Results for 'Gusti A. B. Menoh'

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  1.  8
    Aplikasi Etika Diskursus Bagi Dialog Interreligius.Gusti A. B. Menoh - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (2):193.
    Abstrak: Tulisan ini bertujuan mempresentasikan etika diskursus Jürgen Habermas dan kemudian menarik kemungkinan relevansinya bagi dialog interreligius. Berbeda dengan global ethics Hans Küng yang menjadikan “problem of the good” sebagai pokok pembicaraan, etika diskursus hanya membicarakan bagi kehidupan bersama dalam masyarakat majemuk. Karena itu, etika diskursus tidak ber-tendensi mengejar substansi nilai-nilai etis dari berbagai pandangan dunia (world-view) dalam kelompok-kelompok kultural maupun religius yang berbeda-beda itu. Sebaliknya, etika diskurus hanya menawarkan sebuah prosedur untuk memecahkan masalah hidup bersama secara adil di tengah (...)
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    Nurses’ ethical challenges when providing care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.A. H. Hillestad, A. M. M. Rokstad, S. Tretteteig, S. G. Julnes, B. Lichtwarck & S. Eriksen - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):32-45.
    Background: Older, frail patients with multimorbidity are at an especially high risk for disease severity and death from COVID-19. The social restrictions proved challenging for the residents, their relatives, and the care staff. While these restrictions clearly impacted daily life in Norwegian nursing homes, knowledge about how the pandemic influenced nursing practice is sparse. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate ethical difficult situations experienced by Norwegian nurses working in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design and (...)
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  3. Index of Authors Volume 5, 2001.A. Acevedo, E. H. Y. Boo, J. Brinkmann, E. S. Callahan, B. Castro, L. Chalip, P. M. Clikeman, L. Dickie, J. Down & D. D. DuFrene - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (485).
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    A.B. Johnson's A Treatise on Language, Or, The Relation which Words Bear to Things.A. B. Johnson & Stillman Drake - 1940 - [S.N.].
  5. Responsibility for what? Fairness and individual responsibility.A. Cappelen, E. Sørensen & B. Tungodden - manuscript
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    Implicit moral evaluations: A multinomial modeling approach.C. Daryl Cameron, B. Keith Payne, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Julian A. Scheffer & Michael Inzlicht - 2017 - Cognition 158 (C):224-241.
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    The Meaning of Beauty.A. H. B. Allen - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (113):112 - 130.
    Theories of beauty are often divided into the objective and the subjective. I am doubtful whether a rigid distinction between the two can be maintained. It is difficult for an objective theory to assert that the impression of beauty is received quite passively, without any reaction or co-operation on the part of the subject, which is likely to be similar in the various cases.
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    A New Macedonian Prince.A. B. Bosworth - 1994 - Classical Quarterly 44 (01):57-.
    One of the more intriguing figures of the first period of the Successors is Nicanor, the lieutenant and admiral of Cassander. He came into prominence when he assumed command of the Macedonian garrison at Athens, late in 319 B.c. After distinguishing himself there he took a fleet to the Bosporus, where with Antigonus' collaboration he won a decisive victory over Polyperchon's royal navy. Subsequently his aspirations became sufficiently lofty to threaten his patron's security, and Cassander took elaborate precautions to ensure (...)
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    Suffering, Sovereignty, and the Purposes of God: Christian Convictions and Medical Killing.B. A. Lustig - 1995 - Christian Bioethics 1 (3):249-255.
    Despite a variety of “non-ecumenical” features in Christian arguments about suicide, assisted suicide, and euthanasia, there are obvious “ecumenical” aspects to be found in the general Christian prohibition of these practices. A fair reading of the Christian tradition requires that we acknowledge both the differences that distinguish particular perspectives and the fundamental themes that allow an identifiably Christian position to emerge in stark contrast to the secular discussion of these issues. Central to Christian interpretations of dying and death are an (...)
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  10. Neutrosophic quadruple algebraic hyperstructures.A. A. A. Agboola, B. Davvaz & Florentin Smarandache - 2017 - Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics 14.
    The objective of this paper is to develop neutrosophic quadruple algebraic hyperstructures. Specifically, we develop neutrosophic quadruple semihypergroups, neutrosophic quadruple canonical hypergroups and neutrosophic quadruple hyperrings and we present elementary properties which characterize them.
