Results for 'Lea Frermann'

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  1.  37
    Incremental Bayesian Category Learning From Natural Language.Lea Frermann & Mirella Lapata - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1333-1381.
    Models of category learning have been extensively studied in cognitive science and primarily tested on perceptual abstractions or artificial stimuli. In this paper, we focus on categories acquired from natural language stimuli, that is, words. We present a Bayesian model that, unlike previous work, learns both categories and their features in a single process. We model category induction as two interrelated subproblems: the acquisition of features that discriminate among categories, and the grouping of concepts into categories based on those features. (...)
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    Lea Melandri, Love and Violence, translated from Italian. Reviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books.Lea Melandri & Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press, State University Press of New York.
    A critical, philosophical engagement of the psychological structures that propagate the continued oppression of women. In this book, the Italian feminist thinker Lea Melandri argues that systemic violence against women has deep psychoanalytic roots. Drawing inspiration from the work of Freud and the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Elvio Fachinelli, along with feminist practices of consciousness-raising, Melandri demonstrates how male dominance and female subservience are established by society through a binary and oppositional understanding of sex and gender. This understanding—and the oppression and (...)
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    Review of Lea Brilmayer: Justifying International Acts.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):880-881.
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    Lit from Within: First-Person Thought and Illusions of Transcendence.Léa Salje - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (6):735-749.
    Philosophical treatments of the self in a range of different traditions have positioned it outside the realm of ordinary worldly objects. This paper argues that part of the explanation for this seemingly widespread and persistent temptation to mystify the self is that the epistemic properties of I-thought are apt to give rise to an illusion of transcendence about their objects—that is, about ourselves.
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    Tributes to Kathleen Marguerite Lea, 1903-1995.Judith Lea, Clalire McLaughlin & Anthony de Vere - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):377-382.
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    Unreliable LLM Bioethics Assistants: Ethical and Pedagogical Risks.Lea Goetz, Markus Trengove, Artem Trotsyuk & Carole A. Federico - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):89-91.
    Whilst Rahimzadeh et al. (2023) apply a critical lens to the pedagogical use of LLM bioethics assistants, we outline here further reason for skepticism. Two features of LLM chatbots are of signific...
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    Tightrope Walking: Navigating Competition in Multi-Company Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Lea Stadtler - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):329-345.
    Many challenges to economic and social well-being require close collaboration between business, government, and civil-society actors. In this context, the involvement of multiple companies rather than a single company may enhance such cross-sector social partnerships’ outcomes. However, extant literature cautions about the tensions arising from companies’ competitive interests and the detrimental effects on the CSSP’s social outcome. Similarly, studies analyzing simultaneous collaboration and competition suggest shielding off competitive elements from the collaboration. Based on insights into two multi-company CSSPs, we conversely (...)
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    Crossed Wires about Crossed Wires: Somatosensation and Immunity to Error through Misidentification.Léa Salje - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (1):35-56.
    Suppose that the following describes an intelligible scenario. A subject is wired up to another's body in such a way that she has bodily experiences ‘as from the inside’ caused by states and events in the other body, that are subjectively indistinguishable from ordinary somatosensory perception of her own body. The supposed intelligibility of such so-called crossed wire cases constitutes a significant challenge to the claim that our somatosensory judgements are immune to error through misidentification relative to uses of the (...)
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    The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book focuses on a question issued from The Architectonic of Pure Reason, one of the most important sections of Kant's first Critique: what is the human being? It suggests that the answer to this question is tied to a particular account of the unity of reason - one that stresses its purposive character.
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    Borders of Class: Migration and Citizenship in the Capitalist State.Lea Ypi - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (2):141-152.
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  11. Self-ownership and the state: A democratic critique.Lea Ypi - 2011 - Ratio 24 (1):91-106.
    Libertarians often invoke the principle of self-ownership to discredit distributive interventions authorized by the more-than-minimal state. But if one takes a democratic approach to the justification of ownership claims, including claims of ownership over oneself, the validity of the self-ownership principle is theoretically inseparable from the normative justification of the state. Since the idea of the state is essential to the very assertion (not just the positive enforcement) of the principle of self-ownership, invoking the principle to discredit a distribution of (...)
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  12.  54
    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency.Lea Ypi - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency offers a fresh, nuanced example of political theory in an activist mode. Setting the debate on global justice in the context of recent methodological disputes on the relationship between ideal and nonideal theorizing, Ypi's dialectical account shows how principles and agency really can interact.
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    A Sufficiently Just Liberal Society is an Illusion.Lea Ypi - 2019 - Res Publica 25 (4):463-474.
    Matteo Bonotti’s book on Partisanship and Public Reason in Diverse Societies is grounded on a theory of partisanship that sees the demands of public reason as internal to the very definition of a party. Bonotti suggests that partisanship is not only compatible with but essential to the stability and legitimacy of a well-ordered liberal society. My paper aims to raise some questions internal to the liberal account of partisanship so as to probe the methodological foundations and plausibility of the liberal (...)
