Results for 'Langdon Angela'

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  1.  12
    Attention for learning: the striatal cholinergic system in reward-based learning.Langdon Angela - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2. Idealization and the Aims of Science.Angela Potochnik - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Science is the study of our world, as it is in its messy reality. Nonetheless, science requires idealization to function—if we are to attempt to understand the world, we have to find ways to reduce its complexity. Idealization and the Aims of Science shows just how crucial idealization is to science and why it matters. Beginning with the acknowledgment of our status as limited human agents trying to make sense of an exceedingly complex world, Angela Potochnik moves on to (...)
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  3. Singular Experiences (With and Without Objects).Angela Mendelovici - 2024 - In Robert French & Berit Brogaard (eds.), The Roles of Representations in Visual Perception. Springer. pp. 133--156.
    Perceptual experiences seem to in some sense have singular contents. For example, a perceptual experience of a dog as fluffy seems to represent some particular dog as being fluffy. There are important phenomenological, intuitive, and semantic considerations for thinking that perceptual experiences represent singular contents, but there are also important phenomenological, epistemic, and metaphysical considerations for thinking that they do not. This paper proposes a two-tier picture of the content of singular perceptual experiences that is based on phenomenal intentionality theories (...)
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    Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law.Angela Condello & Tiziana Andina (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In the wake of Brexit and Trump, the debate surrounding post-truth fills the newspapers and is at the center of the public debate. Democratic institutions and the rule of law have always been constructed and legitimized by discourses of truth. And so the issue of "post-truth" or "fake truth" can be regarded as a contemporary degeneration of that legitimacy. But what, precisely, is post-truth from a theoretical point of view? Can it actually change perceptions of law, of institutions and political (...)
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    Viral Integration and Consequences on Host Gene Expression.Sébastien Desfarges & Angela Ciuffi - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther (ed.), Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 147--175.
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  6. Undoing Monogamy: The Politics of Science and the Possibilities of Biology.Angela Willey - unknown
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  7. Counterfactual Reasoning in Art Criticism.Angela Sun - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (3):276-285.
    When we evaluate artworks, we often point to what an artist could have done or what a work could have been in order to say something about the work as it actually is. Call this counterfactual reasoning in art criticism. On my account, counterfactual claims about artworks involve comparative aesthetic judgments between actual artworks and hypothetical variations of those works. The practice of imagining what an artwork could have been is critically useful because it can help us understand how artworks (...)
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  8. Implicit learning.Angela O'Brien-Malone & Murray Maybery - 1998 - In K. Kirsner & G. Speelman (eds.), Implicit and Explicit Mental Processes. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 37--55.
  9. Presentación.Ángela Sierra González & Yasmina Romero Morales - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    Alimentación del paciente de cáncer en fase avanzada y terminal: consideraciones éticas y recomendaciones prácticas.Ángela J. Suárez Pérez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (2):0-0.
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  11. Elite Theory and Ideology.Angela Zanotti-Karp - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    What ICU nurses in different Austrian hospitals know and think about the Austrian organ donation law.Gabriele Zettel, Angela Horvath, Ekaterina Vorobyeva, Christian Auburger, Michael Zink, Philipp Stiegler & Vanessa Stadlbauer - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):46.
    We previously reported a high level of information on the Austrian organ donation law in medical and non-medical students, patients and ICU nurses, whereby ICU nurses at University Hospital in Graz (n = 185) were very well informed and also had the most critical view of the Austrian organ donation law.
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    Freewill and Determinism: A Study of Rival Conceptions of Man.Richard Langdon Franklin - 1968 - New York: Routledge.
    This book, first published in 1968, examines the complicated issues which surround the problem of freewill. Although it reaches a libertarian conclusion, its focus is largely on other questions. What ultimately is at stake in this debate? What difference would it make whether we had freewill or not? Why must disagreement persist, and why do philosophes each opposed conclusions with such confidence? The answers to these questions open new perspectives.
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    Education and Indoctrination: An Attempt at Definition and a Review of Social and Political Implications.Roger Scruton, Angela Ellis-Jones & Dennis O'Keeffe - 1985
  15.  20
    Psychosocial accompaniment from human ecology toyoung marginalized people to prevent drug dependence.Flor Ángela Tobón & López Giraldo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):348-371.
