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Frederic B. Fitch [179]Frederic Brenton Fitch [8]
  1.  94
    Symbolic logic.Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1952 - New York,: Ronald Press Co..
  2.  25
    Symbolic Logic.Atwell R. Turquette & Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (4):617.
  3.  99
    (1 other version)Self-reference in philosophy.Frederic B. Fitch - 1946 - Mind 55 (217):64-73.
  4.  48
    (1 other version)An extension of basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (2):95-106.
  5. The problem of the morning star and the evening star.Frederic B. Fitch - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (2):137-141.
    An argument opposing the unrestricted use of quantification in modal logic has been put forward by Quine. Central to this argument are the two phrases, The Morning Star, The Evening Star.One form of the argument is obtained by considering the following two statements: It is necessary that the Morning Star is identical with the Morning Star. It is not necessary that the Evening Star is identical with the Morning Star.
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  6.  56
    Universal Metalanguages for Philosophy.Frederic B. Fitch - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):396 - 402.
    Philosophical ability, so that the principles chosen for formalization are not trivial or absurd.
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  7.  53
    (1 other version)A basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1942 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):105-114.
  8.  41
    Natural Deduction Rules for Obligation.Frederic B. Fitch - 1966 - American Philosophical Quarterly 3 (1):27 - 38.
  9.  33
    The Logical enterprise.Alan Ross Anderson, Ruth Barcan Marcus, Richard Milton Martin & Frederic Brenton Fitch (eds.) - 1975 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Metaphysics and language: Quine, W. V. O. On the individuation of attributes. Körner, S. On some relations between logic and metaphysics. Marcus, R. B. Does the principle of substitutivity rest on a mistake? Van Fraassen, B. C. Platonism's pyrrhic victory. Martin, R. M. On some prepositional relations. Kearns, J. T. Sentences and propositions.--Basic and combinatorial logic: Orgass, R. J. Extended basic logic and ordinal numbers. Curry, H. B. Representation of Markov algorithms by combinators.--Implication and consistency: Anderson, A. R. Fitch on (...)
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  10.  56
    (1 other version)The system cδ of combinatory logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (1):87-97.
  11.  65
    A Goedelized Formulation of the Prediction Paradox.Frederic B. Fitch - 1964 - American Philosophical Quarterly 1 (2):161 - 164.
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  12. A demonstrably consistent mathematics—Part I.Frederic B. Fitch - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):17-24.
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  13. A system of formal logic without an analogue to the Curry W operator.Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1936 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):92-100.
  14.  79
    Natural deduction rules for English.Frederic B. Fitch - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (2):89 - 104.
    A system of natural deduction rules is proposed for an idealized form of English. The rules presuppose a sharp distinction between proper names and such expressions as the c, a (an) c, some c, any c, and every c, where c represents a common noun. These latter expressions are called quantifiers, and other expressions of the form that c or that c itself, are called quantified terms. Introduction and elimination rules are presented for any, every, some, a (an), and the, (...)
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  15.  35
    Propositions as the Only Realities.Frederic B. Fitch - 1971 - American Philosophical Quarterly 8 (1):99 - 103.
  16.  76
    (1 other version)The Heine-borel theorem in extended basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):9-15.
  17. (1 other version)Representations of calculi.Frederic B. Fitch - 1944 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 9 (3):57-62.
  18.  34
    (1 other version)Contrary-to-Duty Imperatives and Deontic Logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):243-244.
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  19.  49
    (1 other version)A further consistent extension of basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):209-218.
  20.  34
    A method for avoiding the Curry paradox.Frederic B. Fitch - 1970 - In Carl G. Hempel, Donald Davidson & Nicholas Rescher (eds.), Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel. pp. 255--265.
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  21. A revision of hohfeld's theory of legal concepts.Frederic B. Fitch - 1967 - Logique Et Analyse 10:269-276.
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  22.  47
    Intuitionistic Modal Logic with Quantifiers.Frederic B. Fitch - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):261-261.
  23.  24
    Attribute and Class.Max Black & Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):205.
