Results for 'Lucio Mare'

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  1.  18
    Frédéric Neyrat. The Unconstructable Earth: An Ecology of Separation.Marin Lucio Mare - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):362-365.
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    Edited by Raphaele Andrault, Mogens Lærke. Steno and the philosophers. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 2018, xii + 291 pp. ISBN: 9789004360648. [REVIEW]Lucio Mare - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (4):449-451.
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    Marxism and Hegel.Lucio Colletti - 1973 - [London]: Verso.
    The interpretation of Hegel has been a focal point of philosophical controversy ever since the beginning of the twentieth century, both among Marxists and in the major European philosophical schools. Yet despite wide differences of emphasis most interpretations of Hegel share important similarities. They link his idea of Reason to the revolutionary and rationalist tradition which led to the French Revolution, and they interpret his dialectic as implying a latently atheist and even materialist world outlook. Lucio Colletti directly challenges (...)
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  4. CSR Practices and Corporate Strategy: Evidence from a Longitudinal Case Study.Lucio Lamberti & Emanuele Lettieri - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):153-168.
    This paper aims to contribute to the present debate about business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that the Journal of Business Ethics is hosting. Numerous contributions argued theoretical frameworks and taxonomies of CSR practices. The authors want to ground in this knowledge and provide further evidence about how companies adopt CSR practices to address stakeholders’ claims and consolidate their trust. Evidence was provided by a longitudinal case study about an Italian food company that is one of the largest producers (...)
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  5. Who's Afraid of Impossible Worlds?Edwin D. Mares - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (4):516-526.
    A theory of ersatz impossible worlds is developed to deal with the problem of counterpossible conditionals. Using only tools standardly in the toolbox of possible worlds theorists, it is shown that we can construct a model for counterpossibles. This model is a natural extension of Lewis's semantics for counterfactuals, but instead of using classical logic as its base, it uses the logic LP.
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  6. Logical Consequence and the Paradoxes.Edwin Mares & Francesco Paoli - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):439-469.
    We group the existing variants of the familiar set-theoretical and truth-theoretical paradoxes into two classes: connective paradoxes, which can in principle be ascribed to the presence of a contracting connective of some sort, and structural paradoxes, where at most the faulty use of a structural inference rule can possibly be blamed. We impute the former to an equivocation over the meaning of logical constants, and the latter to an equivocation over the notion of consequence. Both equivocation sources are tightly related, (...)
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  7. Halldén-Completeness and Modal Relevant Logic.Edwin Mares - 2003 - Logique Et Analyse 46.
  8. An alternative semantics for quantified relevant logic.Edwin D. Mares & Robert Goldblatt - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):163-187.
    The quantified relevant logic RQ is given a new semantics in which a formula for all xA is true when there is some true proposition that implies all x-instantiations of A. Formulae are modelled as functions from variable-assignments to propositions, where a proposition is a set of worlds in a relevant model structure. A completeness proof is given for a basic quantificational system QR from which RQ is obtained by adding the axiom EC of 'extensional confinement': for all x(A V (...)
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  9. Why we need a relevant theory of conditionals.Edwin D. Mares - 1994 - Topoi 13 (1):31-36.
    This paper presents ConR (Conditional R), a logic of conditionals based on Anderson and Belnap''s system R. A Routley-Meyer-style semantics for ConR is given for the system (the completeness of ConR over this semantics is proved in E. Mares and A. Fuhrmann, A Relevant Theory of Conditionals (unpublished MS)). Moreover, it is argued that adopting a relevant theory of conditionals will improve certain theories that utilize conditionals, i.e. Lewis'' theory of causation, Lewis'' dyadic deontic logic, and Chellas'' dyadic deontic logic.
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    La certeza moral como problema epistémico en la filosofía experimental de Robert Boyle.Lucio Bribiesca Acevedo - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro (eds.), El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 383.
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    Method and the Curriculum.Lucio Guasti - 2009 - The Lonergan Review 1 (1):11-29.
    An educational philosophy that appeals to the immutable element in things, to their eternal properties, to the truths that hold in any age, and simply urges that empirical methods are not the only methods, really is defending a negative position.
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    The Curriculum of Jacques Maritain.Lucio Guasti - 2013 - The Lonergan Review 4 (1):83-115.
    The essay deals with the subject of the curriculum as it was elaborated by the philosopher Jaques Maritain during the period of his stay in the United States and condensed above all in the 1943 text Education at the Crossroads. Maritain, above all a political philosopher, intends to present a line of personal and social education to the generations emerging from the Second World War. It was necessary to rethink education not only in the theoretical field but also in the (...)
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  13. A Maréchal reader.Joseph Maréchal - 1970 - [New York,: Herder & Herder.
