Results for 'John Phillip Paul'

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  1.  29
    The contractual nexus: Is reliance essential?Mitchell Paul & Phillips John - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (1):115-134.
    This article challenges the generally accepted dogma that reliance is an essential ingredient in contractual formation. We argue that this view has resulted from an erroneous interpretation of the relevant case law, failure to cite contrary authority, and the elevation of often oblique judicial references to the need for reliance to the status of fundamental contractual principle. Contractual theory and clear policy reasons support our position that in English law a contractual obligation subsists when a person, knowing of a promise, (...)
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    The Myth of Christian Uniqueness: Toward a Pluralistic Theology of Religions.J. Robert Phillips, John Hick & Paul Knitter - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:295.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Muhammad Usman Erdosy, Nancy J. Barnes, Lou Ratté, John Grimes, Paul B. Courtright, Brian K. Smith, Jane I. Smith, Carl Olson, T. N. Madan, William K. Mahony, Robert N. Minor, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Dennis Hudson, Lou Ratté, Serinity Young & Phillip B. Wagoner - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (1):189-216.
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    The discussion about proposals to change the Western Culture program at Stanford University.Donald Kennedy, John Perky, Carolyn Lougee, Marsh McCall, Paul Robinson, James Gibb, Clara N. Bush, Judith Brown, George Dekker, Bill King, William Chace, Carlos Camargo, J. Martin Evans, Ronald Rebholz, Carl Degler, Barbara Gelpi, Renato Rosaldo, William Mahrt, Halsey Rayden, Herbert Lindenberger, Albert Gelpi, Gregson Davis, Diane Middlebrook, David Kennedy, Dennis Phillips, Harry Papasotiriou, Martin Evans, Ron Rebholz, Bill Chace, Jim van HarveySneehan & David Riggs - 1989 - Minerva 27 (2):223-411.
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    Book Reviews Section 4.Frederic B. Mayo Jr, John Bruce Francis, John S. Burd, Wilson A. Judd, Eunice S. Matthew, William F. Pinar, Paul Erickson, Charles John Stark, Walter H. Clark Jr, Irvin David Glick, Howard D. Bruner, John Eddy, David L. Pagni, Gloria J. Abbington, Michael L. Greenbaum, Phillip C. Frey, Robert G. Owens, Royce W. van Norman, M. Bruce Haslam, Eugene Hittleman, Sally Geis, Robert H. Graham, Ogden L. Glasow, A. L. Fanta & Joseph Fashing - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):198-200.
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    Christmas Members' Lunch.Mark Bradbury, Fil Giles, Brad Beasley Anu, Mark Phillips, John Bundock, Theresa Miskle, Jo Clay, Paul Salinas, Jason Parkinson & John Nicholl - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Walk in Honour of Justice Terry Connolly.Katherine Armytage, Steven Whybrow, Phillips Fox, Councillor Jayne Reece, Michael Ryan, Paul Salinas, Theresa Miskle, John Nicholl & Sam Hicks - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  8. Allen, rt (1993) the structure of value (aldershot, ashgate publishing). Carter, John Ross (1993) on understanding buddhists: Essays on the theravada tradition in Sri lanka (new York, suny press). Cohen, Robert S.(1993) the birth of meaning in hindu thought (dordrecht, reidl). [REVIEW]Js Cummins, Wb Hallaq, Thomas Hudak, Phillip Olson, Ilkka Pyysianen, Isabelle Robinet, Gilbert Rozman, Paul Arthur Schlipp, Harendra Prasad Sinha & Gareth Sparham - 1994 - Asian Philosophy 4 (1):99.
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    Darwin in the twenty-first century.Phillip R. Sloan, Gerald P. McKenny & Kathleen Eggleson (eds.) - 2015 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Preface Phillip R. Sloan, Gerald McKenny, Kathleen Eggleson pp. xiii-xviii In November of 2009, the University of Notre Dame hosted the conference “Darwin in the Twenty-First Century: Nature, Humanity, and God.‘ Sponsored primarily by the John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values at Notre Dame, and the Science, Theology, and the Ontological Quest project within the Vatican Pontifical... 1. Introduction: Restructuring an Interdisciplinary Dialogue Phillip R. Sloan pp. 1-32 Almost exactly fifty years before the Notre (...)
