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John R. Catan [14]John Richard Catan [1]
  1.  14
    Aquinas: God and Action.John R. Catan - 1984 - Noûs 18 (1):125-132.
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    (2 other versions)A History of Ancient Philosophy I: From the Origins to Socrates.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1985 - State University of New York Press.
    Beginning with the origins of Western philosophy, the profound creation of the Hellenic genius, Reale presents an appreciation of the Naturalists, the Sophists, Socrates, and the Minor Socratics. Special attention is paid to the Eleatics because their problems decisively mark Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy. Interpretation of the Sophists benefits from the recent reevaluation of their thought. Socrates himself would be inconceivable without the Sophists since he is one of them. Socrates is given major prominence. Plato, Aristotle, and all of Hellenistic (...)
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  3.  17
    A History of Ancient Philosophy Iv: The Schools of the Imperial Age.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    This book covers the first 500 years of the common era. These years witnessed the revivals of Aristotelianism, Epicureanism, Pyrrhonism, Cynicism, and Pythagoreanism; but by far the most important movement was the revival of Platonism under Plotinus. Here, the historical context of Plotinus is provided including the currents of thought that preceded him and opened the path for him. The presuppositions of the Enneads are made explicit and the thought of Plotinus is reconstructed. The author reorients the expositions of Middle (...)
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  4.  8
    Aristotle: The Collected Papers of Joseph Owens.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1981 - State University of New York Press.
    “Great philosophers as well as great artists have the gift of inspiring profoundly different conceptions and meaning in the individuals who contemplate their work,” writes Joseph Owens. Even now, twenty-three centuries after the philosopher’s death, the study of Aristotle continues to challenge us and to broaden our intellectual outlook. In this volume, John R. Catan has gathered together 18 major essays by the well-known aristotelian scholar Joseph Owens that have influenced current opinion on the philosopher. The collection represents the first (...)
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  5.  29
    Aristotle, the Immobile Mover.John R. Catan & Giovanni Reale - 1976 - Philosophy Research Archives 2:245-371.
    This is a translation of II Motore Immobile (Metafisica, libro XII), Traduzione intégrale, introduzione e commento by Giovanni Reale (Editrice La Scuola, Brescia, 4th Ed. 1971)- The author offers a unitary reading of the famous twelfth book of Aristotle's Metaphysics. The book is intended for students who wish to read the text itself of Aristotle’s, so that the introduction and commentary to the text and the summaries of the entire Metaphysics as well as the twelfth book gives the student ample (...)
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  6.  13
    Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics: A Work on the Theory of the Principles and Unwritten Doctrines of Plato with a Collection of the Fundamental Documents.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a book about the relationship of the two traditions of Platonic interpretation -- the indirect and the direct traditions, the written dialogues and the unwritten doctrines. Kramer, who is the foremost proponent of the Tubingen School of interpretation, presents the unwritten doctrines as the crown of Plato's system and the key revealing it. Kramer unfolds the philosophical significance of the unwritten doctrines in their fullness. He demonstrates the hermeneutic fruitfulness of the unwritten doctrines when applied to the dialogues. (...)
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  7.  36
    The Aristotelian Aporia Concerning Separate Mind.John R. Catan - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 46 (1):40-50.
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  8.  9
    The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1980 - State University of New York Press.
    Reale’s monumental work establishes the exact dimensions of Aristotle’s concept of first philosophy and proves the profound unity of concept that exists in Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Reale’s opposition to the genetic interpretation of the Metaphysics is an updated return to a more traditional view of Aristotle’s work, one which runs counter to nearly all contemporary scholarship. Reale argues that Aristotle’s first philosophy includes a study of being, a study of substance, a study of divine substance, and a study of principles and (...)
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  9. (1 other version)The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.Giovanni Reale & John R. Catan - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (2):117-119.
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  10.  20
    La Metafisica. [REVIEW]John R. Catan - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):153-155.
    These volumes are the much augmented and heavily revised commentary and text by Giovanni Reale of Aristotle's Metaphysics, which was originally issued in two volumes in the series Collana di Filosofi Antichi from the Centro di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate, published by Luigi Loffredo Editore, Naples. The volumes are part of the collection entitled "Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico. Studi e testi," published by the Centro di Ricerche di Metafisica of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan. (...)
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  11.  51
    St. Thomas Aquinas on the Existence of God: Collected Papers of Joseph Owens. [REVIEW]Joseph Owens & John R. Catan - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (2):297-302.
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