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  1. What Is an Inconsistent Truth Table?Zach Weber, Guillermo Badia & Patrick Girard - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):533-548.
    ABSTRACTDo truth tables—the ordinary sort that we use in teaching and explaining basic propositional logic—require an assumption of consistency for their construction? In this essay we show that truth tables can be built in a consistency-independent paraconsistent setting, without any appeal to classical logic. This is evidence for a more general claim—that when we write down the orthodox semantic clauses for a logic, whatever logic we presuppose in the background will be the logic that appears in the foreground. Rather than (...)
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  2.  76
    Bi-Simulating in Bi-Intuitionistic Logic.Guillermo Badia - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (5):1037-1050.
    Bi-intuitionistic logic is the result of adding the dual of intuitionistic implication to intuitionistic logic. In this note, we characterize the expressive power of this logic by showing that the first order formulas equivalent to translations of bi-intuitionistic propositional formulas are exactly those preserved under bi-intuitionistic directed bisimulations. The proof technique is originally due to Lindstrom and, in contrast to the most common proofs of this kind of result, it does not use the machinery of neither saturated models nor elementary (...)
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  3.  40
    Relevant Consequence Relations: An Invitation.Guillermo Badia, Libor Běhounek, Petr Cintula & Andrew Tedder - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):762-792.
    We generalize the notion of consequence relation standard in abstract treatments of logic to accommodate intuitions of relevance. The guiding idea follows the use criterion, according to which in order for some premises to have some conclusion(s) as consequence(s), the premises must each be used in some way to obtain the conclusion(s). This relevance intuition turns out to require not just a failure of monotonicity, but also a move to considering consequence relations as obtaining between multisets. We motivate and state (...)
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  4.  33
    Maximality of Logic Without Identity.Guillermo Badia, Xavier Caicedo & Carles Noguera - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):147-162.
    Lindström’s theorem obviously fails as a characterization of first-order logic without identity ( $\mathcal {L}_{\omega \omega }^{-} $ ). In this note, we provide a fix: we show that $\mathcal {L}_{\omega \omega }^{-} $ is a maximal abstract logic satisfying a weak form of the isomorphism property (suitable for identity-free languages and studied in [11]), the Löwenheim–Skolem property, and compactness. Furthermore, we show that compactness can be replaced by being recursively enumerable for validity under certain conditions. In the proofs, we (...)
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  5.  25
    First-Order Friendliness.Guillermo Badia & David Makinson - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1055-1069.
    In this note we study a counterpart in predicate logic of the notion of logical friendliness, introduced into propositional logic in [15]. The result is a new consequence relation for predicate languages with equality using first-order models. While compactness, interpolation and axiomatizability fail dramatically, several other properties are preserved from the propositional case. Divergence is diminished when the language does not contain equality with its standard interpretation.
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  6.  79
    Currying Omnipotence: A Reply to Beall and Cotnoir.Andrew Tedder & Guillermo Badia - 2018 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 7 (2):119-121.
    Beall and Cotnoir (2017) argue that theists may accept the claim that God's omnipotence is fully unrestricted if they also adopt a suitable nonclassical logic. Their primary focus is on the infamous Stone problem (i.e., whether God can create a stone too heavy for God to lift). We show how unrestricted omnipotence generates Curry‐like paradoxes. The upshot is that Beall and Cotnoir only provide a solution to one version of the Stone problem, but that unrestricted omnipotence generates other problems which (...)
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  7.  9
    Craig Interpolation Theorem Fails in Bi-Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.Grigory K. Olkhovikov & Guillermo Badia - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):611-633.
    In this article we show that bi-intuitionistic predicate logic lacks the Craig Interpolation Property. We proceed by adapting the counterexample given by Mints, Olkhovikov and Urquhart for intuitionistic predicate logic with constant domains [13]. More precisely, we show that there is a valid implication $\phi \rightarrow \psi $ with no interpolant. Importantly, this result does not contradict the unfortunately named ‘Craig interpolation’ theorem established by Rauszer in [24] since that article is about the property more correctly named ‘deductive interpolation’ (see (...)
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  8.  87
    Paraconsistent Metatheory: New Proofs with Old Tools.Guillermo Badia, Zach Weber & Patrick Girard - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (4):825-856.
    This paper is a step toward showing what is achievable using non-classical metatheory—particularly, a substructural paraconsistent framework. What standard results, or analogues thereof, from the classical metatheory of first order logic can be obtained? We reconstruct some of the originals proofs for Completeness, Löwenheim-Skolem and Compactness theorems in the context of a substructural logic with the naive comprehension schema. The main result is that paraconsistent metatheory can ‘re-capture’ versions of standard theorems, given suitable restrictions and background assumptions; but the shift (...)