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  14.  19
    Review of Lea Brilmayer: American Hegemony: Political Morality in a One-Superpower World.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1996 - Ethics 107 (1):155-157.
  15.  6
    Carole Maigné, Audrey Rieber, Céline Trautmann-Waller (dir.) « La Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg comme laboratoire ».Léa Jusseau - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):147-148.
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  16. Justice in migration: A closed borders utopia?Lea Ypi - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (4):391-418.
  17.  38
    Political Membership in the Contractarian Defence of Cosmopolitanism.Lea Ypi - 2008 - The Review of Politics 70 (3):442–472.
  18.  53
    The Essential Non-Indexical.Léa Salje - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that our non-first-personal ways of thinking of ourselves – those we would naturally express in language without using first person pronouns – are just as important to our agency as our indexical ways of thinking of ourselves. They are just important in different ways. Specifically, I argue that a thinker who is systematically excluded from these non-first-personal modes of self-directed thought would be excluded from participation in some of the domains of agency (...)
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  19. Associative Duties, Global Justice, and the Colonies.Lea Ypi, Robert E. Goodin & Christian Barry - 2009 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 37 (2):103-135.
  20. Thinking About You.Léa Salje - 2017 - Mind 126 (503):817-840.
    This paper brings into focus the idea that just as no third-personal way of thinking could capture the self-consciousness of first-person thought, no first- or third- personal way of thinking could capture the especially intimate way we have of relating to each other canonically expressed with our uses of ‘you’. It proposes, motivates and defends the view that second-person speech is canonically expressive of a distinctive way we have of thinking of each other, under a concept that refers de jure (...)
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  21.  53
    Exploring Modality Switching Effects in Negated Sentences: Further Evidence for Grounded Representations.Lea A. Hald, Ian Hocking, David Vernon, Julie-Ann Marshall & Alan Garnham - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    heories of embodied cognition (e.g., Perceptual Symbol Systems Theory; Barsalou, 1999, 2009) suggest that modality specific simulations underlie the representation of concepts. Supporting evidence comes from modality switch costs: participants are slower to verify a property in one modality (e.g., auditory, BLENDER-loud) after verifying a property in a different modality (e.g., gustatory, CRANBERRIES-tart) compared to the same modality (e.g., LEAVES-rustling, Pecher et al., 2003). Similarly, modality switching costs lead to a modulation of the N400 effect in event-related potentials (ERPs; Collins (...)
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  22.  25
    Designing Public–Private Partnerships for Development.Lea Stadtler - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (3):406-421.
    This dissertation abstract and the reflection commentary present the work done by Dr. Lea Stadtler. Comprising four articles, the dissertation explores the challenge of designing successful public–private partnerships for development and contributes to the discourse on partnerships and business engagement in society. Article I adopts the company perspective and develops a conceptual framework for interest alignment in PPPs for development. Based on a theoretical analysis, Article II examines the role that different structures play in handling common design challenges. Articles III (...)
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    The face of schadenfreude: Differentiation of joy and schadenfreude by electromyography.Lea Boecker, Katja U. Likowski, Paul Pauli & Peter Weyers - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1117-1125.
  24.  23
    Health care ethics ECHO: Improving ethical response self-efficacy through sensemaking.Lea Brandt, Laurel Despins, Bonnie Wakefield, David Fleming, Chelsea Deroche & Lori Popejoy - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):125-139.
    In clinical practice, evidence suggests that teaching ethics using normative ethical theory has little influence on the ethical actions of providers in practice. Thus, new training methods are needed that improve clinician response to ethical problems. A sensemaking approach to ethics training has demonstrated promise as an evidence-based pedagogical method to improve ethical reasoning and response. Project ECHO is theoretically linked to improved sensemaking. This study examines the effectiveness of ECHO and training in use of sensemaking approaches to ethical response (...)
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  25.  8
    Remember me? First person thought, memory and explanations of IEM.Léa Salje - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
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  26.  21
    Universality of aging: family caregivers for elderly cancer patients.Lea Baider & Antonella Surbone - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    (1 other version)James Harrington's ‘Machiavellian’ anti-Machiavellism.Lea Campos Boralevi - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (2):113-119.
    In the last thirty years historians of republicanism have offered us the image of Harrington as the true hero of Machiavellism. This paper suggests instead that Harrington adopted Machiavelli's method in political science, but shared only few of his master's values, often referring to those cherished in anti-Machiavellian circles, as in the case of the agrarian laws. Indebted to the anti-Machiavellian Petrus Cunaeus's analysis of the Jewish Jubilee laws, Harrington transformed Cunaeus's specific observations into a general law of his own (...)
