Results for 'Keegan Dasilva Barbosa'

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  1.  16
    Decomposing Aronszajn lines.Keegan Dasilva Barbosa - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (1).
    We show that under the proper forcing axiom the class of all Aronszajn lines behave like [Formula: see text]-scattered orders under the embeddability relation. In particular, we are able to show that the class of better-quasi-order labeled fragmented Aronszajn lines is itself a better-quasi-order. Moreover, we show that every better-quasi-order labeled Aronszajn line can be expressed as a finite sum of labeled types which are algebraically indecomposable. By encoding lines with finite labeled trees, we are also able to deduce a (...)
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    Critical Affective Civic Literacy: A Framework for Attending to Political Emotion in the Social Studies Classroom.Patrick Keegan - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (1):15-24.
    Heightened political polarization challenges civic educators seeking to prepare youth as citizens who can navigate affective boundaries. Current approaches to civic education do not yet account for the emotional basis of citizenship. This paper presents an argument for critical affective literacy in civic education classrooms. Drawing from concepts and theories in critical emotion studies, affective citizenship, and agonistic political theory, critical affective civic literacy challenges the rationalistic bent of civic education, and offers instructional strategies for educating the political emotions of (...)
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    Nietzsche y la vida interpretante.Luis Eduardo Gama Barbosa - 2014 - Praxis Filosófica 39:171-196.
    Contra un presunto naturalismo de la filosofía de Nietzsche, este artículo reconstruye la noción nietzscheana de vida al hilo del tema de la interpretación. Se pretende mostrar que para este autor el problema de la vida excede todo marco estrictamente biologicista y se orienta en cambio hacia una dimensión ontológica, en tanto la interpretación representa la actividad configuradora de sentido, mediante la cual todo ser vivo genera y sostiene su realidad. El análisis de este proceso lleva a identificar varios niveles (...)
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    Ethical decision making during a healthcare crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool.Keegan Guidolin, Jennifer Catton, Barry Rubin, Jennifer Bell, Jessica Marangos, Ann Munro-Heesters, Terri Stuart-McEwan & Fayez Quereshy - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):504-509.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has strained healthcare resources the world over, requiring healthcare providers to make resource allocation decisions under extraordinary pressures. A year later, our understanding of COVID-19 has advanced, but our process for making ethical decisions surrounding resource allocation has not. During the first wave of the pandemic, our institution uniformly ramped-down clinical activity to accommodate the anticipated demands of COVID-19, resulting in resource waste and inefficiency. In preparation for the second wave, we sought to make such ramp down (...)
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    More than fear: Contributions of biobehavioral synchrony and infants' reactivity to cooperative care.Elizabeth B. daSilva & Bennett I. Bertenthal - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e59.
    We present two challenges to the fearful ape hypothesis: (1) biobehavioral synchrony precedes and moderates the effects of fear on cooperative care, and (2) cooperative care emerges in a more bidirectional manner than Grossmann acknowledges. We present evidence demonstrating how dyadic differences in co-regulation and individual differences in infants' reactivity shape caregivers' responses to infant affect.
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    Bioética em debate: aqui e lá fora.Swedenberger Barbosa (ed.) - 2011 - Brasília: Ipea.
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  7. Desenvolvimento e ambiente; questões da sociologia contemporânea.Srcs Barbosa - 2000 - Humanitas 3 (2).
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    Otto Peters on Distance Education - The Industrialisation of Teaching and Learning.Desmonel Keegan - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (1):101-101.
  9.  10
    The Internet and Democracy: Global Catalyst or Democratic Dud?Keegan W. Wade & Michael L. Best - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (4):255-271.
    In this study, we explore the global effect of the Internet on democracy over the period of 1992 to 2002 by observing the relationships between measures related to democracy and Internet prevalence. Our findings suggest that while Internet usage was not a very powerful predictor of democracy when examining full panel data from 1992 to 2002, it was a stronger predictor when we study data from just the years 2001 to 2002. We hypothesize that the jump in the ability of (...)
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    Montesquieu’s Liberalism & the Problem of Universal Politics.Keegan Callanan - 2018 - New York, N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.
