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Jamie Tappenden [30]Jamie Peter Tappenden [1]
  1. The Liar and Sorites Paradoxes: Toward a Unified Treatment.Jamie Tappenden - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (11):551-577.
  2. Negation, denial and language change in philosophical logic.Jamie Tappenden - unknown
    This paper uses the strengthened liar paradox as a springboard to illuminate two more general topics: i) the negation operator and the speech act of denial among speakers of English and ii) some ways the potential for acceptable language change is constrained by linguistic meaning. The general and special problems interact in reciprocally illuminating ways. The ultimate objective of the paper is, however, less to solve certain problems than to create others, by illustrating how the issues that form the topic (...)
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  3. Proof style and understanding in mathematics I: Visualization, unification and axiom choice.Jamie Tappenden - unknown
    Mathematical investigation, when done well, can confer understanding. This bare observation shouldn’t be controversial; where obstacles appear is rather in the effort to engage this observation with epistemology. The complexity of the issue of course precludes addressing it tout court in one paper, and I’ll just be laying some early foundations here. To this end I’ll narrow the field in two ways. First, I’ll address a specific account of explanation and understanding that applies naturally to mathematical reasoning: the view proposed (...)
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  4. The Riemannian Background to Frege's Philosophy.Jamie Tappenden - 2006 - In José Ferreirós Domínguez & Jeremy Gray (eds.), The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 107-150.
    There was a methodological revolution in the mathematics of the nineteenth century, and philosophers have, for the most part, failed to notice.2 My objective in this chapter is to convince you of this, and further to convince you of the following points. The philosophy of mathematics has been informed by an inaccurately narrow picture of the emergence of rigour and logical foundations in the nineteenth century. This blinkered vision encourages a picture of philosophical and logical foundations as essentially disengaged from (...)
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  5. Extending knowledge and `fruitful concepts': Fregean themes in the foundations of mathematics.Jamie Tappenden - 1995 - Noûs 29 (4):427-467.
  6. Geometry and generality in Frege's philosophy of arithmetic.Jamie Tappenden - 1995 - Synthese 102 (3):319 - 361.
    This paper develops some respects in which the philosophy of mathematics can fruitfully be informed by mathematical practice, through examining Frege's Grundlagen in its historical setting. The first sections of the paper are devoted to elaborating some aspects of nineteenth century mathematics which informed Frege's early work. (These events are of considerable philosophical significance even apart from the connection with Frege.) In the middle sections, some minor themes of Grundlagen are developed: the relationship Frege envisions between arithmetic and geometry and (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Metatheory and Mathematical Practice in Frege.Jamie Tappenden - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (2):213-264.
    A cluster of recent papers on Frege have urged variations on the theme that Frege’s conception of logic is in some crucial way incompatible with ‘metatheoretic’ investigation. From this observation, significant consequences for our interpretation of Frege’s understanding of his enterprise are taken to follow. This chapter aims to critically examine this view, and to isolate what I take to be the core of truth in it. However, I will also argue that once we have isolated the defensible kernel, the (...)
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  8. Mathematical concepts and definitions.Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 256--275.
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    Mathematical concepts: Fruitfulness and naturalness.Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 276--301.
  10.  36
    Following Bobzien: Some Notes on Frege's Development and Engagement with his Environment.Jamie Tappenden - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (4):414-427.
    Loosely connected reflections on some issues raised by Susanne Bobzien concerning the extent to which Frege interacted with scholars in his environment, and what he may have learned from them. I first note a pattern in Frege's pre-Grundlagen writings: his references to other logicians tend to be in response to criticism. I then discuss the period 1885–1891, suggesting that Frege may have been more engaged with his teaching and his colleagues than is sometimes believed, in response to the ‘unsatisfied need (...)
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  11. Frege on Axioms, Indirect Proof, and Independence Arguments in Geometry: Did Frege Reject Independence Arguments?Jamie Tappenden - 2000 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 41 (3):271-315.
    It is widely believed that some puzzling and provocative remarks that Frege makes in his late writings indicate he rejected independence arguments in geometry, particularly arguments for the independence of the parallels axiom. I show that this is mistaken: Frege distinguished two approaches to independence arguments and his puzzling remarks apply only to one of them. Not only did Frege not reject independence arguments across the board, but also he had an interesting positive proposal about the logical structure of correct (...)
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  12. Analytic Truth—It’s Worse (or Perhaps Better) than You Thought.Jamie Tappenden - 1993 - Philosophical Topics 21 (2):233-261.
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  13. Fruitfulness as a Theme in the Philosophy of Mathematics.Jamie Tappenden - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy 109 (1-2):204-219.
  14.  91
    Some Remarks on Vagueness and a Dynamic Conception of Language.Jamie Tappenden - 1995 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 33 (S1):193-201.
