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Gillian Brock [109]G. Brock [19]Gillian Greenwall Brock [1]
  1. Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account.Gillian Brock - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Catriona McKinnon.
    Gillian Brock develops a model of global justice that takes seriously the moral equality of all human beings notwithstanding their legitimate diverse identifications and affiliations. She addresses concerns about implementing global justice, showing how we can move from theory to feasible public policy that makes progress toward global justice.
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    Debating Brain Drain: May Governments Restrict Emigration?Gillian Brock & Michael I. Blake - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Many of the most skilled and educated citizens of developing countries choose to emigrate. How may those societies respond to these facts? May they ever legitimately prevent the emigration of their citizens? Gillian Brock and Michael Blake debate these questions, and offer distinct arguments about the morality of emigration.
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    Justice for People on the Move: Migration in Challenging Times.Gillian Brock - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    By executive order, the US adopted an immigration policy that looks remarkably similar to a Muslim ban, and threatened to deport long-settled residents, such as the so-called Dreamers. Our defunct refugee system has not dealt adequately with increased refugee flows, forcing desperate people to undertake increasingly risky measures in efforts to reach safe havens. Meanwhile increased migration flows over recent years appear to have contributed to a rise in right-wing populism, apparently driving phenomena such as Brexit and Trumpism. In this (...)
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    Justice for People on the Move. A Précis.Gillian Brock - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Necessary Goods: Our Responsibilities to Meet Others Needs.Gillian Brock - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Do any needs defensibly make claims on anyone? If so, which needs and whose needs can defensibly do this? What are the grounds for our responsibilities to meet others' needs, when we have such responsibilities? The distinguished contributors to this volume consider these questions as they evaluate the moral force of needs. They approach questions of obligation and moral importance from a variety of different theoretical perspectives, including contractarian, Kantian, Aristotelian, rights-based, egalitarian, liberal, and libertarian perspectives.
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  6. Needs and Global Justice.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 57:51-72.
    In this paper I argue that needs are tremendously salient in developing any plausible account of global justice. I begin by sketching a normative thought experiment that models ideal deliberating conditions. I argue that under such conditions we would choose principles of justice that ensure we are well positioned to be able to meet our needs. Indeed, as the experiment aims to show, any plausible account of distributive justice must make space for the special significance of our needs. I go (...)
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    The Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism.Gillian Brock & Harry Brighouse (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In a period of rapid internationalization of trade and increased labor mobility, is it relevant for nations to think about their moral obligations to others? Do national boundaries have fundamental moral significance, or do we have moral obligations to foreigners that are equal to our obligations to our compatriots? The latter position is known as cosmopolitanism, and this volume brings together a number of distinguished political philosophers and theorists to explore cosmopolitanism: what it consists in, and the positive case which (...)
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  8. Needs, moral demands and moral theory.Soran Reader & Gillian Brock - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (3):251-266.
    In this article we argue that the concept of need is as vital for moral theory as it is for moral life. In II we analyse need and its normativity in public and private moral practice. In III we describe simple cases which exemplify the moral demandingness of needs, and argue that the significance of simple cases for moral theory is obscured by the emphasis in moral philosophy on unusual cases. In IV we argue that moral theories are inadequate if (...)
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  9. Global Health and Global Health Ethics.Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: Preface; Introduction; Part I. Global Health, Definitions and Descriptions: 1. What is global health? Solly Benatar and Ross Upshur; 2. The state of global health in a radically unequal world: patterns and prospects Ron Labonte and Ted Schrecker; 3. Addressing the societal determinants of health: the key global health ethics imperative of our times Anne-Emmanuelle Birn; 4. Gender and global health: inequality and differences Lesley Doyal and Sarah Payne; 5. Heath systems and health Martin McKee; Part (...)
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  10. Global justice.Gillian Brock - 2008 - In Catriona McKinnon (ed.), Issues in Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
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  11. Taxation and global justice: Closing the gap between theory and practice.Gillian Brock - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (2):161–184.
    I examine how reforming our international tax regime could be an important vehicle by which we can begin to realize global justice. For instance, eliminating tax havens, tax evasion, and transfer pricing schemes are all important to ensure accountability and to support democracies. I argue that the proposals concerning taxation reform are likely to be more effective in tackling global poverty than Thomas Pogge's global resources dividend because they target some of the central issues more effectively. I also discuss many (...)