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  9.  35
    On Sahlqvist Formulas in Relevant Logic.Guillermo Badia - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (4):673-691.
    This paper defines a Sahlqvist fragment for relevant logic and establishes that each class of frames in the Routley-Meyer semantics which is definable by a Sahlqvist formula is also elementary, that is, it coincides with the class of structures satisfying a given first order property calculable by a Sahlqvist-van Benthem algorithm. Furthermore, we show that some classes of Routley-Meyer frames definable by a relevant formula are not elementary.
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  10.  73
    The relevant fragment of first order logic.Guillermo Badia - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):143-166.
    Under a proper translation, the languages of propositional (and quantified relevant logic) with an absurdity constant are characterized as the fragments of first order logic preserved under (world-object) relevant directed bisimulations. Furthermore, the properties of pointed models axiomatizable by sets of propositional relevant formulas have a purely algebraic characterization. Finally, a form of the interpolation property holds for the relevant fragment of first order logic.
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  11.  20
    Saturated models of first-order many-valued logics.Guillermo Badia & Carles Noguera - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):1-20.
    This paper is devoted to the problem of existence of saturated models for first-order many-valued logics. We consider a general notion of type as pairs of sets of formulas in one free variable that express properties that an element of a model should, respectively, satisfy and falsify. By means of an elementary chains construction, we prove that each model can be elementarily extended to a $\kappa $-saturated model, i.e. a model where as many types as possible are realized. In order (...)
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  12. Fraïssé classes of graded relational structures.Guillermo Badia & Carles Noguera - 2018 - Theoretical Computer Science 737:81–90.
    We study classes of graded structures satisfying the properties of amalgamation, joint embedding and hereditariness. Given appropriate conditions, we can build a graded analogue of the Fraïssé limit. Some examples such as the class of all finite weighted graphs or the class of all finite fuzzy orders (evaluated on a particular countable algebra) will be examined.
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  13.  46
    Lindström theorems in graded model theory.Guillermo Badia & Carles Noguera - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (3):102916.
    Stemming from the works of Petr Hájek on mathematical fuzzy logic, graded model theory has been developed by several authors in the last two decades as an extension of classical model theory that studies the semantics of many-valued predicate logics. In this paper we take the first steps towards an abstract formulation of this model theory. We give a general notion of abstract logic based on many-valued models and prove six Lindström-style characterizations of maximality of first-order logics in terms of (...)
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  14.  31
    A Lindström Theorem for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic.Guillermo Badia - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (1):11-30.
    We show that propositional intuitionistic logic is the maximal abstract logic satisfying a certain form of compactness, the Tarski union property, and preservation under asimulations.
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    Variable Sharing in Substructural Logics: An Algebraic Characterization.Guillermo Badia - 2018 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 47 (2):107-115.
    We characterize the non-trivial substructural logics having the variable sharing property as well as its strong version. To this end, we find the algebraic counterparts over varieties of these logical properties. -/- .
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    Infinitary propositional relevant languages with absurdity.Guillermo Badia - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (4):663-681.
    Analogues of Scott's isomorphism theorem, Karp's theorem as well as results on lack of compactness and strong completeness are established for infinitary propositional relevant logics. An "interpolation theorem" for the infinitary quantificational boolean logic L-infinity omega. holds. This yields a preservation result characterizing the expressive power of infinitary relevant languages with absurdity using the model-theoretic relation of relevant directed bisimulation as well as a Beth definability property.
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  17.  19
    A Remark on Maksimova's Variable Separation Property in Super-Bi-Intuitionistic Logics.Guillermo Badia - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Logic 14 (1).
    We provide a sucient frame-theoretic condition for a super bi-intuitionistic logic to have Maksimova's variable separation property. We conclude that bi-intuitionistic logic enjoys the property. Furthermore, we offer an algebraic characterization of the super-bi-intuitionistic logics with Maksimova's property.
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  18. Syntactic characterizations of first-order structures in mathematical fuzzy logic.Guillermo Badia, Pilar Dellunde, Vicent Costa & Carles Noguera - forthcoming - Soft Computing.
    This paper is a contribution to graded model theory, in the context of mathematical fuzzy logic. We study characterizations of classes of graded structures in terms of the syntactic form of their first-order axiomatization. We focus on classes given by universal and universal-existential sentences. In particular, we prove two amalgamation results using the technique of diagrams in the setting of structures valued on a finite MTL-algebra, from which analogues of the Łoś–Tarski and the Chang–Łoś–Suszko preservation theorems follow.
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  19.  21
    A Lindström theorem for intuitionistic first-order logic.Grigory Olkhovikov, Guillermo Badia & Reihane Zoghifard - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (10):103346.
  20.  25
    Frame definability in finitely valued modal logics.Guillermo Badia, Xavier Caicedo & Carles Noguera - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (7):103273.