  14. Relevant Logic: A Philosophical Interpretation.Edwin Mares - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book introduces the reader to relevant logic and provides the subject with a philosophical interpretation. The defining feature of relevant logic is that it forces the premises of an argument to be really used in deriving its conclusion. The logic is placed in the context of possible world semantics and situation semantics, which are then applied to provide an understanding of the various logical particles and natural language conditionals. The book ends by examining various applications of relevant logic and (...)
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    The ethics of democracy: a contemporary reading of Hegel's philosophy of right.Lucio Cortella - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Demonstrates how the ethical underpinning of Hegel’s political and social philosophy has relevance for contemporary democratic life. The legal regulations and formal rules of democracy alone are not enough to hold a society together and govern its processes. Yet the irreducible ethical pluralism that characterizes contemporary society seems to make it impossible to impose a single system of values as a source of social cohesion and identity reference. In this book, Lucio Cortella argues that Hegel’s theory of ethical life (...)
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    Crisis Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Self-Organized Criticality Approach.Lucio Tonello, Luca Giacobbi, Alberto Pettenon, Alessandro Scuotto, Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli & Glenda Cappello - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
    The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) represents a set of life-long disorders. In particular, subjects with ASD can display momentary behaviors of acute agitation and aggressiveness called crisis behaviors. These events are problematic for the subject and care providers but little is known about their occurrence, namely, possible relations among intensity, frequency, and duration. A group of ASD subjects (n=33) has been observed for 12 months reporting data on each crisis ( n = 1137 crises). Statistical analysis did not find significant (...)
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  17. The nature of information: a relevant approach.Edwin Mares - 2010 - Synthese 175 (1):111 - 132.
    In "General Information in Relevant Logic" (Synthese 167, 2009), the semantics for relevant logic is interpreted in terms of objective information. Objective information is potential data that is available in an environment. This paper explores the notion of objective information further. The concept of availability in an environment is developed and used as a foundation for the semantics, in particular, as a basis for the understanding of the information that is expressed by relevant implication. It is also used to understand (...)
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    Directive leadership and teaching performance.Lucio Rojas Tello, Máximo Orejón Cabezas, Nicolás Cuya Arango & Wilmer Rivera Fuentes - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:59-71.
    This article analyzes the challenges of education in the rural Andean context of Peru, highlighting the crucial role of the leadership of principals and teachers. To achieve this, an inductive qualitative documentary research approach was used, based on inquiries supported by hermeneutical analysis. Despite limitations in training in educational management and action, successful school leaders are distinguished by their concern for teachers' job satisfaction, generating high performance expectations, and promoting school achievements to the public. community. Teaching performance is essential in (...)
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    Propositional function.Edwin Mares - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Testing Measurement Invariance across Groups of Children with and without Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: Applications for Word Recognition and Spelling Tasks.Patrícia S. Lúcio, Giovanni Salum, Walter Swardfager, Jair de Jesus Mari, Pedro M. Pan, Rodrigo A. Bressan, Ary Gadelha, Luis A. Rohde & Hugo Cogo-Moreira - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    “Aggregative” and “Deliberative” Decision-Making Procedures: A Comparison of Two Southern Italian Factories.Lucio Baccaro - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (2):243-271.
    By comparing developments in two southern Italian factories, this article contrasts “aggregative” and “deliberative” procedures in trade unions. In one of the plants, the preferences of some of the workers appear to have been changed by deliberation. The process of rational persuasion seems to have required, however, more than sheer circulation of information. Based on this evidence, the article argues that when a potential conflict of interests is involved, speakers need to provide evidence that they are animated by a “communicative” (...)
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    The Construction of “Democratic” Corporatism in Italy.Lucio Baccaro - 2002 - Politics and Society 30 (2):327-357.
    Based on field research at both the national and local levels, this article reconstructs the emergence of negotiated policy making in Italy in the 1990s. It argues that standard corporatist theory is totally incapable of accounting for the particular organizational mechanisms through which, at critical moments, that is, the moments in which policy change had to be introduced, consensus was mobilized among both middle-level union structures and rank-and-file workers in Italy. In fact, absent centralized organizational capacities, the Italian unions relied (...)
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  23. Big ideas: A close look at the australian history curriculum from a primary teacher's perspective.Maree Whiteley - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (1):41.
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    (3 other versions)The relationship between CSR and corporate strategy in medium‐sized companies: evidence from Italy.Lucio Lamberti & Giuliano Noci - 2012 - Business Ethics 21 (4):402-416.
    The paper responds to the recent calls for further evidence on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Drawing on the extant literature, the authors identify four characteristics contended by academicians as peculiarities of SMEs’ approach to CSR: the intrinsic relationship between CSR and corporate strategy motivated by the need to continuously dialogue with stakeholders; the centrality of the entrepreneur's ethos in CSR decisions; the coexistence and the cross‐effect of economically instrumental and ethically motivated CSR policies; and (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Semantic Dialetheism.Edwin Mares - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 264–275.