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    Global justice research: some priorities.Gillian Brock - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):323-329.
    This contribution discusses three important issues that should be addressed by those concerned with global justice. Theorizing should be better informed by a range of important bodies of knowledge, such as scholarly, activist, policy, legal, and practitioner-based. There is also a need for more inclusive normative frameworks for allocating specific responsibilities to particular agents. I explain the need for both by discussing an especially important neglected topic, namely that of corruption, which so badly undermines prospects for global justice.
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  13. Recent Work on Rawls's Law of Peoples: Critics versus Defenders.Gillian Brock - 2010 - American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (1):85.
    There is much current and growing interest in theorizing about global justice. Contemporary events in the world probably account for most of this, but if any philosophical text can be identified as igniting theorists' relatively newly found interest, it must be John Rawls's influential book, The Law of Peoples . There is a lively debate between critics and advocates of Rawls's approach, and much theorizing about global justice is framed in terms of that exchange. Because of its enormous influence in (...)
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    Global Justice, Cosmopolitan Duties and Duties to Compatriots: The Case of Healthcare.Gillian Brock - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (2):110-120.
    How are we to navigate between duties to compatriots and duties to non-compatriots? Within the literature there are two important kinds of accounts that are thought to offer contrasting positions on these issues, namely, cosmopolitanism and statism. We discuss these two rival accounts. I then outline my position on global justice and how to accommodate insights from both the cosmopolitan and statist traditions within it. Having outlined my ideal theory account of what global justice requires, I discuss the far more (...)
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  15. Morally important needs.Gillian Brock - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (1-2):165-178.
    Frankfurt argues that there are two categories of needs that are at least prima facie morally important (relative to other claims). In this paper I examine Frankfurt's suggestion that two categories of needs, namely, nonvolitional and constrained volitional needs, are eligible for (at least prima facie) moral importance. I show both these categories to be defective because they do not necessarily meet Frankfurt's own criteria for what makes a need morally important. I suggest a further category of needs as being (...)
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  16. Needs-centered ethical theory.Gillian Brock & Soran Reader - 2002 - Journal of Value Inquiry 36 (4):425-434.
    Our aims in this paper are: (1) to indicate some of the many ways in which needs are an important part of the moral landscape, (2) to show that the dominant contemporary moral theories cannot adequately capture the moral significance of needs, indeed, that the dominant theories are inadequate to the extent that they cannot accommodate the insights which attention to needs yield, (3) to offer some sketches that should be helpful to future cartographers charting the domain of morally significant (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism Versus Non-Cosmopolitanism: Critiques, Defenses, Reconceptualizations.Gillian Brock (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume demonstrates that the debate between cosmopolitans and non-cosmopolitans has become increasingly sophisticated. It advances the discussion on many of the questions over which cosmopolitans and non-cosmopolitans continue to disagree.
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  18. Egalitarianism, ideals, and cosmopolitan justice.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Philosophical Forum 36 (1):1–30.
    Cosmopolitans believe that all human beings have equal moral worth and that our responsibilities to others do not stop at borders. Various cosmopolitans offer different interpretations of how we should understand what is entailed by that equal moral worth and what responsibilities we have to each other in taking our equality seriously. Two suggestions are that a cosmopolitan should endorse a 'global difference principle' and a 'principle of global equality of opportunity'. In the first part of this paper I examine (...)
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    Liberal nationalism versus cosmopolitanism: locating the disputes.Gillian Brock - 2002 - Public Affairs Quarterly 16 (4):307-327.
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    Justice, Fairness, and the Brain Drain.Michael Blake & Gillian Brock - unknown
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  21. Contemporary Cosmopolitanism: Some Current Issues.Gillian Brock - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (8):689-698.
    In this article, we survey some current debates among cosmopolitans and their critics. We begin by surveying some distinctions typically drawn among kinds of cosmopolitanisms, before canvassing some of the diverse varieties of cosmopolitan justice, exploring positions on the content of cosmopolitan duties of justice, and a prominent debate between cosmopolitans and defenders of statist accounts of global justice. We then explore some common concerns about cosmopolitanism – such as whether cosmopolitan commitments are necessarily in tension with other affiliations people (...)
