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  1.  63
    (1 other version)Philosophy of Chemistry.Joachim Schummer - 2010-01-04 - In Fritz Allhoff (ed.), Philosophies of the Sciences. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 163–183.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction What is Chemistry about? Is Chemistry Reducible to Physics? Are There Fundamental Limits to Chemical Knowledge? Is Chemical Research Ethically Neutral? Conclusion References.
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  2. The Chemical Core of Chemistry I: A Conceptual Approach.Joachim Schummer - 1998 - Hyle 4 (2):129 - 162.
    Given the rich diversity of research fields usually ascribed to chemistry in a broad sense, the present paper tries to dig our characteristic parts of chemistry that can be conceptually distinguished from interdisciplinary, applied, and specialized subfields of chemistry, and that may be called chemistry in a very narrow sense, or 'the chemical core of chemistry'. Unlike historical, ontological, and 'anti-reductive' approaches, I use a conceptual approach together with some methodological implications that allow to develop step by step a kind (...)
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  3. Discovering the nanoscale.Cyrus Cm Mody, Davis Baird, Alfred Nordmann & Joachim Schummer - 2004 - In Baird D. (ed.), Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS.
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  4.  74
    Cultural diversity in nanotechnology ethics.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Along with the rapid worldwide advance of nanotechnology, debates on associated ethical issues have spread from local to international levels. However, unlike science and engineer- ing issues, international perceptions of ethical issues are very diverse. This paper provides an analysis of how sociocultural factors such as language, cultural heritage, economics and politics can affect how people perceive ethical issues of nanotechnology. By attempting to clarify the significance of sociocultural issues in ethical considerations my aim is to support the ongoing international (...)
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  5.  60
    Ethics of Chemical Synthesis.Joachim Schummer - 2001 - Hyle 7 (2):103 - 124.
    Unlike other branches of science, the scientific products of synthetic chemistry are not only ideas but also new substances that change our material world, for the benefit or harm of living beings. This paper provides for the first time a systematical analysis of moral issues arising from chemical synthesis, based on concepts of responsibility and general morality. Topics include the questioning of moral neutrality of chemical synthesis as an end in itself, chemical weapons research, moral objections against improving material conditions (...)
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  6.  15
    Teaching Societal and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology to Engineering Students Through Science Fiction.Joachim Schummer & Rosalyn W. Berne - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (6):459-468.
    Societal and ethical implications of nanotechnology have become a hot topic of public debates in many countries because both revolutionary changes and strong public concerns are expected from its development. Because nanotechnology is, at this point, mostly articulated in visionary and futuristic terms, it is difficult to apply standard methods of technology assessment and even more difficult to consider it in engineering ethics courses. In this article, the authors suggest using selected science fiction stories in the engineering ethics classroom to (...)
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  7.  63
    Coping with the growth of chemical knowledge.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Chemistry is by far the most productive science concerning the number of publications. A closer look at chemical papers reveals that most papers deal with new substances. The rapid growth of chemical knowledge seriously challenges all institutions and individuals concerned with chemistry. Chemistry documentation following the principle of completeness is required to schematize chemical information, which in turn induces a schematization of chemical research. Chemistry education is forced to seek reasonable principles of selectivity, although nobody can have an overview any (...)
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  8.  56
    Challenging Standard Distinctions between Science and Technology: The Case of Preparative Chemistry.Joachim Schummer - 1997 - Hyle 3 (1):81 - 94.
    Part I presents a quantitative-empirical outline of chemistry, esp. preparative chemistry, concerning its dominant role in today's science, its dynamics, and its methods and aims. Emphasis is laid on the poietical character of chemistry for which a methodological model is derived. Part II discusses standard distinction between science and technology, from Aristotle (whose theses are reconsidered in the light of modern sciences) to modern philosophy of technology. Against the background of results of Part I, it is argued that all these (...)
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  9.  19
    (1 other version)Societal and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology.Joachim Schummer - 2004 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 8 (2):56-87.
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  10.  19
    Physical Chemistry: neither Fish nor Fowl?Joachim Schummer - unknown
    The birth of a new discipline, called 'physical chemistry', is sometimes related to the names OSTWALD, ARRHENIUS and VAN'T HOFF and dated back to the year 1887, when OSTWALD founded the Zeitschrift für physikalische Chemie.[1] But as many historians have pointed out, the phrase 'physical chemistry' was widely used before that and the topics under investigation partially go back to Robert BOYLE's attempts to connect chemistry with concepts of mechanical philosophy.[2] The idea of a sudden birth of physical chemistry in (...)
