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Louis P. Pojman [97]Louis Pojman [15]Louis R. Pojman [1]
  1. Cengage Advantage Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong.Louis P. Pojman - 2016 - Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Edited by James Fieser.
    ETHICS: DISCOVERING RIGHT AND WRONG, 8E is a conversational and non-dogmatic overview of ethical theory. Written by one of contemporary philosophy's top teachers and revised by a best selling author, this textbook even-handedly raises important ethical questions and challenges readers to develop their own moral theories by applying them. This revision also presents an even broader presentation of various positions, featuring more feminist and multicultural perspectives as well. ETHICS: DISCOVERING RIGHT AND WRONG, 8E begins with easy to read chapters that (...)
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  2. Faith Without Belief?Louis Pojman - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (2):157-176.
    For many religious people there is a problem of doubting various credal statements contained in their religions. Often propositional beliefs are looked upon as necessary conditions for salvation. This causes great anxiety in doubters and raises the question of the importance of belief in religion and in life in general. It is a question that has been neglected in philosophy of religion and theology. In this paper I shall explore the question of the importance of belief as a religious attitude (...)
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  3. Believing and willing.Louis P. Pojman - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):37-56.
    It is widely held that we can obtain beliefs and withhold believing propositions directly by performing an act of will. This thesis is sometimes identified with the view that believing is a basic act, an act which is under our direct control. Descartes holds that the will is limitless in relation to belief acquisition and that we must be directly responsible for our beliefs, especially our false beliefs, for otherwise we could draw the blasphemous conclusion that God is responsible for (...)
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  4. Philosophy of religion.Louis P. Pojman (ed.) - 1987 - Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield.
    Covering the major issues of the field succinctly and lucidly, this text takes an analytically rigorous approach and makes it accessible in presentation. Pojman writes from an impartial perspective, presenting various options and points of view while guiding students in their own search for truth over these often emotion-laden, crucial issues.
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    Religious belief and the will.Louis P. Pojman - 1986 - New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  6. Equality and Desert.Louis Pojman - 1997 - Philosophy 72 (282):549 - 570.
    Justice is a constant and perpetual will to give every man his due. The principles of law are these: to live virtuously, not to harm others, to give his due to everyone. Jurisprudence is the knowledge of divine and human things, the science of the just and the unjust. Law is the art of goodness and justice. By virtue of this [lawyers] may be called priests, for we cherish justice and profess knowledge or goodness and equity, separating right from wrong (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Religious Belief and the Will.Louis P. Pojman - 1986 - Religious Studies 25 (1):131-134.
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  8. Ethical Theory: Classical and Contemporary Readings.Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - Wadsworth. Edited by Louis P. Pojman.
    Part I: WHAT IS ETHICS? Plato: Socratic Morality: Crito. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part II: ETHICAL RELATIVISM VERSUS ETHICAL OBJECTIVISM. Herodotus: Custom is King. Thomas Aquinas: Objectivism: Natural Law. Ruth Benedict: A Defense of Ethical Relativism. Louis Pojman: A Critique of Ethical Relativism. Gilbert Harman: Moral Relativism Defended. Alan Gewirth: The Objective Status of Human Rights. Suggestions for Further Reading. Part III: MORALITY, SELF-INTEREST AND FUTURE SELVES. Plato: Why Be Moral? Richard Taylor: On the Socratic Dilemma. David Gauthier: Morality and (...)
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  9. Equality: Selected Readings.Louis P. Pojman & Robert Westmoreland (eds.) - 1997 - Oup Usa.
    Louis Pojman and Robert Westmoreland have compiled the best material on the subject of equality, ranging from classical works by Aristotle, Hobbes and Rousseau to contemporary works by John Rawls, Thomas Nagel, Michael Walzer, Harry Frankfurt, Bernard Williams and Robert Nozick; and including such topics as: the concept of equality; equal opportunity; Welfare egalitarianism; resources; equal human rights and complex equality.
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  10. The Death Penalty: For and Against.Jeffrey Reiman & Louis P. Pojman - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Two distinguished social and political philosophers take opposing positions in this highly engaging work. Louis P. Pojman justifies the practice of execution by appealing to the principle of retribution while Jeffrey Reiman argues that although the death penalty is a just punishment for murder, we are not morally obliged to execute murderers.
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  11. The Case Against Affirmative Action.Louis P. Pojman - 1998 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 12 (1):97-115.
    Affirmative Action is becoming the most controversial social issue of our day. In this essay I examine nine arguments on the moral status of Affirmative Action. I distinguish between weak Affirmative Action, which seeks to provide fair opportunity to all citizens from strong Affirmative Action, which enjoins preferential treatment to groups who have been underrepresented in social positions. I conclude that while weak Affirmative Action is morally required, strong Affirmative Action is morally wrong.
