Results for 'Juliette Leloup'

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  1. The leading figures of mathematics in France during the interwar period.Hélène Gispert & Juliette Leloup - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):39.
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    Des patrons des mathématiques en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres.Hélène Gispert & Juliette Leloup - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):39-117.
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    Démocratie contestataire ou contestation de la démocratie?Juliette Roussin - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):369.
    Juliette Roussin | : Cet article a pour objet d’interroger la tendance actuelle des démocraties à s’entourer d’institutions indépendantes au fort degré de compétence en vue de limiter et de corriger les défaillances éventuelles des corps démocratiques élus et représentatifs. La légitimité démocratique de ces institutions contre-majoritaires leur viendrait, selon certains théoriciens de la démocratie, de ce qu’elles offrent la possibilité de contester les décisions collectives lorsque celles-ci sont mauvaises ou injustes, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration globale des performances du (...)
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    Cross-Representational Signaling and Cohesion Support Inferential Comprehension of Text–Picture Documents.Juliette C. Désiron, Mireille Bétrancourt & Erica de Vries - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Learning from a text–picture multimedia document is particularly effective if learners can link information within the text and across the verbal and the pictorial representations. The ability to create a mental model successfully and include those implicit links is related to the ability to generate inferences. Text processing research has found that text cohesion facilitates the generation of inferences, and thus text comprehension for learners with poor prior knowledge or reading abilities, but is detrimental for learners with good prior knowledge (...)
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    Foreign aid and discourses of National Social Responsibility: evidence from South Korea.Juliette Schwak - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (3):302-322.
    This article analyses a recent discourse of responsibility that accompanies states’ foreign aid provision. States adopt this discourse of National Social Responsibility to show their complian...
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    Gödel, Tarski and the Lure of Natural Language: Logical Entanglement, Formalism Freeness.Juliette Kennedy - 2020 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Is mathematics 'entangled' with its various formalisations? Or are the central concepts of mathematics largely insensitive to formalisation, or 'formalism free'? What is the semantic point of view and how is it implemented in foundational practice? Does a given semantic framework always have an implicit syntax? Inspired by what she calls the 'natural language moves' of Gödel and Tarski, Juliette Kennedy considers what roles the concepts of 'entanglement' and 'formalism freeness' play in a range of logical settings, from computability (...)
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    Identity Talk of Aspirational Ethical Leaders.Juliette Koning & Jeff Waistell - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (1):65-77.
    This study investigates how business leaders dynamically narrate their aspirational ethical leadership identities. In doing so, it furthers understanding of ethical leadership as a process situated in time and place. The analysis focuses on the discursive strategies used to narrate identity and ethics by ethnic Chinese business leaders in Indonesia after their conversion to Pentecostal–charismatic Christianity. By exploring the use of metaphor, our study shows how these business leaders discursively deconstruct their ‘old’ identities and construct their ‘new’ aspirational identities as (...)
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    Voyage et anthropologie dans l'Émile de Rousseau.Juliette Morice - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 77 (1):127.
    Rousseau avait tout lieu, dans la controverse qui oppose au xviii e siècle partisans et pourfendeurs des voyages d’éducation, de prendre position contre ces voyages, suivant en cela les déclarations de Béat de Muralt, qu’il approuvait dans une large mesure. Nous constatons pourtant qu’en abordant « la question des voyages », l’auteur de l’Émile se voit obligé, tout en condamnant cette « mode », à la manière de Muralt, d’opérer un glissement théorique et de conférer à l’expérience du voyage, comme (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Complete theories of pairs of Henselian valued fields.G. Leloup - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):323-339.
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    Élimination Des quantificateurs dans Des paires de corps.G. Leloup - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):548-562.
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    Rings of monoids elementarily equivalent to polynomial rings.Gérard Leloup - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (2):173-180.
    Let l be a commutative field; Bauval [1] showed that the theory of the ring l[X1,...,Xm] is the same as the weak second-order theory of the field l. Now, l[X1,...,Xm] is the ring of the monoid m, so it may be asked what properties of m we can deduce from the theory of l[;m], that is, if l[m] is elementarily equivalent to the ring of monoid k[G], with k, a field and G, a monoid, what do we know not only (...)
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  12. Man in the modern world: prominent Soviet philosophers at a round-table discussion organized by the Novosti Press Agency and the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences.Juliette Shapland (ed.) - 1988 - Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Pub. House.
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  13. «Les voyages rendent-ils meilleur?»: Autour d'une controverse au XVIIIe siècle.Juliette Morice - 2012 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 110 (2):231-260.
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    Catel, Ainsi soit Benoîte Groult.Juliette Rennes - 2015 - Clio 42:276-280.