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  11. Identifying ethical issues of nanotechnologies.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    in: Henk ten Have (ed.), Nanotechnology: Science, Ethics and Policy Issues, Paris (UNESCO Series in Ethics of Science and Technology), 2006 (forthcoming).
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  12.  84
    Aristotle on technology and nature.Joachim Schummer - 2001 - Philosophia Naturalis 38 (1):105-120.
  13.  28
    Impact of nanotechnologieson developing countries.Joachim Schummer - forthcoming - Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology.
  14.  60
    Interdisciplinary issues in nanoscale research.Joachim Schummer - 2004 - In Baird D. (ed.), Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS. pp. 9--20.
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  15.  45
    (1 other version)Why Do Chemists Perform Experiments?Peter Lang & Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Nowadays it is well known among historians of science that Francis Bacon, one of the modern defender of the experimental method, owed much of his thoughts to the chemical or alchemical tradition (cf. e.g., Gregory 1938, West 1961, Linden 1974, and Rees 1977). In fact, alchemy, particularly in the Arabic tradition, was always based on laboratory investigations by carefully examining the results of controlled manipulation of materials.1 It is also well known that Francis Bacon’s appeal to the experimental method was (...)
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  16.  52
    Matter versus Form, and Beyond.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    There is the popular notion according to which the world is built up in a hierarchical order, such that combining entities from the lower level results in entities of the next higher level, and so on. It seems beyond doubt in this view that the entities at the lowest level are some subatomic particles, to be followed at the next levels by atoms, molecules, biological organs and organisms including humans, and eventually societies. Accordingly, a scientific discipline is assigned to each (...)
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  17.  44
    The global institutionalization of nanotechnology research: A bibliometric approach to the assessment of science policy.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Based on bibliometric methods, this paper describes the global institutionalization of nanotechnology research from the mid-1980s to 2006. Owing to an extremely strong dynamics, the institutionalization of nanotechnology is likely to surpass those of major disciplines in only a few years. A breakdown of the relative institutionalizations strengths by the main geographical regions, countries, research sectors, disciplines, and institutional types provides a very diverse picture over the time period because of different national science policies. The results allow a critical assessment (...)
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  18.  82
    Aesthetics of Chemical Products: Materials, Molecules, and Molecular Models.Joachim Schummer - 2003 - Hyle 9 (1):73 - 104.
    By comparing chemistry to art, chemists have recently made claims to the aesthetic value, even beauty, of some of their products. This paper takes these claims seriously and turns them into a systematic investigation of the aesthetics of chemical products. I distinguish three types of chemical products - materials, molecules, and molecular models - and use a wide variety of aesthetic theories suitable for an investigation of the corresponding sorts of objects. These include aesthetics of materials, idealistic aesthetics from Plato (...)
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  19.  33
    Die stoffliche weltveränderung der chemie: Philosophische herausforderungen.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Eine philosophische Auseinandersetzung mit der Chemie ist so neu,1 daß die meisten Philosophen gegenwärtig Schwierigkeiten haben dürften, überhaupt eine thematische Verbindung zwischen beiden Fächern herstellen zu können, was auf ähnliche Weise übrigens auch auf Chemiker zutrifft. Daß dies nicht immer so war, wird sofort einsichtig, wenn man bedenkt, daß die chemische Frage nach der substantiellen Verschiedenartigkeit von Stoffen und ihren gegenseitigen Umwandlungsmöglichkeiten bereits zu den Grundfragen aller antiken Naturphilosophen gehörte. Es dürfte insbesondere dem theoretischen Ungenügen des Konzepts stofflicher Qualitäten nach (...)
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  20.  54
    Philosophie der chemie: Rück- und ausblicke.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Philosophie ist konkret und abstrakt. Sie ist konkret im Gespür für Probleme, die jeden – oder jeden in einem bestimmten Bereich – betreffen. Sie ist abstrakt in der kritischen Formulierung und Lösung von Problemen, indem sie von besonderen Bedingungen und Voreingenommenheiten abstrahiert. Philosophie erfordert Kreativität, Phantasie und die Bereitschaft zu Unkonventionellem in der Wahl der Problemzugangsweisen. Wie alle Wissenschaften ist sie als Methode lehr- und entwickelbar, sofern ein gewisses Talent vorhanden ist. Philosophie beginnt dort, wo Wissenschaftler nicht mehr weiter fragen. (...)
