Results for 'Izabela Marzec'

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  1.  16
    Learning Climate Perceptions as a Determinant of Employability: An Empirical Study Among European ICT Professionals.Claudia M. Van der Heijde, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, Dora Scholarios, Nikos Bozionelos, Aslaug Mikkelsen, Olga Epitropaki, Izabela Marzec, Piotr Jędrzejowicz & Jan C. Looise - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Modelling Perjury: Between Trust and Blame.Izabela Skoczeń - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):771-805.
    I investigate: to what extent do folk ascriptions of lying differ between casual and courtroom contexts? to what extent does motive to lie influence ascriptions of trust, mental states, and lying judgments? to what extent are lying judgments consistent with previous ascriptions of communicated content? Following the Supreme Court’s Bronston judgment, I expect: averaged lying judgments to be similar in casual and courtroom contexts; motive to lie to influence levels of trust, mental states ascriptions, and patterns of lying judgments; retrospective (...)
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    Vaccines and Epistemic Trust.Matthew Marzec - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):69-77.
    There is an enigma that plagues the modern world. On the one hand, access to information is more abundant than ever. On the other, knowledge seems all the more difficult to come by. The world is divided on numerous fact-based questions regarding nutrition, exercise, public policy impact, sickness prevention, mental wellness, and more. What accounts for this phenomenon? Likely, these disagreements and difficulties cannot be accounted for by a single factor, and the elements in play vary from question to question (...)
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    Practising “Cruel Optimism”: Eight Months on Ghazzah Street by Hilary Mantel.Izabela Morska - 2024 - Civitas 31:65-86.
    The essay “Practising ‘cruel optimism’: Eight Months on Ghazzah Street by Hilary Mantel” delves into Mantel’s novel through the lens of Berlant’s concept of cruel optimism. Berlant’s construct, rooted in the pursuit of conventional notions of a fulfilling existence, highlights the protagonists’ endeavors in Saudi Arabia as a postcolonial adventure bound to end in disillusionment. Mantel’s portrayal of Frances Shore and her husband Andrew illuminates the tension between their aspirations for financial security and the disconcerting realities of cultural displacement and (...)
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    Minimal Semantics and Legal Interpretation.Izabela Skoczeń - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (3):615-633.
    In this paper I will tackle three issues. First, I aim to briefly outline the backbone of semantic minimalism, while focusing on the idea of ‘liberal truth conditions’ developed by Emma Borg in her book ‘Minimal Semantics’. Secondly, I will provide an account of the three principal views in legal interpretation: intentionalism, textualism and purposivism. All of them are based on a common denominator labelled by lawyers ‘literal meaning’. In the paper I suggest a novel way of viewing this common (...)
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  6. (1 other version)A atualidade dos mitos presentes na obra de Platão.Izabela Aquino Bocayuva - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 13:115-120.
    Platão elabora uma censura aos mitos tradicionais em sua obra capital A República . Isso é necessário exatamente porque segundo seu modo de pensar esses mitos podem proporcionar consequências nefastas na educação dos jovens gregos que não têm ainda discernimento para entrar em contato com a maneira em que neles é exposto o comportamento de deuses e heróis. Quer dizer que o mito, secular, continua sempre atuando atualmente. Isso não acontece apenas no caso de Homero. Os mitos que o próprio (...)
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    From Empires of Nations to the Nation-State of Minorities.Wiktor Marzec - 2023 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 18 (3):1-27.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the concept of minority up to the temporary stabilization of its meaning in Polish concluded in the adoption of the March constitution of 1921. The history of the concept of national minority bore an imprint on the accommodation to the new political, territorial, and discursive circumstances after transition from empire to nation-state. The idea itself was well anchored in the liberal tradition, but the nationalist right also took it on board to protect (...)
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    Reading Polish peripheral Marxism politically.Wiktor Marzec - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):6-19.
    This article appraises the political writings of three Polish Marxists from the early 20th century, Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz, Stanisław Brzozowski and Rosa Luxemburg. In the specific peripheral conditions and because of the entanglement of different struggles in the Polish Kingdom under Tsarist rule around the 1905 Revolution, it was no longer possible for Marxists and political theorists to refer to any firm political ground: whether the organic unity of the nation, class antagonisms, or laws of history. The construction of revolutionary subjects (...)