  15. The caesar problem in its historical context: Mathematical background.Jamie Tappenden - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (2):237–264.
    The issues surrounding the Caesar problem are assumed to be inert as far as ongoing mathematics is concerned. This paper aims to correct this impression by spelling out the ways that, in their historical context, Frege's remarks would have had considerable resonance with work that other mathematicians such as Riemann and Dedekind were doing. The search for presentation‐independent characterizations of objects and global definitions was seen as bound up with fundamental methodological questions in complex analysis and number theory.
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    Recent Work in Philosophy of Mathematics: Review of P. Maddy, Naturalism in Mathematics; S. Shapiro, Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology; M. Resnik, Mathematics as a Science of Patterns.Jamie Tappenden, Penelope Maddy, Stewart Shapiro & Michael Resnik - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy 98 (9):488.
  17.  97
    A Primer on Ernst Abbe for Frege Readers.Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 38 (S1):31-118.
    Setting out to understand Frege, the scholar confronts a roadblock at the outset: We just have little to go on. Much of the unpublished work and correspondence is lost, probably forever. Even the most basic task of imagining Frege's intellectual life is a challenge. The people he studied with and those he spent daily time with are little known to historians of philosophy and logic. To be sure, this makes it hard to answer broad questions like: 'Who influenced Frege?' But (...)
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  18. Kit Fine Precis. Discussion.Stewart Shapiro, Alan Weir & Jamie Tappenden - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (3):305 - 395.
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  19. On Kit Fine’s The Limits of Abstraction – Discussion.Jamie Tappenden - 2005 - Philosophical Studies 122 (3):349-366.
  20.  43
    University of California, Irvine Irvine, California March 27–30, 2008.Sam Buss, Stephen Cook, José Ferreirós, David Marker, Theodore Slaman & Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (3).
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    Truth and values: essays for Hans Herzberger.Jamie Tappenden, Achille C. Varzi & William Seager (eds.) - 2008 - Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
    A selection of essays dedicated to Hans Herzberger with affection and gratitude for both his profound work and his lasting example. Contributors: I. Levi (on whether and how a rational agent should be seen as a maximizer of some cognitive value), C. Normore (on medieval accounts of logical validity), J. P. Tappenden (on the local influences on Frege's doctrines), A. Urquhart (on the inexpressible), A. C. Varzi (on dimensionality and the sense of possibility), and S. Yablo (on content and carvings, (...)
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  22. and Definitions.Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 256.
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  23. Comments on Soames' understanding truth.Jamie Tappenden - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (2):418–421.
    I’ll use an extension of the “smidget” example Soames sets out on pages 165-172 to bring out the point. Groups A and B are disjoint and satisfy certain regularity conditions. Recall that the extension and anti-extension are specified by a pair of sufficient conditions. We specify: every member of group A is a smidget and every member of group B is not a smidget. No decision is made about persons that are outside groups A and B. It is, of course, (...)
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  24. ch. 9. The mathematical and logical background to analytic philosophy.Jamie Tappenden - 2013 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Définitions mathématiques pour philosophes.Jamie Tappenden - 2011 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 97 (2):179.
    Le choix de définitions « naturelles » ou « correctes » est un aspect fondamental de la recherche mathématique qui a été négligé dans l’étude de la connaissance mathématique. L’une des raisons qui expliquent cet abandon tient au sentiment qu’ont eu de nombreux auteurs que la préférence pour une définition au détriment d’une autre ne pouvait être que « simplement psychologique » ou « subjective » en sorte que de tels jugements ne pouvaient pas être philosophiquement intéressants. Je discute ici (...)
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  26.  93
    To the memory of Heda Segvic.Jamie Tappenden - unknown
    Mathematical investigation, when done well, can confer understanding. This bare observation shouldn’t be controversial; where obstacles appear is rather in the effort to engage this observation with epistemology. The complexity of the issue of course precludes addressing it tout court in one paper, and I’ll just be laying some early foundations here. To this end I’ll narrow the field in two ways. First, I’ll address a specific account of explanation and understanding that applies naturally to mathematical reasoning: the view proposed (...)
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    Vagueness, and Paradox: An Essay in the Logic of Truth. [REVIEW]Jamie Tappenden - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):142-144.
  28.  12
    2008 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic-University of California, Irvine-Irvine, California-March 27-30, 2008-Abstracts. [REVIEW]Sam Buss, Stephen Cook, Jos Ferreirs, Andy Lewis, David Marker, Theodore Slaman & Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):418-437.
  29.  41
    Shaughan Lavine. Understanding the infinite. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1994, ix + 372 pp. [REVIEW]Jamie Tappenden - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1843-1845.