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John Gibson [64]John C. L. Gibson [2]John H. Gibson [1]John Christopher Gibson [1]
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  1. Novum Organum.Francis Bacon, Peter Urbach & John Gibson - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (1):125-128.
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  2. Cognitivism and the arts.John Gibson - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (4):573-589.
    Cognitivism in respect to the arts refers to a constellation of positions that share in common the idea that artworks often bear, in addition to aesthetic value, a significant kind of cognitive value. In this paper I concentrate on three things: (i) the challenge of understanding exactly what one must do if one wishes to defend a cognitivist view of the arts; (ii) common anti-cognitivist arguments; and (iii) promising recent attempts to defend cognitivism.
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    Fiction and the Weave of Life.John Gibson - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Literary fiction is of crucial importance in human life. It is a source of understanding and insight into the nature of the human condition, yet ever since Plato, philosophers have struggled to provide a plausible explanation of how this can be the case. For surely the fictionality - the sheer invented character - of the literary text means that fiction presents not our world, but other worlds? In Fiction and the Weave of Life, John Gibson offers a novel and intriguing (...)
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  4. Between truth and triviality.John Gibson - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (3):224-237.
    A viable theory of literary humanism must do justice to the idea that literature offers cognitive rewards to the careful reader. There are, however, powerful arguments to the effect that literature is at best only capable of offering idle visions of a world already well known. In this essay I argue that there is a form of cognitive awareness left unmentioned in the traditional vocabulary of knowledge acquisition, a form of awareness literature is particularly capable of offering. Thus even if (...)
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  5. Literature and Knowledge.John Gibson - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the relation between works of fiction and the acquisition of knowledge?
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  6. Interpreting words, interpreting worlds.John Gibson - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (4):439–450.
    It is often assumed that literary meaning is essentially linguistic in nature and that literary interpretation is therefore a purely linguistic affair. This essay identifies a variety of literary meaning that cannot be reduced to linguistic meaning. Meaning of this sort is generated not by a communicative act so much as through a creative one: the construction of a fictional world. The way in which a fictional world can bear meaning turns out to be strikingly unlike the way a sentence (...)
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  7. (1 other version)What Makes a Poem Philosophical?John Gibson - 2017 - In Zumhagen-Yekplé Karen & LeMahieu Michael (eds.), Wittgenstein and Modernism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 130-152.
  8.  55
    The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature.Noël Carroll & John Gibson (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature_ is an in-depth examination of literature through a philosophical lens, written by distinguished figures across the major divisions of philosophy. Its 40 newly-commissioned essays are divided into six sections: historical foundations what is literature? aesthetics & appreciation meaning & interpretation metaphysics & epistemology ethics & political theory _The Companion_ opens with a comprehensive historical overview of the philosophy of literature, including chapters on the study’s ancient origins up to the 18 th -20 th (...)
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  9. Really Boring Art.Andreas Elpidorou & John Gibson - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8 (30):190-218.
    There is little question as to whether there is good boring art, though its existence raises a number of questions for both the philosophy of art and the philosophy of emotions. How can boredom ever be a desideratum of art? How can our standing commitments concerning the nature of aesthetic experience and artistic value accommodate the existence of boring art? How can being bored constitute an appropriate mode of engagement with a work of art as a work of art? More (...)
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  10. On the Analogy between Artworks and Selves.John Gibson - 2024 - East Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):1-13.
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    Literature and Knowledge.John Gibson - 2009 - In Richard Thomas Eldridge (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and literature. New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the relation between works of fiction and the acquisition of knowledge?
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  12. Lyric Self-Expression.Hannah H. Kim & John Gibson - 2021 - In Sonia Sedivy (ed.), Art, Representation, and Make-Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton. New York: Routledge.
    Philosophers ask just whose expression, if anyone’s, we hear in lyric poetry. Walton provides a novel possibility: it’s the reader who “uses” the poem (just as a speech giver uses a speech) who makes the language expressive. But worries arise once we consider poems in particular social or political settings, those which require a strong self-other distinction, or those with expressions that should not be disassociated from the subjects whose experience they draw from. One way to meet this challenge is (...)
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  13. Empathy.John Gibson - 2015 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. New York: Routledge. pp. 200-219.
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  14. Poetic Difficulty & Epistemic Authority.John Gibson - 2024 - Poema. Jahrbuch Für Lyrikforschung 2:123-136.
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  15. Thick Narratives.John Gibson - 2011 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson (eds.), Narrative, Emotion, and Insight. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 69.
