Results for 'Lionel Astesiano'

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  1.  5
    Joie et liberté chez Bergson et Spinoza.Lionel Astesiano - 2016 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    En affirmant que "tout philosophe a deux philosophies : la sienne et celle de Spinoza", Bergson exprime avant tout que le philosophe se doit de rompre avec une pensée dogmatique qui n'a plus lieu d'être et que Spinoza incarne tout particulièrement. Le spinozisme manifeste la pente de l'intelligence lorsqu'elle suit sa logique propre sans être rectifiée par le recours à l'expérience. Or, c'est cette démarche systématique que la philosophie doit désormais abandonner. Bergson est néanmoins hanté par la pensée de Spinoza (...)
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    Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis: Edited by Marylou Lionells... [Et Al.].Marylou Lionells, John Fiscalini, Carola Mann & Donnel B. Stern (eds.) - 1995 - Routledge.
    A decade in the making, the _Handbook i_s the definitive contemporary exposition of interpersonal psychoanalysis. It provides an authoritative overview of development, psychopathology, and treatment as conceptualized from the interpersonal viewpoint.
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  3. Assertoric Force Perspectivalism: Relativism Without Relative Truth.Lionel Shapiro - 2014 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 1.
    According to relativist accounts of discourse about, e.g., epistemic possibility and matters of taste, the truth of propositions must be relativized to nonstandard parameters. This paper argues that the central thrust of such accounts should be understood independently of relative truth, in terms of a perspectival account of assertoric force. My point of departure is a stripped-down version of Brandom’s analysis of the normative structure of discursive practice. By generalizing that structure, I make room for an analogue of the “assessment (...)
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  4. Validity Curry Strengthened.Lionel Shapiro - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):100-107.
    Several authors have argued that a version of Curry's paradox involving validity motivates rejecting the structural rule of contraction. This paper criticizes two recently suggested alternative responses to “validity Curry.” There are three salient stages in a validity Curry derivation. Rejecting contraction blocks the first, while the alternative responses focus on the second and third. I show that a distinguishing feature of validity Curry, as contrasted with more familiar forms of Curry's paradox, is that paradox arises already at the first (...)
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  5. Validity and Truth-Preservation.Lionel Shapiro & Julien Murzi - 2015 - In D. Achourioti, H. Galinon & J. Martinez (eds.), Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Springer. pp. 431-459.
    The revisionary approach to semantic paradox is commonly thought to have a somewhat uncomfortable corollary, viz. that, on pain of triviality, we cannot affirm that all valid arguments preserve truth (Beall2007, Beall2009, Field2008, Field2009). We show that the standard arguments for this conclusion all break down once (i) the structural rule of contraction is restricted and (ii) how the premises can be aggregated---so that they can be said to jointly entail a given conclusion---is appropriately understood. In addition, we briefly rehearse (...)
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    Including practice data to improve evidence‐based guidelines. Example of guidelines on the management of thyroid nodules.Lionel H. Pazart Md Mph, Jacques Massol Md Phd & Yves Matillon Md Phd - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (4):317-323.
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    Jung's philosophy: controversies, quantum mechanics, and the self.Lionel Corbett - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    'Jung's Philosophy' explores some of the controversial philosophical ideas that are both explicit and implicit within Jung's psychology, comparing the philosophical assumptions between this and other psychotherapeutic traditions. Within this book, Corbett provides a useful introduction to the philosophical issues relevant to the practice of analytical psychology, and how these are viewed by different psychotherapeutic traditions. Most of the disagreement between schools of psychotherapy, and much of the comparative literature, centres around differences in theory and technique. This book takes a (...)
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    Equilibrium, Trade, and Growth: Selected Papers of Lionel W. Mckenzie.Lionel W. McKenzie - 2009 - MIT Press.
    This book, collecting his most important papers in the form in which they were originally published, can be seen as a companion to that one.
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  9. Truth’s dialectical role: from friction to tension.Lionel Shapiro - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1860-1880.
    This paper contrasts two versions of a pragmatist critique of deflationism about truth. According to the critique, understanding the practice of factual discourse requires understanding a role played in that practice by speakers’ use of the concept of truth. Huw Price takes this role to lie in the expression of attitudes of approval and disapproval toward other speakers’ assertions. Proceeding from Robert Brandom’s analysis of assertion, I defend an alternative account of truth’s role in terms of the acknowledgement and disacknowledgement (...)