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  11. An appraisal of therapeutic positivism (II.).B. A. Farrell - 1946 - Mind 55 (218):133-150.
  12. Pravoslavnai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ: kriticheskiĭ analiz "metafizika vseedinstva" i ee roli v ideologii sovremennogo pravoslavii︠a︡.A. B. Chertkov - 1989 - Riga: "Avots".
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  13. Territories of Citizenship.A. Abizadeh, G. Agamben, D. Archibugi, C. Armstrong, B. Barber, K. Barry, R. Bauböck, K. Baynes & U. Beck - 2012 - In Eva Erman & Ludvig Beckman (eds.), Territories of Citizenship. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 170.
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    The thermoelectric power of pure copper.A. V. Gold, D. K. C. Macdonald, W. B. Pearson & I. M. Templeton - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (56):765-786.
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    A proposal for determining the fermi surface by magneto-acoustic resonance.A. B. Pippard - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (21):1147-1148.
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    Review of A. B. Atkinson: Social Justice and Public Policy[REVIEW]A. B. Atkinson - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):541-542.
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    From Non-symbolic to Symbolic Proportions and Back: A Cuisenaire Rod Proportional Reasoning Intervention Enhances Continuous Proportional Reasoning Skills.Roberto A. Abreu-Mendoza, Linsah Coulanges, Kendell Ali, Arthur B. Powell & Miriam Rosenberg-Lee - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The persistent educational challenges that fractions pose call for developing novel instructional methods to better prepare students for fraction learning. Here, we examined the effects of a 24-session, Cuisenaire rod intervention on a building block for symbolic fraction knowledge, continuous and discrete non-symbolic proportional reasoning, in children who have yet to receive fraction instruction. Participants were 34 second-graders who attended the intervention (intervention group) and 15 children who did not participate in any sessions (control group). As attendance at the intervention (...)
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  18. SOMIGLIANA A., "Monismo indiano e monismo greco nei frammenti di Eraclito".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:123.
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    Review of A. B. Keith: The British Cabinet System, 1830-1938[REVIEW]A. B. Keith - 1939 - Ethics 49 (4):496-497.
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    Aσφetaipoi.A. B. Bosworth - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (2):245-253.
    Ii is a well-known fact that the men of the Macedonian phalanx under Philip and Alexander were known collectively asor ‘foot companions’. Our first reference to the name comes from Demosthenes, who in his second Olynthiac tries unconvincingly to disparage the fighting qualities of Philip's mercenaries andDemosthenes adds no explanation, and it was left to commentators and lexicographers to unearth a relevant fragment from thePhilippicaof Anaximenes of Lampsacus.
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  21. R. A. Sharpe. The moral case against religious belief. (London: SCM press, 1997.) Pp. 102. £7.95 pbk.B. A. - 1998 - Religious Studies 34 (2):231-234.
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    An appraisal of therapeutic positivism. (I.).B. A. Farrell - 1946 - Mind 55 (217):25-48.
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    Field-ion and electron microscopy of grain-boundary structure.B. Loberg, H. Nordén & D. A. Smith - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 24 (190):897-909.
  24. 2. medieval philosophy.A. A. Long, D. Sedley, B. Mates, N. Mitchison, S. Sambursky, F. H. Sandbach, J. Annas, J. Barnes, A. H. Armstrong & H. A. Wolfson - 1994 - In Anthony Kenny (ed.), The Oxford History of Western Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Length and electrical resistivity changes of neutron irradiated uranium.B. A. Loomis & S. B. Gerber - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (153):539-553.
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    Some magnetic properties of dilute ferromagnetic alloys II.B. W. Lothian, A. C. Robinson & W. Sucksmith - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (33):999-1012.
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    Minutes of proceedings.F. L. S. MacOwan B. A. - 1884 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 4 (1):xxi - xxvii.
    (1884). MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society: Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. xxi-xxvii.
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    Trust and trustworthiness in nurse–patient relationships.B. A. Rgn - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (2):152–162.
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  29. Single-afferent neurons and somatic sensation in humans.A. B. Vallbo - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press. pp. 237--252.
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    On the macroscopic distribution of dislocations in single crystals of high-purity recrystallized aluminium.A. Authier, C. B. Rogers & A. R. Lang - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (117):547-560.