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  10.  26
    (1 other version)The Dialogue of Faith and Cultures: From Paul VI to Benedict XVI.Peter Phillips - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072).
    Vatican II's documents Gaudium et Spes and Ad gentes reveal two interrelated dialogues: a dialogue between Church and other religious traditions, and a more general dialogue between faith and particular societies. The theme takes its cue form Paul VI's first encyclical, Ecclesiam Suam and, in the last fifty years, has flowered into a rich body of teaching expressed in various documents. It became central to the teaching of John Paul II with his passionate concern for the dignity (...)
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    Another Cosmopolitanism - by Seyla Benhabib, The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory - Edited by John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips, Political Philosophy - Edited by Anthony O’Hear and Political Keywords: A Guide for Students, Activists and Ever.Paul Gilbert - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 25 (1):72–75.
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    Mary Anne O'Neil, William E. Cain, Christopher Wise, C. S. Schreiner, Willis Salomon, James A. Grimshaw, Jr., Donald K. Hedrick, Wendell V. Harris, Paul Duro, Julia Epstein, Gerald Prince, Douglas Robinson, Lynne S. Vieth, Richard Eldridge, Robert Stoothoff, John Anzalone, Kevin Walzer, Eric J. Ziolkowski, Jacqueline LeBlanc, Anna Carew-Miller, Alfred R. Mele, David Herman, James M. Lang, Andrew J. McKenna, Michael Calabrese, Robert Tobin, Sandor Goodhart, Moira Gatens, Paul Douglass, John F. Desmond, James L. Battersby, Marie J. Aquilino, Celia E. Weller, Joel Black, Sandra Sherman, Herman Rapaport, Jonathan Levin, Ali Abdullatif Ahmida, David Lewis Schaefer. [REVIEW]Donald Phillip Verene - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):131.
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    Truth, morality, and meaning in history.Paul T. Phillips - 2019 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    In this important new book, Paul T. Phillips argues that most professional historians--aside from a relatively small number devoted to theory and methodology--have concerned themselves with particular, specialized areas of research, thereby ignoring the fundamental questions of truth, morality, and meaning. This is less so in the thriving general community of history enthusiasts beyond academia, and may explain, in part at least, history's sharp decline as a subject of choice by students in recent years. Phillips sees great dangers resulting (...)
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  14.  20
    Marx and Engels on Law and Laws.Paul Phillips - 1980 - Wiley-Blackwell.
  15.  6
    The German Trade Union Movement under American Occupation, 1945-1949.Paul Phillips - 1950 - Science and Society 14 (4):289 - 306.
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    The Point Four Program: Promise or Menace?Herman Olden & Paul Phillips - 1952 - Science and Society 16 (3):222 - 246.
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    On the German Trade Union Movement.K. Jurgen & Paul Phillips - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (3):262 - 268.
  18. Christoph T. Maier, Preaching the Crusades: Mendicant Friars and the Cross in the Thirteenth Century. First paperback ed.(Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4/28.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. x, 202. First published in 1994 by Cambridge University Press. [REVIEW]John Phillip Lomax - 2001 - Speculum 76 (1):196-197.
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    One World, One Faith: The Quest for Unity in Julian Huxley's Religion of Evolutionary Humanism.Paul T. Phillips - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (4):613-633.
    Sir Julian Huxley (1887-1975), celebrated British scientist and philosopher, strove through most of his career to establish a non-theistic, rationalist belief system to replace Christianity and other world religions. Believing that the twentieth century provided a unique opportunity for this to happen, evolutionary humanism, as he termed his secular faith, gave direction to most of Huxley's diverse activities as a public intellectual. Rooted in evolutionary science, combined with Idealism, liberal values and a profound belief in progress, Huxley's vision was also (...)
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  20. Die menfchliche Natur. Ihr Wesen und ihr Verhalten. Aus dem Amerikanischen übertetzt von Prof. Dr. Paul Sakmann.John Dewey & Paul Sakmann - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):69-70.
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    Phonological reduction, assimilation, intra-word information structure, and the evolution of the lexicon of English: Why fast speech isn't confusing.Richard Shillcock, John Hicks, Paul Cairns, Nick Chater & Joseph P. Levy - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 233.