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    Is active recruitment of health workers really not guilty of enabling harm or facilitating wrongdoing?Gillian Brock - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (10):612-614.
    Hidalgo1 argues that, contrary to widespread belief, active recruitment of health workers ‘generally refrains from enabling harm or facilitating wrongdoing’. In this commentary, I argue that the case is not yet convincing. There are a number of problems with the argument, only some of which I can sketch here. These include: Hidalgo gives an insufficient account of the relevant harms that are inflicted when healthcare workers emigrate. Relatedly, he does not take account of the underlying causes of migration and what (...)
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    International health inequalities and global justice: toward a middle ground.N. Daniels, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 97--107.
    Disturbing international inequalities in health abound. Life expectancy in Swaziland is half that in Japan. A child unfortunate enough to be born in Angola has 73 times as great a chance of dying before age 5 as a child born in Norway. A mother giving birth in southern sub-Saharan Africa has 100 times as great a chance of dying from her labor as one birthing in an industrialized country. For every mile one travels outward toward the Maryland suburbs from downtown (...)
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    What can Examining the Psychology of Nationalism Tell Us About Our Prospects for Aiming at the Cosmopolitan Vision?Gillian Brock & Quentin D. Atkinson - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (2):165-179.
    Opponents of cosmopolitanism often dismiss the position on the grounds that cosmopolitan proposals are completely unrealistic and that they fly in the face of our human nature. We have deep psychological needs that are satisfied by national identification and so all cosmopolitan projects are doomed, or so it is argued. In this essay we examine the psychological grounds claimed to support the importance of nationalism to our wellbeing. We argue that the alleged human needs that nationalism is said to satisfy (...)
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  25. Cosmopolitan democracy and justice: Held versus Kymlicka.Gillian Brock - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (4):325-347.
    There has been much interest in cosmopolitan models of democracy in recent times. Arguably, the most developed of these is the model articulated by David Held, so it is not surprising that it has received the most attention and criticism. In this paper, I outline Held's model of cosmopolitan democracy and consider the objections Will Kymlicka raises to this account. I argue that Kymlicka's objections do not undermine Held's central claims and that Held's cosmopolitanism remains a very promising model that (...)
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    Introduction.Gillian Brock & Darrel Moellendorf - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):1-9.
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  27. Is Redistribution to Help the Needy Unjust?Gillian Brock - 1995 - Analysis 55 (1):50 - 60.
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    Reply to Critics.Gillian Brock - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Consumer Complicity and Labor Exploitation.Gillian Brock - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):113-125.
    Are consumers in high-income countries complicit in labor exploitation when they buy good produced in sweatshops? To focus attention we consider cases of labor exploitation such as those of exposing workers to very high risks of irreversible diseases, for instance, by failing to provide adequate safety equipment. If I purchase a product made under such conditions, what is my part in this exploitation? Is my contribution one of complicity that is blameworthy? If so, what ought I to do about such (...)
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  30. Cosmopolitanism Versus Noncosmopolitanism.Gillian Brock - 2011 - The Monist 94 (4):455-465.
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    Just Deserts and Needs.Gillian Brock - 1999 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 37 (2):165-188.
    In this paper I argue for there being some deep connections between claims of desert and claims of need, despite the fact that these sorts of claims are frequently pitted against one another. I present an argument to show some conceptual links between desert and needs. Principles underlying why people are thought to be deserving entail principles which commit us to caring about others' needs. I also examine whether we can construct some coherent notion of desert and an argument for (...)
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  32. What do we owe others as a matter of global justice and does national membership matter?Gillian Brock - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (4):433-448.
    David Miller offers us a sophisticated account of how we can reconcile global obligations and duties to co?nationals. In this article I focus on four weaknesses with his account such as the following two. First, there remains considerable unclarity about the strength of the positive duties we have to non?nationals and how these measure up relative to other positive duties, such as the ones Miller believes we have to co?nationals to implement civil, political, or social rights. Second, just how responsibilities (...)
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  33. The global crisis and global health.Stephen Gill, Isabella Bakker, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
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    Are Corporations Morally Defensible?Gillian Brock - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (4):703-721.