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    Qui suis-je pour juger?Lea Colson - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:67.
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    ha-Ḥayim, mahut ṿe-ʻerekh.Lea Mazor (ed.) - 1991 - Yerushalayim: Pirsume Har ha-Tsofim, ʻal-yede Hotsaʼat ha-sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    The 'House of Hesychius' and the Religious Allegiance of Synesius' Family.Lea Niccolai - 2019 - História 68 (3):368.
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    Scrutinizing Public–Private Partnerships for Development: Towards a Broad Evaluation Conception.Lea Stadtler - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):71-86.
    The proliferation of public–private partnerships for development as an answer to many public challenges calls for careful evaluation. To this end, tailored frameworks are fundamental for helping understand the PPPs’ impact and for guiding corrective adjustment. Scholars have developed frameworks focusing on the partners’ relationships, the order of effects, and the distinction between outputs and outcomes. To capture a PPP’s complexity and multiple linkages with its environment, we argue that a thorough evaluation should adopt a stakeholder-oriented approach and consider the (...)
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    The making of AI society: AI futures frames in German political and media discourses.Lea Köstler & Ringo Ossewaarde - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):249-263.
    In this article, we shed light on the emergence, diffusion, and use of socio-technological future visions. The artificial intelligence future vision of the German federal government is examined and juxtaposed with the respective news media coverage of the German media. By means of a content analysis of frames, it is demonstrated how the German government strategically uses its AI future vision to uphold the status quo. The German media largely adapt the government´s frames and do not integrate alternative future narratives (...)
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    IX—The Transcendental Deduction of Ideas in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (2):163-185.
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  34. Stress-Related Growth in Adolescents Returning to School After COVID-19 School Closure.Lea Waters, Kelly-Ann Allen & Gökmen Arslan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The move to remote learning during COVID-19 has impacted billions of students. While research shows that school closure, and the pandemic more generally, has led to student distress, the possibility that these disruptions can also prompt growth in is a worthwhile question to investigate. The current study examined stress-related growth (SRG) in a sample of students returning to campus after a period of COVID-19 remote learning (n= 404, age = 13–18). The degree to which well-being skills were taught at school (...)
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  35. On the Possibility of Act Contractualism.Léa Bourguignon - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    A well-known debate in normative ethics is that between proponents of Act Consequentialism and Rule Consequentialism. Given the structural similarities between Rule Consequentialism and existing forms of Contractualism, one might expect a similar debate to arise among contractualists. However, this is not the case. Some, following T. M. Scanlon, even argue that this question is “misconceived” – that there is something deeply mistaken about considering the possibility of an act-based form of contractualism. In this paper, I challenge this claim.
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  36. Talking our way to systematicity.Léa Salje - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (10):2563-2588.
    Do we think in a language-like format? Taking the marker of language-like formats to be the property of unconstrained systematicity, this paper considers the following master argument for the claim that we do: language is unconstrainedly systematic, if language is unconstrainedly systematic then so is thought, so thought is unconstrainedly systematic. It is easy to feel that there is something right about this argument, that there will be some way of filling in its details that will vindicate the idea that (...)
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  37. Democratic dictatorship: Political legitimacy in Marxist perspective.Lea Ypi - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):277-291.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  38. A Permissive Theory of Territorial Rights.Lea Ypi - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):288-312.
    This article explores the justification of states' territorial rights. It starts by introducing three questions that all current theories of territorial rights attempt to answer: how to justify the right to settle, the right to exclude, and the right to settle and exclude with reference to a particular territory. It proposes a ‘permissive’ theory of territorial rights, arguing that the citizens of each state are entitled to the particular territory they collectively occupy, if and only if they are also politically (...)
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  39.  41
    ‘Sports Integrity’ Needs Sports Ethics.Lea Cleret, Mike McNamee & Stuart Page - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (1):1-5.
  40.  17
    Identifying and Censoring Improper Artworks in Carlo Borromeo’s Diocese. The Sixteenth-Century Index of Profane Paintings in the Milan Diocesan Archives.Lea Debernardi - 2023 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 86 (1):159-191.
    Due to the elusive nature of the surviving documentation, it is often difficult to assess in what areas and to what extent the Tridentine prescriptions on sacred images led to acts of censorship directed at works of art. The Milanese diocese at the time of Archbishop Carlo Borromeo (1564–84) stands out as a rare case for which policies concerning the control of sacred art and their practical implementation are relatively well documented. This article examines Borromeo’s legislation on religious artworks and (...)
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  41. Territorial Rights and Exclusion.Lea Ypi - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):241-253.
    Is it possible to justify territorial rights? Provided a justification for territorial rights can be found, does it ground claims toparticularterritories? And provided a claim to particular territories can be justified, what kind of claim is it? Is it a claim to jurisdiction? A claim to control resources? A claim to control the movement of people across borders? In this paper I review some prominent accounts seeking to answer these questions. After outlining their main features, I focus on some difficulties (...)
