Results for 'Hz Adriaan van Der Loos'

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  1.  50
    Internet Marketing of Neuroproducts: New Practices and Healthcare Policy Challenges.Eric Racine, Hz Adriaan van Der Loos & Judy Illes - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (2):181-194.
    Direct-to-consumer advertising of healthcare products refers to a variety of marketing practices based on a combination of information and promotion strategies directed at consumers through different media such as radio and television broadcasts, newspaper and magazine ads, and, more recently, through the Internet. The principal form of marketing used by the pharmaceutical industry is the distribution of free samples to physicians but DTCA is an increasing part of global promotional spending for prescription drugs. Latest estimates suggest that DTCA now represents (...)
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    Design and Engineering Ethics Considerations for Neurotechnologies.H. F. Machiel van Der Loos - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (3):303-307.
    Society has already seen multiple potential futures of neurotechnologies through the multifaceted lens of science fiction. We do not know which of those futures we will come to live, but the strong force in society's evolutionary process will likely continue to be the insight and oversight developed by the bioethics community, pushing and being pushed by the advances of technology, improvements in medical care, and market competitiveness.
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    Sherry Turkle. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other: Basic Books, New York, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0465031467.H. F. Machiel Van der Loos - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):5-6.
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    Electrical stimulation of the auditory cortex as a treatment for tinnitus.E. Van Der Loo, M. Congedo, P. Van De Heyning & D. De Ridder - forthcoming - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Conference Abstract, Tenth International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience.
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    Brain Computer Interfaces and Communication Disabilities: Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects of Decoding Speech From the Brain.Jennifer A. Chandler, Kiah I. Van der Loos, Susan Boehnke, Jonas S. Beaudry, Daniel Z. Buchman & Judy Illes - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:841035.
    A brain-computer interface technology that can decode the neural signals associated with attempted but unarticulated speech could offer a future efficient means of communication for people with severe motor impairments. Recent demonstrations have validated this approach. Here we assume that it will be possible in future to decode imagined (i.e., attempted but unarticulated) speech in people with severe motor impairments, and we consider the characteristics that could maximize the social utility of a BCI for communication. As a social interaction, communication (...)
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  6. Enfleshed: ecologies of entities and beings.Kristiina Koskentola & Marjolein van der Loo (eds.) - 2023 - Eindhoven: Onomatopee Projects.
    Enfleshed: Ecologies of Entities and Beings brings together practitioners, thinkers, and artists from across Eurasia to collectively explore multispecies ecologies. The volume reflects anthrodecentric and embodied approaches to collaboration and knowledge production -- processes that are always interwoven with a multitude of entities and actors. In this book, the contributions flow like a river across the Eurasian continent, branching out into all directions. The contributors engage in an exploration of experimental epistemic alliances, which operate as a way to learn and (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Editor's Place.Adriaan van der Weel - 2009 - Logos 20 (1):6-6.
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  8. (1 other version)Is a book still a book when it is not a printed artefact?Adriaan van der Weel - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (1):22-26.
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    e-Roads and i-Ways A Sociotechnical Look at User Acceptance of E-Books.Adriaan Van Der Weel - 2010 - Logos 21 (3-4):47-57.
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    From an Ownership to an Access Economy of Publishing.Adriaan van der Weel - 2014 - Logos 25 (2):39-46.
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    Convergence and Its Discontents: From a Book Culture to a Reading Culture.Adriaan van der Weel - 2009 - Logos 20 (1):148-154.
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    Book Statistics.Miha Kovač, Angus Phillips, Adriaan van der Weel & Rüdiger Wischenbart - 2017 - Logos 28 (4):7-17.
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    Bridging the gap between clinical practice and diagnostic clinical epidemiology: pilot experiences with a didactic model based on a logarithmic scale.Jef Van den Ende, Zeno Bisoffi, Hugo Van Puymbroek, Patrick Van der Stuyft, Alfons Van Gompel, Anselm Derese, Lutgarde Lynen, Juan Moreira & Paul Adriaan Jan Janssen - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):374-380.
  14. Der mensch ist eine kopie der erde.van Asch van Wijck & Hubert Matthijs Adriaan Jan - 1935 - [Utrecht,: H. M. A. J. van Asch van Wijck].
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    Graph Analysis of EEG Functional Connectivity Networks During a Letter-Speech Sound Binding Task in Adult Dyslexics.Gorka Fraga-González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. Van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis J. Stam, Eco J. C. De Geus & Maurits W. Van der Molen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:767839.