    Dubbed 'the oracle' by no less an authority than James Madison, Montesquieu stands as a theoretical founder of the liberal political tradition. But equally central to his project was his account of the relationship of law to each nation's particular customs and place, a teaching that militates against universal political solutions. This teaching has sometimes been thought to stand in tension with his liberal constitutionalism. In this book, Keegan Callanan argues that Montesquieu's political particularism and liberalism are complementary and (...)
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    Aprender, pesquisar e filmar: dimensões de atuação do documentarista-cartógrafo em oficinas de cinema.Cristiano Barbosa - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (63).
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  12. Uma fundamentação ontofenomenológica do direito.Tito Montenegro Barbosa - 1991 - Porto Alegre: Livraria Editora Acadêmica.
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  13. Cultivating culturally responsive teaching in teacher preparation: the vital role of contemplative teacher educators.Deborah Ann Donahue-Keegan - 2018 - In Jane Dalton, Kathryn Byrnes & Elizabeth Hope Dorman (eds.), The teaching self: contemplative practices, pedagogy, and research in education. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Los peligros de la sobreestimulación en la metrópolis moderna: Georg Simmel y su lectura del nuevo urbanita.Sonsoles Hernández Barbosa - 2019 - Arbor 195 (791):a497.
    A finales del siglo XIX, la economía capitalista y las nuevas formas de consumo que trae implícitas tratando de seducir al individuo urbano con multitud de estímulos suponen un cambio en el modo en que este experimenta la ciudad. Esto conlleva la aparición de nuevas patologías, como la neurastenia, producto de un supuesto exceso de demanda del cerebro. Estos efectos fueron abordados en la época por Georg Simmel, quien se interesó por la reacción que sobre el individuo produce la urbe (...)
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    Racializing a New Nation: German Coloniality and Anthropology in Maharashtra, India.Thiago P. Barbosa - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (1):137-166.
    This paper deals with the transnationalism of racial anthropological frameworks and its role in the understanding of human difference during India’s decolonization and nation-building. With attention to the circulation of scientific objects, I focus on the practices and articulations of Irawati Karve, an Indian anthropologist with a transnational scientific trajectory and nationalistic political engagements. I argue that Karve’s adaptation of an internationally validated German racial approach to study caste, ethnic and religious groups contributed to the further racialization of these categories (...)
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    A New Understanding of the Role of Self-oriented Motivations in the Creation of Social Enterprises.Alice Mascena Barbosa & Guillaume Dumont - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Drawing on two long-term ethnographic fieldworks with social entrepreneurs, this article starts to uncover the multilayered nature of the motivations underlying the creation of social enterprises. We investigate the following research question: what types of self-oriented motivations might drive social entrepreneurs? Departing from previous research and popular opinion, which foregrounds the primacy of prosocial intentions, we show the critical role played by self-oriented motives. To explain this finding, we advance three analytical categories of self-oriented motives—entrepreneurial lifestyle, repurposing expertise, and solving (...)
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  17. Condições da autoridade e autorização em Hobbes.Balthazar Barbosa Filho - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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    Em Defesa da Matemática.Wesley Barbosa - 2020 - Perspectivas 5 (1):15-38.
    O presente artigo pretende fazer uma defesa da matemática, em especial, da matemática pura. Partindo de problemas colocados por Kant no que concerne às condições de um pensamento puro a priori, seguindo por indagações promovidas por Leibniz no sentido da construção de uma linguagem artificial capaz de acessar de forma mais segura o mundo, e atormentados pela desconexão estrutural entre a linguagem humana natural e o mundo, elencada pelo debate da Filosofia da Linguagem promovida pela Tradição Analítica, se quis realizar (...)
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    As Dificuldades de Sustentação Argumentativa Do Ateísmo Militante.Wesley de Jesus Barbosa - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):1-24.
    This article will deal with the conditions for the development and support of militant atheism. By dialoguing with Michel Onfray and Richard Dawkins, we aim to analyze the difficulties of this type of worldview, given its rigidly dogmatic stance. The difficulty would be, not in the existentialist ontological condition of God, but in the lack of conceptual malleability of these atheists. In other words, militant atheism would end up affirming the same conviction as theists, the truth as the structuring foundation (...)
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    Até que ponto a idéia segundo a qual a beleza é perfeição com liberdade pode ser aplicada a naturezas orgânicas, de Goethe.Ricardo Barbosa - 2002 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 8:110-117.