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  42. Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism and the Ethics of European Foreign Policy.Lea Ypi - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (3):349-364.
    This article explores the tensions between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty as a means to conceptualize the ethics of European foreign policy. It starts by discussing the claim that, in order for the EU to play a meaningful role as an international actor, a definition of the common ethical values orienting its political conduct is required. The question of a European federation of states and its ethical conceptualization emerges clearly in some of the philosophical writings of the 17th and 18th centuries. I (...)
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  43.  10
    (1 other version)Stress, Cortisone and Homeostasis. Adrenal Cortex Hormones and Physiological Equilibrium, 1936–1960.Lea Haller - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (2):169-195.
    This article investigates the emergence of the concept of stress in the 1930s and outlines its changing disciplinary and conceptual frames up until 1960. Originally stress was a physiological concept applied to the hormonal regulation of the body under stressful conditions. Correlated closely with chemical research into corticosteroids for more than a decade, the stress concept finally became a topic in cognitive psychology. One reason for this shift of the concept to another discipline was the fact that the hormones previously (...)
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  44.  20
    Long-term mutual training for the cybathlon bci race with a tetraplegic pilot: A case study on inter-session transfer and intra-session adaptation.Lea Hehenberger, Reinmar J. Kobler, Catarina Lopes-Dias, Nitikorn Srisrisawang, Peter Tumfart, John B. Uroko, Paul R. Torke & Gernot R. Müller-Putz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    CYBATHLON is an international championship where people with severe physical disabilities compete with the aid of state-of-the-art assistive technology. In one of the disciplines, the BCI Race, tetraplegic pilots compete in a computer game race by controlling an avatar with a brain-computer interface. This competition offers a perfect opportunity for BCI researchers to study long-term training effects in potential end-users, and to evaluate BCI performance in a realistic environment. In this work, we describe the BCI system designed by the team (...)
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  45. Indigenous education and training: what are we here for.T. Lea - 2010 - In Jon C. Altman & Melinda Hickson (eds.), Culture Crisis: Anthropology and Politics in Aboriginal Australia. University of New South Wales Press. pp. 196--208.
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    Intimate internationalisms: 1970s ‘Third World’ queer feminist solidarity with Chile.Tamara Lea Spira - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (2):119-140.
    This article theorises the relationship between 1970s US Third World queer and feminist movements and Latin American anti-imperialist revolutions of the late twentieth century. I focus upon the historically occluded relationships between Third World feminists and queers in Chile and the United States throughout the transition to neoliberalism. My archive includes June Jordan’s little-known writings on Chile, the writings of Audre Lorde, and, primarily, a 1973 Third World feminist poetry reading staged in San Francisco shortly after the Pinochet coup. By (...)
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    Plaque in memory of Dorothy Collins.Judith Lea - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (2):269-269.
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    Refusing to budge: a confirmatory bias in decision making?Lea-Rachel D. Kosnik - 2007 - Mind and Society 7 (2):193-214.
    Confirmatory bias, defined as the tendency to misinterpret new pieces of evidence as confirming previously held hypotheses, can lead to implacable, even incorrect decision making. It is one of the biases, along with anchoring, framing, and other judgment heuristic errors, that may lead to non-optimal behavior. This paper tests for the existence of confirmatory bias behavior in a uniquely economic setting (tax policy) and in a context relatively lacking in ambiguity. It also tests whether the confirmatory bias phenomenon can be (...)
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    Environmental Education, Environmental Ethics, and Environmental Perceptions of Food Establishment Employees in a Philippine University.Lea Ivy O. Manzanero - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (8).
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    Ein lokales Ereignis im globalen Fokus: Das Zusammenfallen geografischer, zeitlicher und sozialer Räume in der medialen Verbreitung einer Handschlagverweigerung.Lea Stahel - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (1):39-59.
    ZusammenfassungLokale, religionsbezogene Ereignisse werden vermehrt global diskutiert – auch die „Handschlag-Affäre“. Bauend auf Forschung zu Öffentlichkeit, zusammenfallenden Kontexten und islamfeindlichen Online-Diskursen argumentiert der Beitrag, dass in der medialen Verbreitung der Affäre geografische, zeitliche und soziale Räume zusammenfielen, was die negativen Folgen für die involvierten Akteure miterklärt. Das geografische und zeitliche Zusammenfallen wird anhand von Metadaten von 279 Nachrichten- und 152 Webseiten-/blog-artikeln (dt. und engl.; veröffentlicht 2015–2017) veranschaulicht. Das soziale Zusammenfallen wird durch eine thematische Analyse von 45 Webseiten-/blog-artikeln der islamfeindlichen Online-Öffentlichkeit (...)
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