Results for 'L. De Valkeneer'

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  1.  29
    Boekbesprekingen.J.-M. Tison, B. Van Dorpe, Alph Houben, P. Fransen, P. Verdeyen, P. Smulders, Leo Bakker, J. Mulders, L. De Valkeneer, H. Van Luijk, M. Prick, M. De Tollenaere, J. Kijm, H. Robbers, Frans Vandenbussche, H. Somers, P. Grootens, P. Van Doornik & L. Bakker - 1967 - Bijdragen 28 (2):212-232.
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  2. Informed consent instead of assent is appropriate in children from the age of twelve: Policy implications of new findings on children’s competence to consent to clinical research.Irma M. Hein, Martine C. De Vries, Pieter W. Troost, Gerben Meynen, Johannes B. Van Goudoever & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundFor many decades, the debate on children’s competence to give informed consent in medical settings concentrated on ethical and legal aspects, with little empirical underpinnings. Recently, data from empirical research became available to advance the discussion. It was shown that children’s competence to consent to clinical research could be accurately assessed by the modified MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research. Age limits for children to be deemed competent to decide on research participation have been studied: generally children of 11.2 (...)
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  3. Gerecenseerde werken-boekbesprekingen-Leonard, A., metaphysique de l'etre.L. De Vos - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (1):160.
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  4. Vieillard-Baron, J.-L. et Zarka, CY (dir.), Hegel et le droit naturel moderne.L. De Vos - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (2):400.
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  5. Bishop Barnes on Science and Superstition: A Reply to Dr Edwyn Bevan.L. De C. Richardson - 1932 - Hibbert Journal 31:358.
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  6. Keys to the Encounter. A Library of Congress resource Guide for the Study of the Age of Discovery.L. De Vorsey & A. McConnell - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (3):299-300.
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  7. Lamberigts M., Boeve, L., Merrigan, T. in collaboration with Claes, D, Theology and the Quest for Truth.L. De Vos - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (2):409.
  8. Bishop Barnes on science and superstition'.L. De C. Richardson - 1933 - Hibbert Journal 31:358-71.
  9. Ensayo de una teoría general sobre la técnica jurídica.L. Ledesma & J. de Jesús - 1933 - México,: D.F., J. Aviña R., impresor.
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  10. Philosophische Enzyklopadie.L. De Vos & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):768.
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    Conhecimento de Fenômenos Psíquicos em Brentano.Johannes L. Brandl & Joelma Marques de Carvalho - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (2):51-77.
    O objetivo principal deste artigo é esclarecer como Brentano define a relação entre (a) o conhecimento de nossos próprios fenômenos de consciência e (b) o conhecimento de fenômenos de consciência de outros sujeitos. Por um lado, Brentano argumenta, seguindo a tradição moderna, que o conhecimento dos próprios atos mentais é absolutamente fundamental. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, ele quer mostrar com sua Psicologia do ponto de vista empírico uma clara alternativa ao introspeccionismo. Mostraremos como Brentano busca unir estes dois objetivos e (...)
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    L'institution patriarcale et la pentarchie. Un point de vue orthodoxe.André De Halleux - 1972 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 3 (2):177-199.
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  13. Ambiente y desarrollo: ensayos. reflexiones acerca de la relación entre los conceptos: ecosistema, cultura y desarrollo.Francisco González L. De G. - 1998 - Santafé de Bogotá: IDEADE.
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  14. Schafer, R., Johann Gottlieb Fichtes' Grundlage der Gesamten Wissenschaftslehre'von 1794.L. De Vos - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (2):409.
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  15. Reflexiones sobre el problema crítico: objetivo y situación.Rafael L. De Munain - 1958 - Verdad y Vida 16 (63):286-308.
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    Carving nature at its joints or cutting its effective loops? On the dangers of trying to disentangle intertwined mental processes.Robert L. Goldstone, Joshua R. de Leeuw & David H. Landy - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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  17. La cognoscibilidad de Dios en Escoto.Rafael L. De Munain - 1962 - Verdad y Vida 20 (80):605-618.