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    The Literary Wittgenstein.John Gibson & Wolfgang Huemer (eds.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    _The Literary Wittgenstein_ is a stellar collection of articles relating the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein to core problems in the theory and philosophy of literature. Amid growing recognition that Wittgenstein's philosophy has important implications for literary studies, this book brings together twenty-one articles by the most prominent figures in the field. Eighteen of the articles are published here for the first time. _The Literary Wittgenstein_ applies the approach of Wittgenstein to core areas of literary theory, including poetry, deconstruction, the ethical (...)
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  17. Introduction: The Place of Poetry in Contemporary Aesthetics.John Gibson - 2015 - In The Philosophy of Poetry. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-16.
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  18. The Question of Poetic Meaning.John Gibson - 2011 - Nonsite (4).
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  19. On the Ethical Character of Literature.John Gibson - 2018 - In Espen Hammer (ed.), Kafka's The Trial: Philosophical Perspectives. Oxford University Press. pp. 85-110.
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  20. An Aesthetics of Insight.John Gibson - 2019 - In Wolfgang Huemer & Íngrid Vendrell Ferran (eds.), Beauty: New Essays in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. München, Deutschland: Philosophia. pp. 277-306.
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  21. The Literary Wittgenstein.John Gibson - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (316):367-375.
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    The Philosophy of Poetry.John Gibson (ed.) - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The Philosophy of Poetry brings together philosophers of art, language, and mind to expose and address the array of problems poetry raises for philosophy. This volume offers a powerful demonstration of how central poetry should be to philosophy, and sets out the various puzzles and paradoxes that future work in the field will have to address.
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  23. Reading For Life.John Gibson - 2004 - In John Gibson & Wolfgang Huemer (eds.), The Literary Wittgenstein. Routledge.
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  24. Ordinary Returns in Le notti di Cabiria.John Gibson - 2023 - In Craig Fox & Britt Harrison (eds.), Philosophy of Film Without Theory. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 99-113.
  25. Painterly Aspirations in Poety.John Gibson - 2022 - In Noël Carroll & Jonathan Gilmore (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Philosophies of Painting and Sculpture. Routledge. pp. 247-56.
  26. A Puzzle of Poetic Expression.John Gibson - 2016 - The Philosophers' Magazine 74 (3):56-62.
  27. Narrative and the Literary Imagination.John Gibson - 2014 - In Allen Speight (ed.), Narrative, Philosophy & Life. Springer. pp. 135-50.
    This paper attempts to reconcile two apparently opposed ways of thinking about the imagination and its relationship to literature, one which casts it as essentially concerned with fiction-making and the other with culture-making. The literary imagination’s power to create fictions is what gives it its most obvious claim to “autonomy”, as Kant would have it: its freedom to venture out in often wild and spectacular excess of reality. The argument of this paper is that we can locate the literary imagination’s (...)
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  28. Interpretation, Literature and Meaning Skepticism.John Gibson - 2016 - In Dirk-Martin Grube (ed.), Meaning and Interpretation. Brill.
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  29. Representation and the Novel.John Gibson - 2013 - The Henry James Review 34 (3):220-231.
  30. Skepticism and the Idea of an Other.John Gibson & Simona Bertacco - 2011 - In Bernie Rhei (ed.), Stanley Cavell and Literary Theory: Consequences of Skepticism. Continuum.
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  31. Chapter 20: Empathy.John Gibson - 2015 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. New York: Routledge.
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  32. (1 other version)Zombie Philosophy.John Gibson - 2014 - In Edward P. Comentale & Aaron Jaffe (eds.), The Year's Work at the Zombie Research Center. pp. 416-436.
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  33. On (Not) Making Oneself Known.John Gibson - 2018 - In Tzachi Zamir (ed.), Shakespeare's Hamlet: Philosophical Perspectives. Oup Usa. pp. 17-45.
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    Sulla Produzione del Senso.John Gibson - 2017 - In Guido Ferraro & Antonio Dante Maria Santangelo (eds.), Narrazione e Realtà: Il Senso degli Eventi. pp. 97-116.
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    The New Propositionalism.Bernard Harrison & John Gibson - 2017 - Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 2 (15):263-289.
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  36. Selves on Selves: The Philosophical Significance of Autobiography.John Gibson - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (4):109-119.