    Benoîte Groult n’aime pas la bande dessinée. « Le neuvième art », qu’elle associe aux albums illustrés de son enfance, évoque à ses yeux des récits conventionnels et peu féministes, dont le parangon est Bécassine. Ce « préjugé » constitue l’un des leitmotivs de la bande dessinée que Catel Muller, illustratrice et scénariste, consacre à l’essayiste et romancière féministe Benoîte Groult. Co-auteure avec José-Louis Bocquet, d’une « bio graphique » d’Edith Piaf (2005), de Kiki de Montparnasse (2...
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  15. Écrits posthumes de Sartre, II.Juliette Simont & Jean-Paul Sartre - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):802-802.
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    Le "Mal radical" et la critique kantienne du christianisme.Juliette Simont - 1996 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 8 (2):36-49.
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    Modeling the circadian clock: From molecular mechanism to physiological disorders.Jean-Christophe Leloup & Albert Goldbeter - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (6):590-600.
    Based on genetic and biochemical advances on the molecular mechanism of circadian rhythms, a computational model for the mammalian circadian clock is used to examine the dynamical bases of circadian‐clock‐related physiological disorders in humans. Entrainment by the light–dark cycle with a phase advance or a phase delay is associated with the Familial advanced sleep phase syndrome (FASPS) or the Delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS), respectively. Lack of entrainment corresponding to the occurrence of quasiperiodic oscillations with or without phase jump can (...)
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    (1 other version)On formalism freeness: Implementing gödel's 1946 princeton bicentennial lecture.Juliette Kennedy - 2013 - Association for Symbolic Logic: The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3).
    In this paper we isolate a notion that we call "formalism freeness" from Gödel's 1946 Princeton Bicentennial Lecture, which asks for a transfer of the Turing analysis of computability to the cases of definability and provability We suggest an implementation of Gödel's idea in the case of definability, via versions of the constructible hierarchy based on fragments of second order logic. We also trace the notion of formalism freeness in the very wide context of developments in mathematical logic in the (...)
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    Inner models from extended logics: Part 1.Juliette Kennedy, Menachem Magidor & Jouko Väänänen - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2150012.
    If we replace first-order logic by second-order logic in the original definition of Gödel’s inner model L, we obtain the inner model of hereditarily ordinal definable sets [33]. In this paper...
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    A non-instrumentalist approach to collective intentionality, practical reason, and the self.Juliette Gloor - 2014 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress.
    English summary: Taking into account the relevant and mostly contemporary ango-american debates concering collective intentionality, the author eximanes what it means to share reasons and other intentional states such as thoughts and emotions. The guiding question of the dissertation is in what way and to what extent morality and therefore self-consciousness can be understood as conditions of possibility for the sharing of mental states, especially reasons. The dissertation is a contribution mainly to fields of research in practical philosophy (normative ethics (...)
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    Traduire en hexamètres français : une contradiction dans les termes?Juliette Lormier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans Anabases. Traditions et réceptions de l'Antiquité, n° 20, 2014. Nous remercions Pascal Payen, la revue Anabases et Juliette Lormier de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : Cet article propose d'analyser deux entreprises de traduction en hexamètres français : celle des Travaux et des Jours d'Hésiode par Jean-Antoine de Baïf dans ses Étrénes de poézie fransoeze an vers mezurés, et celle de l'Iliade d'Homère par Philippe Brunet. Il s'agit de resituer ces (...)
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    Moral esthétique, morale militante.Juliette Simont - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (1):23-58.
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    Epromoters are new players in the regulatory landscape with potential pleiotropic roles.Juliette Malfait, Jing Wan & Salvatore Spicuglia - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (10):2300012.
    Precise spatiotemporal control of gene expression during normal development and cell differentiation is achieved by the combined action of proximal (promoters) and distal (enhancers) cis‐regulatory elements. Recent studies have reported that a subset of promoters, termed Epromoters, works also as enhancers to regulate distal genes. This new paradigm opened novel questions regarding the complexity of our genome and raises the possibility that genetic variation within Epromoters has pleiotropic effects on various physiological and pathological traits by differentially impacting multiple proximal and (...)
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    Responsabilité pénale et politique(s) criminelle(s).Juliette Tricot - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):257-275.
    L’analyse en termes de politique criminelle de la responsabilité pénale contemporaine permet d’observer les mouvements qui la travaillent de l’intérieur, en particulier son éclatement qui l’expose aux incohérences, mais aussi de l’extérieur, spécialement son expansion qui la confronte à ses propres limites.
