Results for 'Jacolien Rij'

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  1.  71
    How WM Load Influences Linguistic Processing in Adults: A Computational Model of Pronoun Interpretation in Discourse.Jacolien Rij, Hedderik Rijn & Petra Hendriks - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (3):564-580.
    This paper presents a study of the effect of working memory load on the interpretation of pronouns in different discourse contexts: stories with and without a topic shift. We discuss a computational model (in ACT-R, Anderson, 2007) to explain how referring expressions are acquired and used. On the basis of simulations of this model, it is predicted that WM constraints only affect adults' pronoun resolution in stories with a topic shift, but not in stories without a topic shift. This latter (...)
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    How WM Load Influences Linguistic Processing in Adults: A Computational Model of Pronoun Interpretation in Discourse.Jacolien van Rij, Hedderik van Rijn & Petra Hendriks - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (3):564-580.
    This paper presents a study of the effect of working memory load on the interpretation of pronouns in different discourse contexts: stories with and without a topic shift. We discuss a computational model (in ACT‐R, Anderson, 2007) to explain how referring expressions are acquired and used. On the basis of simulations of this model, it is predicted that WM constraints only affect adults' pronoun resolution in stories with a topic shift, but not in stories without a topic shift. This latter (...)
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    Order Matters! Influences of Linear Order on Linguistic Category Learning.Dorothée B. Hoppe, Jacolien Rij, Petra Hendriks & Michael Ramscar - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12910.
    Linguistic category learning has been shown to be highly sensitive to linear order, and depending on the task, differentially sensitive to the information provided by preceding category markers (premarkers, e.g., gendered articles) or succeeding category markers (postmarkers, e.g., gendered suffixes). Given that numerous systems for marking grammatical categories exist in natural languages, it follows that a better understanding of these findings can shed light on the factors underlying this diversity. In two discriminative learning simulations and an artificial language learning experiment, (...)
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    Order Matters! Influences of Linear Order on Linguistic Category Learning.Dorothée B. Hoppe, Jacolien van Rij, Petra Hendriks & Michael Ramscar - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12910.
    Linguistic category learning has been shown to be highly sensitive to linear order, and depending on the task, differentially sensitive to the information provided by preceding category markers (premarkers, e.g., gendered articles) or succeeding category markers (postmarkers, e.g., gendered suffixes). Given that numerous systems for marking grammatical categories exist in natural languages, it follows that a better understanding of these findings can shed light on the factors underlying this diversity. In two discriminative learning simulations and an artificial language learning experiment, (...)
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    Online Processing of Temporal Agreement in a Grammatical Tone Language: An ERP Study.Frank Tsiwah, Roelien Bastiaanse, Jacolien van Rij & Srđan Popov - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous electrophysiological studies that have examined temporal agreement violations in (Indo-European) languages that use grammatical affixes to mark time reference, have found a Left Anterior Negativity (LAN) and/or P600 ERP components, reflecting morpho-syntactic and syntactic processing, respectively. The current study investigates the electrophysiological processing of temporal relations in an African language (Akan) that uses grammatical tone, rather than morphological inflection, for time reference. Twenty-four native speakers of Akan listened to sentences with time reference violations. Our results demonstrate that a violation (...)
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    al-Kitābah khārij al-nasaq: naḥwa taʼsīs li-taṣawwuf kawnī.Muṣṭafá ʻAṭṭār - 2022 - ʻAmmān: Dār Kunūz al-Maʻrifah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  7. Fī maʻārij al-rūḥ.Bahjat Ghayth - 1997 - Bayrūt: al-Ḍuḥá.
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  8. Maʻārij al-quds fī madārij maʻrifat al-nafs. Ghazzālī - 1963 - [al-Qāhirah]: al-Maktabah al-Tijārīyah al-Kubrá.
  9. The Khawārij.Etan Kohlberg - 2017 - In Meʼir Mikhaʼel Bar-Asher & Meir Hatina (eds.), ha-Islam: hisṭoryah, dat, tarbut = Islam: history, religion, culture. Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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  10. al-Islām khārij al-ḥudūd.ʻAbd al-Rashīd al-Ṣādiq Maḥmūdī - 2020 - al-Qāhirah: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Thaqāfah.
