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  1.  93
    Enaction: Toward a New Paradigm for Cognitive Science.John Stewart, Olivier Gapenne & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo (eds.) - 2010 - Bradford.
    This book presents the framework for a new, comprehensive approach to cognitive science. The proposed paradigm, enaction, offers an alternative to cognitive science's classical, first-generation Computational Theory of Mind. _Enaction_, first articulated by Varela, Thompson, and Rosch in _The Embodied Mind_, breaks from CTM's formalisms of information processing and symbolic representations to view cognition as grounded in the sensorimotor dynamics of the interactions between a living organism and its environment. A living organism enacts the world it lives in; its embodied (...)
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  2. From autonomy to heteronomy (and back): The enaction of social life.Pierre Steiner & John Stewart - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (4):527-550.
    The term “social cognition” can be construed in different ways. On the one hand, it can refer to the cognitive faculties involved in social activities, defined simply as situations where two or more individuals interact. On this view, social systems would consist of interactions between autonomous individuals; these interactions form higher-level autonomous domains not reducible to individual actions. A contrasting, alternative view is based on a much stronger theoretical definition of a truly social domain, which is always defined by a (...)
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  3.  30
    Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy.John Benjamin Stewart - 1992 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    "The picture of Hume clinging timidly to a raft of custom and artifice, because, poor skeptic, he has no alternative, is wrong," writes John Stewart. "Hume was confident that by experience and reflection philosophers can achieve true principles." In this revisionary work Stewart surveys all of David Hume's major writings to reveal him as a liberal moral and political philosopher. Against the background of seventeenth-and eighteenth-century history and thought, Hume emerges as a proponent not of conservatism but of reform. Stewart (...)
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  4. The Meaning of Life in a Developing Universe.John E. Stewart - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (4):395-409.
    The evolution of life on Earth has produced an organism that is beginning to model and understand its own evolution and the possible future evolution of life in the universe. These models and associated evidence show that evolution on Earth has a trajectory. The scale over which living processes are organized cooperatively has increased progressively, as has its evolvability. Recent theoretical advances raise the possibility that this trajectory is itself part of a wider developmental process. According to these theories, the (...)
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  5.  13
    Drifting Continents and Colliding Paradigms: Perspectives on the Geoscience Revolution.John A. Stewart - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    "The book provides an excellent historical summary of the debates over continental drift theory in this century." —Contemporary Sociology "This is a useful discussion of the way that science works. The book will be of value to philosophers of science... " —Choice "... will find an important place in university and department libraries, and will interest afficionados of the factual and intellectual history of the earth sciences." —Terra Nova "... an excellent core analysis... " —The Times Higher Education Supplement "... (...)
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  6.  20
    The Reality of Phlogiston in Great Britain.John Stewart - 2012 - Hyle 18 (2):175 - 194.
    Mi Gyung Kim (2008) has challenged the historiographical assumption that phlogiston was the paradigmatic concept in eighteenth century chemistry. Her analysis of the operational, theoretical, and philosophical identities of phlogiston demonstrates how Stahlian phlogiston was appropriated into the burgeoning field of affinity theory. However, this new French conception of phlogiston was destabilized by the introduction of Boerhaave's thermometrics. By extending this story through 1790, I will show that British pneumatic chemists integrated new understandings of heat with an affinity based operational (...)
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  7. RNA’s Role in the Origins of Life: An Agentic ‘Manager’, or Recipient of ‘Off-loaded’ Constraints?John E. Stewart - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (3):643-650.
    In his Target Article, Terrence Deacon develops simple models that assist in understanding the role of RNA in the origins of life. However, his models fail to adequately represent an important evolutionary dynamic. Central to this dynamic is the selection that impinges on RNA molecules in the context of their association with proto-metabolisms. This selection shapes the role of RNA in the emergence of life. When this evolutionary dynamic is appropriately taken into account, it predicts a role for RNA that (...)
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  8.  61
    The moral and political philosophy of David Hume.John Benjamin Stewart - 1963 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
  9.  90
    (1 other version)“You never fail to surprise me”: the hallmark of the Other: Experimental study and simulations of perceptual crossing.Charles Lenay, John Stewart, Marieke Rohde & Amal Ali Amar - 2011 - Interaction Studiesinteraction Studies Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems 12 (3):373-396.