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  25. Darker sides of guilt: The case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Juliette Vazard & Julien Deonna - 2019 - In Bradford Cokelet & Corey J. Maley (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Guilt. Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Why do thoughts involving harm and damage trigger guilt in certain individuals and not in others? The significance of this question comes into view when considering the medical and psychological literature on patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Patients with OCD feel guilt in response to having certain recurring, negative thoughts whose content evoke scenarios of harm and damage. This, however—at least in most readings of what those thoughts consist of—is puzzling. The transition from having a thought about being the source (...)
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    Context modeling: Context as a dressing of a focus.Juliette Brézillon & Patrick Brézillon - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 136--149.
  27. Patrick Wotling, Nietzsche. La conquête d’une pensée.Juliette Chiche - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (2):103-107.
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    Les acheteurs des cratères corinthiens.Juliette de la Genière - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):83-90.
    L'étude des formes, celle des thèmes figurés sur les vases grecs ne sont pas sépara ble· d'une connaissance aussi précise que possible des lieux et des conditions de trouvaille des documents considérés. On donnera ici l'exemple des cratères corinthiens dont l'iconographie aristocratique s'explique par le type de vie et l'idéologie funéraire des clients privilégiés de cette série de vases, les notables de Cerveteri.
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    « Parfumés comme Crésus » - De l'origine du lécythe attique.Juliette de la Genière - 1984 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 108 (1):91-98.
    Le lécythe à épaule, qui apparaît pour la première fois à Athènes peu avant le milieu du VIe siècle, n'est pas une forme empruntée à des modèles corinthiens. Ses analogies avec la forme Β des « lécythes samiens » en font l'héritier direct. A l'origine des séries on trouve les vases à parfum présents en Lydie et dans les cités d'Éolide et d'Ionie au temps d'Alyatte et de Crésus.
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    Présentation.Juliette Grange & François Frimat - 2012 - Cités 52 (4):7.
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    Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems.Juliette Kennedy - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element takes a deep dive into Gödel's 1931 paper giving the first presentation of the Incompleteness Theorems, opening up completely passages in it that might possibly puzzle the student, such as the mysterious footnote 48a. It considers the main ingredients of Gödel's proof: arithmetization, strong representability, and the Fixed Point Theorem in a layered fashion, returning to their various aspects: semantic, syntactic, computational, philosophical and mathematical, as the topic arises. It samples some of the most important proofs of the (...)
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  32. History of Logic.Juliette Kennedy & Gabriel Sandu - 2003 - Synthese 137:459-460.
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  33. Le philosophe et le djihadiste: récit.Jean-Yves Leloup - 2016 - Paris: Presses du Châtelet.
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    'That Devil Curiosity Which Too Much Haunts the Minds of Women': Eliza Haywood's Female Spectators.Juliette Merritt - 1997 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 16:131.
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    A. Renaut, Sartre, le dernier philosophe.Juliette Simont - 1994 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2:260-263.
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  36. Hegel and Deleuze: the storm.Juliette Simont - 2013 - In Karen Houle, Jim Vernon & Jean-Clet Martin (eds.), Hegel and Deleuze: Together Again for the First Time. Northwestern University Press.
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    Le théâtre de Jean-Paul Sartre: 1905-2005.Juliette Simont - 2005 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 59.
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  38. Passions et Psychopathologie.Juliette Vazard - 2018 - In Gloria Origgi (ed.), Dictionnaire des Passions Sociales.
    Les termes que nous utilisons pour décrire notre vie affective ont changé au fil des siècles. Un changement notoire est celui qui a mené d’une conception de l’affectivité centrée autour des “passions” à un discours basé sur l' “émotion” comme catégorie psychologique centrale (Dixon 2003, Rorty 1982). Ainsi, alors que la référence à des désordres émotionnels est omniprésente dans les manuels de psychopathologie, le concept de passion a largement disparu du glossaire psychiatrique. Certains auteurs défendent pourtant l’idée selon laquelle ces (...)
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  39. The Anxious Inquirer: Emotions and Epistemic Uncertainty.Juliette Vazard - 2021 - Dissertation,
    My dissertation, entitled "The Anxious Inquirer: Emotions and Epistemic Uncertainty", concerns the relation between the epistemic attitude of doubt and the emotion of anxiety. In this dissertation, I propose a model of the affective architecture of doubt inspired in part by research in psychiatry on the persistent and recurring doubt of patients with Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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    Logicality and model classes.Juliette Kennedy & Jouko Väänänen - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (4):385-414.
    We ask, when is a property of a model a logical property? According to the so-called Tarski–Sher criterion this is the case when the property is preserved by isomorphisms. We relate this to model-theoretic characteristics of abstract logics in which the model class is definable. This results in a graded concept of logicality in the terminology of Sagi [46]. We investigate which characteristics of logics, such as variants of the Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, Completeness theorem, and absoluteness, are relevant from the logicality (...)
