Results for 'Jamie Cullen'

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  1. Imitation versus communication: Testing for human-like intelligence.Jamie Cullen - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (2):237-254.
    Turing’s Imitation Game is often viewed as a test for theorised machines that could ‘think’ and/or demonstrate ‘intelligence’. However, contrary to Turing’s apparent intent, it can be shown that Turing’s Test is essentially a test for humans only. Such a test does not provide for theorised artificial intellects with human-like, but not human-exact, intellectual capabilities. As an attempt to bypass this limitation, I explore the notion of shifting the goal posts of the Turing Test, and related tests such as the (...)
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  2. Military ethics education in the Army : an Achiilles heel.Jamie Cullens - 2017 - In Thomas R. Frame & Albert Palazzo (eds.), Ethics under fire: challenges for the Australian Army. Sydney, New South Wales: University of New South Wales Press.
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    The Three Minds Argument.Jamie Cullen - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (1):51-60.
    Searle has long maintained a position that non-biologically based machines , no matter how intelligently they may appear to behave, cannot achieve “intentionality” or “consciousness,” have a “mind,” and so forth. Standard replies to Searle’s argument, as commonly cited by researchers in Artificial Intelligence and related communities, are sometimes considered unsatisfactory by readers outside of such fields. One possible reason for this is that the Chinese Room Argument makes a strong appeal to some people’s intuitions regarding “understanding” and necessary conditions (...)
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  4. Survey-Driven Romanticism.Simon Cullen - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (2):275-296.
    Despite well-established results in survey methodology, many experimental philosophers have not asked whether and in what way conclusions about folk intuitions follow from people’s responses to their surveys. Rather, they appear to have proceeded on the assumption that intuitions can be simply read off from survey responses. Survey research, however, is fraught with difficulties. I review some of the relevant literature—particularly focusing on the conversational pragmatic aspects of survey research—and consider its application to common experimental philosophy surveys. I argue for (...)
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    Passions and Persuasion in Aristotle’s Rhetoric.Jamie Dow - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Jamie Dow presents an original treatment of Aristotle's views on rhetoric and the passions, and the first major study of Aristotle's Rhetoric in recent years. He attributes to Aristotle a normative view of rhetoric and its role in the state, and ascribes to him a particular view of the kinds of cognitions involved in the passions.
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    Varieties of Responsible Management Learning: A Review, Typology and Research Agenda.John G. Cullen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (4):759-773.
    Over the past two decades an increasing number of research papers have signalled growing interest in more responsible, sustainable and ethical modes of management education. This systematic literature review of peer-reviewed publications on, and allied to, the concept of responsible management learning and education confirms that scholarly interest in the topic has accelerated over the last decade. Rather than assuming that RMLE is one thing, however, this review proposes that the literature on responsible management education and learning can be divided (...)
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  7. The Effects of Ethical Climates on Organizational Commitment: A Two-Study Analysis.John B. Cullen, K. Praveen Parboteeah & Bart Victor - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):127-141.
    Although organizational commitment continues to interest researchers because of its positive effects on organizations, we know relatively little about the effects of the ethical context on organizational commitment. As such, we contribute to the organizational commitment field by assessing the effects of ethical climates (Victor and Cullen, 1987, 1988) on organizational commitment. We hypothesized that an ethical climate of benevolence has a positive relationship with organizational commitment while egoistic climate is negatively related to commitment. Results supported our propositions for (...)
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  8. Bonaventure: Muslim Perspectives.Christopher M. Cullen - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    The great Franciscan theologian St. Bonaventure engaged in philosophy as well as theology, and the relation between the two in Bonaventure's work has long been debated. Yet, few studies have been devoted to Bonaventure's thought as a whole. In this survey, Christopher M. Cullen reveals Bonaventure as a great synthesizer, whose system of thought bridged the gap between theology and philosophy. The book is organized according to the categories of Bonaventure's own classic text, De reductione artium ad theologiam. (...) follows Bonaventure's own division of the branches of philosophy and theology, analyzing them as separate but related entities. He shows that Bonaventure was a scholastic, whose mysticism was grounded in systematic theological and philosophical reasoning. He presents a fresh and nuanced perspective on Bonaventure's debt to Augustine, while clarifying Aristotle's influence. Cullen also puts Bonaventure's ideas in context of his time and place, contributing significantly to our understanding of the medieval world. This accessible introduction provides a much-needed overview of Bonaventure's thought. Cullen offers a clear and rare reading of "Bonaventurianism" in and for itself, without the complications of critique and comparison. This book promises to become a standard text on Bonaventure, useful for students and scholars of philosophy, theology, medieval studies, and the history of Christianity. (shrink)
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    What does person‐centred care mean, if you weren't considered a person anyway: An engagement with person‐centred care and Black, queer, feminist, and posthuman approaches.Jamie B. Smith, Eva-Maria Willis & Jane Hopkins-Walsh - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (3):e12401.