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  21. La moral del sentimiento.Susana Barbosa - 2000 - In Susana Raquel Barbosa (ed.), Márgenes de la justicia: diez indagaciones filosóficas. Buenos Aires: GEA-Grupo Editor Altamira.
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  22. GMOs and Development.E. J. DaSilva - 2006 - International Journal of Bioethics 17 (4).
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  23. Stability of individual psychophysical functions for perceived distance.Ja Dasilva & Ss Fukusima - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):342-342.
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    A especificidade do estético e a razão prática em Schiller.Ricardo Barbosa - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):229-242.
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    How Christian Norms Can Have an Impact on Bioethics in a Pluralist and Democratic Europe: A Scandinavian Perspective.A. Barbosa da Silva - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (1):54-73.
    This article assesses the similarity and difference between the Western European style of doing bioethics and the Scandinavian one. First, it reviews the introductory article by the editor, C. Delkeskamp-Hayes in the first issue of Christian Bioethics (2008), devoted to the possibility of a specifically Christian bioethics in Europe. Second, it analyses bioethics debates in Scandinavian today. In light of Delkeskamp-Hayes' article, the main similarity is that both regions are facing secularization as a threat to basic Christian values, for example, (...)
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  26. On the spirit of the laws.Keegan Callanan - 2021 - In Keegan Callanan & Sharon R. Krause (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Montesquieu. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Cambridge companion to Montesquieu.Keegan Callanan & Sharon R. Krause (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The Companion to Montesquieu provides a first port-of-call for readers new to the study of Montesquieu, even as it makes major contributions to the specialist literature. The volume will attract scholars of multiple disciplines and readers interested in concepts like liberty, cosmopolitanism, sovereignty, and slavery treated in the thematic chapters.
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    Imprensa brasileira no contexto da independência: da constelação luso-brasileira às redes de comunicação.Marialva Carlos Barbosa - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    O artigo mostra a importância da expansão de periódicos no Brasil no contexto da independência, formando redes de comunicação, e os significados que a palavra impressa ganhou nesse momento inicial de formação de um espaço público no qual as discussões políticas tomavam as ruas. O foco são as diversas teias narrativas que podem ser vistas nos próprios periódicos e que revelam suas filiações ideológicas e as significações que atribuem aos seus posicionamentos políticos e à palavra impressa. Do ponto de vista (...)
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    The Potential Role for Cognitive Training in Sport: More Research Needed.Courtney C. Walton, Richard J. Keegan, Mike Martin & Harry Hallock - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Ethics of Engagement in an Age of Austerity: A Paradox Perspective.Helen Francis & Anne Keegan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (3):593-607.
    Our contribution in this paper is to highlight the ethical implications of workforce engagement strategies in an age of austerity. Hard or instrumentalist approaches to workforce engagement create the potential for situations where engaged employees are expected to work ever longer and harder with negative outcomes for their well-being. Our study explores these issues in an investigation of the enactment of an engagement strategy within a UK Health charity, where managers and workers face paradoxical demands to raise service quality and (...)
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    A crítica da violência de Walter Benjamin: implicações histórico-temporais do conceito de reine Gewalt.Jonnefer F. Barbosa - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (37):151.
    “ZurKritik der Gewalt”, publicado em agosto de 1921, nos ArchivfurSozialwissenschaftundSozialpolitik, tratará da tentativa de demarcação de uma violência exterior ou para além do direito: uma“violência pura”,que romperia a dialética da violência mítica que instauraria e conservaria a ordem jurídica. Este artigo pretende estabelecer algumas problematizações sobre esse conceito na filosofia de Walter Benjamin e de alguns intérpretes contemporâneos,buscando conjugar o conceito de reine Gewalt com as reflexões benjaminianas sobre o tempo e a história.
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  32. Entrevista: Adriano Correia.William Bento Barbosa - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (2):160-177.
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  33. John Dewey e o ensino da arte no Brasil.Ana Mae Tavares Bastos Barbosa - 1982 - São Paulo, SP: Cortez Editora. Edited by Ana Mae Tavares Bastos Barbosa.
    Ana Mae Barbosa presenteia o leitor com uma palestra que descobriu nos arquivos de Arte-Educação da Miami University, dirigida a professores de Arte e Trabalhos Industriais. Um belo exemplo da visão de Dewey sobre a importância da Arte no desenvolvimento humano.