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  22. Supervision for supervisors : icing on the cake or a basic ingredient for the development of clinical supervision in nursing?John Driscoll & Paul Cassedy - 2008 - In Chris Bulman & Sue Schutz (eds.), Reflective Practice in Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell.
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  23. Biological Criteria of Disease: Four Ways of Going Wrong.John Matthewson & Paul Edmund Griffiths - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (4).
    We defend a view of the distinction between the normal and the pathological according to which that distinction has an objective, biological component. We accept that there is a normative component to the concept of disease, especially as applied to human beings. Nevertheless, an organism cannot be in a pathological state unless something has gone wrong for that organism from a purely biological point of view. Biology, we argue, recognises two sources of biological normativity, which jointly generate four “ways of (...)
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    Commentary on" A Phenomenology of Dyslexia".John Wiltshire & Paul A. Komesaroff - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (1):21-23.
  25. Culture: Joining Minimal Definitions and Ideal Types.John Gerring & Paul A. Barresi - 2009 - In David Collier & John Gerring (eds.), Concepts and method in social science: the tradition of Giovanni Sartori. New York: Routledge.
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  26. Preface.John Shook & Paul Kurtz - 2009 - In John R. Shook & Paul Kurtz (eds.), The future of naturalism. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
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    The research ethics review process and ethics review narratives.Maureen H. Fitzgerald, Paul A. Phillips & Elisa Yule - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (4):377 – 395.
    There is a growing body of literature on the research ethics review process, a process that can have important effects on the nature of research in contemporary times. Yet, many people know little about what the actual process entails once an application has been submitted for review. This lack of knowledge can affect researchers and committee members' responses to the review process. Based on ethnographic research on the ethics review process in 5 countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United States, (...)
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    In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities.Paul Foss, John Johnston, Paul Patton & Stuart Kendall (eds.) - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Published one year after Forget Foucault, In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities may be the most important sociopolitical manifesto of the twentieth century: it calls for nothing less than the end of both sociology and politics. Disenfranchised revolutionaries hoped to reach the masses directly through spectacular actions, but their message merely played into the hands of the media and the state. In a media society meaning has no meaning anymore; communication merely communicates itself. Jean Baudrillard uses this last outburst (...)
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    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes.John Carriero, Paul Hoffman, John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (1):93.
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    Education and Enquiry.J. C. Dancy, John Anderson & D. Z. Phillips - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (2):158.
  31. New Directions in American Intellectual History.John Higham & Paul K. Conkin - 1981 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 17 (4):387-391.
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  32. Death and Eternal Life.John Hick & Paul Badham - 1977 - Religious Studies 13 (3):355-357.
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  33. (1 other version)On reduction.John Kemeny & Paul Oppenheim - 1956 - Philosophical Studies 7 (1-2):6 - 19.
  34. El Documento Q En Griego Y En Español.James Robinson, John Kloppenborg & Paul Hoffmann - 2004 - Revista Agustiniana 45:728.
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  35. Science and technology and the future: proceedings and joint report of World Future Studies Conference and DSE preconference, held in Berlin (West), 4.-10. May 1979: [dedicated to the memory of John McHale, Paul Dubach].Hans Buchholz, Wolfgang Gmelin, John McHale & Paul Dubach (eds.) - 1979 - Paris: Saur.
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    Variations in the ability of general medical practitioners to apply two methods of clinical audit: a five‐year study of assessment by peer review.John McKay, Paul Bowie & Murray Lough - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (6):622-629.
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    Theoretical analysis of the cognitive processing of lexical and pictorial stimuli: Reading, naming, and visual and conceptual comparisons.John Theios & Paul C. Amrhein - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (1):5-24.
  38.  21
    The reciprocity of spiritual love in William of Saint-Thierry and Hadewijch.John Arblaster & Paul Verdeyen - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (1-2):39-54.
    ABSTRACTThis contribution investigates the mystical anthropology of two important and related medieval mystics, William of Saint-Thierry and Hadewijch, neither of whom were well known in their own day, but who have come to the fore of scholarly attention in recent years. In the first part, the authors explore the Trinitarian theology of William of Saint-Thierry and the ways in which it provides the foundation for his mystical anthropology. William radically argues that the human soul is structured according to the pattern (...)