    Despite the prominence of person‐centred care (PCC) in nursing, there is no general agreement on the assumptions and the meaning of PCC. We sympathize with the work of others who rethink PCC towards relational, embedded, and temporal selfhood rather than individual personhood. Our perspective addresses criticism of humanist assumptions in PCC using critical posthumanism as a diffraction from dominant values We highlight the problematic realities that might be produced in healthcare, leading to some people being more likely to be disenfranchised (...)
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  10. The real and the quasi-real: problems of distinction.Jamie Dreier - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3-4):532-547.
    This paper surveys some ways of distinguishing Quasi-Realism in metaethics from Non-naturalist Realism, including ‘Explanationist’ methods of distinguishing, which characterize the Real by its explanatory role, and Inferentialist methods. Rather than seeking the One True Distinction, the paper adopts an irenic and pragmatist perspective, allowing that different ways of drawing the line are best for different purposes.
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    Analog(ue) photography.Frances Cullen - 2024 - Philosophy of Photography 15 (1):113-121.
    This encyclopaedia entry defines ‘analog(ue) photography’ as a construct of the digital age. After first situating the concept’s history in relation to that of the larger field of ‘the analog’, thereby exposing its connection to the American field of cybernetics, the entry describes how analog photography’s identity as a synonym for film was initially constructed and has subsequently evolved. Then it elaborates on the category’s formulation as a site of resistance to emerging technologies. Analog photography’s ongoing usage, the entry suggests, (...)
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    The Struggle to Constitute and Sustain Productive Orders: Vincent Ostrom's Quest to Understand Human Affairs.Stephan Kuhnert, Brian Loveman, Anas Malik, Michael D. McGinnis, Tun Myint, Vincent Ostrom, Filippo Sabetti & Jamie Thomson (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    This book identifies the criteria for successful constitutions in both theory and practice using the research and methodology of Vincent Ostrom.
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  13. When do circumstances excuse? Moral prejudices and beliefs about the true self drive preferences for agency-minimizing explanations.Simon Cullen - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):165-181.
    When explaining human actions, people usually focus on a small subset of potential causes. What leads us to prefer certain explanations for valenced actions over others? The present studies indicate that our moral attitudes often predict our explanatory preferences far better than our beliefs about how causally sensitive actions are to features of the actor's environment. Study 1 found that high-prejudice participants were much more likely to endorse non-agential explanations of an erotic same-sex encounter, such as that one of the (...)
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  14. The Moral Asymmetry of Happiness and Suffering.Jamie Mayerfeld - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (3):317-338.
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  15. Continuities and Extensions of Ethical Climate Theory: A Meta-Analytic Review.Kelly D. Martin & John B. Cullen - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2):175-194.
    Using traditional meta-analytic techniques, we compile relevant research to enhance conceptual appreciation of ethical climate theory (ECT) as it has been studied in the descriptive and applied ethics literature. We explore the various treatments of ethical climate to understand how the theoretical framework has developed. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive picture of how the theory has been extended by describing the individual-level work climate outcomes commonly studied in this theoretical context. Meta-analysis allows us to resolve inconsistencies in previous findings as (...)
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    Freedom in Rousseau's political philosophy.Daniel E. Cullen - 1993 - DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
    In this new interpretation of Rousseau's political thought, Daniel E. Cullen demonstrates that the concept of freedom is fundamental to the complex unity of Rousseau's work. He shows that the pervasive tension in Rousseau's thought between freedom and order, legitimacy and reliability can be explained as an effort to attune the political to the natural condition and to reestablish a condition of independence in political and social circumstances. Cullen's argument bears important implications for those who currently seek to (...)