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  21.  21
    Introduction to the special issue ‘Valerie Plumwood’s contributions to Logic’.Andrew Tedder & Guillermo Badia - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Logic 20 (2):95-96.
    This is an introduction to the special issue of the AJL on Val Plumwood's manuscript "False Laws of Logic" and her other work in logic.
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  22.  65
    How Much Propositional Logic Suffices for Rosser’s Essential Undecidability Theorem?Guillermo Badia, Petr Cintula, Petr Hajek & Andrew Tedder - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):487 - 504.
    In this paper we explore the following question: how weak can a logic be for Rosser's essential undecidability result to be provable for a weak arithmetical theory? It is well known that Robinson's Q is essentially undecidable in intuitionistic logic, and P. Hajek proved it in the fuzzy logic BL for Grzegorczyk's variant of Q which interprets the arithmetic operations as non-total non-functional relations. We present a proof of essential undecidability in a much weaker substructural logic and for a much (...)
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  23.  65
    A Lindström-style theorem for finitary propositional weak entailment languages with absurdity.Guillermo Badia - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (2):115-137.
    Following a result by De Rijke for modal logic, it is shown that the basic weak entailment model-theoretic language with absurdity is the maximal model-theoretic language having the finite occurrence property, preservation under relevant directed bisimulations and the finite depth property. This can be seen as a generalized preservation theorem characterizing propositional weak entailment formulas among formulas of other model-theoretic languages.
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    A Lindström Theorem in Many-Valued Modal Logic over a Finite MTL-chain.Guillermo Badia & Grigory Olkhovikov - forthcoming - Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
    We consider a modal language over crisp frames and formulas evaluated on a finite MTL-chain (a linearly ordered commutative integral residuated lattice). We first show that the basic modal abstract logic with constants for the values of the MTL-chain is the maximal abstract logic satisfying Compactness, the Tarski Union Property and strong invariance for bisimulations. Finally, we improve this result by replacing the Tarski Union Property by a relativization property.
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  25.  12
    Editorial: Special issue in honour of John Newsome Crossley.Guillermo Badia - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (6):1005-1009.
    It is a great pleasure to present this special issue celebrating the 85th birthday in 2022 of British–Australian logician John Newsome Crossley (JNC). John’s mu.
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  26. How Much Propositional Logic Suffices for Rosser's Essential Undecidability Theorem?Guillermo Badia, Petr Cintula, Petr Hajek & Andrew Tedder - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic.
    In this paper we explore the following question: how weak can a logic be for Rosser’s essential undecidability result to be provable for a weak arithmetical theory? It is well known that Robinson’s Q is essentially undecidable in intuitionistic logic, and P. Hájek proved it in the fuzzy logic BL for Grzegorczyk’s variant of Q which interprets the arithmetic operations as nontotal nonfunctional relations. We present a proof of essential undecidability in a much weaker substructural logic and for a much (...)
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    Incompactness of the A1 Fragment of Basic Second Order Propositional Relevant Logic.Guillermo Badia - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Logic 16 (1):1-8.
    In this note we provide a simple proof of the incompactness over Routley-Meyer B-frames of the A1 fragment of the second order propositional relevant language.
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  28. Model definability in relevant logic.Guillermo Badia - 2017 - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications 3 (4):623-646.
    It is shown that the classes of Routley-Meyer models which are axiomatizable by a theory in a propositional relevant language with fusion and the Ackermann constant can be characterized by their closure under certain model-theoretic operations involving prime filter extensions, relevant directed bisimulations and disjoint unions.
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    Mundos posibles y paradojas.Guillermo Badía - 2013 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 25 (2):219-229.
    La definición de un “mundo posible” de Robert Adams es paradójica, de acuerdo con Selmer Bringsjord, Patrick Grim y Cristopher Menzel. Las pruebas de Bringsjord y Grim utilizaban el axioma del Conjunto Potencia; Cristopher Menzel objetó que, mientras este fuese el caso, todavía existía esperanza para la definición de Adams, pero Menzel desempolvó una vieja paradoja de Russell para demostrar que podíamos obtener las mismas conclusiones sin apelar a otra teoría de conjuntos que el Axioma de Separación. Sin embargo, el (...)
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    On elimination of quantifiers in some non‐classical mathematical theories.Guillermo Badia & Andrew Tedder - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (3):140-154.
    Elimination of quantifiers is shown to fail dramatically for a group of well‐known mathematical theories (classically enjoying the property) against a wide range of relevant logical backgrounds. Furthermore, it is suggested that only by moving to more extensional underlying logics can we get the property back.
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    Omitting types theorem in hybrid dynamic first-order logic with rigid symbols.Daniel Găină, Guillermo Badia & Tomasz Kowalski - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (3):103212.
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