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    (1 other version)The Impact of the Parental Support on Risk Factors in the Process of Gender Affirmation of Transgender and Gender Diverse People.Bruna L. Seibel, Bruno de Brito Silva, Anna M. V. Fontanari, Ramiro F. Catelan, Ana M. Bercht, Juliana L. Stucky, Diogo A. DeSousa, Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Henrique C. Nardi, Silvia H. Koller & Angelo B. Costa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Research involving transgender and gender diverse people (TGD) increased in the last years, mostly concerning healthcare associated to this population. Few studies dedicated their analysis to the impact of parental support on transgender people, even though this is an important aspect in creating a safe environment on which these individuals can build their identity. In addition, the link between family support, TGD identity and homelessness is not completely established. Thus, due to the specificities of the family context of TGD individuals, (...)
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    Paradoxologion: (mikrē anthologia logikophilosophikōn provlēmatōn).Dēmētrēs Michaēl - 2018 - Athēna: Futura.
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    Government formation and policy formulation : Patterns in Belgium and the Netherlands.Robert L. Peterson, Martine De Ridder, J. D. Hobbs & E. F. McClellan - 1983 - Res Publica 25 (1):49-82.
  21. (1 other version)L'unité de la connaissance humaine et le fondement de sa valeur.Antoine de Coninck - 1943 - Louvain,: Institut supérieur de philosophie.
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    De l'Esprit des lois, extraits..Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu - 1969 - Paris,: Larousse. Edited by Clément, Michel & [From Old Catalog].
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    Le dictionnaire de théologie catholique et le statut épistémologique de la théologie.Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi - 2015 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 99 (1):49-96.
    Publié de 1899 à 1950, le Dictionnaire de théologie catholique a longtemps été considéré comme l’incarnation de positions doctrinales conservatrices. À parcourir les articles qui traitent en son sein des domaines et des méthodes de la théologie, comme les articles Fondamentale ou générale (théologie) du chanoine Albert Michel, Lieux théologiques d’Ambroise Gardeil, Salamanque (théologiens de) de Thomas Deman, Thomisme de Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange ou encore Théologie d’Yves Congar, force est de constater que le Dictionnaire de théologie catholique a en réalité activement (...)
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  24. Fichte in Schulpforta (1774-1780).St Bacin & L. De Vos - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (3):626.
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    Selbstbewußtsein und Erfahrung bei Kant und Fichte.Frank Kuhne & L. De Vos - 2008 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 70 (3):599.
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    Sex Hormones and Processing of Facial Expressions of Emotion: A Systematic Literature Review.Flávia L. Osório, Juliana M. de Paula Cassis, João P. Machado de Sousa, Omero Poli-Neto & Rocio Martín-Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  27. Nachgelassene Schriften 1812-1813.J. G. Fichte & L. De Vos - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):745.
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    Discussion on clusters, phasons and quasicrystal stabilisation.C. L. Henley, M. de Boissieu & W. Steurer - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (6-8):1131-1151.
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    Long-lasting semantic interference effects in object naming are not necessarily conceptually mediated.Emma Riley, Katie L. McMahon & Greig de Zubicaray - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:122889.
    Long-lasting interference effects in picture naming are induced when objects are presented in categorically related contexts in both continuous and blocked cyclic paradigms. Less consistent context effects have been reported when the task is changed to semantic classification. Experiment 1 confirmed the recent finding of cumulative facilitation in the continuous paradigm with living/non-living superordinate categorization. To avoid a potential confound involving participants responding with the identical superordinate category in related contexts in the blocked cyclic paradigm, we devised a novel set (...)
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  30.  35
    The Right to an Open Future Concerning Genetic Information.Annelien L. Bredenoord, Martine C. de Vries & Hans van Delden - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (3):21-23.
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    Coherence as an explanation for theory of mind task failure in autism.Deepthi Kamawar, Jay L. Garfield & Jill De Villiers - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (3):266–272.
    O’Loughlin and Thagard (2000) present a specific computational implementation of the idea that the problems encountered by a child with autism in classic False Belief tasks derive from a failure to maintain coherence among multiple propositions. They argue that this failure can be explained as a structural feature of a connectionist network attempting to maintain coherence. The current paper criticizes this implementation because it falsely predicts that the same children will have a parallel problem with the False Photographs task. The (...)