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    Critical role of pathology and laboratory medicine in the conversation surrounding access to healthcare.Cullen M. Lilley & Kamran M. Mirza - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (2):148-152.
    Pathology and laboratory medicine are a key component of a patient’s healthcare. From academic care centres, community hospitals, to clinics across the country, pathology data are a crucial component of patient care. But for much of the modern era, pathology and laboratory medicine have been absent from health policy conversations. Though select members in the field have advocated for an enhanced presence of these specialists in policy conversations, little work has been done to thoroughly evaluate the moral and ethical obligations (...)
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    The discovery of being & Thomas Aquinas: philosophical and theological perspectives.Christopher M. Cullen & Franklin T. Harkins (eds.) - 2019 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Contributions to this volume examine three main areas relating to the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas: the foundation of metaphysics within Thomism; the use of metaphysics in fundamental philosophical issues within Thomism; and the use of metaphysics in central theological issues.
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  19. Suffering and moral responsibility.Jamie Mayerfeld - 1999 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In this work, Jamie Mayerfeld undertakes a careful inquiry into the meaning and moral significance of suffering. Understanding suffering in hedonistic terms as an affliction of feeling, he claims that it is an objective psychological condition, amenable to measurement and interpersonal comparison, although its accurate assessment is never easy. Mayerfeld goes on to examine the content of the duty to prevent suffering and the weight it has relative to other moral considerations. He argues that the prevention of suffering is (...)
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  20. Mathematical concepts and definitions.Jamie Tappenden - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 256--275.
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    Critical realism for a time of crisis? Buch-Hansen and Nielsen’s twenty-first century CR.Jamie Morgan - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (3):300-321.
    In this essay I set and explore Buch-Hansen and Nielsen’s Critical Realism: Basics and Beyond. I then move on to discuss arising issues relevant to contemporary critical realism, including time, ca...
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    Feyerabend, funding, and the freedom of science: the case of traditional Chinese medicine.Jamie Shaw - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-27.
    From the 1970s onwards, Feyerabend argues against the freedom of science. This will seem strange to some, as his epistemological anarchism is often taken to suggest that scientists should be free of even the most basic and obvious norms of science. His argument against the freedom of science is heavily influenced by his case study of the interference of Chinese communists in mainland China during the 1950s wherein the government forced local universities to continue researching traditional Chinese medicine rather than (...)
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    From ‘if‐then’ to ‘what if?’ Rethinking healthcare algorithmics with posthuman speculative ethics.Jamie Smith, Goda Klumbyte & Ren Loren Britton - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12447.
    This article discusses the role that algorithmic thinking and management play in health care and the kind of exclusions this might create. We argue that evidence‐based medicine relies on research and data to create pathways for patient journeys. Coupled with data‐based algorithmic prediction tools in health care, they establish what could be called health care algorithmics—a mode of management of healthcare that produces forms of algorithmic governmentality. Relying on a critical posthumanist perspective, we show how healthcare algorithmics is contingent on (...)
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  24. God, the moon, and the astronaut: Space conquest and theology [Book Review].Michael Cullen - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (1):123.
    Cullen, Michael Review of: God, the moon, and the astronaut: Space conquest and theology, by Jacques Arnould, translated by Dawn Cowlsey, pp. 148, paperback, $29.95, First published in French as La Lune dans le benitier: Conquete spatial et th ologie.
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  25. Corporate social responsibility in the 21st century: A view from the world's most successful firms.Jamie Snider, Ronald Paul Hill & Diane Martin - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (2):175-187.
    This investigation is motivated by the lack of scholarship examining the content of what firms are communicating to various stakeholders about their commitment to socially responsible behaviors. To address this query, a qualitative study of the legal, ethical and moral statements available on the websites of Forbes Magazine''s top 50 U.S. and top 50 multinational firms of non-U.S. origin were analyzed within the context of stakeholder theory. The results are presented thematically, and the close provides implications for social responsibility among (...)
