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Joseph Betz [40]Joseph M. Betz [1]
  1.  91
    John Dewey and Paulo Freire.Joseph Betz - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (1):107 - 126.
  2.  69
    Business Ethics and Politics.Joseph Betz - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (4):693-702.
    What is the relation of business ethics to politics? My answer has two parts. First, business ethics exists quite apart from politics in matters of simple, basic ethical norms like those prohibiting lying, wanton injury, sexual harrassment. One would be foolish to unsettlethis settled ethics as A. Z. Carr does in this article, “Is Business Bluffing Ethical?” For the business community thus loses the public’s trust and invites a government regulation of business smothering to business and burdensome to government.Second, there (...)
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  3.  28
    John Dewey on Human Rights.Joseph Betz - 1978 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 14 (1):18 - 41.
  4. Sissela Bok on the analogy of deception and violence.Joseph Betz - 1985 - Journal of Value Inquiry 19 (3):217-224.
    Bok defines lying in the same way as Augustine and Kant. But she wants to oppose their position that one cannot lie to save an innocent life. This position was successfully and consistently opposed by Constant and Grotius who did so by redefining lying so that the untruth one tells to save an innocent life does not count as a lie since it does not violate a right. Bok refuses to use this way. She instead uses her analogy of deception (...)
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  5.  28
    George Herbert Mead on Human Rights.Joseph Betz - 1974 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 10 (4):199 - 223.
  6. Violence: Garver's definition and a Deweyan correction.Joseph Betz - 1977 - Ethics 87 (4):339-351.
  7. Proportionality, Just War Theory, and America’s 2003–2004 War Against Iraq.Joseph Betz - 2005 - Social Philosophy Today 21:137-156.
    Just war theory requires that a nation at war respect proportionality both before it goes to war, jus ad bellum, and in the way it fights a war, jus in bello. To respect proportionality is to know or estimate on good evidence that the whole war and the tactics used in the war will not generate more evil and harm and costs than they will generate good and help and benefits. This paper argues that the 2003–2004 U.S. war on Iraq (...)
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  8.  22
    George Herbert Mead in the Twenty-First Century.Mitchell Aboulafia, Guido Baggio, Joseph Betz, Kelvin J. Booth, Nuria Sara Miras Boronat, James Campbell, Gary A. Cook, Stephen Everett, Alicia Garcia Ruiz, Judith M. Green, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Erkki Kilpinen, Roman Madzia, John Ryder, Matteo Santarelli & David W. Woods (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    While rooted in careful study of Mead’s original writings and transcribed lectures and the historical context in which that work was carried out, the papers in this volume have brought Mead’s work to bear on contemporary issues in metaphysics, epistemology, cognitive science, and social and political philosophy.
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  9.  15
    George Herbert Mead on Social and Economic Human Rights.Joseph Betz - 2013 - In F. Thomas Burke & Krzysztof Skowronski (eds.), George Herbert Mead in the Twenty-first Century. Lanham: Lexington Press. pp. 175.
  10.  24
    An Introduction to the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Joseph Betz - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (3):379 - 422.
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  11. America's 2003 War of Aggression against Iraq.Joseph Betz - 2004 - Nexus 9:145.
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  12.  81
    Can Civil Disobedience Be Justified?Joseph Betz - 1970 - Social Theory and Practice 1 (2):13-30.
  13.  65
    Comments on Lucas Swaine’s The Liberal Conscience.Joseph Betz - 2008 - Social Philosophy Today 24:183-186.
  14.  14
    Dewey and Socrates.Joseph Betz - 1980 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 16 (4):329 - 356.
  15.  37
    Democratic Socialism, the Catholic Bishops, and Human Rights.Joseph Betz - 1995 - Social Philosophy Today 10:251-265.
  16.  58
    Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. on the United States.Joseph Betz - 2003 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 13 (2):125-141.
    Liberation theology's account of how Latin America's rich (the small upper class) exploited the poor (its majority lower class) described things perfectly in El Salvador. On behalf of the crucified majority, Ellacurfa prophetically denounced, for over twenty years, the oppression of the crucifying oligarchy of El Salvador. This paper concerns a part of that denunciation, the part of it for which I, as a North American, as a citizen of the United States, have some responsibility.
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  17.  49
    Kerrey and Calley.Joseph Betz - 2002 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 16 (2):139-152.
    Lieutenant Bob Kerrey, later Governor and Senator Kerrey, revealed in the spring of 2001 that he was being accused by a former military subordinate that he had ordered a massacre during the Vietnamese War. Kerrey denied most parts of the charge. If guilty, however, he would be a war criminal of roughly the same kind that a court martial found Lieutenant Rusty Calley to be. I examine the available evidence and argue that a court martial would probably find Kerrey guilty (...)