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  10. Deflating '''Race'''.Lionel K. Mcpherson - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (4):674--693.
    ABSTRACT:‘Race’ has long searched for a stable, suitable idea, with no consensus on a master meaning in sight. What I call deflationary pluralism about the existence of race recognizes that various meanings may be true as far as they go but avoids murky disputes over whether there are races in some sense. Once we have rejected the notion that racial essences yield innate cognitive differences, there is little point to arguing over the race idea. In its place, I propose the (...)
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    Liberty and Learning.Lionel Elvin & Kenneth Strike - 1982 - Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The Evolution of Educational Thought.Lionel Elvin, Emile Durkheim & Peter Collins - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (1):88.
  13. Unconscious semantic priming extends to novel unseen stimuli.Lionel Naccache & Stanislas Dehaene - 2001 - Cognition 80 (3):215-229.
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    Constructing the source: metaphor as a discourse strategy.Lionel Wee - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (3):363-384.
    This article discusses various metaphorical texts where the authors construct or ‘make up’ their own sources. Such data contrast with the kinds of examples usually found in studies of metaphor, where the source is typically one that is ‘pre-given’. From a discourse perspective, it becomes interesting to ask under what circumstances a speaker/writer would attempt to create a brand new source instead of simply drawing upon pre-existing entities and events. The article shows that constructed sources tend to be used when (...)
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  15. What is logical deflationism? Two non-metalinguistic conceptions of logic.Lionel Shapiro - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-28.
    This paper compares two ways of holding that logic is special among the sciences in that it has no restricted class of entities as its subject matter, but instead concerns all entities alike. One way is Williamson’s explanation of how inquiry into logical consequence and logical truth only superficially concerns the linguistic or conceptual entities that bear these properties. Williamson draws on ideas familiar from deflationism about truth, and his account has been called “deflationary.” I argue that the analogy is (...)
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  16. Expressibility and the Liar's Revenge.Lionel Shapiro - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (2):297-314.
    There is a standard objection against purported explanations of how a language L can express the notion of being a true sentence of L. According to this objection, such explanations avoid one paradox (the Liar) only to succumb to another of the same kind. Even if L can contain its own truth predicate, we can identify another notion it cannot express, on pain of contradiction via Liar-like reasoning. This paper seeks to undermine such ‘revenge’ by arguing that it presupposes a (...)
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  17. On blaming.Lionel Kenner - 1967 - Mind 76 (302):238-249.
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    Holwerda, D.; Betts, G.G.; Quincey, J.H.; Pearson, Lionel; Fitton Brown, A.D.J. H. Quincey, Lionel Pearson, A. D. Fitton Brown, D. Holwerda & G. G. Betts - 1962 - Mnemosyne 15 (1):31-48.
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  19. Deflating logical consequence.Lionel Shapiro - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (243):320-342.
    Deflationists about truth seek to undermine debates about the nature of truth by arguing that the truth predicate is merely a device that allows us to express a certain kind of generality. I argue that a parallel approach is available in the case of logical consequence. Just as deflationism about truth offers an alternative to accounts of truth's nature in terms of correspondence or justification, deflationism about consequence promises an alternative to model-theoretic or proof-theoretic accounts of consequence's nature. I then (...)
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    The cosmological argument.Lionel Blain - 1967 - World Futures 5 (4):82-83.
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    L'histoire face aux financements sur projet : autonomie professionnelle, temporalités et organisation de la recherche.Lionel Cauchard & Vilardell - 2013 - Temporalités 18.
    Dans cet article, nous analysons comment et dans quelle mesure les changements dans les modalités d’allocation des financements publics génèrent des transformations dans les pratiques, les temporalités et l’organisation de la recherche en histoire. Face aux deux thèses qui s’affrontent autour de cette problématique, l’une soutenant l’hypothèse de la déprofessionnalisation et de la perte d’autonomie des chercheurs, et l’autre celle d’une recomposition de la profession académique, le travail d’enquête réalisé dans trois laboratoires d’histoire en France montre qu’il n’y a pas (...)