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  26. Negation, denial and language change in philosophical logic.Jamie Tappenden - unknown
    This paper uses the strengthened liar paradox as a springboard to illuminate two more general topics: i) the negation operator and the speech act of denial among speakers of English and ii) some ways the potential for acceptable language change is constrained by linguistic meaning. The general and special problems interact in reciprocally illuminating ways. The ultimate objective of the paper is, however, less to solve certain problems than to create others, by illustrating how the issues that form the topic (...)
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    Labor Migration and Climate Change Adaptation.Jamie Draper - 2022 - American Political Science Review 116 (3):1012-1024.
    Social scientific evidence suggests that labor migration can increase resilience to climate change. For that reason, some have recently advocated using labor migration policy as a tool for climate adaptation. This paper engages with the normative question of whether, and under what conditions, states may permissibly use labor migration policy as a tool for climate adaptation. I argue that states may use labor migration policy as a tool for climate adaptation and may even have a duty to do so, subject (...)
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  28. Proof style and understanding in mathematics I: Visualization, unification and axiom choice.Jamie Tappenden - unknown
    Mathematical investigation, when done well, can confer understanding. This bare observation shouldn’t be controversial; where obstacles appear is rather in the effort to engage this observation with epistemology. The complexity of the issue of course precludes addressing it tout court in one paper, and I’ll just be laying some early foundations here. To this end I’ll narrow the field in two ways. First, I’ll address a specific account of explanation and understanding that applies naturally to mathematical reasoning: the view proposed (...)
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    Stakeholder Influence Strategies: An Empirical Exploration.Jamie R. Hendry - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (1):79-99.
    In the present study, I sought to more fully understand stakeholder organizations’ strategies for influencing business firms. I conducted interviews with 28 representatives of four environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs): Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Greenpeace, Environmental Defense (ED), and Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Qualitative methods were used to analyze this data, and additional data in the form of reviews of websites and other documents was conducted when provided by interviewees or needed to more fully comprehend interviewee’s comments. Six propositions (...)
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  30. Suffering and Moral Responsibility.Jamie Mayerfeld - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (205):558-560.
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    A corpus-based investigation of techno-optimism and propositional certainty in the National Intelligence Council’s ‘Future Global Trends Reports’.Jamie McKeown - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (1):39-57.
    This article reports the findings from a study of discursive representations of the future role of technology in the work of the US National Intelligence Council. Specifically, it investigates the interplay of ‘techno-optimism’ and propositional certainty in the NIC’s ‘Future Global Trends Reports’. In doing so, it answers the following questions: To what extent was techno-optimism present in the discourse? What level of propositional certainty was expressed in the discourse? How did the discourse deal with the inherent uncertainty of the (...)
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    Duhem on Good Sense and Theory Pursuit: From Virtue to Social Epistemology.Jamie Shaw - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (2):67-85.
    ABSTRACT The emerging consensus in the secondary literature on Duhem is that his notion of ‘good sense’ is a virtue of individual scientists that guides them choosie between empirically equal rival theories : 149–159; Ivanova 2010. “Pierre Duhem’s Good Sense as a Guide to Theory Choice.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 : 58–64; Fairweather 2011. “The Epistemic Value of Good Sense.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 : 139–146; Bhakthavatsalam. “Duhemian Good (...)
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  33. The Liar and Sorites Paradoxes: Toward a Unified Treatment.Jamie Tappenden - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (11):551-577.
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    Enhanced associative memory for colour (but not shape or location) in synaesthesia.Jamie Pritchard, Nicolas Rothen, Daniel Coolbear & Jamie Ward - 2013 - Cognition 127 (2):230-234.
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    Taking Aim at Business.Jamie R. Hendry - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (1):47-86.
    Although business and society scholars have sought to demonstrate that corporate social performance (CSP) leads to corporate financial performance (CFP), a complete model of the pathway from CSP to CFP has not been substantiated. One suggestion is that certain indicators of CSP are noticed by stakeholders, who then act in ways that ultimately affect the firm's CFP. The present study focused on the first step in this path: identifying the factors that initially lead a stakeholder group to target a particular (...)
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  36. Why Firms Engage in Corruption: A Top Management Perspective.Jamie D. Collins, Klaus Uhlenbruck & Peter Rodriguez - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):89-108.
