown, W. Wayne Weston, Ian R. McWhinney, Carol L. McWilliam & Thomas R. Freeman (eds.) - 2014 - London: CRC Press.
    It describes and explains the patient-centered model examining and evaluating qualitative and quantitative research. It comprehensively covers the evolution and the six interactive components of the patient-centered clinical method, taking the reader through the relationships between the patient and doctor and the patient and clinician. All the editors are professors in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
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  2. Perceptual correlates of massive cortical reorganization.Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Diane Rogers-Ramachandran & Marni Stewart - 1992 - Science 258:1159-1160.
  3.  71
    Studies in the philosophy of the Scottish enlightenment.Michael Alexander Stewart (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection of new papers on Scottish philosophy in the age of Hutcheson and Hume pays close attention to the study of context and the use of original historical sources as a key to philosophical interpretation. The book includes revolutionary new research on Hume's early reading in science and religion and its impact of his thought.
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  4. Health Research Participants' Preferences for Receiving Research Results.C. R. Long, M. K. Stewart, T. V. Cunningham, T. S. Warmack & P. A. McElfish - 2016 - Clinical Trials 13:1-10.
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  5.  35
    Qualitative study of participants' perceptions and preferences regarding research dissemination.Rachel S. Purvis, Traci H. Abraham, Christopher R. Long, M. Kathryn Stewart, T. Scott Warmack & Pearl Anna McElfish - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2):69-74.
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  6.  63
    Lexical effects on speech perception in individuals with “autistic” traits.Mary E. Stewart & Mitsuhiko Ota - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):157-162.
  7.  34
    Plato.M. A. Stewart - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (98):80.
  8.  11
    The greater-good defence: an essay on the rationality of faith.Melville Y. Stewart - 1993 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Several defences, viewed in this study as specifications or 'offspring' of the 'parent' greater-good defence, have been formulated in response to the charge that Christianity is untenable because God's existence is incompatible with evil's existence. In this first book-length study of the parent defence, Stewart begins with careful definitions of the omni-attributes central to the dispute: omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevolence. The parent defence is traced to tenets of theism and variant accounts of the defence considered. Plantinga's modal free-will defence and Hick's (...)
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  9.  72
    Plato's Sophistry.M. A. Stewart & Rosamund Kent Sprague - 1977 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 51 (1):21 - 61.
  10.  28
    Plato on Knowledge and Reality.M. A. Stewart - 1982 - Noûs 16 (2):317-323.
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  11.  20
    Locke,.M. A. Stewart - 1986 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 24 (2).
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  12. Widening Access to Applied Machine Learning With TinyML.Vijay Reddi, Brian Plancher, Susan Kennedy, Laurence Moroney, Pete Warden, Lara Suzuki, Anant Agarwal, Colby Banbury, Massimo Banzi, Matthew Bennett, Benjamin Brown, Sharad Chitlangia, Radhika Ghosal, Sarah Grafman, Rupert Jaeger, Srivatsan Krishnan, Maximilian Lam, Daniel Leiker, Cara Mann, Mark Mazumder, Dominic Pajak, Dhilan Ramaprasad, J. Evan Smith, Matthew Stewart & Dustin Tingley - 2022 - Harvard Data Science Review 4 (1).
    Broadening access to both computational and educational resources is crit- ical to diffusing machine learning (ML) innovation. However, today, most ML resources and experts are siloed in a few countries and organizations. In this article, we describe our pedagogical approach to increasing access to applied ML through a massive open online course (MOOC) on Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML). We suggest that TinyML, applied ML on resource-constrained embedded devices, is an attractive means to widen access because TinyML leverages low-cost and globally (...)
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  13. Hume and Hume's Connexions.M. A. Stewart & John P. Wright - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (2):381-383.
  14. Hume and the Metaphysical Argument A Priori.M. A. Stewart - 1985 - In Alan Holland (ed.), Philosophy, Its History and Historiography. Reidel.
    There is a theistic argument which is discussed at least twice in the Hume corpus, both times rather perfunctorily. This perfunctoriness has carried over to some of his commentators, who are not always clear as to what the argument is or about the force of Hume’s comments on it. On page 23 of A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend in Edinburgh Hume calls it “the metaphysical Argument a priori” and in Part 9 of Dialogues concerning Natural Religion simply (...)