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    Falsafat khārij al-iṭār: dirāsah.Jamīl Qamūh - 2019 - ʻAmmān: al-Ān Nāshirūn wa-Muwazziʻūn. Edited by Ḥusayn Nashwān.
    يراهن الباحث في هذا الكتاب على معادلة الوعي والأخلاق لمواضعة فلسفةٍ بسيطةٍ لا تنتمي للنظريات أو التنظيرات، بل للفطرة الإنسانية التي تقوم على البراءة والتسامح وحسن الظن بالآخر. و«خارج الإطار» يعني الخروج من أسوار المدرسيّة والتلقينيّة وإلحاح الآراء المسبّقة وشِراكها ومصائدها، وخارج طريقة حشو الدماغ بسرديّات الوهم التي تنتجها مصالح القوى المختلفة، وبما يعني الانفتاح على الحياة بألوانها التي لا تتوقف عند الأبيض والأسود. ويقترب الباحث في أطروحاته الفلسفية من النزعة الوجودية دون أن يتبنّى منهجها، ولكنّه يذهب إلى فهم الماضي (...)
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    al-Maʻná khārij al-naṣṣ: athar al-siyāq fī taḥdīd dalālāt al-khiṭāb.Fāṭimah Shaydī - 2011 - Dimashq: Dār Nīnawá lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Ḥurrīyah khārij al-ḥurrīyah: siḥr al-laḥẓah.... raqṣat al-mawt.ʻAlī Abū al-Rīsh - 2018 - Dubayy, al-Imārāt al-ʻArabīyah al-Muttaḥidah: Midād lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Tashvīqāt al-sālikīn ilá maʻārij al-ḥaqq va al-yaqīn: rahnumūdʹhā-yi akhlāqī va ʻirfānī dar qālib-i ḥikāyatʹhā-yi shīrīn va khvāndanī.Sharīf al-Kāshānī & Ḥabīb Allāh - 2013 - Kāshān: Intishārāt-i Mursal. Edited by Ḥusayn ʻAlī Pūrʹmadanī.
    Sharīf Kāshānī, Ḥabīb Allāh, -1921 or 1922 ; Persian poetry- 20th century ; Sufi poetry, Persian- 20th century.
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  15. La tradition manuscrite du Ilepi rijs Ɵetas àyámns.P. Canivet & P. Malvaux - 1964 - Byzantion 34:385-413.
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  16. Mujer y sociedad en el Ta'rij al-Mustabsir de Ibn al-Muyawir.Serafín Fanjul García - 1987 - Al-Qantara 8 (1):165-190.
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  17. De sociale geografie in de rij van de sociale wetenschappen.W. F. Heinemeyer - 1968 - Meppel,: J. A. Boom.
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    Bulūgh al-āmāl: sharḥ Manẓūmat al-akhlāq min Madārij al-kamāl.Mubārak ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ḥāmid Rāshidī - 2022 - al-Sīb, Salṭanat ʻUmān: Maktabat al-Ḍāmirī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  19. al-Awānī wa-al-maʻānī: abḥāth khārij al-zaman.Ṣāliḥ ʻUḍaymah - 1990 - Bāris: Ṣ. ʻUḍaymah.
  20. Bayna al-kalām wa-al-falsafah ʻinda al-Khawārij wa-al-Muʻtazilah.Aḥmad ʻAlī Zahrah - 2004 - Dimashq: Nīnawá lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Denken in de spiegel: Hubert Dethier: filosofie en zingeving voor de 21ste eeuw.Hubert Dethier - 2015 - Brussel: ASP. Edited by Julien Libbrecht.
    Dit boek is een hommage aan de filosoof Hubert Dethier (°21 juli 1933), die we zeker in de rij kunnen plaatsen van denkers als Jaap Kruithof, Hans Achterhuis en Etienne Vermeersch. Deze hommage is geen chronologische biografie. Het is daarentegen wel een verhaal waarin het leven van Hubert Dethier verweven wordt met de geschiedenis van zijn denken. Een denken dat zich situeert in de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw en het begin van de huidige eeuw en zich moeiteloos projecteert (...)
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