Results for 'Ian Hamilton'

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  1.  24
    The crucible of Christian morality.James Ian Hamilton McDonald - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Christian morality has been of enormous significance in world history and still underpins moral notions today. In this groundbreaking volume, J. Ian H. McDonald explores the notion of Christian ethics and discusses its roots, its significance in developing moral standards throughout the world and its stability in the modern world. The Crucible of Christian Morality begins with a study of the ethos of early Christian communities, examining the relation of cosmic vision to moral attitude and authority, noting also the types (...)
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    Animals and War: Confronting the Military-Animal Industrial Complex.Ian Smith, Justin Goodman, Raj Ramanathapillai, Shalin Gala, John Sorenson, Bill Hamilton, Ana Morron, Julie Andrzejewski, Elliot M. Katz & Colman McCarthy (eds.) - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Animals and War: Confronting the Military-Animal Industrial Complex is the first book to examine how nonhuman animals are used in war and the military. Animals and War contributes significantly to the fields of social justice, animal rights, and anti-war/peace activist communities. This book also will be read by peace, conflict, social justice, and critical animal studies scholars, students, and practitioners.
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    Rounding, work intensification and new public management.Eileen Willis, Luisa Toffoli, Julie Henderson, Leah Couzner, Patricia Hamilton, Claire Verrall & Ian Blackman - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (2):158-168.
    In this study, we argue that contemporary nursing care has been overtaken by new public management strategies aimed at curtailing budgets in the public hospital sector in Australia. Drawing on qualitative interviews with 15 nurses from one public acute hospital with supporting documentary evidence, we demonstrate what happens to nursing work when management imposesroundingas a risk reduction strategy. In the case study outlined rounding was introduced across all wards in response to missed care, which in turn arose as a result (...)
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    The Heterogeneity of Socially Responsible Investment.Joakim Sandberg, Carmen Juravle, Ted Martin Hedesström & Ian Hamilton - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):519-533.
    Many writers have commented on the heterogeneity of the socially responsible investment (SRI) movement. However, few have actually tried to understand and explain it, and even fewer have discussed whether the opposite – standardisation – is possible and desirable. In this article, we take a broader perspective on the issue of the heterogeneity of SRI. We distinguish between four levels on which heterogeneity can be found: the terminological, definitional, strategic and practical. Whilst there is much talk about the definitional ambiguities (...)
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    The impact of rationing of health resources on capacity of Australian public sector nurses to deliver nursing care after‐hours: a qualitative study.Julie Henderson, Eileen Willis, Luisa Toffoli, Patricia Hamilton & Ian Blackman - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):368-376.
    Australia, along with other countries, has introduced New Public Management (NPM) into public sector hospitals in an effort to contain healthcare costs. NPM is associated with outsourcing of service provision, the meeting of government performance indicators, workforce flexibility and rationing of resources. This study explores the impact of rationing of staffing and other resources upon delivery of care outside of business hours. Data was collected through semistructured interviews conducted with 21 nurses working in 2 large Australian metropolitan hospitals. Participants identified (...)
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    Mild Cognitive Impairment: Which Kind Is It?Andy Hamilton - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):51-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:Which Kind Is It?Andy Hamilton (bio)Keywordshuman kinds, mild cognitive impairment, multiple personality disorder, practical kinds, social constructionThere is much stimulating material in the Graham and Ritchie's paper (2006), concerning not just disease-classification but also the ethics of diagnosis. My concern is with the way in which they adduce Ian Hacking's views in the philosophy of science in support of their own. The authors quote with approval (...)
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  7. "Ian Hamilton Finlay: A Visual Primer": Yves Abrioux. [REVIEW]William Charlton - 1986 - British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (4):406.
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  8. Neo-Neo-Classicism: the Artistic and Political Challenge of Ian Hamilton Finlay, Geometer.Brian E. Butler - 2009 - Geometer.
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    (V.) Smallwood and (S.) Woodford Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain 20: The British Museum. London: British Museum Press, 2003. Pp. 141, pls A-H (col.) + 86. £85. 071412236X.(V.) Smallwood and (S.) Woodford Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain 10: Fragments from Sir William Hamilton's Second Collection of Vases Recovered from the Wreck of HMS Colossus. London: British Museum Press, 2003. Pp. 141, pls A-H (col.) + 86. £85. 071412236X. [REVIEW]Ian McPhee - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:212-213.