    Approaches to paraconsistency can be arranged on a spectrum similar to the way in which approaches to vagueness are often understood. On the left are the metaphysical realists; those who think that there are real contradictory facts, that are mind and language independent. On the right are those who think that although we can have inconsistent beliefs and inconsistent theories — and we need a paraconsistent logic to deal with them — the world itself is perfectly consistent. In the middle (...)
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    Classically complete modal relevant logics.Edwin D. Mares - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):165-177.
    A variety of modal logics based on the relevant logic R are presented. Models are given for each of these logics and completeness is shown. It is also shown that each of these logics admits Ackermann's rule γ and as a corollary of this it is proved that each logic is a conservative extension of its counterpart based on classical logic, hence we call them “classically complete”. MSC: 03B45, 03B46.
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    The admissibility of $\gamma$ in ${\rm R}4$.Edwin D. Mares & Robert K. Meyer - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (2):197-206.
  28.  14
    (1 other version)Relevance Logic.Edwin D. Mares - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette (ed.), A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 607–627.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Non‐Sequiturs are Bad The Real Use of Premises Implication From Proof Theory to Semantics Adding Conjunction The Problem of Disjunction Routley and Meyer's Ternary Relation Rules for Disjunction The Semantics of Negation Rules for Negation Disjunctive Syllogism Logics Stronger than R Logics Weaker than R Relevant Logics and Natural Language Conditionals Theory of Properties Summary.
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  29. A relevant theory of conditionals.Edwin D. Mares & André Fuhrmann - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 24 (6):645 - 665.
    In this paper we set out a semantics for relevant (counterfactual) conditionals. We combine the Routley-Meyer semantics for relevant logic with a semantics for conditionals based on selection functions. The resulting models characterize a family of conditional logics free from fallacies of relevance, in particular counternecessities and conditionals with necessary consequents receive a non-trivial treatment.
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    A computational model of argumentation in agreement negotiation processes.Mare Koit & Haldur Õim - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (2):101-129.
    The paper describes a computational model that we have implemented in an experimental dialogue system. Communication in a natural language between two participants A and B is considered, where A has a communicative goal that his/her partner B will make a decision to perform an action D. A argues the usefulness, pleasantness, etc. of D, in order to guide B's reasoning in a desirable direction. A computational model of argumentation is developed, which includes reasoning. Our model is based on the (...)
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    Resenha crítica de Introdução à Ciência da Religião de Max Müller.Marina de Oliveira Lúcio - 2024 - Horizonte 22 (69):226917-226917.
    Resenha do livo Introdução à Ciência da Religião de Friedrich Max Müller publicado e traduzido no Brasil em 2020 pela editora Senso em parceria com a PUC Minas na coleção Clássicos em Ciência da Religião. A leitura consiste em uma perspectiva crítica embasada em pressupostos feministas, decoloniais e interseccionais das importantes contribuições iniciais de Müller no contexto de engate institucional da disciplina.
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    Evolución de la conciencia humana y organizaciones sociales: una perspectiva de inspiración Bahá'í.Lucio Capalbo - 2004 - Polis 8.
    A partir de la situación crítica de la modernidad, el autor afirma que todo ser humano perspicaz y amante de la vida se pregunta con angustia por nuestro destino colectivo. Como una respuesta a esta interrogante, el presente artículo examina diversas perspectivas evolucionarias universales de amplia escala temporal, apoyándose particularmente en el enfoque de la Fe Bahá’í, desde la que presenta un análisis sobre el rol de la religión, para abordar finalmente aquellos procesos que podrían orientar a una sociedad civil (...)
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    Strains.Lucio Chiaraviglio - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (19):528-534.
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    Diversos niveles de lectura de las representaciones filogenéticas.Lucio Florio - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (33):19-30.
    El Árbol de la vida es una traducción de la filogenia en una imagen. Es elaborado por medio de un proceso complejo de abstracción de notas morfológicas y genéticas. El árbol formaliza lo que la biología evolutiva detecta acerca de la conexión de los seres a lo largo del tiempo. El Árbol es un producto semiótico. No incluye ninguna explicación sobre el proceso evolutivo, sino que simplemente indica la comunidad de los seres vivientes y su probable origen común. El Árbol (...)
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    Ramon Llull y el lulismo: contemplación y acción.Lucio M. Nontol & Rafael Ramis Barceló (eds.) - 2019 - Madrid, España: Editorial Sindéresis.
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    Giovanni Durbiano, Etiche dell’intenzione. Ideologia e linguaggi nell’architettura italiana.Lucio Spaziante - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 58:207-208.