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    Morte e vida: a dialética humana.Leopoldo Nelson Fernandes Barbosa, Ana Lúcia Francisco & Karl Heinz Efken - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:32-44.
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  35. Recensão a: J. Perret-Horace.Américo Barbosa - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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  36. Repensando o direito: ensaios.Tito Montenegro Barbosa - 1987 - Porto Alegre [Brazil]: Livraria Editora Acadêmica.
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    The challenge of ontology in interpretationalism.Luis Eduardo Gama Barbosa - 2018 - In Astrid Wagner & Ulrich Dirks (eds.), Abel Im Dialog: Perspektiven der Zeichen- Und Interpretationsphilosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 1345-1364.
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    Filosofía como praxis y diálogo. Una introducción a la hermenéutica desde Platón.Luis Eduardo Gama Barbosa - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 38:151-170.
    La filosofía, más que ser una tarea que busca crear e instaurar una teoría absoluta de la verdad, como fue el caso, en la historia de la filosofía misma, del pensamiento cartesiano, el hegeliano,el husserliano, entre otros, es una actividad, es decir, una praxis dialógica que se entiende como introducirse en el medio de un camino que ya otros han recorrido, lo cual presupone, inmediatamente, una concepción de la filosofía como un camino de experiencia siempre abierto. Así, el presente artículo (...)
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    Daseinsanálise e Psicanálise: caracterização de como se dá esse debate na atualidade.Caroline Garpelli Barbosa, Érico Bruno Viana Campos & Carmen Maria Bueno Neme - 2020 - Revista Natureza Humana 22 (1):30.
    Resumo: Este estudo objetiva retomar o diálogo efetuado entre a tradição da ontologia hermenêutica heideggeriana e a psicanálise freudiana, a fim de discutir se ele ainda tem lugar na atualidade e, em caso positivo, problematizar como ele tem sido construído. Apesar de existirem muitos argumentos que questionam a possibilidade de articulação entre esses dois campos, eles não encerram consensualmente essa discussão e exigem ser atualizados. No cenário mais recente, algumas pesquisas têm acenado para o estabelecimento de pontos de conexões entre (...)
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    Los conocimientos tradicionales en el ejercicio de la soberanía y seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades rurales, indígenas y campesinas, una alternativa para la sustentabilidad comunitaria.Mónica Patricia Melo Herrera & Rubinsten Hernández Barbosa - 2021 - Odeere 6 (2):07-15.
    En el texto se exponen algunas reflexiones sobre la importancia que tiene el rescatar los conocimientos tradicionales de las comunidades rurales, indígenas y campesinas sobre las prácticas agrícolas y alimenticias como recurso y mecanismo para favorecer la seguridad alimnetaria y de esta manera la sustentabilidad comunitaria. Se parte de una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema, y se exponen casos específicos, como ejemplo, donde la experiencia se ha convertido en una oportunidad de algunas comunidades para hacer valer sus derechos de manejo (...)
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  41. For Their Eyes Only.Eduarda Calado Barbosa & Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35 (2):89-105.
    When and why do we need the indexical ‘I’? Perry (1979) thinks that ‘I’ is an essential ingredient to the explanation and prediction of action. We need ‘I’ to classify the kind of belief that causes an agent to produce a new action. In his view, classifying the agent’s belief in terms of ‘I’ makes sense because, when asked to explain her behavior, the agent will be disposed to say ‘I’. Here, we argue that this dispositional assumption is problematic. The (...)
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    Efeitos da prática de yoga sobre a qualidade de vida de participantes do programa de extensão universitária “yoga: awaken one”.Poliana Coelho Barbosa, Danilo França Conceição dos Santos, Mateus Mota Pereira, Aline de Jesus Santos, Crislane dos Santos de Brito, Djalma Pereira Santana, Lucimara da Cruz Souza, Teresa Maria Bianchini de Quadros & Alex Pinheiro Gordia - 2023 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 30 (30):261-274.