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    ‘Not the Same God’: Alexander Carson (1776-1844) and the Ulster Trinitarian Controversy.Ian Hugh Clary - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (1):71-87.
    The impact of the Salters’ Hall Synod went beyond its immediate context in England and spread throughout the British Isles and into Ireland. Ulster Presbyterianism was wracked with debate over confessional subscriptionism and Unitarianism. Two key interlocutors in this debate were the Unitarian theologian William Hamilton Drummond and his orthodox counterpart, Alexander Carson. This essay traces the debate with a particular emphasis on their use of Scottish Common Sense philosophy as a way into or out of heterodox views of (...)
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    The Hamiltonian Syllogistic.Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (4):445-474.
    This paper undertakes a re-examination of Sir William Hamilton’s doctrine of the quantification of the predicate . Hamilton’s doctrine comprises two theses. First, the predicates of traditional syllogistic sentence-forms contain implicit existential quantifiers, so that, for example, All p is q is to be understood as All p is some q . Second, these implicit quantifiers can be meaningfully dualized to yield novel sentence-forms, such as, for example, All p is all q . Hamilton attempted to provide (...)
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    Knowing the land where neon blooms: Ian Hamilton Finlay's 1999 installation in erfurt.Harry Gilonis - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (1):115-118.
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    Political theory and the politics of need.George Boss - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    The theory of needs has a political problem. Whilst contemporary theorists largely recognise that politics plays an important part in many of the processes surrounding our needs, they nevertheless hang onto the notion that our most important needs can be determined outside of the political. This article challenges that framing. It does so through a taxonomy and critique of the major contemporary approaches to needs. Considering the works of Len Doyal and Ian Gough, Martha Nussbaum, and Lawrence Hamilton, I (...)
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  14. Reduction, integration, and the unity of science: Natural, behavioral, and social sciences and the humanities.William P. Bechtel & Andrew Hamilton - 2007 - In T. Kuipers (ed.), Philosophy of Science: Focal Issues (Volume 1 of the Handbook of the Philosophy of Science). Elsevier.
    1. A Historical Look at Unity 2. Field Guide to Modern Concepts of Reduction and Unity 3. Kitcher's Revisionist Account of Unification 4. Critics of Unity 5. Integration Instead of Unity 6. Reduction via Mechanisms 7. Case Studies in Reduction and Unification across the Disciplines.
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  15. The coercive control offence : a case study on overcriminalisation.Melissa Hamilton - 2019 - In Maciej Chmieliński & Michał Rupniewski (eds.), The Philosophy of Legal Change: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Processes. New York: Routledge.
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  16. A defence of jurisprudence.Kenneth Hamilton Bailey - 1929 - Melbourne,: Melbourne university press in association with Macmillan & co..
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    The aesthetics of imperfection in music and the arts: spontaneity, flaws and the unfinished.Andy Hamilton & Lara Pearson (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The aesthetics of imperfection emphasises spontaneity, disruption, process and energy over formal perfection and is often ignored by many commentators or seen only in improvisation. This comprehensive collection is the first time imperfection has been explored across all kinds of musical performance, whether improvisation or interpretation of compositions. Covering music, visual art, dance, comedy, architecture and design, it addresses the meaning, experience, and value of improvisation and spontaneous creation across different artistic media. A distinctive feature of the volume is that (...)
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  18. Towards a design-based analysis of emotional episodes.Ian Wright, Aaron Sloman & Luc P. Beaudoin - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (2):101-126.
    he design-based approach is a methodology for investigating mechanisms capable of generating mental phenomena, whether introspectively or externally observed, and whether they occur in humans, other animals or robots. The study of designs satisfying requirements for autonomous agency can provide new deep theoretical insights at the information processing level of description of mental mechanisms. Designs for working systems (whether on paper or implemented on computers) can systematically explicate old explanatory concepts and generate new concepts that allow new and richer interpretations (...)
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  19. A Long War: Public Memory and the Popular Media.Paula Hamilton - 2010 - In Susannah Radstone & Bill Schwarz (eds.), Memory: histories, theories, debates. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 299--311.