    Come si può intuire dalle parole contenute nel titolo e nel sottotitolo del volume di Giovanni Durbiano, la pertinenza del lavoro con questioni di ordine filosofico è qui dichiarata. Il tema del libro muove da una ricognizione di carattere storiografico dell’architettura italiana, ma più in specifico tratta del ruolo e dello statuto sociale, politico ed epistemico che il sapere e il fare dell’architetto hanno rivestito nella storia recente. Si tratta di un lavoro che possiede un carattere qua...
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    Immaginare il futuro prossimo: costruire mondi attraverso la fantascienza audiovisiva.Lucio Spaziante - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:69-91.
    La dimensione finzionale e testuale può essere considerata come un laboratorio di osservazione sulla rappresentazione del futuro. Impiegare modelli e prototipi costruiti su modelli di narrazione fantascientifica rappresenta, del resto, una prassi accreditata nel campo dei future studies.L’articolo passa brevemente in rassegna alcune definizioni relative alla fantascienza, per poi concentrarsi sull’ ambito della fantascienza audiovisiva dedicato al near future: una immaginaria dimensione futura simile a quella attuale e per questo densa di elementi di inquietudine. Come casi rappresentativi vengono prese in (...)
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    Problem behavior in autism spectrum disorders: A paradigmatic self-organized perspective of network structures.Lucio Tonello, Luca Giacobbi, Alberto Pettenon, Alessandro Scuotto, Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli & Glenda Cappello - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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  39. Chauncey Wright.Lucio Angelo Privitello - 2007 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Semantics for relevance logic with identity.Edwin D. Mares - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (1):1 - 20.
    Models are constructed for a variety of systems of quantified relevance logic with identity. Models are given for systems with different principles governing the transitivity of identity and substitution, and the relative merits of these principles are discussed. The models in this paper are all extensions of the semantics of Fine's Semantics for Quantified Relevance Logic (Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (1988)).
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    Realism and Anti-Realism.Stuart Brock & Edwin David Mares - 2006 - Routledge.
    There are a bewildering variety of ways the terms "realism" and "anti-realism" have been used in philosophy and furthermore the different uses of these terms are only loosely connected with one another. Rather than give a piecemeal map of this very diverse landscape, the authors focus on what they see as the core concept: realism about a particular domain is the view that there are facts or entities distinctive of that domain, and their existence and nature is in some important (...)
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  42. Not Justice: Prison as a Moral Failure.Luke Maring - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-20.
    Lisa Tessman (2016: 164) recounts the case of a Jewish mother, running from Nazis, who faced a terrible choice. She could (a) drown her infant, or (b) accept the virtual certainty that her baby’s cries would doom the refugee group she was fleeing with. Given those options, (b) is worse. If the whole group is discovered, many will die, including the infant. Still, preemptively drowning a baby—indeed one’s own baby—is a terrible act. To make sense of cases like this, Tessman (...)
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    Le travail détaché dans l’agriculture intensive provençale.Lucio Décosse Castracani - 2021 - Temporalités 33.
    L’article présente une réflexion sur la question du temps dans les processus de migration et mise au travail des travailleurs et travailleuses détachés dans l’agriculture intensive. Nous proposons d’analyser le rapport entre les temporalités imposées aux détachés pour répondre aux besoins productifs et leurs conduites temporelles. Il s’agit de comprendre comment les personnes détachées vivent ces temporalités, mais aussi comment elles se les réapproprient et/ou les contournent afin de les articuler aux espaces-temps de la reproduction sociale. Notre recherche s’appuie sur (...)
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  44. Abstraction and Temporality: A Study of Whitehead's Metaphysics.Lucio Chiaraviglio - 1961 - Dissertation, Emory University
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  45. Alcuni aspetti della teoria della conoscenza in Kant.Lucio Colletti - 1983 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 1 (1):48-55.
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  46. The Tree of Life: Philosophical and Theological Considerations.Lucio Florio - manuscript
    Abstract: Biology continues to use the Tree of Life image to show the temporal continuity and discontinuity of the living beings. Moreover, the development of genetic, molecular biology and paleontology has originated phylogenetics. This discipline studies evolutionary relatedness among various groups of organisms through molecular sequencing data and morphological data matrices. The Tree offers interesting points for semiotic perspectives and for theological approaches too. The symbolic reading of the Tree of Life, on the one hand, and the analogies with the (...)
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  47. Il principio di sussidiarietà tra efficienza economica e bene comune.Lucio Franzese - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (1):29-58.
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    Percorsi della sussidiarietà.Lucio Franzese - 2010 - [Padova]: CEDAM.
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    Società italiana degli storici della fisica e dell'astronomia: atti del XXXIII Convegno annuale = proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference.Lucio Fregonese & Ivana Gambaro (eds.) - 2016 - Pavia: Pavia University Press.
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  50. Appunti su Carlo Marx.Lucio de Panzera - 1958 - Trieste,: Tip. litografia moderna.
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