    Philosophers of literature do not take much of an interest in autobiography.1 In one sense this is not surprising. As a certain prejudice has it, autobiography is, along with biography, the preferred reading of people who do not really like to read. The very words can conjure up images of what one finds on bookshelves in Florida retirement communities and in underfunded public libraries, books with titles like Under the Rainbow: The Real Liza Minnelli or Me: Stories of My Life (...)
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  37. What Do Humanists Want?John Gibson - 2014 - In Patricia Hanna (ed.), Reality and Culture: Essays on the Philosophy of Bernard Harrison. Editions Rodopi.
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  38. Interpretation, Sincerity and "Theory".John Gibson - 2010 - Contemporary Aesthetics 8.
  39. Narrative, Emotion, and Insight.Noël Carroll & John Gibson (eds.) - 2011 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    While narrative has been one of the liveliest and most productive areas of research in literary theory, discussions of the nature of emotional responses to art and of the cognitive value of art tend to concentrate almost exclusively on the problem of fiction: How can we emote over or learn from fictions? _Narrative, Emotion, and Insight _explores what would happen if aestheticians framed the matter differently, having narratives—rather than fictional characters and events—as the object of emotional and cognitive attention. The (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Literary Studies.Robert Chodat & John Gibson (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Wittgenstein is often regarded as the most important philosopher of the twentieth century, and in recent decades, his work has begun to play a prominent role in literary studies, particularly in debates over language, interpretation, and critical judgment. Wittgenstein and Literary Studies solidifies this critical movement, assembling recent critics and philosophers who understand Wittgenstein as a counterweight to longstanding tendencies in both literary studies and philosophical aesthetics. The essays here cover a wide range of topics. Why have contemporary writers been (...)
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    文人维特根斯坦.John Gibson & Wolfgang Huemer (eds.) - 2008 - Sanhui.
    Translation of _The Literary Wittgenstein_ (ed. by John Gibson and Wolfgang Huemer, London: Routledge, 2004). Simplified Chinese. ISBN 978-7-80762-896-5.
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    A Sense of the World: Essays on Fiction, Narrative, and Knowledge.John Gibson, Wolfgang Huemer & Luca Pocci (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    A team of leading contributors from both philosophical and literary backgrounds have been brought together in this impressive book to examine how works of literary fiction can be a source of knowledge. Together, they analyze the important trends in this current popular debate. The innovative feature of this volume is that it mixes work by literary theorists and scholars with work of analytic philosophers that combined together provide a comprehensive statement of the variety of ways in which works of fiction (...)
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  43. A Sense of The world: Essays on Fiction, Narrative, and Knowledge.John Gibson, Wolfgang Huemer & Luca Pocci - 2007 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Analytic Turn: Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge.
    A team of leading contributors from both philosophical and literary backgrounds have been brought together in this impressive book to examine how works of literary fiction can be a source of knowledge. Together, they analyze the important trends in this current popular debate. The innovative feature of this volume is that it mixes work by literary theorists and scholars with work of analytic philosophers that combined together provide a comprehensive statement of the variety of ways in which works of fiction (...)
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    Fiction, narrative, and knowledge : a sense of the world.John Gibson, Wolfgang Huemer & Luca Pocci - 2007 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Analytic Turn: Analysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Routledge.
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    Heritage from Mendel.John Gibson - 1967 - The Eugenics Review 59 (3):195.
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  46. Kritischer Pluralismus und Erkenntniszuwachs. Translated in German by Gabrielle Boller.John Gibson - 2007 - In Alex Burri & Wolfgang Huemer (eds.), Kunst denken. Paderborn: Mentis. pp. 105--116.
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    La Guerra Dei Poveri : A Response to A. J. Nickerson.John Gibson - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (1):315-316.
    What the author of this essay-review says about our handling of scholarship on poetry in The Philosophy of Poetry is perhaps true. Literary scholars often accuse us of ignoring their work, just as we at times condemn them for their questionable treatment of philosophical issues. There is a smallness to all this, on both sides, and the effect is almost always to affirm the very disciplinary boundaries we are trying to overcome when telling others that they should read our work.Fortunately, (...)
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  48. Marcella Tarozzi Goldsmith, The Future of Art: An Aesthetics of the New and the Sublime Reviewed by.John Gibson - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (1):41-42.
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  49. Paul Fairfield, Theorizing Praxis: Studies in Hermeneutical Pragmatism Reviewed by.John Gibson - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (1):31-32.
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    ReviewDescribing Ourselves: Wittgenstein and Autobiographical Consciousness Hagberg Garry L. Oxford University Press Oxford.John Gibson - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 46 (4):109-119.
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