    Classically, the question of recognizing another subject is posed unilaterally, in terms of the observed behaviour of the other entity. Here, we propose an alternative, based on the emergent patterns of activity resulting from the interaction of both partners. We employ a minimalist device which forces the subjects to externalize their perceptual activity as trajectories which can be observed and recorded; the results show that subjects do identify the situation of perceptual crossing with their partner. The interpretation of the results (...)
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  10. Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy.John B. STEWART - 1992 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (3):502-506.
  11.  56
    The Future of Life and What it Means for Humanity.John E. Stewart - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (1):47-50.
    Vidal’s (Found Sci, 2010 ) and Rottiers’s (Found Sci, 2010 ) commentaries on my (2010) paper raised a number of important issues about the possible future trajectory of evolution and its implications for humanity. My response emphasizes that despite the inherent uncertainty involved in extrapolating the trajectory of evolution into the far future, the possibilities it reveals nonetheless have significant strategic implications for what we do with our lives here and now, individually and collectively. One important implication is the replacement (...)
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  12. The Social Interpretation of the French Revolution.Alfred Cobban, Albert Soboul, Georges Lefebvre, John Hall Stewart & James Friguglietti - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (4):472-477.
  13. The future evolution of consciousness.John E. Stewart - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (8):58-92.
    What is the potential for improvements in the functioning of consciousness? The paper addresses this issue using global workspace theory. According to this model, the prime function of consciousness is to develop novel adaptive responses. Consciousness does this by putting together new combinations of knowledge, skills and other disparate resources that are recruited from throughout the brain. The paper's search for potential improvements in consciousness is aided by studies of a developmental transition that enhances functioning in whichever domain it occurs. (...)
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  14.  62
    Radical constructivism in biology and cognitive science.John Stewart - 2001 - Foundations of Science 6 (1-3):99-124.
    This article addresses the issue of objectivism vs constructivism in two areas,biology and cognitive science, which areintermediate between the natural sciences suchas physics (where objectivism is dominant) andthe human and social sciences (whereconstructivism is widespread). The issues inbiology and in cognitive science are intimatelyrelated; in each of these twin areas, the objectivism vs constructivism issue isinterestingly and rather evenly balanced; as aresult, this issue engenders two contrastingparadigms, each of which has substantialspecific scientific content. The neo-Darwinianparadigm in biology is closely resonant (...)
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  15.  89
    Reciprocal modelling of active perception of 2-d forms in a simple tactile-vision substitution system.John Stewart & Olivier Gapenne - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (3):309-330.
    The strategies of action employed by a human subject in order to perceive simple 2-D forms on the basis of tactile sensory feedback have been modelled by an explicit computer algorithm. The modelling process has been constrained and informed by the capacity of human subjects both to consciously describe their own strategies, and to apply explicit strategies; thus, the strategies effectively employed by the human subject have been influenced by the modelling process itself. On this basis, good qualitative and semi-quantitative (...)
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  16.  18
    The scientific claims of British child guidance, 1918–45.John Stewart - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Science 42 (3):407-432.
    This article examines the British child guidance movement's claim to scientific status and what it sought to gain by the wider acceptance of such a claim. The period covered is from the movement's origins in the 1920s to the end of the Second World War, by which point it had been incorporated into the welfare state. This was also an era when science commanded high intellectual and cultural status. Child guidance was a form of psychiatric medicine that addressed the emotional (...)
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  17. The Pursuit of Certainty: David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Beatrice Webb.Shirley Robin Letwin, John B. Stewart, Carl B. Cone, Alfred Cobban & Joseph Hamburger - 1967 - Science and Society 31 (1):37-47.
  18.  27
    Preface.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  19. Future psychological evolution.John E. Stewart - 2001 - [Journal (on-Line/Unpaginated)] 16 (2001):Unpaginated.
    Humans are able to construct mental representations and models of possible interactions with their environment. They can use these mental models to identify actions that will enable them to achieve their adaptive goals. But humans do not use this capacity to identify and implement the actions that would contribute most to the evolutionary success of humanity. In general, humans do not find motivation or satisfaction in doing so, no matter how effective such actions might be in evolutionary terms. From an (...)
