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    (1 other version)Husserl and Deleuze: Edmund Husserl's and Gilles Deleuze's Contribution to Transcendental-Phenomenological "Regional Studies".Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2012 - Idealistic Studies 42 (2-3):265-288.
    It strikes readers as dubious and pointless to compare Husserl and Deleuze straightforwardly on the level of philosophy or history of philosophy, for their thoughts seem to be wide apart or even opposed. Nevertheless, each of their thoughts draws a trajectory of development into one and the same kind of qualitative research, i.e., non-scientific, non-conceptual, fieldwork research trying to grasp the immediately pre-given picture of being. In this paper, I call such a qualitative research transcendental-phenomenological ‘regional studies.’ We might well (...)
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    Happy Regions, Unhappy Regions : Regional Studies, Positive Psychology, and Transcendental Phenomenology for a Design of Happy Life.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2018 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 135:101-127.
    지역학에서 회자되는 ‘지역’의 개념은 상당히 모호한 것으로 알려져 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 첫째, 후설의 생활세계의 개념을 ‘지역’이라 간주하고 ‘지역’의 개념을 현상학적으로 그려내면서 그것의 구조를 ‘지평’과 ‘시간성’으로 파악해낸다. 둘째, 긍정심리학자 칙센트미하이의 이론을 끌어들여, 그러한 지역의 구조는 플로우(행복)의 초월론적 조건이라고 해석한다. 마지막으로 이런 논의를 통해 ‘지역’과 ‘행복’은 불가분의 관계에 놓여 있음을 밝히면서, ‘행복한 지역’의 개념을 수립한다. 더군다나 이런 ‘행복지역학’은 어떤 지역이라도 ‘행복한 지역’으로 탈바꿈시킬 수 있는 실제적 가이드라인을 제시하는데, 이것은 기존의 도시계획에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 것이다.
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    Philosophy as Rigorous Regional Studies.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2007 - Idealistic Studies 37 (3):203-218.
    The present paper traces the trajectory of the development of Husserl’s phenomenology from its incipient eidetic phase over the transcendental to the lifeworld-phenomenological, and ascertains that, in spite of all their complexities, the idea of Zu den Sachen selbst is the very objective of all those ‘phenomenological’ investigations. The search after the ‘immediately given’ (Vorgegebenheiten) finally discovers that the concrete cultural life-worlds are the authentically ‘immediately pre-given’ and all kinds of knowledge and sciences (higher cultural configurations) are nothing but idealizations (...)
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  4. Phenomenology without'phenomenon'-Ernst Cassirer's case.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (3):262-274.
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    Transcendental Phenomenology and the Way to Happiness: Husserl’s Reply to Csikszentmihalyi.Kyeong-Seop Choi - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (2):126-138.
    ABSTRACTIt is an unprecedented task to interpret Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology as a fundamental philosophy of happiness. Although happiness has been discussed in many psychologies, Csikszentmihalyi’s positive psychology defines happiness as “flow”, a psychic state of ongoing immersion guided by intrinsic motivations and rewards. In this paper, I interpret our transcendental consciousness as a radical “flow” maker and claim that in our transcendental life, happiness is what we ourselves are. Then, I propose this not only as an appeal to a change (...)
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