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  18.  47
    Perfectionism and the Common Good: Themes in the Philosophy of T. H. Green.Joseph Betz - 2005 - International Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1):142-143.
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  19. Police violence.Joseph Betz - 1985 - In Frederick Elliston & Michael Feldberg (eds.), Moral issues in police work. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld. pp. 177--196.
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  20.  74
    Remarks on Will Kymlicka’s Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity.Joseph Betz - 2009 - Social Philosophy Today 25:257-263.
  21.  25
    Sandinista Nicaragua as a Deweyan Social Experiment.Joseph Betz - 2000 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 36 (1):25 - 47.
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  22.  32
    The Concept of the Human Being in George Herbert Mead.Joseph Betz - 1989 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 17 (52):9-9.
  23.  71
    The Definition of Torture.Joseph Betz - 2006 - Social Philosophy Today 22:127-135.
    The conventional dictionary definition of a term is important to the citizen and soldier obeying laws and judging actions that might fall under the term. The “Convention Against Torture” is both binding U.S. law and gives a clear, conventional definition of torture. But the Bush Administration’s standards for interrogating foreign detainees, originating from the Attorney General’s office, failed to respect the prohibitions of torture in the Convention and two other important international human rights documents. I criticize these standards on seven (...)
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  24.  89
    The Definition of Massacre.Joseph Betz - 2001 - Social Philosophy Today 17:9-19.
    Examining the reasons for the conventional application of the term 'massacre' to some sorts of killings but not others, I arrive at this definition of the term. A massacre is the mass murder and mutilation of innocent victims by an assailant or assailants immediately present at the scene. This is a conventional and not a stipulative definition. Many standard definitions are imprecise for several reasons. They might say the killing is unnecessary or indiscriminate or at a distance or they might (...)
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  25.  72
    The United States and the World.Joseph M. Betz - 2009 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (1):117-124.
    Because of the recent meltdown in our capitalistic system, even former President Bush and conservative Republicans favor the government interference in free markets in which privately owned businesses were “bailed out.” This government action to save our economic system had long previously been denounced as “socialism.” However, this current acceptance of a sort of democratic socialism at home now would allow President Obama to respect and even promote democratic socialism abroad. In fact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights demands respect (...)
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  26.  33
    The relation between love and justice: A survey of the five possible positions. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1970 - Journal of Value Inquiry 4 (3):191-203.
  27.  51
    "A Sociology of Religion," by Michael Hill. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (3):299-302.
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  28. Book Review. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1996 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 10:148-153.
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  29.  21
    Einstein’s Pacifism and World War I. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 2018 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 28 (1):157-160.
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  30.  52
    Faith and Revolution in Nicaragua. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1991 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 4 (1):90-93.
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  31. George Kimball Plochmann, "Richard McKeon: A Study". [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (2):350.
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  32.  43
    Intellectual Foundation of the Nicaraguan Revolution. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 3:445-447.
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  33.  21
    Joe Holland, 100 Years of Catholic Social Teaching Defending Workers and their Unions: Summaries and Commentaries for Five Landmark Papal Encyclicals. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 2013 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 23 (1):101-104.
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  34.  60
    Josiah Royce. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (3):223-223.
    Josiah Royce saw no separation between his idealistic philosophy and his Protestant, Christian religion, so his reader in this book today learns Royce’s distinctive philosophical doctrines of interpretation, loyalty, evil and error, selfhood and community in a context in which he discusses Job, salvation, the Spirit, religious insight, love, Paul’s epistles and atonement. Here are almost 300 pages of selections from four of Royce’s books well-chosen to fulfill the aim of learning Royce’s philosophy of religious thought.
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  35.  43
    Mexico at the Crossroads. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1996 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 7 (1):93-99.
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  36.  6
    "Review of" Killing in War". [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 2011 - Essays in Philosophy 12 (1):10.
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  37.  15
    Review of Killing in War, by Jeff McMahon. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 2011 - Essays in Philosophy 12 (1):147-162.
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  38.  41
    "The Philosophy of George Herbert Mead," ed. Walter Robert Corti, with preface by S. Morris Eames. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 52 (3):312-316.
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  39.  29
    We Who Dared to Say No to War. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 19 (2):105-108.
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  40. Zahara K. McKeon , "Freedom and History and Other Essays: An Introduction to the Thought of Richard McKeon". [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1991 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 27 (1):133.
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  41.  7
    On Knowing—The Natural Sciences, by Richard McKeon, David B. Owen, & Zahava K. McKeon. [REVIEW]Joseph Betz - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (3):477-483.
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