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  15.  29
    (1 other version)Stillingfleet and the way of ideas.M. A. Stewart - 2000 - In Michael Alexander Stewart (ed.), English philosophy in the age of Locke. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 245-280.
  16.  49
    The Correspondence of Adam Smith.M. A. Stewart, E. C. Mossner & I. S. Ross - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (116):267.
  17.  29
    The Correspondence of Adam Smith.M. A. Stewart - 1987 - Wiley-Blackwell.
  18.  38
    Do you see what I hear? Vantage point preference and visual dominance in a time-space synaesthete.Michelle Jarick, Mark T. Stewart, Daniel Smilek & Michael J. Dixon - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  19.  28
    An analysis of GSR conditioning.M. A. Stewart, J. A. Stern, G. Winokur & S. Fredman - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (1):60-67.
  20.  40
    Hume's intellectual development, 1711-1752.M. A. Stewart - 2005 - In Marina Frasca-Spada & P. J. E. Kail (eds.), Impressions of Hume. New York: Oxford University Press.
  21. Two Species of Philosophy; The Historical Significance of the First Enquiry.M. A. Stewart - 2001 - In Peter Millican (ed.), Reading Hume on Human Understanding: Essays on the First Enquiry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  22.  37
    Science and Religion in Dialogue.Melville Y. Stewart (ed.) - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This two-volume collection of cutting edge thinking about science and religion shows how scientific and religious practices of inquiry can be viewed as logically compatible, complementary, and mutually supportive.
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  23.  2
    Bias and education for democracy.Michael Stewart - 1938 - London,: Oxford university press, H. Milford.
  24.  18
    Hume and Hume's Connexions.Michael Alexander Stewart & John P. Wright (eds.) - 1995 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Presenting significant new research on the moral and religious philosophy of David Hume, this volume illustrates the importance of intellectual context in understanding the work and career of one of the most important thinkers of the eighteenth century. Distinctive in its reappraisal of the influence of John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, and others, it examines how Hume reacted to, and in turn affected, other thinkers whose views, like his own, were bound up with specific philosophical, theological, and scientific traditions and commitments. (...)
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  25.  39
    The Greater-Good Defense.Brian Leftow & Melville Stewart - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (184):405.
  26.  16
    Aesthetics and the Art Curriculum.Marilyn Galvin Stewart - 1994 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (3):77.
  27. (1 other version)Locke's Professional Contacts with Robert Boyle.M. Stewart - 1981 - The Locke Newsletter 12:19-44.
  28.  38
    (1 other version)Plato: Phaedo.M. A. Stewart & David Gallop - 1977 - Philosophical Quarterly 27 (108):260.
  29. Reid on Locke and Personal Identity: Some Lost Sources.M. A. Stewart - 1997 - Locke Studies 28:105-116.
  30.  56
    “Real rapes” and “real victims”: The shared reliance on common cultural definitions of rape.Mary White Stewart, Shirley A. Dobbin & Sophia I. Gatowski - 1996 - Feminist Legal Studies 4 (2):159-177.
  31. Amipotence Vol. 1: Support and Criticism.Chris Baker, Brandon Brown, Melissa Owens Stewart & James Travis Young (eds.) - 2024 - Grasmere: SacraSage Press.
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  32.  34
    Talking about Student ArtAssessment in Art EducationThinking through Aesthetics.Julie Van Camp, Terry Barrett, Donna Kay Beattie & Marilyn G. Stewart - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (3):117.
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  33.  31
    The formation of status hierarchies in leaderless groups.Lorne Campbell, Jeffry A. Simpson, Mark Stewart & John G. Manning - 2002 - Human Nature 13 (3):345-362.
    Two studies examined the link between social dominance and male waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). Groups of four men interacted in a leaderless group discussion. In both studies, men with higher WHRs (associated with current and long-term health status) were rated by other group members as behaving more leader-like when an observer was present, and rated themselves as being more assertive. In Study 2, men with higher WHRs were rated by independent observers as behaving more dominantly, but only when the evaluator was (...)
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  34.  21
    On the History of Philosophy and Other Essays.M. A. Stewart - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (122):73-74.
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  35.  5
    Dictionary of Irish philosophers, A-Z.Thomas Duddy, David Berman & Michael Alexander Stewart (eds.) - 2004 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Continuum.