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  21. Philosophie der Chemie. Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick.Nikos Psarros, Klaus Ruthenberg & Joachim Schummer - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (1):139-141.
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  22.  21
    Nanotechnologie: Eine neue soziale Dynamik an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit.Joachim Schummer - 2011 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 19 (2):147-167.
    This paper investigates the development of nanotechnology from three different points of view: as a new technology, as social dynamics, and as an ideology. It argues that nanotechnology is not a new technology but a new social dynamics guided by programmatic ideas and situated at the interface between science and the public. Rather than being determined by social constructivism, the main argument is based on the poor scientific and technological identity of nanotechnology. Finally the paper concludes that nanotechnology is to (...)
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  23.  52
    From Nano-Convergence to NBIC-Convergence: “The best way to predict the future is to create it”.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    This chapter combines rhetorical with conceptual analysis to argue that the concept of convergence of technologies is a teleological concept that does not describe or predict any recent past, present, or future development. Instead it always expresses or attributes political goals of how future technology should be developed. The concept was already fully developed as a flexible rhetorical tool by US science administrators to create nanotechnology (as nano-convergence), before it was broadened to invent the convergence of nano-, bio-, info-, and (...)
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  24.  23
    Bibliographie chemiephilosophischer Literatur der DDR.Joachim Schummer - 1996 - Hyle 2:3-11.
  25.  42
    On the novelty of nanotechnology: A philosophical essay.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Nanotechnology has from its very beginning been surrounded with an aura of novelty. For instance, on the 28 introductory pages of the report that prepared the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), Nanotechnology Research Directions (NSTC/IWGN 1999), we read 73 times the term “new”, 15 times “novel”, 7 times “innovation”, and 21 times “revolution”. The authors concede that one should distinguish between different nanotechnologies, because “Many existing technologies do already depend on nanoscale processes. Photography and catalysis are two examples of ‘old’ (...)
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  26.  5
    Das Gotteshandwerk: die künstliche Herstellung von Leben im Labor.Joachim Schummer - 2011 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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  27.  81
    The Public Image of Chemistry.Joachim Schummer & Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - unknown
    Of all the scientific disciplines chemistry seems to be particularly concerned about its public image. Indeed, popular associations with chemistry range from poisons, hazards, chemical warfare, and environmental pollution to alchemical pseudo-science, sorcery, and mad scientists. Despite repeated campaigns for convincing the public that chemistry would bring health, comfort, and welfare, chemists frequently meet with hostility in popular culture. As student enrollment numbers has been shrinking, chemistry departments have been closed in several countries. Also in humanist culture chemistry has a (...)
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  28.  26
    Naturverhältnisse in der modernen wirkstoff-forschung.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Summary: Complementary to normative ethics of technology, the paper analyses the normative implications of human relations to nature on technology assessment by three different descriptive approaches. Historically, I determine the roots of normative relations to nature in alchemy. Historiographic-critically, I investigate how normative ideas of progress result from putting these relations to nature in a historical line. From the point of view of methodology of technology, I finally take the example of current drug research to show how different relations to (...)
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  29.  53
    Reading nano: The public interest in nanotechnology as reflected in purchase patterns of books.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    There is a rapidly growing public interest in nanotechnology such that people increasingly buy various books to inform themselves about nanotechnology. This paper tries to measure the public interest focus on nanotechnology and its relation to the public interest in other fields of knowledge by applying a new method. I combine formal network analysis of co-purchase book data with traditional content analysis. The method is successful in identifying the books that the public reads to be informed about nanotechnology, in distinguishing (...)
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  30.  29
    Rezension Von.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Man ist sie fast schon leid, die Rede vom „Chaos“, mit der wissenschaftspublizistisch versierte Forscher bemüht sind, sich ihren Anteil am hart umkämpften Markt der Forschungsmittel und -reputation zu sichern. Die inflationäre Verkündigung von „wissenschaftlichen Revolutionen“, „Paradigmenwechseln“ und „postmoderner Wissenschaft“ mag manchem Philosophen zwar insgeheim noch schmeicheln wegen der Gebrauchs- und Marktfähigkeit - und Autorität - philosophischer Termini. So recht zu glauben sind solche Botschaften jedoch selten. Aber welcher Philosoph wollte sich da ein sachgerechtes und kritisches Urteil erlauben, ob die (...)
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  31.  52
    The Popularization of Emerging Technologies through Ethics: From Nanotechnology to Synthetic Biology.Joachim Schummer - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):56.