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  20.  13
    Language as Articulate Contact: Toward a Post-semiotic Philosophy of Communication.John Robert Stewart & John Stewart - 1995 - Suny Press.
    This book analyzes the prominent view that language is basically a system of signs and symbols; outlines an alternative that builds on aspects of the philosophies of Heidegger, Gadamer, Buber, and Bakhtin; and employs this alternative to criticize accounts of language developed by V.N. Volosinov, Kenneth Burke, and Calvin O. Schrag. From the perspective of communication theory, this book extends some features of the postmodern critique of representationalism to develop a post-semiotic account of the nature of language as dialogic.
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  21.  74
    Management for the Public Domain: Enabling the Learning Society.Stewart Ranson & John Stewart - 1995 - British Journal of Educational Studies 43 (4):474-475.
  22. The Trajectory of Evolution and its Implications for Humanity.John E. Stewart - 2019 - Journal of Big History (3):141-155.
    Does the Big History of life on Earth disclose a trajectory that has been driven by selection? If so, will the trajectory continue to apply into the future? This paper argues that such a trajectory exists, and examines some of its key implications. The most important consequence is that humanity can use the trajectory to guide how it evolves and adapts into the future. This is because the trajectory identifies a sequence of adaptations that will be favoured by selection. If (...)
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  23.  34
    The crisis of modern society: Richard Titmuss and Emile Durkheim.John Stewart - 2024 - History of the Human Sciences 37 (1):47-71.
    This article examines the influence of Emile Durkheim's sociology on Richard Titmuss, founder of the academic field of social policy. While operating in different environments and historical eras, they shared concerns about modernity's impact on contemporary societies, heightened by their experiences of living in periods of considerable political and socio-economic upheaval. Their social thought embraced crucial complementarities, and understanding these adds a previously under-explored dimension to Titmuss's influential analyses of Britain's post-war ‘welfare state’.
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  24. A critical exposition of Bergson's philosophy.John M'kellar Stewart - 1911 - London,: Macmillan & co..
  25.  14
    Introduction.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 3-12.
  26. Commentary on John B. Stewart.John B. Stewart - 1995 - Hume Studies 21 (2):189-192.
  27.  35
    Magnitude estimates of rotational velocity during and following prolonged increasing, constant, and zero angular acceleration.Brant Clark & John D. Stewart - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (2p1):329.
  28.  32
    Monitoring State Fulfillment of Economic and Social Rights Obligations in the United States.Susan Randolph, Michelle Prairie & John Stewart - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (2):139-165.
    This article adapts the economic and social rights fulfillment index (SERF Index) developed by Fukuda-Parr, Lawson-Remer, and Randolph to assess the extent to which each of the 50 US states fulfills the economic and social rights obligations set forth in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. It then extends the index to incorporate discrimination and examines differences in economic and social rights fulfillment by race and sex within each of the states. The overall SERF Index score varies (...)
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  29.  22
    Methionine or not methionine at the beginning of a protein.Fred Sherman, John W. Stewart & Susumu Tsunasawa - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (1):27-31.
    Methionine aminopeptidases with a universal specificity have been revealed from the sequences of the amino‐terminal region of mutant forms of yeast iso‐1‐cytochrome c and from a systematic examination of the literature for amino‐terminal sequences formed at initiation sites. The aminopeptidase removes amino‐terminal residues of methionine when they precede certain amino acids, with a specificity that appears to be determined mainly by the residue adjacent to the methionine residue at the amino terminus. The result with the mutationally altered iso‐1‐cytochromes c and (...)
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  30.  15
    A Response to Douglas Long.John B. Stewart - 1995 - Hume Studies 21 (2):193-195.
  31.  21
    Bibliographic note.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. ix-2.
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  32.  13
    Contents.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  33.  16
    Chemistry and slavery in the Scottish Enlightenment.John Stewart - 2020 - Annals of Science 77 (2):155-168.
    ABSTRACTThe Scottish Enlightenment has long been identified with abolitionism because of the writings of the moral and economic philosophers and the absence of slaves in Scotland itself. However, Scots were disproportionately represented in the ownership, management, and especially medical treatment of slaves in the British Caribbean. Sugar and cotton flowed into Glasgow and young, educated Scots looking for work as traders, bookkeepers, doctors made the return trip back to the Caribbean to manage the plantations. Chemically trained doctors and agriculturalists tested (...)