    Introducción: Se presenta un análisis cualitativo del acompañamiento psicosocial a jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad desde la ecología humana durante 12 meses entre 2010 a 2011; utilizando técnicas pedagógicas evaluativas participativas. Éstas, son una alternativa para crear espacios reflexivos con el propósito de potenciar la resiliencia en las relaciones comunicativas y formar en el respeto. Objetivo: Generar bienestar, prevenir la farmacodependencia y contribuir a la promoción de la salud. Material y Métodos: Se revisaron los antecedentes temáticos, fueron seleccionados 100 estudiantes (...)
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  16. Deliberating foresight knowledge for policy and foresight knowledge assessment.Rene von Schomberg, Angela Guimaraes Pereira & Silvio Funtowicz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti (eds.), Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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  17. Truth and reality: How to be a scientific realist without believing scientific theories should be true.Angela Potochnik - 2022 - In Insa Lawler, Kareem Khalifa & Elay Shech (eds.), Scientific Understanding and Representation: Modeling in the Physical Sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Scientific realism is a thesis about the success of science. Most traditionally: science has been so successful at prediction and guiding action because its best theories are true (or approximately true or increasing in their degree of truth). If science is in the business of doing its best to generate true theories, then we should turn to those theories for explanatory knowledge, predictions, and guidance of our actions and decisions. Views that are popular in contemporary philosophy of science about scientific (...)
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  18. Different Ways to be a Realist: A Response to Pincock.Angela Potochnik - 2022 - In Insa Lawler, Kareem Khalifa & Elay Shech (eds.), Scientific Understanding and Representation: Modeling in the Physical Sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In his chapter in this volume, Christopher Pincock develops an argument for scientific realism based on scientific understanding, and he argues that Giere’s (2006) and my (2017, 2020) commitment to the context-dependence of scientific understanding or knowledge renders our views unable to account for an essential step in how scientists come to know. Meanwhile, in my chapter in this volume, I motivate a view that I call "causal pattern realism." In this response to Pincock's chapter, I will sketch a revised (...)
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  19. La filosofia russa.Angela Dioletta - 2020 - Noctua 7 (2):336-408.
    This article is a review of the latest edition of the Encyclopedia of Russian Philosophy, the result of the work of a team of Russian specialists in philosophy and human sciences, edited by M. A. Maslin, professor of History of Russian Philosophy at Moscow University. However, it is also intended to be an assessment of the conditions that legitimate the denomination ‘Russian philosophy’, and a reflection on the character and orientations of Russian thought, especially in the period before and after (...)
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  20. Limited aggregation and zoonotic disease outbreaks.Angela K. Martin & Matthias Eggel - 2022 - Transforming Food Systems: Ethics, Innovation and Responsibility. Eursafe Conference Proceedings.
    Human and animal interests are often in conflict. In many situations, however, it is unclear how to evaluate and weigh competing human and animal interests, as the satisfaction of the interests of one group often inevitably occurs at the expense of those of the other group. Human-animal conflicts of this kind give rise to ethical questions. If animals count morally for their own sake, then we must ask in which cases the satisfaction or frustration of the interests of humans and (...)
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  21. Epidemics and food security: the duties of local and international communities.Angela K. Martin - 2021 - In Hanna Schübel & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 408-413.
    Over 60% of all epidemics have a zoonotic origin, that is, they result from the transmission of infectious diseases from animals to humans. The spill-over of diseases often happens because humans exploit and use animals. In this article, I outline the four most common interfaces that favour the emergence and spread of zoonotic infectious diseases: wildlife hunting, small-scale farming, industrialised farming practices and live animal markets. I analyse which practices serve human food security – and thus have a non-trivial purpose (...)
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  22. Phenomenological hyletics and the lifeworld.Angela Ales Bello - 2005 - Analecta Husserliana 84:293-301.
  23. Poder civilizador de la sensibilidad moral.Ángela Calvo de Saavedra - 1997 - Universitas Philosophica 28:51-62.
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    Danilo Dolci: lo speleologo dell'umano: un modello di pratica educativa per il terzo millennio.Angela Giustino Vitolo - 2011 - Roma: Aracne.