    We are used to considering engineering ethics largely a critical enterprise. By pointing out ethical issues and by raising concerns about a technology, ethicists usually criticise rather than promote the technology in question. Of course, from a utilitarianist perspective, an ethicist might come to the conclusion that a certain technology is better than another one or than doing without. However, such conclusions are rare in philosophy and would not be considered uncritical promotion. In this essay I argue that engineering ethics, (...)
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  32.  55
    The Creation of Life in Cultural Context: From Spontaneous Generation to Synthetic Biology.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    The artificial creation of life arises both strong fascination by scientists and strong concerns, if not abhorrence, by critics of science. What appears to be the crowning achievement of synthetic biology is at the same time considered a major evil. That conflict, which perhaps epitomizes many of the cultural conflicts about science in Western societies, calls for a deeper analysis. Standard ethical analyses, which would try to relate such conflicts to a difference in fundamental values, are difficult to apply here, (...)
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  33.  41
    editorial: Nanotech Challenges, Part 1.Davis Baird & Joachim Schummer - 2004 - Hyle 10 (2):63 - 64.
  34.  25
    Aesthetics and visualization in chemistry, part.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    There is a particular irony that chemistry – the most visual, tactile, and pungent of sciences – is rarely associated with modern notions of aesthetics and science. Indeed, as any examination of aesthetics and modern science reveals, physics, rather than chemistry or biology, is considered the paradigm because of its extraordinary ability to comprehend and communicate through the symbolic language of mathematics. Echoing Heisenberg’s 1970 essay, "The Meaning of Beauty in the Exact Sciences", this perspective on physics takes the inherent (...)
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  35. An International Journalfor the Philosophy of Chemistry.Joachim Schummer - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28:401-402.
  36.  12
    A Pearl among Presentations on the Periodic Table.Joachim Schummer - 2006 - Metascience 15 (1):163-166.
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    Beiträge.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Die folgende Bibliographie wurde erstellt auf Anregungen mehrerer Autoren aus der ehemaligen DDR auf der vom APC organisierten Diskussionsrunde „Perspektiven der Philosophie der Chemie“ im November 1995 in der Humboldt-Universität Berlin (s. Mitteilungsblatt 1 (1995)). Im Sinne einer „unzensierten“ Bestandsaufnahme soll sie einen Überblick über chemiephilosophische Aktivitäten der DDR für sowohl systematische Anknüpfungen als auch philosophiehistorische Forschungen bieten. Unter den ebenfalls zahlreich vorliegenden chemiehistorischen Arbeiten sind nur ausgewählte begriffs-, theorien- und disziplinenhistorische sowie philosophiehistorisch relevante Texte berücksichtigt. Ebenfalls aufgenommen sind einige (...)
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  38.  28
    Über Das streben nach lust.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Aristoteles hat in seiner berühmten Abhandlung über die Lust eine Einteilung der Philosophenmeinungen bezüglich der Lust vorgenommen.2 Die einen, sagt er, halten die Lust für das höchste Gut; die anderen meinen, daß die Lust ganz und gar schlecht sei. Unter den Lustgegnern nennt Aristoteles wiederum zwei Gruppen. Die einen lehnen die Lust aus Überzeugung ab, die anderen nur aus pädagogischen Gründen. Manchen liegt das Thema so am Herzen, daß sie, wie Aristoteles bemerkt, aus pädagogischen Gründen wider bessere Einsicht argumentieren.
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  39.  40
    Bibliography of studies on nanoscience and nanotechnology.Joachim Schummer - 2004 - In Baird D. (ed.), Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS. pp. 311--316.
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  40.  25
    Color field painting AlS ‚reine malerei'.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Wer sich heute kunsttheoretisch mit der Farbfeldmalerei beschäftigt, wird kaum umhin kommen, sich mit dem Verhältnis zwischen Kunsttheorie und Kunstpraxis ganz allgemein auseinanderzusetzen. Denn mit der theoretischen Thematisierung der Farbfeldmalerei etabliert sich erst eine uns heute vertraute Form der Kunsttheorie als Kunstkritik in einem ganz spezifischen sozio-historischen Kontext.