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  22. Martin Buber's Challenge to Educational Philosophy.Lionel Etscovitz - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Where may reaction–diffusion mechanisms be operating in metameric patterning of Drosophila embryos?Lionel G. Harrison & Karen Y. Tan - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (4):118-124.
    Two general features of metameric patterning in Drosophilaare considered: (1) maintenance of a constant number of metameres (segments or parasegments) in the face of variation in length of the embryo; (2) expression of pattern by on‐off switchings of particular genes, with only three or four rows of cells to each element of pattern. For each of these features, the general strategic question is raised: could reaction‐diffusion theory account for this? In both cases, it is answered affirmatively. For the second feature, (...)
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    On the validity of the sperm conduit model of fertilization.Lionel F. Jaffe - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (9):835-836.
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    Response to paper by Henry Harris.Lionel Jaffe - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (11):1206-1206.
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    SYMPOSIUM: On West and Fenstermaker's “Doing Difference”.Lionel A. Maldonado - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (4):494-496.
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    Are you experienced?Lionel Manga - 2020 - Multitudes 77 (4):33-35.
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    How to Find Out.Lionel McColvin - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1947, as the second edition of a 1933 original, this book was produced on behalf of the National Book League. The text was written to provide readers with 'a brief guide to outstanding and typical sources of information with simple hints on how to discover and exploit them'. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in approaches to education and the history of information.
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    Filming the Present Past.Lionel Moriel - 2000 - Film-Philosophy 4 (1).
    Carrie Tarr _Diane Kurys_ Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press/St Martin's Press, 1999 ISBN: 0719050952 162 pp.
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    The Cultural Basis of Metaphor Revisited.Lionel Wee - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (1):111-128.
    Just how foundational metaphor is to cultural understanding has been a matter of considerable debate, manifested in the question of whether cultural models are, at bottom, based on conceptual metaphors (Gibbs 1994; Lakoff 1993; Lakoff and Johnson 1999; Quinn 1991). This paper revisits this debate by examining a new set of metaphorical expressions involving proper names, which are widespread in Singapore society. These expressions indicate that Singaporeans tend to describe local entities in terms of American ones, thus reflecting what might (...)
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  31. Commitment Accounts of Assertion.Lionel Shapiro - 2018 - In Sanford Goldberg (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Assertion. Oxford University Press.
    According to commitment accounts of assertion, asserting is committing oneself to something’s being the case, where such commitment is understood in terms of norms governing a social practice. I elaborate and compare two version of such accounts, liability accounts (associated with C.S. Peirce) and dialectical norm accounts (associated with Robert Brandom), concluding that the latter are more defensible. I argue that both versions of commitment account possess a potential advantage over rival normative accounts of assertion in that they needn’t presuppose (...)
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  32. Naive Structure, Contraction and Paradox.Lionel Shapiro - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):75-87.
    Rejecting structural contraction has been proposed as a strategy for escaping semantic paradoxes. The challenge for its advocates has been to make intuitive sense of how contraction might fail. I offer a way of doing so, based on a “naive” interpretation of the relation between structure and logical vocabulary in a sequent proof system. The naive interpretation of structure motivates the most common way of blaming Curry-style paradoxes on illicit contraction. By contrast, the naive interpretation will not as easily motivate (...)
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    Do Visual and Vestibular Inputs Compensate for Somatosensory Loss in the Perception of Spatial Orientation? Insights from a Deafferented Patient.Lionel Bringoux, Cécile Scotto Di Cesare, Liliane Borel, Thomas Macaluso & Fabrice R. Sarlegna - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  34. Global expressivism as global subjectivism.Lionel Shapiro - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (3):777-799.
    Huw Price holds that a recognizable version of expressivism about normative and modal language can be “globalized” so as to apply to all areas of discourse. He focuses on globalizing the anti-representationalism of expressivist theories. By contrast, this paper’s topic is the seldom-discussed way Price seeks to globalize the expressivist view that “non-descriptive” discourse exhibits subjectivity. I argue that Price’s own argument against the possibility of a purely objective domain conflicts with his anti-representationalism and is self-undermining. I then defend a (...)