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    Set Theory, Arithmetic, and Foundations of Mathematics: Theorems, Philosophies.Juliette Kennedy & Roman Kossak (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: 1. Introduction Juliette Kennedy and Roman Kossak; 2. Historical remarks on Suslin's problem Akihiro Kanamori; 3. The continuum hypothesis, the generic-multiverse of sets, and the [OMEGA] conjecture W. Hugh Woodin; 4. [omega]-Models of finite set theory Ali Enayat, James H. Schmerl and Albert Visser; 5. Tennenbaum's theorem for models of arithmetic Richard Kaye; 6. Hierarchies of subsystems of weak arithmetic Shahram Mohsenipour; 7. Diophantine correct open induction Sidney Raffer; 8. Tennenbaum's theorem and recursive reducts James (...)
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    De Nietzsche à Maître Eckhart.Jean-Yves Leloup - 2014 - Paris: Almora.
    Jean-Yves Leloup nous propose ici deux lectures magistrales de deux géants de la culture occidentale : Nietzsche, l'athée et Maître Eckhart, le théologien-mystique. Il tente de remettre "à l'endroit" un texte de Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, souvent cité pour justifier tous les athéismes. Leloup montre que le Dieu en lequel Nietzsche voyait une "antithèse de la vie" n'a rien à voir avec le Dieu des Evangiles qui est au contraire une puissance de vie et de libération, une claire lumière (...)
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    On regular reduced products.Juliette Kennedy & Saharon Shelah - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1169-1177.
    Assume $\langle \aleph_0, \aleph_1 \rangle \rightarrow \langle \lambda, \lambda^+ \rangle$ . Assume M is a model of a first order theory T of cardinality at most λ+ in a language L(T) of cardinality $\leq \lambda$ . Let N be a model with the same language. Let Δ be a set of first order formulas in L(T) and let D be a regular filter on λ. Then M is $\Delta-embeddable$ into the reduced power $N^\lambda/D$ , provided that every $\Delta-existential$ formula true (...)
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    Interpreting Gödel: Critical Essays.Juliette Kennedy (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The logician Kurt Gödel published a paper in 1931 formulating what have come to be known as his 'incompleteness theorems', which prove, among other things, that within any formal system with resources sufficient to code arithmetic, questions exist which are neither provable nor disprovable on the basis of the axioms which define the system. These are among the most celebrated results in logic today. In this volume, leading philosophers and mathematicians assess important aspects of Gödel's work on the foundations and (...)
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    Jakob L. Fink (éd.), The Development of Dialectic from Plato to Aristotle.Juliette Lemaire - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:265-269.
    Actes d’un colloque qui s’est tenu à Copenhague en 2007, l’ouvrage veut combler un manque : traiter du développement de la dialectique de Platon à Aristote, non pas en se focalisant sur la méthode et l’ontologie, mais en se fondant sur le cadre du débat dialectique. Selon J. Fink (p. 2), la dialectique ici signifie d’abord et avant tout argumentation adressée à un interlocuteur. La pratique de l’argumentation dialectique et son extension dans la forme littéraire du dialogue constituent le cœu...
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    Démocratie, expertise et délibération : autour de Jean-Marc Narbonne, Sagesse cumulative et idéal démocratique chez Aristote.Juliette Roussin - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):269-276.
  47. (Un)reasonable doubt as affective experience: obsessive–compulsive disorder, epistemic anxiety and the feeling of uncertainty.Juliette Vazard - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6917-6934.
    How does doubt come about? What are the mechanisms responsible for our inclinations to reassess propositions and collect further evidence to support or reject them? In this paper, I approach this question by focusing on what might be considered a distorting mirror of unreasonable doubt, namely the pathological doubt of patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Individuals with OCD exhibit a form of persistent doubting, indecisiveness, and over-cautiousness at pathological levels (Rasmussen and Eisen in Psychiatr Clin 15(4):743–758, 1992; Reed in Obsessional (...)
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  48. Syllable: typology.Juliette Blevins - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 2--333.
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    La citoyenneté européenne : Un projet politique de cohabitation culturelle.Juliette Bridier - 1999 - Hermes 23:83.
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    The cosmological system of Pierre Bayle.Juliette Carnus - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (4):585-597.
    The philosopher whose work best represents the type of thought and expresses the aspirations of the French writers of the eighteenth century is, beyond any doubt, Pierre Bayle. Not so well known as many of the others, it was he, nevertheless, who started the dialectic movement of philosophic thought which was very characteristic of that era. Furthermore, in his extensive writings, he accumulated material from which his successors could draw freely and copiously.
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