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    Interview edited by Otto Laske (617) 449-0781.Mike Hamilton - unknown
    The following interview with Marvin Minsky took place at his home in Brookline, MA., on January 23rd, 1991. The interview is a conversation about music, its peculiar features as a human activity, the special problems it poses for the scientist, and the suitability of AI methods for clarifying and/or solving some of these problems. The conversation is open-ended, and should be read accordingly, as a discourse to be continued at another time.
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  21. Jesus for a No-God World.N. Q. HAMILTON - 1969
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    Readings for an Introduction to Philosophy.James R. Hamilton, Charles E. Reagan & Benjamin R. Tilghman - 1976 - MacMillan Publishing Company.
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    The moral law.Edward John Hamilton - 1902 - New York and London,: Funk and Wagnalls co..
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  24. The Modern Reader's Guide to the Gospels.William Hamilton - 1960
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  25. The teacher on the threshold.Eric Ronald Hamilton - 1945 - London,: University of London Press.
  26. Universal regard for the particular: Resources of the catholic tradition for building a humane society.Andrew Hamilton - 2001 - In Janet McCalman (ed.), Humane societies: papers from the 30th anniversary symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. Canberra: The Academy.
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    The Impact of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on U.S. Opioid Prescriptions.Ian Ayres & Amen Jalal - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):387-403.
    This paper seeks to understand the treatment effect of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on opioid prescription rates. Using county-level panel data on all opioid prescriptions in the U.S. between 2006 and 2015, we investigate whether state interventions like PDMPs have heterogeneous treatment effects at the sub-state level, based on regional and temporal variations in policy design, extent of urbanization, race, and income. Our models comprehensively control for a set of county and time fixed effects, countyspecific and time-varying demographic controls, potentially (...)
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  28.  20
    The Political Philosophy of Needs.Lawrence A. Hamilton - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This ambitious and lively book argues for a rehabilitation of the concept of 'human needs' as central to politics and political theory. Contemporary political philosophy has focused on issues of justice and welfare to the exclusion of the important issues of political participation, democratic sovereignty, and the satisfaction of human needs, and this has had a deleterious effect on political practice. Lawrence Hamilton develops a compelling positive conception of human needs: the evaluation of needs must be located within a (...)
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    Exploring Corporate Social Responsibility in the U.K. Asian Small Business Community.Ian Worthington, Monder Ram & Trevor Jones - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (2):201-217.
    Within the limited, but growing, literature on small business ethics almost no attention has been paid to the issue of social responsibility within ethnic minority businesses. Using a social capital perspective, this paper reports on an exploratory and qualitative investigation into the attitudinal and behavioural manifestations of CSR within small and medium-sized Asian owned or managed firms in the U.K., with particular reference to the distinctive factors motivating organisational responses. It offers alternative explanations of entrepreneurial behaviour and suggests areas for (...)
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    Towards a Theory of Schooling (Routledge Revivals).David Hamilton - 2013 - Routledge.
    First published in 1989, Towards a Theory of Schooling explores and debates the relationship between school and society. It examines the form and function of one of humankind’s most important social institutions, following the cutting edge of pedagogic innovation from mainland Europe through the British Isles to the USA. In the process, the book throws important light upon the origins and evolution of the school based notions of class, curriculum, classroom, recitation and class teaching.
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    Studies in the Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of Israel.William Hamilton Barnes - 1991 - BRILL.
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    An essay on the new analytic of logical forms.T. Spencer Baynes & William Hamilton - 1850 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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  33. The scientific universe.Robert Hamilton - 1940 - Hibbert Journal 39:416.
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  34. The art of improvisation and the aesthetics of imperfection.A. Hamilton - 2000 - British Journal of Aesthetics 40 (1):168-185.
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    Technique and enlightenment: limits of instrumental reason.Ian H. Angus - 1984 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
    This volume, co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, presents the argument that a philosophy of technology is a central component of a contemporary political philosophy. It provides a theoretical groundwork for the encounter of phenomenology and critical theory. Written for courses in social and political theory, phenomenology and critical theory.
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    Ask a philosopher: answers to your most important and most unexpected questions.Ian Olasov - 2020 - New York: Thomas Dunne Books.