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    Éphrem, Bardesane et Albinus sur les incorporels.Izabela Jurasz - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:169-204.
    Le Discours contre le Discours « De Domnus » rend compte d’un triple débat, dans lequel trois personnages interviennent sur la question des « incorporels », point difficile de la doctrine stoïcienne. La polémique rédigée par le stoïcien Bardesane, en réaction aux positions du platonicien Albinus, a été examinée par Éphrem le Syrien, chrétien et polémiste antibardesanite. Il est l’auteur du Discours et notre seule source d’information sur cette controverse. Or, la manière dont Éphrem aborde la question litigieuse est spontanément (...)
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  10.  11
    Socjologiczne tło cudzołóstwa w powieści Antoniego Sygietyńskiego Na skalach Calvados.Izabela Filipczak - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:181-188.
    The novel On the rocks o f Calvados is the first and the greatest achievement of Antoni Sygietyński’s art. The author of this article considered the work worthy of a special attention with regard to the way of presenting the problem of adultery. The writer gives the social explanation of infidelity not concentrating on the psychological side of this phenomenon. He emphasizes the decisive role of such social factors as: the origin, the model of education and the social milieu. From (...)
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  11. Przekraczając granice. Unnatural Selection Helen Chadwick.Izabela Dzioba - 2003 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 4:61-73.
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  12. Bardesane, un philosophe syriaque.Izabela Jurasz - 2019 - In Emiliano Fiori & Henri Hugonnard-Roche (eds.), La philosophie en syriaque. Paris: Geuthner.
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    English with Flying Colors: The Aviation English and the International Civil Aviation Organization.Izabela Kraśnicka - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 45 (1):111-124.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric Jahrgang: 45 Heft: 1 Seiten: 111-124.
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  14. Artworld versus Arthome.Sławomir Marzec - 2011 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 13:135-146.
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  15. Obraz jako spojrzenie istotne : obraz re/konstruowany.Sławomir Marzec - 2012 - In Iwona Lorenc, Mateusz Salwa & Piotr Schollenberger (eds.), Fenomen i przedstawienie. Francuska estetyka fenomenologiczna - założenia/zastosowania/konteksty. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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    Socialisms in the Tsarist Borderlands.Wiktor Marzec & Risto Turunen - 2018 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 13 (1):22-50.
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  17. The aesthetics of hospitality: the deconstructions of the at-home.Andrzej Marzec - 2011 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 13:19-34.
  18. Teoria, praktyka, strategia, historia. O statusie współczesnej filozofii polityczności–casus Laclau i Mouffe.Andrzej Marzec - 2012 - Principia 56:239-259.
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  19. Pożądanie w świetle ekranów.Izabela Michalska - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2:227-234.
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    (1 other version)Pogoda jako domena źródłowa wyrażeń metaforycznych oznaczających obecność lub brak problemów w języku angielskim.Izabela Żołnowska - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1).
    The structure of everyday communication reflects metaphorical thinking. People speak about the presence or absence of problems in terms of weather. Problems appear in every¬day life and so does the weather topic. Bad weather often evokes sadness, therefore it can be to said to constitute a problem; similarly, good weather is often equated with cheerful mood. Thus, in view of the above analysis, weather can be seen as an im¬portant experiential basis for conceptual metaphors.
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    Transformacje metafizyki w ontologię.Izabela Pasternak - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):358-365.
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    Hybrid artificial intelligence system in constraint based scheduling of integrated manufacturing ERP systems.Izabela Rojek & Mieczysław Jagodziński - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 229--240.
  23.  33
    Does the influence of near-threshold primes depend on the type of task?Izabela Szumska, Weronika Baran, Ewa Pinkas & Rob H. J. Van der Lubbe - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 76:102827.
  24.  11
    In friendship with Keith Tester.Izabela Wagner - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):14-16.
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    Implicatures Within Legal Language.Izabela Skoczeń - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book proposes a novel, descriptive theory that unveils the linguistic mechanisms lurking behind judicial decisions. It offers a comprehensive account of the ongoing debate, as well as a novel solution to the problem of understanding legal pragmatics. Linguistic pragmatics is based on a theory created by Paul Grice, who observed that people usually convey more than just the amalgam of the meaning of the words they use. He labeled this surplus of meaning a “conversational implicature.” This book addresses the (...)