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  12. What do we deserve?: a reader on justice and desert.Louis P. Pojman & Owen McLeod (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The concept of desert, which once enjoyed a central place in political and ethical theory, has been relegated to the margins of much of contemporary theory, if not excluded altogether. Recently a renewed interest in the topic has emerged, and several philosophers have argued that the notion merits a more central place in political and ethical theory. Some of these philosophers contend that justice exists to the extent that people receive exactly what they deserve, while others argue that desert should (...)
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  13. Are human rights based on equal human worth?Louis P. Pojman - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (3):605-622.
  14. Merit: Why Do We Value It?Louis Pojman - 1999 - Journal of Social Philosophy 30 (1):83-102.
  15. On equal human worth: A critique of contemporary egalitarianism.Louis Pojman - 1997 - In Louis P. Pojman & Robert Westmoreland (eds.), Equality: Selected Readings. Oup Usa. pp. 296.
  16. The moral status of affirmative action.Louis P. Pojman - 1992 - Public Affairs Quarterly 6 (2):181-206.
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    Terrorism, Human Rights, and the Case for World Government.Louis P. Pojman - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    One of the nation's leading military ethicists, Louis P. Pojman argues that globalism and cosmopolitanism motivate the need for greater international cooperation based on enforceable international law. The best way to realize the promises of globalism and cogent moral arguments for cosmopolitanism, Pojman contends, is through the establishment of a World Government.
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  18. (2 other versions)The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature.Lewis Vaughn & Louis Pojman (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Ideal for introductory ethics courses, The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature, Fifth Edition, brings together an extensive and varied collection of ninety-one classical and contemporary readings on ethical theory and practice. Integrating literature with philosophy in an innovative way, this unique anthology uses literary works to enliven and make concrete the ethical theory or applied issues addressed. It also emphasizes the personal dimension of ethics, which is often ignored or minimized in ethics anthologies. The readings are (...)
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  19. Faith, doubt and belief, or does faith entail belief?Louis Pojman - 2003 - In Richard M. Gale & Alexander R. Pruss (eds.), The Existence of God. Ashgate Pub Limited. pp. 1--15.
  20. The logic of subjectivity.Louis P. Pojman - 1981 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):73-83.
  21. (1 other version)What Do We Deserve? A Reader on Justice and Desert.Louis P. Pojman & Owen Mcleod - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):630-630.
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    Moral Philosophy: A Reader.Louis P. Pojman & Peter Tramel (eds.) - 2009 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    This collection of classic and contemporary readings in ethics presents sharp, competing views on a wide range of fundamentally important topics: moral relativism and objectivism, ethical egoism, value theory, utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue ethics, ethics and religion, and applied ethics. The Fourth Edition dramatically increases the volume’s utility by expanding and updating the selections and introductions while retaining the structure that has made previous editions so successful.
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  23. A Critique of Contemporary Egalitarianism.Louis P. Pojman - 1991 - Faith and Philosophy 8 (4):481-504.
    Theories of equal human rights have experienced an exponential growth during the past thirty or forty years. From declarations of human rights, such as the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to arguments about the rights of fetuses versus the rights of women, to claims and counter claims about the rights of minorities to preferential hiring, the rights of animals to life and well-being, and the rights of trees to be preserved, the proliferation of rights affects every phase of (...)
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    Belief and Will.Louis P. Pojman - 1978 - Religious Studies 14 (1):1 - 14.
    It is a widely held belief that one can will to believe, disbelieve, and withhold belief concerning propositions. It is sometimes said that we have a duty to believe certain propositions. These theses have had a long and respected history. In one form or another they receive the support of a large number of philosophers and theologians who have written on the relationship of the will to believing. In the New Testament Jesus holds his disciples responsible for their beliefs, reprimands (...)
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  25. Kierkegaard on Faith and Freedom.Louis P. Pojman - 1990 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 27 (1/2):41 - 61.
  26. An Essay on Belief and Acceptance. [REVIEW]Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (2):496-498.
  27. Relativism.Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - In Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. New York City: Cambridge University Press. pp. 790.
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    Kierkegaard on faith and history.Louis P. Pojman - 1982 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (2):57 - 68.
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    Global Environmental Ethics.Louis P. Pojman - 2000 - Mayfield.
    With its thematic focus on “ecolacy,” the understanding of the natural environment and our relationship to it, Pojman’s text strikes a balance between theoretical and applied issues in environmental ethics.
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    Kierkegaard's philosophy of religion.Louis P. Pojman - 1999 - San Francisco, Calif.: International Scholars Publications.
    The plan of this study is founded on a hypothesis that there is an overall argument in the Climacus writings : 1) There are two opposing ways to approach the truth: the objective and the subjective ways, 2) The objective way fails, 3) Hence the only appropriate way to the truth is the subjective way, 4) Christianity is the subjective way of life that meets all conditions for the highest subjectivity, 5) Hence Christianity is the appropriate way to reach the (...)