    A collection of answers to the philosophical questions on people's minds-from the big to the personal to the ones you didn't know you needed answered. Based on real-life questions from his Ask a Philosopher series, Ian Olasov offers his answers to questions such as: - Are people innately good or bad? - Is it okay to have a pet fish? - Is it okay to have kids? - Is color subjective? - If humans colonize Mars, who will own the land? (...)
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  37. "The Fittest Man in the Kingdom": Thomas Reid and the Glasgow Chair of Moral Philosophy.Paul Wood - 1997 - Hume Studies 23 (2):277-313.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"The Fittest Man in the Kingdom":Thomas Reid and the Glasgow Chair of Moral PhilosophyPaul Wood (bio)Paul Wood Paul Wood is at the Department of History, University of Victoria, PO Box 3045, MS 7381, Victoria BC V8W 3P4 Canada. email: [email protected] August 1996Revised January 1997Notes. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at a plenary session of the 23rd International Hume Conference held at the University of Nottingham. For (...)
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    The Lankavatara Sutra: A Mahayana Text.Clarence H. Hamilton & Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - 1933 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 53 (1):87.
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    Distinguishing states of awareness from confidence during retrieval: Evidence from amnesia.Suparna Rajaram, Maryellen Hamilton & Anthony Bolton - 2002 - Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 2 (3):227-235.
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    Academic ethics: problems and materials on professional conduct and shared governance.Neil W. Hamilton - 2002 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    This book suggests that the umbrella academic organizations step forward and draft a model code of ethics for the profession of higher education.
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    Lectures on metaphysics.William Hamilton, Henry Longueville Mansel & John Veitch - 1859 - William Blackwood and Sons.
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    Corporate Perceptions of the Business Case for Supplier Diversity: How Socially Responsible Purchasing can ‘Pay’.Ian Worthington - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):47-60.
    In exploring corporate perceptions of the business case for supplier diversity, this paper reports on a cross-national study of large purchasing organisations that had introduced, or were in the process of introducing, purchasing initiatives aimed at ethnic minority businesses. The research investigates how LPOs portray the benefits of this form of socially responsible purchasing and suggests a business case construct based on four component elements. It also highlights a number of contextual factors that appear to have shaped business case rationales. (...)
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  43. A topos perspective on the kochen-Specker theorem: III. Von Neumann algebras as the base category.John Hamilton, Chris Isham & Jeremy Butterfield - unknown
    We extend the topos-theoretic treatment given in previous papers of assigning values to quantities in quantum theory, and of related issues such as the Kochen-Specker theorem. This extension has two main parts: the use of von Neumann algebras as a base category (Section 2); and the relation of our generalized valuations to (i) the assignment to quantities of intervals of real numbers, and (ii) the idea of a subobject of the coarse-graining presheaf (Section 3).
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  44. Semantic complexity in natural language.Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference.
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  45. Gorgias and Republic.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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  46. Parmenides.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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    The Tangled Derivative Logic of the Real Line and Zero-Dimensional Space.Robert Goldblatt & Ian Hodkinson - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 342-361.
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    Celebrating Saints: Augustine, Columba, Ninian.Ian M. Fraser - 1997 - Wild Goose Publications.
    Ian Fraser assesses the human qualities of the three saints who are celebrated for their contribution to Christianity in Britain. He also examines some contemporary issues related to their struggle to live faith fully.
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  49. The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil.Christopher Hamilton - 2006 - Ars Disputandi 6:1566-5399.
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    Different fragments, different vases: a Neoplatonic commentary on Benjamin’s ‘The Task of the Translator’.Ian Almond - 2002 - Heythrop Journal 43 (2):185–198.
    This article re‐examines a familiar essay of Benjamin’s, ‘The Task of the Translator’, from a Neoplatonic point of view. Beginning with a brief survey of various other Neoplatonic moments in Benjamin’s work , ‘The Task of the Translator’ is considered as a collection of metaphors on the act of translation – the translation as the ghost of the original, or its blossom, or its mantle. Drawing on varied examples from a diverse canon of Neoplatonists – Plotinus, Pseudo‐Dionysius, Eckhart, Nicholas of (...)
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