  1. Referential and quantificational indefinites.Janet Dean Fodor & Ivan A. Sag - 1982 - Linguistics and Philosophy 5 (3):355 - 398.
    The formal semantics that we have proposed for definite and indefinite descriptions analyzes them both as variable-binding operators and as referring terms. It is the referential analysis which makes it possible to account for the facts outlined in Section 2, e.g. for the purely ‘instrumental’ role of the descriptive content; for the appearance of unusually wide scope readings relative to other quantifiers, higher predicates, and island boundaries; for the fact that the island-escaping readings are always equivalent to maximally wide scope (...)
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  2. Idioms.Geoffrey Nunberg, Ivan A. Sag & Thomas Wasow - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 491--538.
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  3. Type-driven translation.Ewan Klein & Ivan A. Sag - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (2):163 - 201.
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    Toward a theory of anaphoric processing.Ivan A. Sag & Jorge Hankamer - 1984 - Linguistics and Philosophy 7 (3):325 - 345.
  5. Negation and negative concord in romance.Ivan A. Sag & Henriëtte De Swart - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (4):373-417.
    This paper addresses the two interpretations that a combination ofnegative indefinites can get in concord languages like French:a concord reading, which amounts to a single negation, and a doublenegation reading. We develop an analysis within a polyadic framework,where a sequence of negative indefinites can be interpreted as aniteration of quantifiers or via resumption. The first option leadsto a scopal relation, interpreted as double negation. The secondoption leads to the construction of a polyadic negative quantifiercorresponding to the concord reading. Given that (...)
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    Elements of Discourse Understanding.Aravind K. Joshi, Bonnie L. Webber & Ivan A. Sag (eds.) - 1981 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    The questions of how human beings produce and comprehend language continue to engage a variety of researchers and scholars, and it is becoming increasingly clear that only interdisciplinary approaches will yield productive answers. This complex issue of discourse processing is the subject of this volume, and the contributors address it from the varying perspectives of cognitive psychology linguistics, and computer science. The chapters provide a fascinating overview of emerging theories in the new discipline of cognitive science. A useful introductory chapter (...)
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    The Lexical Integrity of Japanese Causatives.Christopher D. Manning & Ivan A. Sag - unknown
    Grammatical theory has long wrestled with the fact that causative constructions exhibit properties of both single words and complex phrases. However, as Paul Kiparsky has observed, the distribution of such properties of causatives is not arbitrary: ‘construal’ phenomena such as honorification, anaphor and pronominal binding, and quantifier ‘floating’ typically behave as they would if causatives were syntactically complex, embedding constructions; whereas case marking, agreement and word order phenomena all point to the analysis of causatives as single lexical items.1 Although an (...)
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    On parasitic gaps.Ivan A. Sag - 1983 - Linguistics and Philosophy 6 (1):35 - 45.
  9. Understanding acceptability judgments: Distinguishing the effects of grammar and processing on acceptability judgments.Laura Staum Casasanto, Philip Hofmeister & Ivan A. Sag - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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