    Are corporations morally defensible sorts of entities? How might we go about showing that they are? Thomas Donaldson offers us the most detailed contractarian justification for the moral defensibility of corporations. In this paper I show how we can significantly develop this sort of justification to yield a more compelling contractarian justification, though one that is importantly conditional. The primary points I take up in this paper are these:1. The question Donaldson poses to generate his contract is not quite as (...)
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    Just responses to problems associated with the brain drain: Identity, community, and obligation in an unjust world.Gillian Brock - 2017 - South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (1):156-167.
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    The New Nationalisms.Gillian Brock - 1999 - The Monist 82 (3):367-386.
    Nationalism has been a cause of great misery in the world. In this century alone we have seen a number of hideous forms of nationalism leading to genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced relocations, and civil wars. The violent conflicts between Serbians, Croatians, and Muslims in the former Yugoslavia; the Hutus and the Tutsis in Central Africa; Palestinians and Jews in the Middle East; Afrikaners, Zulus, and Xhosas in Southern Africa; and the Nazis and non-Aryans, are just some of these.
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    What should be done to address losses associated with ‘medical brain drain’?Gillian Brock & Michael Blake - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):558-559.
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  38. The difference principle, equality of opportunity, and cosmopolitan justice.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (3):333-351.
    What kinds of principles of justice should a cosmopolitan support? In recent years some have argued that a cosmopolitan should endorse a Global Difference Principle. It has also been suggested that a cosmopolitan should support a Principle of Global Equality of Opportunity. In this paper I examine how compelling these two suggestions are. I argue against a Global Difference Principle, but for an alternative Needs-Based Minimum Floor Principle (where these are not co-extensive, as I explain). Though I support a negative (...)
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  39. Is there a need for global health ethics? For and against.D. Hunter, A. J. Dawson, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
  40. Gender and global health: inequality and differences.L. Doyal, S. Payne, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
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  41. The health impact fund: how to make new medicines accessible to all.Thomas Pogge, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 241--250.
  42. Values in global health governance.K. A. Stewart, G. T. Keusch, A. Kleinman, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press.
  43. International aid and global health.A. B. Zwi, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 184--197.
  44.  49
    Justice and Needs.Gillian Brock - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (1):81-.
    Justice and Needs -/- Is it somehow a requirement of justice that we meet people's needs? So, for instance, do people in need of certain goods necessary to sustain life deserve help from those not (similarly) in need because this is a requirement of justice? According to two recent arguments (one offered by Wiggins and the other offered by Braybrooke), justice requires that needs be met. Wiggins uses a rights-based argument and Braybrooke deploys an argument which relies pivotally on the (...)
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    Some future directions for global justice.Gillian Brock - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (3):254-260.
    The fields of global ethics and global justice have expanded considerably over the last two decades and they now cover a wide variety of topics. Given this huge range there are many areas that are ripe for important developments. In this commentary I identify some useful directions for promising exploration in the field of global justice. I argue that expanded dialogue networks would considerably enhance work in philosophy and be beneficial to other disciplines as well. I indicate also how we (...)
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    Global justice research: some priorities.Gillian Brock - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):323-329.
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    Global Distributive Justice, Entitlement, and Desert.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 31 (sup1):109-138.
    The facts of global poverty are staggering. Consider, for instance, how 1.5 billion people subsist below the international poverty line, which means about a quarter of the world's current population lives in poverty. There is much talk about how freer markets will help the situation of these people, in particular how it will help the worst off. So far the evidence for this claim is fairly unclear. ‘At any rate, on several accounts, alleviating the worst aspects of poverty would impose (...)
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  48. Poverty, distance and two dimensions of ethics.J. Glover, S. Benatar & G. Brock - 2011 - In Solomon Benatar & Gillian Brock (eds.), Global Health and Global Health Ethics. Cambridge University Press. pp. 311--318.
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    Relevant evidence, reasonable policy and the right to emigrate.Gillian Brock - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (8):568-570.
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    Migration, Open Borders, Human Rights, and Democracy.Gillian Brock - 2022 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (1):1-14.
    Two important recent books on migration and justice argue for different approaches to how we should view borders. Alex Sager defends open borders, while Sarah Song argues for the rights of democratic communities to find their own balance between open and closed borders. While both authors present significant considerations in defence of their views, in this article I argue that a human-rights-oriented account of migration justice captures their strengths well while not sharing the weaknesses I identify with each. In addition, (...)
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