    We performed an EEG graph analysis on data from 31 typical readers (22.27 ± 2.53 y/o) and 24 dyslexics (22.99 ± 2.29 y/o), recorded while they were engaged in an audiovisual task and during resting-state. The task simulates reading acquisition as participants learned new letter-sound mappings via feedback. EEG data was filtered for the delta (0.5–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), and beta (13–30 Hz) bands. We computed the Phase Lag Index (PLI) to provide an estimate of the (...)
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  16. The top-down nature of ontological inquiry: Against pluralism about top-down and bottom-up approaches.Ragnar van der Merwe - 2025 - Metaphilosophy 56 (1):35-51.
    Some philosophical pluralists argue that both a top-down and a bottom-up approach serve as equally justified methods for engaging in ontological inquiry. In the top-down approach, we start with an analysis of theory and extrapolate from there to the world. In the bottom-up approach, we begin with an empirical investigation of the world and let our theory respond accordingly. The idea is that ontological conclusions arrived at via these two equally justified methods are then also equally justified. In this paper, (...)
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    Critical concepts for the creative humanities.Iris van der Tuin - 2022 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. Edited by Nanna Verhoeff.
    Critical Concepts for the Creative Humanities is the first book to outline and define the specific and evolving field of the creative humanities and provides the field's nascent bibliography.
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  18. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON SPINOZA by HG Hubbeling (in chronological order).Théo van der Werf - 1987 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 3:465.
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  19. Merleau-Ponty on the Ultimate Problems of Rationality.Jan Van der Veken - 1989 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 12 (3):202-209.
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    Stagewise cognitive development: An application of catastrophe theory.Han L. Van der Maas & Peter C. Molenaar - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):395-417.
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  21. Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Stress on Mind.B. A. van der Kolk, A. C. McFarlane & L. Weisath - forthcoming - Body, and Society. New York: Guilford.
  22.  11
    A logical approach to the dynamics of commitments.J. -J. Ch Meyer, W. van der Hoek & B. van Linder - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 113 (1-2):1-40.
  23. Traces left on visual selective attention by stimuli that are not consciously identified.Piotr Jaskoski, Rob H. J. van der Lubbe, Erik Schlotterbeck & Rolf Verleger - 2002 - Psychological Science 13 (1):48-54.
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    Temporal Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning by Mining Students’ Think-Aloud Protocols.Lyn Lim, Maria Bannert, Joep van der Graaf, Inge Molenaar, Yizhou Fan, Jonathan Kilgour, Johanna Moore & Dragan Gašević - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:749749.
    It has been widely theorized and empirically proven that self-regulated learning (SRL) is related to more desired learning outcomes, e.g., higher performance in transfer tests. Research has shifted to understanding the role of SRL during learning, such as the strategies and learning activities, learners employ and engage in the different SRL phases, which contribute to learning achievement. From a methodological perspective, measuring SRL using think-aloud data has been shown to be more insightful than self-report surveys as it helps better in (...)
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    Premise independence in judgment aggregation.Gabriella Pigozzi & L. van der Torre - manuscript
    ment on the same propositions, and is plagued by impossibility re- 2. What is the role of independence in judgment aggregation sults. In this paper we study the central notion of independence in..
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    The Electronic Patient Record as a Meaningful Audit Tool:Accountability and Autonomy in General Practitioner Work.Marc Berg, Irma van der Ploeg & Brit Ross Winthereik - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (1):6-25.
    Health authorities increasingly request that general practitioners use information and communication technologies such as electronic patient records for accountability purposes. This article deals with the use of EPRs among general practitioners in Britain. It examines two ways in which GPs use the EPR for accountability purposes. One way is to generate audit reports on the basis of the information that has been entered into the record. The other is to let the computer intervene in the clinical process through prompts. The (...)
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    Nurse Educators' and Nursing Students' Perspectives On Teaching Codes of Ethics.Olivia Numminen, Arie van der Arend & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (1):69-82.
    Professional codes of ethics are regarded as elements of nurses' ethical knowledge base and consequently part of their ethics education. However, research focusing on these codes from an educational viewpoint is scarce. This study explored the need and applicability of nursing codes of ethics in modern health care, their importance in the nursing ethics curriculum, and the need for development of their teaching. A total of 183 Finnish nurse educators and 212 nursing students answered three structured questions, with an opportunity (...)
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    Ex Amicorum Epistolis.N. Van der Blom, Jean Boulier and & Benjamin H. Walker - 1971 - Moreana 8 (2):113-116.
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    Research ethics in a multilingual world: A guide to reflecting on language decisions in all disciplines.Gabriela Meier, Paulette Birgitte van der Voet & Tian Yan - 2024 - Diametros 21 (80):38-58.