  24.  42
    Elements of combinatory logic.Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1974 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
  25.  72
    A correlation between modal reduction principles and properties of relations.Frederic B. Fitch - 1973 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (1):97 - 101.
  26.  57
    A demonstrably consistent mathematics—Part II.Frederic B. Fitch - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):121-124.
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  27.  78
    (1 other version)A minimum calculus for logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1944 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):89-94.
  28. Notice of fellowship and research opportunities in mathematics.Frederic B. Fitch - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (1/4):112.
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  29.  47
    (1 other version)Actuality, Possibility, and Being.Frederic B. Fitch - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 3 (3):367 - 384.
    Metaphysics is self-critical in a way and to an extent not to be found in any other field of study. This is an outcome of its extreme generality. Its subject-matter includes all subject-matters and hence all methodologies. Therefore metaphysics is also concerned with its own methodology. There is no more inclusive or more general study of methodology which might take upon itself the authority to criticize the methodology of metaphysics. Any such study would have to concern itself with all concepts (...)
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  30.  50
    Physical continuity.Frederic B. Fitch - 1936 - Philosophy of Science 3 (4):486-493.
    Mathematical continuity, in the technical sense, is a precisely definable mathematical notion which refers to certain properties of numbers and number sequences. The continuity of the physical world, on the other hand, is rather different from mathematical continuity, since it is a directly experienced attribute of nature and does not require, for being understood, any mathematical theory of properties of numbers.
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  31. Closure and Quine's * 101.Frederic B. Fitch - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):18 - 22.
  32.  23
    Expectancies and Hullian Theory.Frederic B. Fitch - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):145-146.
  33.  15
    (1 other version)Facts, Truth, and Knowledge.Frederic B. Fitch - 1944 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 5:320.
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  34.  73
    A complete and consistent modal set theory.Frederic B. Fitch - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):93-103.
  35.  42
    A consistent combinatory logic with an inverse to equality.Frederic B. Fitch - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (3):529-543.
  36.  13
    A Demonstrably Consistent Mathematics.Frederic B. Fitch - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):268-269.
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  37.  69
    A definition of negation in extended basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):29-36.
  38.  46
    A definition of existence in terms of abstraction and disjunction.Frederic B. Fitch - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):343-344.
  39.  26
    An extensional variety of extended basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):13-21.
  40.  31
    A note on recursive relations.Frederic B. Fitch - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):107.
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  41.  20
    Alan Rose. The m-valued calculus of non-contradiction. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 18 , pp. 237–241.Frederic B. Fitch - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (2):180-181.
  42.  28
    (1 other version)A simplification of basic logic.Frederic B. Fitch - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (4):317-325.
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  43.  69
    (1 other version)Algebraic simplification of redundant sequential circuits.Frederic B. Fitch - 1963 - Synthese 15 (1):155 - 166.
  44. A system of formal logic without an analogue to the Curry W operator..Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1936 - [Menasha, Wis.,:
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  45.  79
    (1 other version)A Theory of Logical Essences.Frederic B. Fitch - 1967 - The Monist 51 (1):104-109.
  46.  9
    Bergmann Gustav. Concerning the definition of classes. Mind, n. s. vol. 60 , pp. 95–96.Frederic B. Fitch - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):141-141.
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  47.  13
    Bohnert Herbert Gaylord. The semiotic status of commands. Philosophy of science, vol. 12 , pp. 302–315.Frederic B. Fitch - 1946 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):98-98.
  48.  20
    Bar-Hillel Yehoshua. Logical syntax and semantics. Language, vol. 30 , pp. 230–237.Frederic B. Fitch - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):290-290.
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  49.  11
    Closure and Quine's $^ast 101$.Frederic B. Fitch - 1941 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (1):18-22.
  50.  42
    Combinatory logic and Whitehead's theory of prehensions.Frederic B. Fitch - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (4):331-335.
    In this paper I wish to reformulate in my own way some parts of Whitehead's theory of prehensions. This reformulation will deviate in various respects from Whitehead's own detailed views and terminology, but the main inspiration is from Whitehead.
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