  26.  43
    Delimiting Legal Interpretation: The Problem of Moral Bias and Political Distortion—the Case of Criminal Intention.Izabela Skoczeń & Francesca Poggi - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (2):191-222.
  27. Jean-Jacques Rousseau i kształtowanie wiejskich posiadłośc w prozbiorowej Polsce na przykładzie zarzeckich dóbr Magdaleny Morskiej.Izabela Dzioba - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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  28. Oswojenie inności i określenie tożsamości. Funkcjonowanie motywów sinizujących w osiemnastowiecznej Anglii.Izabela Dzioba - 2003 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 15 (15).
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    Executive functioning and spoken language skills in young children with hearing aids and cochlear implants: Longitudinal findings.Izabela A. Jamsek, William G. Kronenberger, David B. Pisoni & Rachael Frush Holt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Deaf or hard-of-hearing children who use auditory-oral communication display considerable variability in spoken language and executive functioning outcomes. Furthermore, language and executive functioning skills are strongly associated with each other in DHH children, which may be relevant for explaining this variability in outcomes. However, longitudinal investigations of language and executive functioning during the important preschool period of development in DHH children are rare. This study examined the predictive, reciprocal associations between executive functioning and spoken language over a 1-year period in (...)
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  30. Adrien Lecerf, Ghislain Casas, Philippe Hoffmann (éditeurs), Essence, puissance, activite dans la philosophie et les savoirs grecs.Izabela Jurasz - 2023 - Chôra 21:602-605.
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    Dieu comme dêmiourgos et poiêtês des auteurs chrètiens du IIe siècle.Izabela Jurasz - 2015 - Chôra 13:217-249.
    The article is dedicated to the study of the origins of Christian cosmogony. Christian authors of the 2nd century are known for their enigmatic or ambiguous positions on the issue. The problem concerns mainly the apologists, but it first appears in Ignatius of Antioch and continues in Bardesanes. Although they all confess God as the Creator, their ways of presenting the act of creation are strongly marked by philosophical doctrines, primarily by Platonism, or by Stoicism in the case of Bardesanes. (...)
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    Emilie Kutash, Goddesses in Myth and Cultural Memory.Izabela Jurasz - 2023 - Chôra 21:617-621.
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    L’interprétation astrologique de la philosophie naturelle d’Aristote selon Alexandre d’Aphrodise et Bardesane le Syrien.Izabela Jurasz - 2023 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 44 (1):119-151.
    The existence of common points between Alexander of Aphrodise and Bardaisan the Syrian has been pointed out on various occasions. However, this question has not been explored in depth. The article proposes to analyse the cosmological ideas of Alexander and Bardaisan. Because both authors are known for their anti-determinist and anti-astrological polemics, it is preferable to place this comparison in the context of the astrological interpretation of Aristotle’s natural philosophy. The article discusses the Aristotelianism of Bardaisan, who may be the (...)
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  34.  12
    Résurrection de l’'me chez Bardesane.Izabela Jurasz - 2011 - Chôra 9:399-427.
    L’oeuvre de Bardesane († 222), un philosophe chrétien gnosticisant de langue syriaque, nous est parvenue sous forme d’un traité, «Livre sur les lois des pays», et de nombreux fragments, souvent transmis par les adversaires de Bardesane et de ses disciples. Tel est le cas des quelques fragments sur la résurrection, conservés par Éphrem le Syrien († 373) dans un Discours contre Bardesane. L’analyse du texte, visant à séparer les positions de Bardesane et celles d’Éphrem, permet de proposer une nouvelle interprétation (...)
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    Polygyny Amongst Muslims in the Russian Federation.Izabela Kończak - 2018 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 21 (1):141-155.
    Polygynous families had been living legally in Russia in the areas inhabited by Muslims from the October Revolution to the mid-twentieth century. However, such a family model was not common among the followers of Islam. An act penalizing bigamy or polygamy was introduced into the Penal Code in 1960. During perestroika, and later changes in the political system, imams who came from abroad began to visit areas inhabited by Muslims. They contributed to the rebirth of religion and promoted the idea (...)
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  36.  50
    Living or Dead? Specifics of the Language of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.Izabela Kraśnicka - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 38 (1):123-136.
