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Lisa Disch [16]Lisa Jane Disch [7]Lisa J. Disch [1]
  1.  91
    The “Constructivist Turn” in Democratic Representation: A Normative Dead‐End?Lisa Disch - 2015 - Constellations 22 (4):487-499.
  2. More Truth than Fact.Lisa J. Disch - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (4):665-694.
    My assumption is that thought itself arises out of incidents of living experience and must remain bound to them as the only guideposts by which to take its bearings. Hannah Arendt.
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    The Oxford handbook of feminist theory.Lisa Jane Disch & M. E. Hawkesworth (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory provides an overview of the analytical frameworks and theoretical concepts feminist theorists have developed to challenge established knowledge. Leading feminist theorists, from around the globe, provide in-depth explorations of a diverse array of subject areas, capturing a plurality of approaches. The Handbook raises new questions, brings new evidence, and poses significant challenges across the spectrum of academic disciplines, demonstrating the interdisciplinary nature of feminist theory.
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  4.  44
    Hannah Arendt and the limits of philosophy: with a new preface.Lisa Jane Disch - 1994 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    In this new interpretation of the political writings of Hannah Arendt, Lisa Jane Disch focuses on an issue that remains central to today's debates in political philosophy and feminist theory: the relationship of experience to critical understanding. Discussing a range of Arendt's work including unpublished writings, Disch explores the function of storytelling as a form of critical theory beyond the limits of philosophy.
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  5.  10
    Ecological Democracy and the Co-participation of Things.Lisa Disch - 2016 - In Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer & David Schlosberg (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Is ecological democracy possible? If so, what would it entail? This chapter first reviews the literature based in deliberative democracy that proposes to extend communicative competence to non-humans, and then traces an alternative constructivist line of environmental political thinking from its beginnings in the strand of science and technology studies pioneered by Bruno Latour and others known as actor-network theory, through two actor-network theory-inspired approaches to political theory, “object-oriented democracy” and “material politics/participation.” Whereas this alternative approach solves some of the (...)
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  6. How could Hannah Arendt glorify the American Revolution and revile the French? Placing On Revolution in the historiography of the French and American Revolutions.Lisa Disch - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (3):350-371.
    This article situates Hannah Arendt’s On Revolution in the traditions of French and American revolutionary historiography to demonstrate that Arendt’s ‘fable’ of the American Revolution was at odds with her argument about the council form. I argue that had Arendt really wanted to inspire a resurrection of the council form in the present, she would have done better to orient her readers to the French Revolution, specifically to the experiments in democratic republicanism of the group known as the Girondins.
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  7.  48
    Judith Butler and the Politics of the Performative.Lisa Disch - 1999 - Political Theory 27 (4):545-559.
  8. Debating representative democracy.Carlo Invernizzi Accetti, Alessandro Mulieri, Hubertus Buchstein, Dario Castiglione, Lisa Disch, Jason Frank, Yves Sintomer & Nadia Urbinati - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (2):205-242.
  9.  28
    The power of political representation.Lawrence Hamilton, Monica Brito Vieira, Lisa Disch, Lasse Thomassen & Nadia Urbinati - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (3):456-484.
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  10. Claire Loves Julie: Reading the Story of Women's Friendship in La Nouvelle Héloise.Lisa Disch - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):19-45.
    Rousseau's Julie, ou La Nouvelle Héloise is two novels in one: a story of wifely virtue and a counterstory of women's friendship. Whereas the virtue story exemplifies what feminist readers since Mary WoRstonecraft have considered to be the most oppressive of Rousseau's prescriptions for women, the friendship counterstory questions the ethical foundations and social manifestations of the model of patriarchal authority that Rousseau ordinarily defends. In this essay, I read the novel with an eye for both stories and the tension (...)
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    From missed opportunities to future possibilities: Towards an improper politics.Jenny Gunnarsson Payne, Paula Biglieri, Mark Devenney, Lisa Disch, Alex Taek-Gwang Lee & Clare Woodford - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (3):443-474.
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  12.  10
    Performative politische Repräsentation.Lisa Disch - 2024 - In Jan-Peter Voß & Hagen Schölzel (eds.), Die Fabrikation von Demokratie: Baustellen performativer politischer Repräsentation. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 29-48.
    Der Beitrag rekapituliert einige grundlegende Anliegen der konstruktivistischen Wende der politischen Repräsentationstheorie und ihrer normativen Folgen. Er behandelt die Performativität politischer Repräsentation, die politische Meinungen und kollektive Subjektivitäten und damit Handlungsmacht erst hervorbringt. Die Wende, bzw. der „constructivist turn“, impliziert ein Abwenden von der Vorstellung, demokratische Repräsentation sei als neutrale Spiegelung oder Vertretung gesellschaftlicher Gruppen und Interessen zu verstehen und betont stattdessen die Her(aus)stellung des Kollektivs durch den Prozess seiner Repräsentation.
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  13.  33
    Benjamin Barber and the Practice of Political Theory.Richard Battistoni, Mark B. Brown, John Dedrick, Lisa Disch, Jennet Kirkpatrick & Jane Mansbridge - 2018 - Contemporary Political Theory 17 (4):478-510.
  14.  17
    Books in Review.Lisa Disch - 1994 - Political Theory 22 (1):176-179.
  15.  27
    "Deconstructing" Capitalism".Lisa Jane Disch - 1999 - Theory and Event 3 (1).
  16. French theory' goes to France : trouble dans le genre and 'materialist' feminism : a conversation manqué.Lisa Jane Disch - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers (eds.), Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
  17.  24
    Minnesota and the" Populism" of Political Opposition.Lisa Jane Disch - 1999 - Theory and Event 3 (2).
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  18.  47
    (1 other version)Radical Democracy and the Politics of Representation.Lisa Disch - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (2).
  19.  40
    Reclaiming populism.Lisa Disch - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):100-107.
  20.  37
    Theory, practice, and “voice”: On Steve Buckler’s Hannah Arendt and Political Theory.Lisa Disch - 2014 - European Journal of Political Theory 13 (3):362-365.
  21.  91
    Review: Judith Butler and the Politics of the Performative. [REVIEW]Lisa Disch - 1999 - Political Theory 27 (4):545 - 559.
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    Book Reviews Rosenblum, Nancy L. On the Side of the Angels: An Appreciation of Parties and Partisanship . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008. Pp. 588. $29.95 (cloth). [REVIEW]Lisa Disch - 2009 - Ethics 119 (4):787-791.