  25. Tempo e significato.Jacobelli Isoldi & Angela Maria - 1968 - Roma,: Abete.
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  26. Feminist pedagogy and the reference desk : a conversation.Jeremy McGinniss & Angela Pashia - 2017 - In Maria T. Accardi (ed.), The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations. Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
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  27. Il popolo e l'appartenenza al popolo.Edith Stein & Angela Ales-Bello - 2001 - la Società Degli Individui 11.
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  28. "Preferiría no morir": las paradojas del sucidio hetero-referido.Angela Boitano - 2021 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Mutatis Mutandis 2 (16):59-70.
    En este artículo se desarrolla una reflexión acerca del suicidio hetero-referido o no-personal. Se lo analiza en tanto forma de voluntad e instrumento de presión política que tensiona críticamente los modos en que se organiza la vida en nuestras sociedades. Se indaga en el potencial de contra-soberanía que supone en tanto intenta desactivar el poder al que se enfrenta. Se tematiza cierta ética de la pasividad que surge en esta acción y se examina la lógica que recorre el acto de (...)
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  29. Attenuated Representationalism. [REVIEW]Angela Mendelovici - 2023 - Analysis 83 (2):373–393.
    In The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience, David Papineau offers some metaphysical reasons for rejecting representationalism. This paper overviews these reasons, arguing that while some of his arguments against some versions of representationalism succeed, there are versions of phenomenal intentionalism that escape his criticisms. Still, once we consider some of the contents of perceptual experiences, such as their perspectival contents, it is clear that perceptual experience does not present us with the world as we take it to be. This leads to (...)
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    Oxford Edition of Cuneiform Inscriptions.George A. Barton & S. Langdon - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:315.
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    The Babylonian Epic of Creation, Restored from the Recently Recovered Tablets from Aššur; Transcription, Translation and CommentaryThe Babylonian Epic of Creation, Restored from the Recently Recovered Tablets from Assur; Transcription, Translation and Commentary.George A. Barton & S. Langdon - 1925 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 45:179.
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    La dignità del limite: saggi kantiani.Jacobelli Isoldi & Angela Maria - 2003 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino. Edited by Immanuel Kant.
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  33. Profe: Te invito a jugar. El juego un espacio para la participación infantil.Ana Mercedes Peña & Ángela Marcela Castro - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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    Essays on Integrated Agency.Angela Sun - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    This dissertation offers an account of the role of integrity in our agency. I argue that the unification of our actions, commitments, intentions, and other facets agency into a coherent whole is essential for our self-governance: our ability to be the authors of our own lives and to act in ways that reflect what we stand for. When we are fragmented – when our commitments conflict, or we otherwise fail to live up to what they require of us – we (...)
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    The grey zone: the implications of the ageing legal profession in Australia.Angela Melville, Valerie Caines & Marcus Walker - 2022 - Legal Ethics 24 (2):141-170.
    Lawyers in many jurisdictions are ageing, and yet there is little information concerning the age profile of the legal profession. This paper presents the first consideration of the age profile of lawyers outside of the US, showing that Australian lawyers are ageing and delaying retirement. These findings have serious implications. Problems associated with a growing proportion of older lawyers include an increasing risk of lawyers suffering from age-related cognitive and physical impairment, and the related rise of complaints and malpractice claims (...)
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    Clinical Research Involving Pregnant Women.Françoise Baylis & Angela Ballantyne (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses 'how' to respectfully and responsibly include pregnant women in clinical research. In sharp contrast, the existing literature predominantly focuses on the reasons 'why' the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical research is necessary - viz., to develop effective treatments for women during pregnancy, to promote fetal safety, to reduce harm to women and fetuses from suboptimal care, and to allow access to the benefits of research participation. This book supports the shift to a new default position, whereby (...)
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    The Meaning of Life between Time and Eternity.Angela Ales Bello & Antonio Calcagno - 2021 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 25 (2):4-16.
    This paper explores the question of the meaning of life, not only from the perspective of its temporal unfolding from birth to death but also from the perspective of its own particular meaning and its final cause, to use Aristotelian categories. In order to discuss this argument I refer myself to Edith Stein to show how crucial moments of her own life give rise to important and de????ining philosophical positions that touch upon questions of personal identity, social and communal relations, (...)