    The original text of the Constitution of the United States of America, written over 200 years ago, constitutes the supreme source of law in the American legal system. The seven articles and twenty seven amendments dictate understanding of fundamental principles of the federation’s functioning and its citizens’ rights. The paper aims to present the evolution of the U.S. Constitution’s language interpretation as provided by its final interpreter - the Supreme Court of the United States. Example of the Second Amendment will (...)
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  37. Krzysztof Matuszewski, \"Sade. Msza Okrucieństwa\", słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2008, s. 360.Izabela Kucab - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)).
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  38. Conceptions, Strategies, and Practices of the Artist.Sławomir Marzec - 2004 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 6:133-144.
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    Death of the Soldier and Immortality of War in Frank Ormsby’s A Northern Spring.Karolina Marzec - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):107-121.
    The paper analyzes the collection of the Northern Irish poet Frank Ormsby entitled A Northern Spring published in 1986. On the basis of selected poems, the author of this paper aims to examine the poet’s reflections about World War II, the lives of the soldiers, and the things that remain after a military combat, which are both physical and illusive. The poems included in the volume present the author’s reflections upon the senselessness of war and dying, short lives of the (...)
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  40. Teologia wyzwolenia - opcją na rzecz ubogich (L. Boff, \"Teologia desde et lugar del pobre\", Santander 1986).Zofia Marzec - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 265 (12).
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    The Logic of Gig Economy.Izabela Ostoj - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (4):451-462.
    The 2007+ crisis led to an increase in occasional and task work, which unleashed the potential of new technological and organizational solutions. The advancements in digital technological platforms stimulated the growth of the segment referred to as gig economy. The article aims to apply a systematic approach to the driving forces behind the emergence of gig economy and its success to date and to assess its development prospects. It argues to confirm the thesis that gig economy has its own inherent (...)
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  42. O comparecimento eleitoral facultativo E o retrocesso democrático.Izabela Walderez Dutra Patriota - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):248-262.
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  43. Brzydota w ujęciu Umberto Eco.Izabela Romańska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):320-325.
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  44. W poszukiwaniu sensu estetyki Stercus.Izabela Romańska - 2010 - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (2):263-266.
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    (1 other version)Ex aequo et bono versus Hard Cases in the Light of Modern Metaethics.Izabela Skoczeń - 2018 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1):91-110.
    In the present paper, I argue against the claim that ex aequo and bono adjudication cannot be epistemically objective. I start with a survey of legal rules allowing the parties to resort to ex aequo et bono adjudication. Next, I argue that decisions taken on ex aequo et bono basis are not subjective for three main reasons. First, they are analogous to decision making in hard cases. Second, theories of practical reasoning and hybrid expressivism provide a precise theoretical account of (...)
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  46. Expressivism and the ex aequo et bono adjudication method.Izabela Skoczeń & Krzysztof Poslajko - 2022 - In Tomasz Gizbert-Studnick, Francesca Poggi & Izabela Skoczeń (eds.), Interpretivism and the Limits of Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 212-229.
    In the present paper we argue that although the semantics of both legal and moral statements can be explained with the use of a unified framework called hybrid or quasi-expressivism (Finlay & Plunkett, 2018), there still is an important difference in the semantics of moral and legal terms. Namely, while the truth conditions of legal statements are widely intersubjectively shared, this is not the case with moral statements. We demonstrate this difference using the example of the ex aequo et bono (...)
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  47.  15
    The other blue: Role of sky in the perception of nature.Izabela Maria Sztuka, Ada Örken, Sonja Sudimac & Simone Kühn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nature is frequently operationalized as greenery or water to estimate the restorativeness of the environment. Pursuing a deeper understanding of the connection between representation of naturalness and its relationship with restoration, we conducted an experiment aimed to investigate if the sky is perceived as an element of nature. The main goal of this study was to understand how the composition of the environment guides people’s selection of sky as nature in an explicit task. Moreover, we investigated how the amount of (...)
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  48.  30
    Does sensitivity in binary choice tasks depend on response modality?Izabela Szumska, Rob H. J. van der Lubbe, Lukasz Grzeczkowski & Michael H. Herzog - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:57-65.
  49. Duch ludzki a historia u Diltheya.Izabela Szyroka - 2008 - Diametros 17:82-95.
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    Historia jako dzieło wyobraźni w The Idea of History R.G. Collingwooda.Izabela Szyroka - 2018 - Ruch Filozoficzny 73 (3):159.
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