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  32.  14
    La profession de l'Esprit-Saint dans le Symbole de Constantinople.André De Halleux - 1979 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 10 (1):5-39.
  33. Georges Bastide: "traité De L'action Morale".VÍctor SÁnchez De Zavala & Staff - 1962 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 21 (81/82):370.
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    L'épiphénoménologie de Husserl.Hubert L. Dreyfus & J. -Ph Jazé - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  35. Condition de l'homme, Essai de synthèse philosophique et religieuse.Henri-L. Miéville - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):118-119.
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    L'urgence humaniste: plaidoyer pour une renaissance.Éric de Beukelaer - 2017 - [Brussels]: Fondation Cecin'estpasunecrise. Edited by Baudouin Decharneux.
    Sommes-nous au seuil d'une éclipse de l'humanisme? Le choc des civilisations, la mondialisation anarchique, le capitalisme débridé, le fondamentalisme religieux, le dérèglement étique et la perte de confiance en soi vont-ils faire reculer la civilisation de plusieurs siècles? Un peu à l'instar de l'Occident au tournant des Ve et VIe siècles après que de vastes mouvements de populations eurent raison de l'empire romain? Ou encore, à l'image des peurs délirantes qui hantèrent l'Europe entre les XIVe et XVIIe siècles des suites (...)
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    Boards of Directors: Assessing Their Functioning and Validation of a Multi-Dimensional Measure.Shamiran Asahak, Simon L. Albrecht, Marcele De Sanctis & Nicholas S. Barnett - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  38. Staat, Nation, Humanitat.Johann Gottfried Herder & L. De Vos - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):758.
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    L'homme disloqué à la recherche de lui-même.Noël Martin-Deslias - 1977 - Paris: Genève : Nagel.
  40. Ethique de l'expérimentation humaine.Jean-Noël Massa - 1996 - In Jacques Lemaire & Charles Susanne (eds.), Bioéthique, jusqu'où peut-on aller? Bruxelles, Belgique: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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  41. Traité de l'enchaînement des idées fondamentales dans les sciences et dans l'histoire.A. Cournot & L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (6):3-3.
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  42. L'Idée de Dieu.Paul Carus & fr de Gissac - 1894 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2 (4):4-4.
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    The Radiation Field, at the Origin of the Quantum Canonical Operators.A. M. Cetto & L. De la Peña - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (4):1-20.
    We show that the electromagnetic radiation field, conventionally introduced as a perturbation in quantum mechanics, is actually at the basis of the operator formalism. We first analyze the linear resonant response of the (continuous) variables x(t), p(t) of a harmonic oscillator to the full radiation field, i.e. the zero-point field plus an applied field playing the role of the driving force, and then extend the analysis to the response of a charged particle bound by a non-linear force, typically an atomic (...)
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    Qu'est-ce que Dieu?: philosophie, théologie: hommage à l'abbé Daniel Coppieters de Gibson, 1929-1983.Daniel Coppieters de Gibson (ed.) - 1985 - Bruxelles: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
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  45. Hippocrate de Cos: de l'hagiographie au rejet et vice-versa: de l'hagiographie au rejet et vice-versa.B. Y. L. Simon - 2001 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 19 (2):13-14.
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    Le scénario cartésien: recherches sur la formation et la cohérence de l'intention philosophique de Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint-Aubert - 2005 - Paris: Vrin.
    Présente le parcours philosophique de Merleau-Ponty tant dans sa formation que dans ses objectifs. Ses références : Descartes, Leibniz, Gabriel Marcel. Ses concepts opératoires : le concret, l'incarnation, l'intentionnalité, les chiasmes.
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    Fitting perception in and to cognition.Robert L. Goldstone, Joshua R. de Leeuw & David H. Landy - 2015 - Cognition 135 (C):24-29.
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  48. Conceptions monistique et dualistique de l'univers stellaire.C. V. L. Charlier - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):77.
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    Teilhard de chardin: The phenomenon of man,1 II.S. J. John L. Russell - 1961 - Heythrop Journal 2 (1):3–13.
  50. De l'objet reel de metaphysique.H. De Keyserling - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:122.
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