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  1.  86
    Conceptualizing the ‘female’ soul – a study in Plato and Proclus.Jana Schultz - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (5):883-901.
    Within the Platonic (or Neoplatonic) dualistic conception of body and soul the difference between maleness and femaleness might appear to be a difference which only concerns the body, that is a difference which is not essential for determining who (or what) a certain human is. One might argue that, since humans are essentially their souls and souls are genderless, men and women are essentially equal. As my paper shows, though, Plato's and Proclus’ writings set out two ways of conceptualizing human (...)
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  2.  63
    Mütterliche Ursachen in Proklos’ Metaphysik.Jana Schultz - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (2):250-273.
    In his commentary on Plato’s Parmenides Proclos describes the maternal and paternal contributions to reproduction as of equal value: The paternal seed furnishes potential λόγοι, the mother actualises them and so causes the reversion of the offspring. However, the definition of the mother as actualising cause is linked to the particular circumstances of conception in the sphere of nature. In general, Proclus bases his concept of femininity on the idea of a shared, but not equal activity by paternal and maternal (...)
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  3.  17
    Austere versus Normative Dualism in Plato and the Flourishing of Individuals and Societies.Jana Schultz - 2020 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 14 (2):177-187.
  4.  51
    Contradictory Appearances in Plato’s Republic.Jana Schultz - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (1):69-87.
  5.  26
    Die proklische Diotima.Jana Schultz - 2019 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 22 (1):75-98.
    Diotima, the priestess of Plato’s Symposium, is an important reference for Proclus’ thinking about the role of women in philosophical and religious practices. This character does not just offer Proclus an example for women’s ability to attain the same level of virtue than men, but she is also a model for the joint work of philosophical and religious practices. Thereby she stands for practices which are orientated on the human condition and therefore depend on intermediary entities as demons, and for (...)
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  6.  11
    Foreword.Jana Schultz & James Wilberding - 2017 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 20 (1):11-13.
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  7.  12
    Formung und Umwendung der Seele - Eine Rechtfertigung ambivalenter Darstellungen in der Literatur im Rahmen von Platons 'Politeia'.Jana Schultz - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang.
    Die Autorin eröffnet mit ihrer Untersuchung zu Platons «Politeia» einen Weg, ambivalente Darstellungen in die Literatur des idealen Staates zu integrieren. Sie bezieht hierbei auch den Rahmen von Platons Psychologie, Epistemologie und Kunstkritik mit ein. Platon bewertet Literatur im Hinblick auf ihren erzieherischen Nutzen. Die Charakterformung verlangt eine Lenkung durch eindeutige Beispiele. Ambivalenzen sind ein Risiko, da sie die nicht-rationalen Seelenteile zu falschem Streben anleiten. Eine paradoxe Verknüpfung von Gegensätzen zeigt der Vernunft, dass sie Eigenschaften nur in den Ideen adäquat (...)
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  8.  14
    Jens Halfwassen, Tobias Dangel und Carl O’brien (Hrsg.), Seele und Materie im Neuplatonismus / Soul and Matter in Neoplatonism.Jana Schultz - 2019 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 22 (1):235-239.
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  9.  21
    marcus folsch, The City and the Stage. Performance, Genre and Gender in Plato’s Laws.Jana Schultz - 2017 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 20 (1):212-217.
  10.  10
    Soul, Gender and Hierarchy in Plotinus and Porphyry: A Response to Mathilde Cambron-Goulet and François-Julien Côté-Remy’s “Plotinus and Porphyry on Women’s Legitimacy in Philosophy”.Jana Schultz - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.), Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 201-209.
    In this paper, I will first add some thoughts on Cambron-Goulet and Côté-Remy’s analysis of the tension in Plotinus’ and Porphyry’s philosophy between the concept of the soul as genderless and the conceptual link between the soul becoming vicious and the soul becoming effeminate. I will argue that—despite of the emancipatory impulses in their philosophies—both Plotinus and Porphyry stick to conceptual connections which are constitutive for patriarchic discourses, especially to the conceptual link between being human, being male and being rational (...)
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  11.  21
    Women and the Female in Neoplatonism.Jana Schultz & James Wilberding (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    This book explores the various ways, ranging over psychology, political philosophy and metaphysics, that both historical women and various conceptualizations of the female help shape Neoplatonism, one of the most influential philosophical schools of late antiquity, at various levels.
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  12.  34
    Wilfried Kühn, Einführung in die Metaphysik: Platon und Aristoteles.Jana Schultz - 2018 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 21 (1):216-220.
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  13. (1 other version)Plato and the Power of Images. By Pierre Destrée and Radcliffe G. Edmonds III . Leiden: Brill 2017. Pp. 243. [REVIEW]Jana Schultz - 2019 - Plato Journal: The Journal of the International Plato Society 19:95-99.
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