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  34.  14
    4. Civil Society.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 152-193.
  35.  13
    6. Changing the British Mind.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 224-318.
  36.  26
    Genetics, biology and multifactorial diseases.John Stewart - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (4):323-329.
    The schematic concept of levels of causal interaction is applied to the relation between genetics and biology. The strength of classical formal genetics lies in its power to proceed directly from observations on an external phenotype, to inferences concerning the nature and properties of the fundamental genetic factors. Its weakness comes from the fact that by short-circuiting the causal chain leading from genotype to phenotype, it creates a divorce between genetics and biology. It is argued that in order to reestablish (...)
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  37.  12
    5. Hume and Reform: Discovering True Principles.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 194-223.
  38.  13
    Index.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 319-325.
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  39.  23
    Language and language : Approaches to metaphor.John Stewart - 2016 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 19 (HS).
    Des Anglophones peuvent éprouver quelques difficultés à comprendre la différence entre « langue » et « langage », car en anglais il existe un seul mot pour les deux, à savoir « language ». L’œuvre de Pierre-Yves Raccah est caractérisé par une très grande précision et rigueur ; cela est bien illustré par la terminologie qu’il a établi selon laquelle le terme « langue » correspond à une langue naturelle comme le Français ou l’Anglais ; alors que le terme « (...)
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  40.  13
    Lived Experience: Past and Present.John Stewart - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 13 (2):237-238.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Excavating Belief About Past Experience: Experiential Dynamics of the Reflective Act” by Urban Kordeš & Ema Demšar. Upshot: The theme of lived experience involves an intensely personal, subjective, existential dimension; if this is not taken up, something essential is missing.
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  41.  13
    3. Morality Explained.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 109-151.
  42.  8
    Opus Maximum; Or, The Great Essay to Reduce the Moral World from Contingency to System: In the Following New Sciences: Psyconomy; Or, The Science of the Moral Powers... Mathemanomy; Or, The Laws of Knowledge: Anagognomy; Or, The Science of Education: Ontonomy; Or, The Science of Being.John Stewart - 1803
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  43.  10
    (1 other version)Plato's doctrine of ideas.John Alexander Stewart - 1909 - Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions.
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  44.  55
    Paul Ricoeur’s Phenomenology of Evil.John David Stewart - 1969 - International Philosophical Quarterly 9 (4):572-589.
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  45.  11
    Quantitative laws for sensory perception.John L. Stewart - 1963 - Psychological Review 70 (2):180-192.
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  46.  12
    Reform and Religious Heterodoxy in Thomas Robert Malthus’s “Crises” and the First Edition of the Essay on the Principle of Population.John Stewart - 2017 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 19:1-17.
    The first edition of Thomas Robert Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population is best understood as an exploration of human nature and the role of necessity in shaping the individual and society. The author’s liberal education, both from his father and his tutors at Warrington and Cambridge, is evident in his heterodox views on hell, his Lockean conceptualization of the mind, and his Foxite Whig politics. Malthus’ unpublished essay, “Crises,” his sermons, and the the last two chapters of the (...)
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  47.  18
    'Science Fights Death': David Stark Murray, Science, and Socialism in Interwar Britain.John Stewart - 2000 - Annals of Science 57 (2):143-161.
    The pathologist David Stark Murray was a founder and leading member of the Socialist Medical Association , an organization affiliated to the Labour Party and instrumental in shaping its health policy in the period up to 1945. Murray played a prominent role in the SMA as a member of its Executive Committee and as Editor of its journal MedicineToday and Tomorrow. This article examines Murray's popular writings about science during the interwar period, focusing on his emphasis on the relationship between, (...)
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  48.  9
    1. The Argument before Hume: The Legalists' Dilemma.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 13-46.
  49.  9
    2. The Argument before Hume: Beginning a New Science.John B. Stewart - 1992 - In John Benjamin Stewart (ed.), Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 47-108.
  50. The Anthropocene: Where Are We Going?John Stewart - 2018 - In Bernadette Bensaude Vincent, Xavier Guchet & Sacha Loeve (eds.), French Philosophy of Technology: Classical Readings and Contemporary Approaches. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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