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  41.  35
    Das bild der wissenschaft in piktogrammen: Von der bedeutung Des scheinbar unbedeutenden.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Zu Beginn eines wissenschaftlichen Projekts – manchmal schon bei dessen Beantragung – sind Wissenschaftler mit der Frage konfrontiert, wie sie sich öffentlich sichtbar präsentieren. Ein griffiger Name (am besten ein eingängiges Akronym) und ein Logo müssen her, um Website, Visitenkarte, Briefkopf, Plakate und Poster zu zieren. Wer Peinlichkeiten vermeiden will, beauftragt gleich einen Werbedesigner für die visuelle Präsentation. Doch woher weiß der Designer, wie Wissenschaft visuell dargestellt wird? Weiß der Wissenschaftler das nicht viel besser? Der Wissenschaftler kennt all die Dinge (...)
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  42.  26
    editorial: Ethics of Chemistry, Part 1.Joachim Schummer - 2001 - Hyle 7 (2):83 - 84.
    Philosophy of science arose from debates among scientists about the right method of pursuing true knowledge at times when modern science was only in its infancy. The epistemological heritage is still reflected in the corresponding terms in French, épistémologie, and in German, Wissenschaftstheorie. Another root derives from the meaning of philosophy, as in ‘natural philosophy’, which was used to denote the physical sciences still in the nineteenth century before it was split off and received its particular metaphysical meaning. Yet, besides (...)
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  43.  8
    editorial: The Public Image of Chemistry, Part 2.Joachim Schummer, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent & Brigitte Van Tiggelen - 2006 - Hyle 12 (2):161 - 162.
  44.  44
    Frankenstein und die literarische figur Des verrückten wissenschaftlers.Joachim Schummer - 2008 - In B. van Schlun & M. Neumann (eds.), Mythen Europas: Schlüsselfiguren der Imagination, Bd. 6. Pustet.
    Die literarische Figur des verrückten Wissenschaftlers ist heute vor allem über Filme bekannt. Tatsächlich hat Hollywood diese Figur, die auf Englisch mad scientist genannt wird, seit seinen Gründungstagen mit zahlreichen Filmen zu einem eigenen Genre entwickelt: Ein älterer Mann mit zerzaustem Haar, Laborkittel und Brille arbeitet besessen und einsam in seinem Labor an einer großen Erfindung, mit der er die ganze Welt verändern will. Typischerweise ist dieser Wissenschaftler entweder gutwillig und naiv, nur naiv oder skrupellos. Ist er gutwillig und naiv, (...)
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  45.  37
    Glück Und Ethik.Joachim Schummer - 1998 - Königshausen & Neumann.
    Alle Menschen streben nach Glück. Es dürfte schwierig sein, einen Philosophen zu benennen, der diesen Satz jemals ernsthaft bestritten hat. Auf der Basis eines solchen, fast einzigartigen und mehr als zweitausend Jahre haltenden philosophischen Konsenses, so möchte man meinen, konnte eine konstruktive Philosophie des Glücks gedeihen, die sich in der Ausgestaltung der Begriffe des Glücks und des Strebens differenzierte; eine Philosophie, die Antworten gibt auf die Fragen, ob bzw. auf welche Weise wir das jeweils erstrebte Glück erreichen können, und die (...)
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    HYLE Article.Joachim Schummer - unknown
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  47.  48
    Historical roots of the “mad scientist”: Chemists in nineteenth-century literature.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    This paper traces the historical roots of the “mad scientist,” a concept that has powerfully shaped the public image of science up to today, by investigating the representations of chemists in nineteenth-century Western literature. I argue that the creation of this literary figure was the strongest of four critical literary responses to the emergence of modern science in general and of chemistry in particular. The role of chemistry in this story is crucial because early nineteenth-century chemistry both exemplified modern experimental (...)
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  48.  39
    Jaap Van Brakel, philosophy of chemistry. Between the manifest and the scientific image.Joachim Schummer - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (1):168-174.
  49.  24
    Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Ostwald (born September 2, 1853, Riga, Latvia, Russia; died April 4, 1932, at his private estate near Leipzig, Germany) almost single-handedly established physical chemistry as an acknowledged academic discipline. In 1909, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on catalysis, chemical equilibria, and reaction velocities. Ostwald was graduated in chemistry at the University of Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) and appointed professor of chemistry in Riga in 1881, before he moved from Russia to Germany on the chair (...)
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    editorial: Models in Chemistry, Part 1.Joachim Schummer - 1999 - Hyle 5 (2):77 - 78.
    It is my pleasure to open this special issue with which we like to celebrate the fifth birthday of our journal. What was originally conceived as one special issue of HYLE that has rapidly grown to a considerable number of high quality papers for which we need at least two issues. We received a total of 19 paper submissions, some of which are still under review. The manuscripts cover nearly every aspect of models outlined in the Call for Paper (HYLE (...)
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