Results for 'M. A. Dinan'

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  1.  28
    Developing model language for disclosing financial interests to potential clinical research participants.K. P. Weinfurt, J. S. Allsbrook, J. Y. Friedman, M. A. Dinan, M. A. Hall, K. A. Schulman & J. Sugarman - 2006 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 29 (1):1-5.
    As part of a larger research study, we present model language for disclosing financial interests in clinical research to potential research participants, and we describe the empirical basis and theoretical assumptions used in developing the language. The empirical process for creating appropriate disclosure language resulted in a generic disclosure statement for cases in which no risk to participants’ welfare or the scientific integrity of the research is expected, and nine more specific disclosure statements for cases in which some risk is (...)
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    Gutsy Moves: The Amygdala as a Critical Node in Microbiota to Brain Signaling.Caitlin S. M. Cowan, Alan E. Hoban, Ana Paula Ventura-Silva, Timothy G. Dinan, Gerard Clarke & John F. Cryan - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (1):1700172.
    The amygdala is a key brain area regulating responses to stress and emotional stimuli, so improving our understanding of how it is regulated could offer novel strategies for treating disturbances in emotion regulation. As we review here, a growing body of evidence indicates that the gut microbiota may contribute to a range of amygdala-dependent brain functions from pain sensitivity to social behavior, emotion regulation, and therefore, psychiatric health. In addition, it appears that the microbiota is necessary for normal development of (...)
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    What is exactly the problem with panpsychism?Cyriel M. A. Pennartz - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Merker et al.'s critique calls for a deeper analysis of panpsychism. In principle, the concept of integrated information can be applied to photodiodes and subatomic particles, but I suggest the main obstacle is the lack of any evidence to confirm the presence of consciousness. Also MRW's perspectivalist theory illustrates the difficulties in synthesizing a full-fledged theory of consciousness.
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    Talking Can Be Harmful Depending on What You Say.Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Toby Schonfeld - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):42-44.
    McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier’s presentation of theological anthropology and its contribution to secular bioethics suffers from three primary limitations. (McCarthy et al. 2020) First, the article re...
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    The Oxford Handbook of Qur'anic Studies.Mustafa Shah & M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    The Handbook considers the State of Qur'anic Studies; Historical Setting; Textual Transmission and Codification; Structural and Literary Features; Content and Concepts; Applied Discourses; and an Overview of Qur'anic Interpretation.
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  6. (1 other version)Meno. Plato & G. M. A. Grube - 1949 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press. Edited by D. N. Sedley & Plato.
  7.  71
    The Trial and Death of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Death Scene From Phaedo.G. M. A. Plato & Grube - 1880 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by F. J. Church.
    The classical Athenian philosopher Socrates was tried in 399 BCE on the basis of two notoriously ambiguous charges: corrupting the youth and impiety (in Greek, asebeia). A majority of the 501 dikasts (Athenian citizen-jurors) voted to convict him. Socrates was ultimately sentenced to death by drinking a hemlock-based liquid. This well-known account of the trial is by Plato, one of Socrates' students and a famous philosopher in his own right. Whether Socrates was punished unjustly is a contested issue which to (...)
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  8. Phenomenal characteristics of memories for perceivedand imagined autobiographical events.M. K. Johnson, M. A. Foley, A. G. Suengas & C. L. Raye - 1988 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 117:371-76.
  9. U̇ăḣăclăr: sebertatar teltă.Fanilʹ Abutalipov, Абуталипов Фаниль, F. F. Marganova, Фаусия Фаизовна Марганова & M. A. Sagidullin (eds.) - 2020 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Ti︠u︡menskiĭ dom pechati.
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    Experimental study of phantom colours in a colour blind synaesthete.M. Hochel, E. G. Milan, A. Gonzalez, F. Tornay, K. McKenney, R. Diaz Caviedes, J. L. Mata Martin, M. A. Rodriguez Artacho, E. Dominguez Garcia & J. Vila - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (4):75-95.
    Synaesthesia is a condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces photisms, i.e. mental percepts of colours. R is a 20 year old colour blind subject who, in addition to the relatively common grapheme-colour synaesthesia, presents a rarely reported cross modal perception in which a variety of visual stimuli elicit aura-like percepts of colour. In R, photisms seem to be closely related to the affective valence of stimuli and (...)
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  11. Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ vengerskikh mysliteleĭ.László Mátrai & M. A. Kheveshi (eds.) - 1965 - Moskva,: Nauka.
