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Inna Kupreeva [30]Inna Veniaminovna Kupreeva [1]
  1. Aporia and Exegesis: Alexander of Aphrodisias.Inna Kupreeva - 2017 - In George Karamanolis & Vasilis Politis (eds.), The Aporetic Tradition in Ancient Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 228-247.
  2. (1 other version)Qualities and bodies: Alexander against the Stoics.Inna Kupreeva - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25:297-344.
  3. Galen's Theory of Elements.Inna Kupreeva - 2014 - Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (P. Adamson, R. Hansberger, J. Wi):153-196.
  4. Alexander of Aphrodisias on How the Sun Heats : Aristotle's Meteorology 1.3 in Context.Inna Kupreeva - 2022 - In E. Coda (ed) Letture medievali di Aristotele: il De caelo e le Meteore, Pisa University Press, 2022. Pisa: Pisa University Press. pp. 47-93.
  5. Alexander of Aphrodisias and Aristotle's De anima: What's in a Commentary?Inna Kupreeva - 2012 - Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 55 (1):109-129.
  6. Aristotelianism in the 2nd century AD: Before Alexander of Aphrodisias.Inna Kupreeva - 2016 - In Andrea Falcon (ed.), Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Aristotle in Antiquity. Boston: Brill. pp. 138-159.
  7. Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Principle of Non-Contradiction: The Argument "from Signification".Inna Kupreeva - 2023 - In M. Mouzala (ed) Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception, W. de Gruyter, 2023. Berlin: W. de Gruyter. pp. 287-330.
  8. Galen's Empiricist Background: A Study of the Argument in On Medical Experience.Inna Kupreeva - 2022 - In R. J. Hankinson & Matyáš Havrda (eds.), Galen's Epistemology: Experience, Reason, and Method in Ancient Medicine. Cambridge University Press. pp. 32-78.
  9. Stoic Themes in Peripatetic Sources?Inna Kupreeva - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 135--170.
  10. Themistius.Inna Kupreeva - 2010 - In Lloyd P. Gerson (ed.), The Cambridge history of philosophy in late antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 397 - 417.
  11. Aristotelian dynamics in the second century school debates: Galen and Alexander of Aphrodisias on organic powers and motions.Inna Kupreeva - 2004 - Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (P. Adamson, H. Baltussen, M.W.F.):71-95.
  12. Heraclides On the Soul (?) and its ancient readers.Inna Kupreeva - 2009 - In E. E. Pender (ed.), Heraclides of Pontus: Discussion, New Brunswick/London, Transaction (Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities, vol. 15). Transaction. pp. 93-138.
  13. Aristotle on Causation and Conditional Necessity: An. Post. 2.12 in context.Inna Kupreeva - 2010 - In de Haas & M. Leunissen (eds.), Interpreting Aristotle's Posterior Analytics in Late Antiquity and Beyond. Brill. pp. 203-234.
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  14. Aristotle on Growth a Study of the Argument of "On Generation and Corruption 15".Inna Kupreeva - 2005 - Apeiron 38 (3):103 - 159.
  15. (1 other version)Alexander of Aphrodisias on mixture and growth'.Inna Kupreeva - 2004 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 27:296-334.
  16. 'Der kaiserzeitliche Aristotelismus'.Inna Kupreeva - 2018 - In Christoph Horn & Christoph Riedweg (eds.), Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie ("Neuer Ueberweg"), vol.5/1: Die Philosophie der Kaiserzeit und der Spätantike. Schwabe. pp. 255-405.
  17. E. Coda (ed) Letture medievali di Aristotele: il De caelo e le Meteore, Pisa University Press, 2022.Inna Kupreeva (ed.) - 2022 - Pisa: Pisa University Press.
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  18. M. Mouzala (ed) Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception, W. de Gruyter, 2023.Inna Kupreeva (ed.) - 2023 - Berlin: W. de Gruyter.
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  19. Stoic themes in peripatetic physics?Inna Kupreeva - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press.
  20. (1 other version)Alexander of Aphrodisias on Form: A Discussion of Marwan Rashed, Essentialisme: Alexandre d'Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 38:211-249.
  21.  13
    Gweltaz Guyomarc’h, L’unité de la métaphysique selon Alexandre d’Aphrodise. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:225-227.
    Alexander’s extant Metaphysics commentary covering the first five books has been traditionally often consulted by the students of Metaphysics for matters textual and exegetical, but not much studied on its own as an original work of philosophy. The recent growth of interest in ancient philosophical commentary as a vehicle of doing philosophy led to a greater appreciation of Alexander as a philosopher, and in the last quarter of a century we have seen several studies of his Metaphysics comment...
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  22.  83
    Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Cosmos. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2003 - Ancient Philosophy 23 (2):482-486.
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    Aspasius. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2002 - Ancient Philosophy 22 (1):219-225.
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    Aristotelian texts (M.) Rashed L'Héritage aristotélicien. Textes inédits de l'Antiquité. Pp. xiv + 601, ills. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007. Paper, €60. ISBN: 978-2-251-18105-. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (2):428-.
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    L'alchimie Et Ses Racines Philosophiques. La Tradition Grecque Et La Tradition Arabe. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (2):316-317.
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    Life’s Form. [REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2003 - Ancient Philosophy 23 (2):495-500.
  27.  18
    Review of David Bostock, Space, Time, Matter, and Form: Essays on Aristotle's Physics[REVIEW]Inna Kupreeva - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (1).
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