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  31. Antropologii︠a︡ kulʹtury: materialy Vserossiĭskikh nauchnykh konferent︠s︡iĭ.A. B. Nevelev, E. A. Kushtym & V. A. Rybin (eds.) - 2005 - Cheli︠a︡binsk: IIUMT︠S︡ "Obrazovanie".
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  32. Osnovy semasiologii.B. A. Plotnikov - 1984 - Minsk: "Vyshėĭshai︠a︡ shkola". Edited by A. E. Suprun.
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    Kriticheskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ.A. B. Maksutov - 1998 - Ekaterinburg: UrO RAN.
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  34. A Discourse on Language.A. B. Johnson - 1832 - W. Williams, Book Printer.
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    Index l0c0rum.A. Andrewes, D. R. Bailey, J. W. B. Barns, W. Beare, D. E. Eichholtz, I. M. Glarmlle, G. F. Hourani, A. Hudson-Williams, H. Hudson-Williams & H. Klos - unknown - Diogenes 17 (1):140.
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    Structural, elastic, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of the Zintl-phase Ae3AlAs3.A. Benahmed, A. Bouhemadou, B. Alqarni, N. Guechi, Y. Al-Douri, R. Khenata & S. Bin-Omran - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-24.
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  37. Kibernetika i Logika: Matematikologičeskie aspekty stanovlenija idei kibernetiki i razvitija vyčislitel'noj texniki.B. V. Birjukov & A. G. Spirkin - 1982 - Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (2):177-181.
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  38. Postsovetskai︠a︡ Abkhazii︠a︡: tradit︠s︡ii, religii, li︠u︡di.A. B. Krylov - 1999 - Moskva: Institut vostokovedenii︠a︡ RAN.
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  39. Principles: A critique of the Critique'.A. B. Lustig - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17:487-510.
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    A Disciplined Intelligence: Critical Inquiry and Canadian Thought in the Victorian Era.A. B. McKillop - 1979 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Concentrating on the thought of Canada's major scientists, philosophers, and clerics - men such as William Dawson and Daniel Wilson, John Watson and W.D. LeSeur, G.M. Grant and Salem Bland - A Disciplined Intelligence begins by reconstructing the central strands of intellectual and moral orthodoxy prevalent in Anglo-Canadian colleges on the eve of the Darwinian revolution. These include Scottish common sense philosophy and the natural theology of William Paley. The destructive impact of evolutionary ideas on that orthodoxy and the major (...)
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  41. Matematicheskai︠a︡ logika, diskretnai︠a︡ matematika i ikh primenenii︠a︡.A. B. Kharazishvili (ed.) - 1987 - Tbilisi: Izd-vo Tbilisskogo universiteta.
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  42. A predestination for the posthumanistic.Steven B. Katz & Nathaniel A. Rivers - 2017 - In Chris Mays, Nathaniel A. Rivers & Kellie Sharp-Hoskins (eds.), Kenneth Burke + the posthuman. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    The theory of God in book λ of Aristotle's metaphysics.B. A. G. Fuller - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16 (2):170-183.
  44. Hand Gesture Segmentation.A. A. Randive, H. B. Mali & S. D. Lokhande - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 2--3.
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  45. Word Classes.A. J. B. N. Reichling, E. M. Uhlenbeck & W. Sidney Allen - 1970 - Foundations of Language 6 (1):138-143.
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  46. „Waarom ik geen christen ben” en andere essays over religie en verwante onderwerpen.B. Russell, A. Kaiser, B. Sinkeler & H. Musaph - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (2):371-371.
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  47. BANFI A., "I problemi di una estetica filosofica".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:212.
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  48. An Introductory Hebrew Grammar.A. B. Davidson & John Mauchline - 1962
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    Why causing death is not necessarily morally equivalent to allowing to die - a response to Ferguson.A. B. Shaw - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (4):282-282.
  50. AIDS projections are too high.A. J. Clayton, A. S. Meltzer, Garcia Garcia Ml, Dominguez Torix Jl, Valdespino Gomez Jl, S. S. Connor, J. Ivo-dos-Santos, B. Galvao-Castro, C. Bartholomew & F. Cleghorn - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (3):179-85.
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