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  35. Effortless control: Executive attention and conscious feeling of mental effort are dissociable.Lionel Naccache, Stanislas Dehaene, L. Jonathan Cohen, Marie-Odile Habert, Elodie Guichart-Gomez, Damien Galanaud & Jean-Claude Willer - 2005 - Neuropsychologia 43 (9):1318-1328.
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    The priming method: Imaging unconscious repetition priming reveals an abstract representation of number in the parietal lobes.Lionel Naccache & Stanislas Dehaene - 2001 - Cerebral Cortex 11 (10):966-974.
  37. Is she conscious?Lionel Naccache - 2006 - Science 313 (5792).
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    The moral insignificance of ``bare'' personal reasons.Lionel K. McPherson - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 110 (1):29 - 47.
    Common sense supports the idea that we can have morally significantreasons for giving priority to the interests of persons for whom wehave special concern. Yet there is a real question about the natureof such reasons. Many people seem to believe that there are biologicalor metaphysical special relations, such as family, race, religion orpersonal identity, which are in themselves morally important and thussupply reasons for special concern. I maintain that there are nogrounds for accepting this. What matters morally, I argue, is (...)
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  39. Sincerity and authenticity.Lionel Trilling - 1972 - New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
    Surveys Western literature and thought to reveal the evolution of the ideals of sincerity and authenticity.
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    Hope Springs Internal.Lionel Tiger - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66.
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    Reportability and illusions of phenomenality in the light of the global neuronal workspace model.Lionel Naccache & Stanislas Dehaene - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):518-520.
    Can we ever experimentally disentangle phenomenal consciousness from the cognitive accessibility inherent to conscious reports? In this commentary, we suggest that (1) Block's notion of phenomenal consciousness remains intractably entangled with the need to obtain subjective reports about it; and (2) many experimental paradigms suggest that the intuitive notion of a rich but non-reportable phenomenal world is, to a large extent illusory – in a sense that requires clarification.
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    The very idea of a substructural approach to paradox.Lionel Shapiro - 2016 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):767-786.
    This paper aims to call into question the customary division of logically revisionary responses to the truth-theoretic paradoxes into those that are “substructural” and those that are “ structural.” I proceed by examining, as a case study, Beall’s recent proposal based on the paraconsistent logic LP. Beall formulates his response to paradox in terms of a consequence relation that obeys all standard structural rules, though at the price of the language’s lacking a detaching conditional. I argue that the same response (...)
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  43. Symposia on Gender, Race and Philosophy.Lionel K. McPherson & Tommie Shelby - 2006 - Philosophy 2 (2).
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    Illusions of Equality.Lionel Elvin & David E. Cooper - 1981 - British Journal of Educational Studies 29 (2):171.
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    Sustainability Perspectives.Lionel Boxer - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (2):87-97.
    Various stakeholders approach sustainability in their own way. How they do this is reflected in their discursive behaviour. The stakeholder groups explored here include Traditional Shareholders, Incentive-Coerced Management, Pro-Sustainability Corporate, and Activists. Each of these stakeholder groups is shown to engage in a unique discourse, which provides insight into how each approach sustainability. This paper draws on Foucault’s ideas to help understand these discourses in terms of a framework based on Harré’s positioning theory. A new level of understanding is derived (...)
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    Des images suggérées Par l'audition musicale.Lionel Dauriac - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54:488 - 503.
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    Le criticisme et Les doctrines philosophiques.Lionel Dauriac - 1887 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 24:225 - 251.
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    The Privilege of Continuity: Bourgeois History as Mediator between Chronicle History and Philosophical History.Lionel Gossman - 1976 - History and Theory 15:37-61.
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  49. Dialectical Dispositions and Logic.Lionel Shapiro - forthcoming - In Igor Sedlár (ed.), Logica Yearbook 2023.
    According to dialectical disposition expressivism about conjunction, disjunction, and negation, the function of these connectives is to convey dispositions speakers have with respect to challenging and meeting challenges to assertions. This paper investigates the view’s implications for logic. An interpretation in terms of dialectical dispositions is proposed for the proof rules of a bilateral sequent system. Rules that are sound with respect to this interpretation can be seen as generating an intrinsic logic of dialectical dispo- sition expressivism. It is argued (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Is terrorism distinctively wrong?Lionel K. McPherson - 2007 - Ethics 117 (3):524-546.
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