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    Verso una definizione delle “near-death experiences”: dimensioni fisiologiche, psicologiche e culturali.Angela Cioffini, Luigi Cimmino, Gioele Gavazzi, Fabio Giovannelli, Alessandro Pagnini & Maria Pia Viggiano - 2021 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 12 (3):296-310.
    Riassunto : Il fenomeno delle “near-death experiences”, esperienze soggettive intense e profonde, è caratterizzato dalla percezione di essere in una dimensione diversa da quella ordinaria, di aver abbandonato il proprio corpo e, con esso, la dimensione spazio-temporale del mondo fisico. Il termine NDE è utilizzato per indicare esperienze simili occorse in condizioni cliniche molto diverse, ad esempio l’arresto cardiaco, il coma, lo svenimento o l’assunzione di sostanze psicotrope. In questo lavoro si considerano esclusivamente quelle esperienze sperimentate in condizioni di prossimità (...)
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    Prophet Like Moses: Prophecy, Law, and Israelite Religion. By Jeffrey Stackert.Angela Roskop Erisman - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2).
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    Parental tuning of language input to autistic and nonspectrum children.Angela Xiaoxue He, Rhiannon J. Luyster & Sudha Arunachalam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Caregivers’ language input supports children’s language development, and it is often tuned to the child’s current level of skill. Evidence suggests that parental input is tuned to accommodate children’s expressive language levels, but accommodation to receptive language abilities is less understood. In particular, little is known about parental sensitivity to children’s abilities to process language in real time. Compared to nonspectrum children, children on the spectrum are slower to process language. In this study, we ask: Do parents of autistic children (...)
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    Filosofia-scienza e religione, i nuovi percorsi tracciati da Hans Jonas.Angela Michelis - 2015 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):274.
    Il pensiero di Jonas, in particolare quello della sua seconda fase, dedicato alla filosofia della biologia, apre nel confronto filosofico con la scienza nuovi spazi di riflessione critica per la filosofia e per le scienze stesse. In tale incontro entrambe si arricchiscono, acquisendo maggior coscienza metodologica e ampliando le prospettive di osservazione dei fenomeni. Sorge, così, in modo rinnovato, la possibilità di nuove soluzioni interpretative, che, ponendosi al di là di desueti schieramenti ideologici, riescano a comprendere più in profondità la (...)
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    Edmund Husserl: pensare Dio, credere in Dio.Angela Ales Bello - 2005 - Padova: Messaggero.
  43.  34
    Specificity of memory: Implications for individual and collective remembering.Daniel L. Schacter, Angela H. Gutchess & Elizabeth A. Kensinger - 2009 - In Pascal Boyer & James V. Wertsch (eds.), Memory in Mind and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 83--111.
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    Presentación: Razón, crisis y utopía.Ángela Sierra González & Yasmina Romero Morales - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:7-8.
    Presentación de las editoras del Suplemento 4 (2011) de Daimon.
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    Edmund Husserl e Edith Stein: due filosofi in dialogo.Angela Ales Bello & Francesco Alfieri (eds.) - 2015 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    L'universo nella coscienza: introduzione alla fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl, Edith Stein, Hedwig Conrad-Martius.Angela Ales Bello - 2003 - Pisa: ETS.
  47.  12
    Phenomenology and the Numinous: The Fifth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.Angela Ales Bello & Richard Rojcewicz (eds.) - 1988 - Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
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    Ripensando l'umano: in dialogo con Edith Stein.Angela Ales Bello & Nicola Zippel (eds.) - 2015 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  49. Neurodynamic and Particle Swarm Optimization-Application of a Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization for the Multilevel Thresholding in Image Processing.Yun-Chia Liang, Angela Hsiang-Ling Chen & Chiuh-Cheng Chyu - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1183-1192.
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    Better than well: American medicine meets the American dream, by Carl Elliot.Angela Thachuk - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (1):185-188.
    Carl Elliot, Better than well: American medicine meets the American dream, New York: W.W. Norton, 2003, reviewed by Angela Thachuk.
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