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  12. Estimating parity specific rate of induced abortion: a new approach.Rajib Acharya, H. Eini-Zinab, S. Islam, M. A. Islam, S. S. Padmadas, S. Billingsley, T. Spoorenberg, D. Beguy, K. Grace & C. Muresan - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (6):705-19.
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  13. Abrey, CA, 163 Adite, A., 367 Aguirre, WE, 403 Amaro, R., 189.D. A. Arrington, R. Barbieri, T. P. Bassista, G. Baumgartner, E. Bellafronte da Silva, M. A. Benavides, J. Ben-David, M. G. Bennett, A. Bhat & A. Bialetzki - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 263.
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  14.  16
    Assessing the Probability of Drought Severity in a Homogeneous Region.Rizwan Niaz, Mohammed M. A. Almazah, Ijaz Hussain, Joao Dehon Pontes Filho, Nadhir Al-Ansari & Saad Sh Sammen - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    The standardized precipitation index is one of the most widely used indices for characterizing and monitoring drought in various regions. SPI's applicability has regional and time-scale constraints when it observes in several homogeneous climatic regions with similar characteristics. It also does not provide sufficient knowledge about precipitation deficits and the spatiotemporal evolution of drought. Therefore, a new method, the regional spatially agglomerative continuous drought probability monitoring system, is proposed to obtain spatiotemporal information and monitor drought characteristics more expeditiously. The proposed (...)
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    On the Authenticity of the Hippias Maior.G. M. A. Grube - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):134-.
    Grote's powerful defence of Thrasyllus' canon should have taught us at least not to reject lightly any dialogue which, like the Hippias Maior, is there classed as genuine. The burden of proof lies with those who attack our dialogue. Raeder, Ritter, and Apelt consider it to be genuine, while Ast, Jowett, Horneffer, and Röllig declare against it, as also Gomperz, Zeller, and Lutoslawski.
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  16.  25
    Triple antiviral therapy with telaprevir after liver transplantation: a case series.J. Knapstein, D. Grimm, M. A. W.örns, P. R. Galle, H. Lang & T. Zimmermann - 2014 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2014.
    Johanna Knapstein,1 Daniel Grimm,1 Marcus A Wörns,1 Peter R Galle,1 Hauke Lang,2 Tim Zimmermann111st Department of Internal Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany; 2Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, GermanyIntroduction: Hepatitis C virus reinfection occurs universally after liver transplantation, with accelerated cirrhosis rates of up to 30% within 5 years after liver transplantation. Dual antiviral therapy with pegylated interferon-2a and ribavirin only reaches sustained virological response rates of ~30% after liver transplantation. With the approval of viral NS3/4A (...)
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    Identification and integration of sensory modalities: Neural basis and relation to consciousness.Cyriel M. A. Pennartz - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):718-739.
    A key question in studying consciousness is how neural operations in the brain can identify streams of sensory input as belonging to distinct modalities, which contributes to the representation of qualitatively different experiences. The basis for identification of modalities is proposed to be constituted by self-organized comparative operations across a network of unimodal and multimodal sensory areas. However, such network interactions alone cannot answer the question how sensory feature detectors collectively account for an integrated, yet phenomenally differentiated experiential content. This (...)
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  18.  29
    Light Beam Propagation in a Photorefractive Environment: Beam-Fanning Effect and Amplification of Weak Beams.A. Zúñiga-Segundo, M. A. Arvizu-Coyotzi, J. L. López-Bonilla & B. E. Carvajal-Gámez - 2006 - Apeiron 13 (3):375.
  19. Rotational bands in the semi-magic nucleus Ni-57(28)29.D. Rudolph, I. Ragnarsson, W. Reviol, C. Andreoiu, M. A. Bentley, M. P. Carpenter, R. J. Charity, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, J. Ekman, C. Fahlander, P. Fallon, E. Ideguchi, A. O. Macchiavelli, M. N. Mineva, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak & S. J. Williams - unknown
    Two rotational bands have been identified and characterized in the proton-magic N = Z + 1 nucleus Ni-57. These bands complete the systematics of well-and superdeformed rotational bands in the light nickel isotopes starting from doubly magic Ni-56 to Ni-60. High-spin states in Ni-57 have been produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28(S-32, 2p1n)Ni-57 and studied with the gamma-ray detection array GAMMASPHERE operated in conjunction with detectors for evaporated light charged particles and neutrons. The features of the rotational bands in Ni-57 (...)