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  31. ¿Fe sin creencia?Alberto Oya & Louis Pojman - 2021 - Estudios Filosóficos 70 (205):461-486.
    Spanish translation and introductory study on Louis Pojman’s “Faith without Belief?”. Published in Pojman, Louis. “¿Fe sin creencia?”. Estudios Filosóficos, vol. 70, no. 205 (2021), pp. 465–486. [Introductory study published in Oya, Alberto. “La fe experimental de Louis Pojman”. Estudios Filosóficos, vol. 70, no. 205, pp. 461–463 (2021)].
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  32. In Defense of the Death Penalty.Louis P. Pojman - 1997 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (2):11-16.
  33. Faith, hope and doubt.Louis Pojman - forthcoming - Philosophy of Religion.
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    Is contemporary moral theory founded on a misunderstanding?Louis P. Pojman - 1991 - Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (2):49-59.
    [Christianity] has enriched philosophy with far more definite and purer concepts than it had been able to furnish before; but which, once they are there, are freely assented to by Reason and are assumed as concepts to which it could well have come of itself and which it could and should have introduced…. Even the Holy One of the Gospel must first be compared with our ideal of moral perfection, before we can recognize him as such [Immanuel Kant, Critique of (...)
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    Race and crime a response to Michael Levin and Laurence Thomas.Louis P. Pojman - 1993 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (1):152-154.
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    Christianity and Philosophy in Kierkegaard's Early Papers.Louis P. Pojman - 1983 - Journal of the History of Ideas 44 (1):131.
  37. Moral Saints and Moral Heroes.Louis P. Pojman - unknown
    In 1941 Father Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish friar from Warsaw was arrested for publishing anti-Nazi pamphlets and sentenced to Auschwitz. There he was beaten, kicked by shiny leather boots, and whipped by his prison guards. After one prisoner successfully escaped, the prescribed punishment was to select ten other prisoners who were to die by starvation. As ten prisoners were pulled out of line one by one, Fr. Kolbe broke out from the ranks, pleading with he Commandant to be allowed to (...)
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  38. The Case for World Government.Louis P. Pojman - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Research 31:59-80.
    The world is becoming an ever-shrinking global village in which the events of one neighborhood tend to reverberate through the whole. In this essay I examine the best arguments available for both nationalist commitments and for moral cosmopolitanism and then try to reconcile them within a larger framework of institutional cosmopolitanism or World Government. My thesis is that in an international Hobbesian world like ours, increasingly threatened by global problems related to the environment, trade, injustice, crime, migration, health, terrorism, and (...)
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  39. What Is Moral Philosophy?Louis P. Pojman - 1997 - In Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette & Laura Westra (eds.), Technology and Values. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 11--24.
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    Gilbert Harman's internalist Moral Relativism.Louis P. Pojman - 1990 - Modern Schoolman 68 (1):19-39.
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  41. Strengths and weaknesses of utilitarianism.Louis P. Pojman - 2009 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring ethics: an introductory anthology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Equality.Louis P. Pojman - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Research 24:193-245.
    The dominant contemporary political theory is egalitarianism, yet egalitarians seldom give a clear justification of their position. In this paper I examine such questions as, What is egalitarianism all about? What is so attractive about equality? And what is the proper criterion? What do egalitarians want to equalize and why? My primary hypothesis is that current egalitarian theories either illicitly attempt to derive substantive conclusions from formal notions or, if they are substantive, are beset with weighty objections. A corollary is (...)
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    Cooperation and Equality: A Critique of Richard Norman's Argument for Egalitarianism.Louis P. Pojman - 1996 - Philosophy 71 (275):117 - 128.
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    Reflections on the basis of contemporary secular ethics: A response to Daniel Putman's rejoinder.Louis P. Pojman - 1995 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (2):99-102.
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    A Critique of Holyer's Volitionalism.Louis P. Pojman - 1984 - Dialogue 23 (4):695-700.
  46. A critique of the argument from religious experience.Louis R. Pojman - 2009 - In Kevin Timpe (ed.), Arguing about religion. New York: Routledge. pp. 179.
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    Apologia do cosmopolitismo.Louis P. Pojman - 2008 - Roman & Littlefield.
    Portuguese translation. Presents a positive vision for reinventing globalization, that out of adversity we can create a better future.
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    An Inegalitarian Thought Experiment.Louis Pojman - 1995 - Public Affairs Quarterly 9 (3):233-239.
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  49. Animal rights.Louis P. Pojman & Paul Pojman - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: Reading in Theory and Application. Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
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    (1 other version)Classics of Philosophy: Volume Iii: The Twentieth Century.Louis P. Pojman - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    This is Volume 3 of the most comprehensive anthology of writings in Western philosophy in print. It assembles the classic essays of Western philosophy of the twentieth century, from logical Positivism, American Pragmatism, and Ordinary Language Philosophy to Continental Philosophy.
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