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    Physical Cosmology and Philosophy.John Leslie & Paul Edwards - 1990 - Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.
  40. PART 4 107 Weakness and integrity 8 Moral growth and the unity of the virtues 109.Bonnie Kent, Jan Steutel, David Carr, John Haldane, Paul Crittenden, Eamonn Callan, Joel J. Kupperman, Ben Spiecker & Kenneth A. Strike - 1999 - In David Carr & Jan Willem Steutel (eds.), Virtue ethics and moral education. New York: Routledge.
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    Nature and history of the CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines and implications for local implementation: A perspective from East Africa.John Barugahare & Paul Kutyabami - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (4):175-183.
    The theme of the 10th Annual Research Ethics Conference organized by the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (2018) was “Evolution of Research Ethics in Uganda and the Region: Past, Present and Future”. We were asked to address the topic: “The History of CIOMS and the recent changes in the international ethics guidelines: implications for local research”. The thrust of the conference was to track progress in ensuring ethical conduct of research, highlight challenges encountered, and to propose strategies for (...)
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    City and Village in Iran: Settlement and Economy in the Kirman Basin.John Kolars & Paul Ward English - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):661.
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  43. Univocity, Duality, and Ideal Genesis: Deleuze and Plato.John Bova & Paul M. Livingston - 2017 - In Abraham Jacob Greenstine & Ryan J. Johnson (eds.), Contemporary Encounters with Ancient Metaphysics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 65-85.
    In this essay, we consider the formal and ontological implications of one specific and intensely contested dialectical context from which Deleuze’s thinking about structural ideal genesis visibly arises. This is the formal/ontological dualism between the principles, ἀρχαί, of the One (ἕν) and the Indefinite/Unlimited Dyad (ἀόριστος δυάς), which is arguably the culminating achievement of the later Plato’s development of a mathematical dialectic.3 Following commentators including Lautman, Oskar Becker, and Kenneth M. Sayre, we argue that the duality of the One and (...)
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    NPSNET: Four user interface paradigms for entity control in a virtual world.David Pratt, John Locke, Paul Barham & John Falby - 1995 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 5 (2-4):89-110.
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    (1 other version)Psyche and Soma: Physicians and Metaphysicians on the Mind-Body Problem From.John P. Wright & Paul Potter (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Psyche and Soma is a multi-disciplinary exploration of the conceptions of the human soul or mind and body, through the course of more than two thousand years of Western history. Thirteen specially commissioned chapters, each written by a recogized expert, discuss figures such as the physicians Hippocrates, Galen, Stahl, and Cabanis; theologians St Paul, Augustine, and Aquinas; and philosophers from Plato and Aristotle to Descartes, Leibniz, and La Mettrie. The chapters explore in chronlogical sequence the views of these writers (...)
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    Confidentiality: Medical ethics and professional morality.John King-Farlow & Paul Langham - 1981 - Philosophical Papers 10 (1):9-15.
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    Civil Wrongs and Justice in Private Law.John Oberdiek & Paul Miller (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Civil wrongs occupy a significant place in private law. They are particularly prominent in tort law, but equally have a place in contract law, property and intellectual property law, unjust enrichment, fiduciary law, and in equity more broadly. Civil wrongs are also a preoccupation of leading general theories of private law, including corrective justice and civil recourse theories. According to these and other theories, the centrality of civil wrongs to civil liability shows that private law is fundamentally concerned with the (...)
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  48.  13
    The Problem of God in the Presence of Grief: Exchanging “Stages” of Healing for “Trajectories” of Recovery.John Perrine & Paul Maxwell - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):176-193.
    The bereaved Christian faces not only the difficult task of grief, but also the morally charged evaluations of the grief process: whether it should be fast or slow, whether God is necessary or unhelpful, and whether grief is “proper” for Christians in light of their call to “not grieve as others do who have no hope”.1 This article showcases these tensions involved in defining a “proper” Christian approach to grief, retrieves resources born in the engagement of similarly problematic tensions in (...)
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  49.  22
    American Freedom and Catholic Power.Communism, Democracy and Catholic Power.John Coatman & Paul Blanshard - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (8):284.
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    Thinking in Opposites: An Investigation of the Nature of Man as Revealed by the Nature of Thinking.John Somerville & Paul Roubiczek - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (1):123.
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