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  20. Ethical dilemmas in treating chronic pain in the context of addiction.Joanna G. Katzman & Cynthia M. A. Geppert - 2008 - In Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Laura Weiss Roberts (eds.), The book of ethics: expert guidance for professionals who treat addiction. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.
  21. Current Population Survey June 1990: fertility birth expectations and marital history [MRDF].J. P. Ntozi, J. B. Kabera, J. Mukiza-Gapere, J. Ssekamate-Sebuliba, J. Kamateeka, N. E. Johnson, K. T. Zhang, K. E. Kiernan, M. A. Richard & F. Rajulton - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (4):499-505.
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  22. Medical students' involvement in patient care.H. Rakatansky, F. A. Riddick, L. J. Morse, J. M. O'Bannon, M. S. Goldrich, P. Ray, R. M. Sade, M. A. Spillman, M. Weiss & K. Morin - 2001 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 12 (2):111-115.
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  23.  27
    Simulations of weak-beam diffraction contrast images of dislocation loops by the many-beam Howie–Basinski equations.Z. Zhou, M. L. Jenkins, S. L. Dudarev, A. P. Sutton & M. A. Kirk - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (29-31):4851-4881.
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  24. Master Index to Volumes 61-70.Z. Adamowicz, K. Ambos-Spies, A. H. Lachlan, R. I. Soare, R. A. Shore, M. A. da ArchangelskyTaitslin, S. Artemov & J. Bagaria - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 70:289-294.
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  25. Master Index to Volumes 71-80.K. A. Abrahamson, R. G. Downey, M. R. Fellows, A. W. Apter, M. Magidor, M. I. da ArchangelskyDekhtyar, M. A. Taitslin, M. A. Arslanov & S. Lempp - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80:293-298.
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  26. The demographic future of Europe--facts figures policies. Results of the Population Policy Acceptance Study (PPAS).J. Dorbritz, C. Hohn, R. Naderi, N. J. Parr, P. Kreager, M. A. Adler, H. Beech, P. K. Agrawal, S. Unisa & H. Apte - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (2):229-243.
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  27.  75
    Hume Studies Referees, 2000-2001.Donald Ainslie, Kate Abramson, Karl Ameriks, Elizabeth Ashford, Martin Bell, Simon Blackburn, Martha Bolton, M. A. Box, Vere Chappell & Rachel Cohan - 2001 - Hume Studies 27 (2):371-372.
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  28.  43
    Alder, AG, 127 Alicke, MD, 283 Allison, SC, 154.N. Alpert, X. Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous, C. Anderson, S. W. Anderson, B. P. Andrews, L. Angladette, S. H. Anthony, D. A. Baldwin, T. Ball & M. A. Barnett - 2012 - In Robyn Langdon & Catriona Mackenzie (eds.), Emotions, Imagination, and Moral Reasoning. Psychology Press.
  29.  22
    ‘Dual Sensory Loss Protocol’ for Communication and Wellbeing of Older Adults With Vision and Hearing Impairment – A Randomized Controlled Trial.Hilde L. Vreeken, Ruth M. A. van Nispen, Sophia E. Kramer & Ger H. M. B. van Rens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectivesMany older adults with visual impairment also have significant hearing loss. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of a newly developed Dual Sensory Loss protocol on communication and wellbeing of older persons with DSL and their communication partners in the Netherlands and Belgium.MethodsParticipants and their communication partners were randomized in the “DSL-protocol” intervention group or a waiting-list control group. The intervention took 3 to 5 weeks. Occupational therapists focused on optimal use of hearing aids, home-environment modifications and effective communication (...)
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  30. Konstruirovanie politicheskoĭ realʹnosti: osnovnye ėlementy i simvolicheskai︠a︡ kharakteristika.M. A. Shtanʹko - 2007 - Tomsk: TML-Press.
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  31. Mi Dialnet.Massimo Severo Giannini, C. Lupi, M. A. Raschini, G. Zanoletti, P. Monitinaro & G. De Santi - 1974 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (5-6).
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  32.  61
    Notes on the Hippias Maior.G. M. A. Grube - 1926 - The Classical Review 40 (06):188-189.
  33.  55
    Hume Studies Referees, 2004–2005.Donald Ainslie, Julia Annas, Margaret Atherton, Neera Badhwar, Donald Lm Baxter, Martin Bell, Lorraine Besser-Jones, Richard Bett, Simon Blackburn & M. A. Box - 2005 - Hume Studies 31 (2):385-387.