    O ingresso na universidade acarreta mudanças na vida dos estudantes universitários, fato que pode levar à adoção de hábitos não saudáveis que podem resultar em impactos negativos na saúde e na qualidade de vida (QV) desses jovens. Nessa perspectiva, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da prática de Yoga na QV de estudantes universitários participantes do programa de extensão universitária intitulado “Yoga: Awaken ONE”. O estudo caracterizou-se como pré-experimental, do tipo antes e depois. Os participantes foram submetidos (...)
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    Virtual Terroir and the Premium Coffee Experience.Francisco Barbosa Escobar, Olivia Petit & Carlos Velasco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With its origin-centric value proposition, the specialty coffee industry seeks to educate consumers about the value of the origin of coffee and how the relationship with farmers ensures quality and makes coffee a premium product. While the industry has widely used stories and visual cues to communicate this added value, research studying whether and how these efforts influence consumers' experiences is scarce. Through three experiments, we explored the effect of images that evoke the terroir of coffee on the perception of (...)
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    Estado de exceção e emergência sanitária: Giorgio Agamben sobre a pandemia por coronavírus.Alan Barbosa Buchard - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (2):37.
    O presente artigo possui como tema a perspectiva do filósofo italiano Giorgio Agamben sobre a atual emergência sanitária por _Sars-Cov-2,_ a pandemia pelo novo _coronavírus._ A pesquise circunscreve a problemática levantada pelo filósofo acerca das consequências ético-políticas dos _estados de exceção_ decretados pelos governos democráticos contemporâneos em resposta crise sanitária por _covid-19_. O artigo tem por objetivo analisar e explicitar as teses defendidas Giorgio Agamben em um conjunto de textos publicados em seu blog particular – _Una Voce_ – e disponível (...)
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  45. “Democratic Norms and Sexual Identity”.Chris Keegan - 2007 - Phoebe: Journal of Gender and Cultural Critique, Vol. 19, No. 1: 2007, 1-10 19 (1:2):1-10.
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    (1 other version)It Puts the Lotion in the Basket.Chris Keegan - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff & S. Waller (eds.), Serial Killers ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 129–140.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Language of Psychopathy Why a Moral Grounding Traits versus Behaviors Primates, Communication, and Serial Killers.
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    Clinical Neuropsychology as a Specialist Profession in European Health Care: Developing a Benchmark for Training Standards and Competencies Using the Europsy Model?Laura Hokkanen, Fernando Barbosa, Amélie Ponchel, Marios Constantinou, Mary H. Kosmidis, Nataliya Varako, Erich Kasten, Sara Mondini, Sandra Lettner, Gus Baker, Bengt A. Persson & Erik Hessen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The prevalence and negative impact of brain disorders are increasing. Clinical Neuropsychology is a specialty dedicated to understanding brain-behavior relationships, applying such knowledge to the assessment of cognitive, affective, and behavioral functioning associated with brain disorders, and designing and implementing effective treatments. The need for services goes beyond neurological diseases and has increased in areas of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions, among others. In Europe, a great deal of variability exists in the education and training of Clinical Neuropsychologists. Training models include (...)
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    The Impact of the Content of the Label on the Buying Intention of a Wine Consumer.Diana Escandon-Barbosa & Josep Rialp-Criado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Monique Wittig: breve histórico da trajetória intelectual e política de uma lésbica.Paula Silveira-Barbosa & Julia Aleksandra Martucci Kumpera - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):321-364.
    Neste artigo, discutimos a trajetória política e intelectual de Monique Wittig. O objetivo é compreender as proposições dessa importante autora e ativista lésbica em seu contexto de produção. A partir do campo da história intelectual, discorremos sobre suas redes de sociabilidade e filiações teórico-políticas. Além de abordar suas elaborações sofisticadas sobre a noção de “lésbica”, a heterossexualidade como regime político e o conceito de pensamento straight, criticamos a ausência de uma perspectiva interseccional na obra de Wittig. Entendemos que trabalhos como (...)
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    Diversification or sensory unification? Controversies around the senses in fin de siècle culture.Sonsoles Hernandez Barbosa - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (1):1-17.
    This article analyses the evolutionist discourses on the senses that emerged in the late 19th century, when theories on the evolution of species were in full sway. Drawing on newspapers, essays and medical literature, this article aims to set face to face the two currents of thought that I have identified regarding sensory evolution: the one that stressed the value of the progressive specialisation of the senses as evidence for human evolution mainly supported by Max Nordau, and the one which (...)
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