    This study builds upon the top management literature to predict and test antecedents to firms’ engagement in corruption. Building on a survey of 341 executives in India, we find that if executives have social ties with government officials, their firms are more likely to engage in corruption. Further, these executives are likely to rationalize engaging in corruption as a necessity for being competitive. The results collectively illustrate the role that executives’ social ties and perceptions have in shaping illegal actions of (...)
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    Constructions of Neoliberal Reason.Jamie Peck - 2012 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Amongst intellectuals and activists, neoliberalism has become a potent signifier for the kind of free-market thinking that has dominated politics for the past three decades. Forever associated with the conviction politics of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the free-market project has since become synonymous with the 'Washington consensus' on international development policy and the phenomenon of corporate globalization, where it has come to mean privatization, deregulation, and the opening up of new markets. But beyond its utility as a protest slogan (...)
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    Moral Expertise: New Essays from Theoretical and Clinical Bioethics.Jamie Carlin Watson & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes (eds.) - 2018 - Springer International Publishing.
    This collection addresses whether ethicists, like authorities in other fields, can speak as experts in their subject matter. Though ethics consultation is a growing practice in medical contexts, there remain difficult questions about the role of ethicists in professional decision-making. Contributors examine the nature and plausibility of moral expertise, the relationship between character and expertise, the nature and limits of moral authority, how one might become a moral expert, and the trustworthiness of moral testimony. This volume engages with the growing (...)
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    Understanding and Modeling Teams As Dynamical Systems.Jamie C. Gorman, Terri A. Dunbar, David Grimm & Christina L. Gipson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  40. The role of training, alternative models, and logical necessity in determining confidence in syllogistic reasoning.Jamie A. Prowse Turner & Valerie A. Thompson - 2009 - Thinking and Reasoning 15 (1):69 – 100.
    Prior research shows that reasoners' confidence is poorly calibrated (Shynkaruk & Thompson, 2006). The goal of the current experiment was to increase calibration in syllogistic reasoning by training reasoners on (a) the concept of logical necessity and (b) the idea that more than one representation of the premises may be possible. Training improved accuracy and was also effective in remedying some systematic misunderstandings about the task: those in the training condition were better at estimating their overall performance than those who (...)
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  41. Moral Relativism and Moral Nihilism.Jamie Dreier - 2006 - In David Copp (ed.), The Oxford handbook of ethical theory. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Schematic information influences memory and generalisation behaviour for schema-relevant and -irrelevant information.Jamie P. Cockcroft, Sam C. Berens, M. Gareth Gaskell & Aidan J. Horner - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105203.
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    Business, ethics and society: key concepts, current debates and contemporary innovations.John G. Cullen - 2021 - Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications.
    With an emphasis on psychoanalytic theory, Business, Ethics and Society: Key Concepts, Current Debates and Contemporary Innovations provides a clear, concise introduction to the field of business ethics, while addressing contemporary issues and debates around the impacts of artificial intelligence, social media, the gig economy and populist politics on business and society. The book features mini-case studies from a variety of contexts and companies, including Gillette, Nike, Dove, British Airways and Microsoft, as well as thought-provoking questions throughout. Also included are: (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Ethics and Process in the Narrative Study of Lives, Ruthellen Josselson (Ed.).Joy L. Cullen - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (3):341-344.
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  45. La ética entre el silencio de la palabra y la retórica argumentativa del poder.Carlos Cullen - 2000 - In María Julia Bertomeu, Graciela Vidiella & Osvaldo Norberto Guariglia (eds.), Universalismo y multiculturalismo. [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Universidad de Buenos Aires.
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    Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement. By Andrew Dean Swafford.Christopher M. Cullen - 2015 - International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):251-254.
  47. On the Political Order.Christopher M. Cullen - 2017 - Nova et Vetera 15 (3).
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    (1 other version)The way and the word. Science and medicine in early China and Greece.Christopher Cullen - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (2):357-362.
  49. The cross as ultimate in the writings of Justin Martyr.Cullen Ik Story - 1998 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 21 (1):18-34.
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  50. Ultimate Reality and 'The Gospel of Truth.'.Cullen I. K. Story - 1981 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 4 (4):279-296.
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