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  34.  23
    Capitale umano e criminalità. L'impatto a lungo termine degli investimenti in servizi per l'infanzia sulla distribuzione degli omicidi nelle provincie italiane.Uberto Gatti, Hans M. A. Schadee & Richard E. Tremblay - 2002 - Polis 16 (3):375-396.
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  35.  31
    Summarized report of distributions and inter-correlations of binet and perform-ance test-values obtained from subnormal children in a mental survey.E. Morris Miller M. A. LittD - 2008 - Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 6 (2):120-136.
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  36.  34
    William E. Benitz, MD, is an assistant professor of pediatrics, Division of Neo-natal and Developmental Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Univer-sity Medical Center, Stanford, California David A. Bennahum, MD, is Professor of Medicine & Family and Community Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, and serves as Chair of the. [REVIEW]Hobart Tasmania, T. Patrick & M. A. Hill - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2:253-254.
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  37. Karol Wojtyla: "Love and Responsibility". [REVIEW]Stephen A. Dinan - 1984 - The Thomist 48 (3):463.
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  38. Na tenevoĭ storone: materialy k istorii seminara M.A. Rozova po ėpistemologii i filosofii nauki v Novosibirskom akademgorodke.M. A. Rozov & S. S. Rozova (eds.) - 1996 - Novosibirsk: Gosudarstvennyĭ komitet RF po vysshemu obrazovanii︠u︡, Novosibirskiĭ gosydarstvennyĭ universitet.
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  39. Studia Anthropologica: sbornik stateĭ v chestʹ M.A. Chlenova.M. A. Chlenov, A. M. Fedorchuk & S. F. Chlenova (eds.) - 2010 - Moskva: Gesharim.
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  40. Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ peredovykh vengerskikh mysliteleĭ: vtorai︠a︡ polovina XIX-nachalo XX veka.M. A. Kheveshi (ed.) - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  41. A la gloire de l'homme.M. -A. Santaner - 1973 - Paris,: Editions ouvrières.
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    Teorii︠a︡ sot︠s︡ialʹnykh ėstafet i problemy ėpistemologii.M. A. Rozov - 2006 - Smolensk: Smolenskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  43.  69
    Spirituality and nursing: A reductionist approach.M. A. Paley - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (1):3–18.
    The vast majority of contributions to the literature on spirituality in nursing make extravagant claims about transcendence, eternity, the numinous, higher powers, higher levels of existence, invisible forces, cosmic unity, the essence of humanity, or other supernatural concepts. Typically, these assertions are made without the support of argument or evidence; and, as a consequence, alternative ways of theorizing ‘spirituality’ have been closed off, while the lack of consistent scholarship has turned the topic into a metaphysical backwater. In this paper, I (...)
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  44. When a good fit can be bad.M. A. Pitt & I. J. Myung - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (10):421-425.
  45. Computable functions, quantum measurements, and quantum dynamics.M. A. Nielsen - unknown
    Quantum mechanical measurements on a physical system are represented by observables - Hermitian operators on the state space of the observed system. It is an important question whether all observables may be realized, in principle, as measurements on a physical system. Dirac’s influential text ( [1], page 37) makes the following assertion on the question: The question now presents itself – Can every observable be measured? The answer theoretically is yes. In practice it may be very awkward, or perhaps even (...)
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  46.  7
    Ot marksizma k idealizmu i t︠s︡erkvi: (1897-1927): issledovanii︠a︡, materialy, ukazateli.M. A. Kolerov - 2017 - Moskva: Izdanie knizhnogo magazina "T︠S︡iolkovskiĭ". Edited by Nikolaĭ Berdi︠a︡ev, Sergiĭ Bulgakov & Petr Berngardovich Struve.
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  47. Two Species of Philosophy; The Historical Significance of the First Enquiry.M. A. Stewart - 2001 - In Peter Millican (ed.), Reading Hume on Human Understanding: Essays on the First Enquiry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  48. Essentials of Viśiṣṭādvaita.M. A. Alwar - 2010 - Bangalore: Shri Kashi Sesha Sastri Religious Trust.
  49.  6
    Kategorii︠a︡ "svi︠a︡shchennoe" v fenomenologii religii, teologii i filosofii XX veka.M. A. Pylaev - 2011 - Moskva: RGGU.
    Книга предназначена для специалистов в области философии и феноменологии религии, христианской теологии, а также для студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальностей.
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    Filosofii︠a︡ nauki v novom videnii.M. A. Rozov - 2012 - Moskva: Novyĭ khronograf.
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