    Doing research in a globalized context – regardless of the discipline – requires language decisions at different stages of the research process. Many of these language decisions have ethical implications. Existing literature and ethical guidance tend to focus on ethical concerns that arise in communication with participants who use a language different from the main research language. As this article shows, language decisions with potential ethical implications can occur in many additional ways. Two questions guided this work: how do language (...)
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    The Life Crafting Scale: Development and Validation of a Multi-Dimensional Meaning-Making Measure.Shi Chen, Leander van der Meij, Llewellyn E. van Zyl & Evangelia Demerouti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Finding meaning in our lives is a central tenet to the human experience and a core contributor to mental health. Individuals tend to actively seek the sources of meaning in their lives or consciously enact efforts to create or “craft” meaning in different life domains. These overall “Life Crafting” behaviors refer to the conscious efforts individuals exert to create meaning in their lives through cognitively framing how they view life, seeking social support systems to manage life challenges, and actively seeking (...)
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    Exploring health and disease concepts in healthcare practice: an empirical philosophy of medicine study.Rik R. van der Linden & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-15.
    In line with recent proposals for experimental philosophy and philosophy of science in practice, we propose that the philosophy of medicine could benefit from incorporating empirical research, just as bioethics has. In this paper, we therefore take first steps towards the development of an empirical philosophy of medicine, that includes investigating practical and moral dimensions. This qualitative study gives insight into the views and experiences of a group of various medical professionals and patient representatives regarding the conceptualization of health and (...)
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    The Kantian Background of Frege’s Notion of Judgement.Maria van der Schaar - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (4):460-475.
    The paper gives, in the first place, a performative reading of Frege's account of non-alethic modalities. Second, it asks the question whether there is an influence of Kant's writings on Frege's notion of assertive force. It is generally acknowledged that the Neo-Kantian tradition has been essential to Frege's development. The paper shows that it can also be fruitful to look at more direct influences of Kant himself, especially on the early Frege. The paper shows that Kant's notion of assertoric modality (...)
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    Understanding users’ responses to disclosed vs. undisclosed customer service chatbots: a mixed methods study.Margot J. van der Goot, Nathalie Koubayová & Eva A. van Reijmersdal - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2947-2960.
    Due to huge advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, chatbots are gaining significance in the field of customer service. For users, it may be hard to distinguish whether they are communicating with a human or a chatbot. This brings ethical issues, as users have the right to know who or what they are interacting with (European Commission in Regulatory framework proposal on artificial intelligence., 2022). One of the solutions is to include a disclosure at the start (...)
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    Transitioning Responsibly Toward a Circular Bioeconomy: Using Stakeholder Workshops to Reveal Market Dependencies.Greet Overbeek, Simone van der Burg & Anne-Charlotte Hoes - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-21.
    This article reflects on the contribution that stakeholder involvement could give to circular bioeconomy transformation (CBE). By comparing argument for stakeholder involvement in literature as well as on our own experiences in six stakeholder involvement workshops, we argue that it is probably unrealistic to fully achieve both normative and co-design goals in a single workshop. Furthermore, stakeholder involvement can help to acquire insight into dependencies in the market and offer an opportunity to connect people to deal with them. Therefore we (...)
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  35.  14
    Continental Perspectives on Community: Human Coexistence From Unity to Plurality.Chantal Bax & Gert-Jan Van Der Heiden (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume explores the issues at the center of many historical and contemporary reflections on community and sociality in Continental philosophy. The essays reflect on the thought of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas, Arendt, Derrida, Badiou, Fanon, Baldwin, Nancy, Agamben and Laruelle. Continental Perspectives on Community brings the different approaches of these thinkers into conversation with each other. It discusses the possibility of how the concept of community can extend beyond the one and beyond any sense of unity and totality. Additionally, the (...)
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  36.  26
    Political Philosophy as Love of Wisdom.Bas van der Vossen - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (1):23-31.
    ABSTRACT The traditional view holds that political philosophy should aim at the truth. By contrast, Avner de Shalit argues that political philosophers should do something different. According to him, they should work in direct consultation with “the people” in order to think through their theories about political institutions. This article defends the traditional aim of truth-seeking and shows the mistakes in De Shalit’s alternative approach.
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  37.  23
    Saint Paul and Contemporary European Philosophy.Gert-Jan van der Heiden - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  38. Law and deconstruction.Johan van der Walt - 2019 - In Emilios Christodoulidis, Ruth Dukes & Marco Goldoni (eds.), Research handbook on critical legal theory. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    Pragmatist reflective equilibrium.Wibren van der Burg - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-26.