    Since 1999 Thoemmes Press (now Thoemmes Continuum) has been engaged in a large-scale programme of biographical dictionaries of philosophy and related subjects. This volume on Irish philosophers follows the standard format of arranging entires alphabetically by thinker. It includes two forms of entry: (1) entries reproduced from previous editions of Thoemmes encyclopedias of British philosophy and (2) wholly new entries on early (renaissance-period) and_ modern (20th century) philosophers, together with some new entries on the intervening centuries. >.
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  36.  13
    Facebook Use During a Stressful Event: A Pilot Evaluation Investigating Facebook Use Patterns and Biologic Stress Response.Jens Eickhoff, Chong Zhang, Henry Young, Elizabeth Cox, Megan Pumper, Mara Stewart & Megan A. Moreno - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (3-4):94-98.
    Purpose: The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to determine whether Facebook use affects biological response to stress and to characterize participants’ use of Facebook during a stressful event. Methods: College students completed a modified Trier Social Stress Test including video recording. Participants were randomly assigned to the Facebook group or control group (no preparatory materials). Pulse and salivary cortisol were measured and compared using t tests. Trained coders assessed videos for 13 common Facebook actions and categorized them as purposeful (...)
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  37.  21
    Effect of rate of change in physical intensity on bisection and fractionation judgments of brightness.Robert F. Fagot, Paul R. Eskildsen & Manard R. Stewart - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (6):880.
  38.  6
    Kua zong jiao dui hua, Zhongguo yu xi fang.Youde Fu, Melville Y. Stewart & Kelly James Clark (eds.) - 2004 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  39.  20
    Not-for-Profit Law: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives.Matthew Harding, Ann O'Connell & Miranda Stewart (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    The law and policy applicable to the not-for-profit sector is of growing importance around the world. In this book, legal experts address fundamental questions about not-for-profit law from a range of theoretical and comparative perspectives. The essays provide scholarly analysis of not-for-profit law, organised around four themes: Politics, in the broader sense of living as a community, and the narrower sense of political power; Charity, how it is defined and changes in its meaning over time; Taxation, including the rationale for (...)
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  40.  12
    The Structure of Modern Thought.M. A. Stewart - 1972 - Philosophical Quarterly 22 (89):365-366.
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  41.  15
    Molecular interactions in intermediate filaments.Roy A. Quinlan & Murray Stewart - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (11):597-600.
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  42.  21
    Plato's Psychology.M. A. Stewart - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (83):172-173.
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  43.  24
    Plato’s Symposium.M. A. Stewart - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):354-355.
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  44.  9
    A History of Philosophy.Ma Stewart - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (3):132-134.
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  45.  18
    Apologia pro libello suo.M. A. Stewart - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (4):193-195.
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  46.  18
    Caregiving In Transnational Context: “My Wings Have Been Cut; Where Can I Fly?”.Miriam Stewart, Karen Hughes, Margaret Harrison, Anne Neufeld & Denise Spitzer - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (2):267-286.
    Migration often requires the renegotiation of familial and gender roles as immigrants encounter potentially competing values and demands. Employing ethnographic methods and including in-depth interviewing and participant observation, the authors explore the experiences of 29 South Asian and Chinese Canadian female family caregivers. Caregiving was central to their role as women and members of their ethnocultural community. The women were often engaged in paid labor that compressed the time available to fulfill their duties as caregivers. Women’s role in the transmission (...)
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  47.  28
    Dead-born from the press.M. A. Stewart - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (2):49-54.
  48.  12
    D.T. Suzuki. A Biography. A. Irwin Switzer III. Edited and enlarged by John Snelling.Mary Stewart - 1987 - Buddhist Studies Review 4 (2):190-191.
    D.T. Suzuki. A Biography. A. Irwin Switzer III. Edited and enlarged by John Snelling. The Buddhist Society, London 1985. 63 pp. I11.
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  49.  36
    Evidence for the patient-centered clinical method as a means of implementing the biopsychosocial approach.Moira Stewart, R. M. Frankel, T. E. Quill & S. H. McDaniel - 2003 - In Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel (eds.), The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
  50.  45
    Effects on recognition memory of misperceived spoken words following two attempts at initial identification.Mark T. Stewart & William P. Wallace - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (5):471-474.
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