    Rawls’ notion of reflective equilibrium has a hybrid character. It is embedded in the pragmatist tradition, but also includes various Kantian and other non-pragmatist elements. I argue that we should discard all non-pragmatist elements and develop reflective equilibrium in a consistently pragmatist manner. I argue that this pragmatist approach is the best way to defend reflective equilibrium against various criticisms, partly by embracing the critiques as advantages. I begin with discussing how each of the three versions of reflective equilibrium in (...)
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    What’s Good About Inclusion? An Ethical Analysis of the Ideal of Social Inclusion for People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities.Simon van der Weele & Femmianne Bredewold - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (2):106-123.
    Abstract‘Social inclusion’ is the leading ideal in services and care for people with intellectual disabilities in most countries in the Global North. ‘Social inclusion’ can refer simply to full equal rights, but more often it is taken to mean something like ‘community participation’. This narrow version of social inclusion has become so ingrained that it virtually goes unchallenged. The presumption appears to be that there is a clear moral consensus that this narrow understanding of social inclusion is good. However, that (...)
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    Democratische politiek: ‘minder, minder, minder’ of anders?Frank Hendriks, Koen van der Krieken & Sabine van Zuydam - 2017 - Res Publica 59 (1):7-34.
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    The Luxembourg Symposium on Frank Michelman’s Constitutional Essentials(Oxford University Press, 2022).Johan van der Walt - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):999-1013.
    In January and February 2023, the University of Luxembourg hosted a series of four online seminars on Frank Michelman’s then just recently published book Constitutional Essentials ( CE), a book which in Frank’s own words aimed to work out the implications of Rawls' theory of political liberalism for constitutional theory and debates between constitutional lawyers regarding a number of constantly recurring questions of constitutional law. Eleven of the invited contributions to the four seminars (presentations of 15–20 minutes) plus one additional (...)
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  43.  13
    Arbitrary arrow update logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek, Barteld Kooi & Louwe B. Kuijer - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 242 (C):80-106.
  44.  19
    The concept of care in philosophy and theology.Antonio Cimino, Gert-Jan van der Heiden & Herman Westerink - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 81 (3):193-195.
    In this short introduction, the guest editors present the main themes of the special issue.
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    Autonomous Decision Making and Moral capacities.Albine Moser, Rob Houtepen, Harry van der Bruggen, Cor Spreeuwenberg & Guy Widdershoven - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (2):203-218.
    This article examines how people with type 2 diabetes perceive autonomous decision making and which moral capacities they consider important in diabetes nurses' support of autonomous decision making. Fifteen older adults with type 2 diabetes were interviewed in a nurse-led unit. First, the data were analysed using the grounded theory method. The participants described a variety of decision-making processes in the nurse and family care-giver context. Later, descriptions of the decision-making processes were analysed using hermeneutic text interpretation. We suggest first- (...)
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    Live Streams on Twitch Help Viewers Cope With Difficult Periods in Life.Jan de Wit, Alicia van der Kraan & Joep Theeuwes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Live streaming platforms such as Twitch that facilitate participatory online communities have become an integral part of game culture. Users of these platforms are predominantly teenagers and young adults, who increasingly spend time socializing online rather than offline. This shift to online behavior can be a double-edged sword when coping with difficult periods in life such as relationship issues, the death of a loved one, or job loss. On the one hand, platforms such as Twitch offer pleasure, distraction, and relatedness (...)
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    Sheaf models for choice sequences.Gerrit Van Der Hoeven & Ieke Moerdijk - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 27 (1):63-107.
  48. Marx's political universalism.Harry van der Linden - 1996 - Topoi 15 (2):235-245.
    My main aim in this paper is to arrive at a defensible form of Marxian or socialist political universalism through a critical examination of Marx's own political universalism. In the next section, I will outline several moral errors that Walzer ascribes to political universalism, including Marx's, and show that Walzer largely misdirects his criticisms because what primarily accounts for Marx committing the errors is his Hegelian metaphysical conception of history, not his political universalism as such.
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    6 A Thousand Tiny Intersections: Linguisticism, Feminism, Racism and Deleuzian Becomings.Rick Dolphijn & Iris van der Tuin - 2012 - In Arun Saldanha & Jason Michael Adams (eds.), Deleuze and Race. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 129-143.
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    How partners mediate platform power: Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem.Anne Helmond & Fernando N. van der Vlist - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Social media platforms’ digital advertising revenues depend considerably on partnerships. Business partnerships are endemic and essential to the business of platforms, yet their role remains relatively underexplored in the literature on platformisation and platform power. This article considers the significance of partnerships in the social media ecosystem to better understand how industry platforms, and the infrastructure they build, mediate and shape platform power and governance. We argue that partners contribute to ‘platformisation’ through their collective development of business-to-business platform infrastructures. Specifically, (...)
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