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Francis Cheneval [69]Francis Https://Orcidorg313X Cheneval [5]
  1. Property rights of personal data and the financing of pensions.Francis Cheneval - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (2):253-275.
    Property rights of personal data have been advocated for some time. From the perspective of economics of law some argued that they could lower transaction costs for contracts involving personal data. This may be the case, but new transaction costs are introduced by propertization and the issue has not been settled. In this paper, I focus on a different and potentially more important aspect. In the actual situation, data collectors externalize costs and internalize benefits. An ownership regime that enables every (...)
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    The government of the peoples: on the idea and principles of multilateral democracy.Francis Cheneval - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Approaching the concept of multilateral democracy -- The transnational dimension of liberal democracy -- Multilateral democracy from a republican point of view -- The conception of the people in multilateral democracy -- The rational case for multilateralism -- Multilateral democracy: the original position -- Principles of multilateral democracy -- Final remarks.
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  3.  15
    The Institutional Design of Referendums: Bottom-Up and Binding.Francis Cheneval & Alice el-Wakil - 2018 - Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft 24 (3):294-304.
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  4. The case for demoicracy in the European Union.Francis Cheneval & Frank Schimmelfennig - 2013 - .
    The debate on the European Union's democratic deficit usually operates within a national-democratic framework of analysis. This article argues for a change in methodology. It follows the thesis that the EU is a ‘demoicracy’– a polity of multiple demoi– and has to be evaluated as such. Core principles of demoicracy are developed and the EU is assessed accordingly. Such an evaluation is not only more adequate, but also provides original insights: it is found that, whereas the constitutional development of the (...)
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    (1 other version)The social construction of demoicracy in the European Union.Francis Cheneval & Kalypso Nicolaidis - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (2):235-260.
    The Eurozone crisis has brought the imperative of democratic autonomy within the EU to the forefront, a concern at the core of demoicratic theory. The article seeks to move the scholarship on demoicratic theory a step further by exploring what we call the social construction of demoicratic reality. While the EU’s legal-institutional infrastructure may imperfectly approximate a demoicratic structure, we need ask to what extent the ‘bare bones’ demoicratic character of a polity can actually be grounded in a full-flesh social (...)
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  6.  18
    Designing Popular Vote Processes to Enhance Democratic Systems.Alice el-Wakil & Francis Cheneval - 2018 - Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft 24 (3):348-358.
    The main aim of this final essay is to draw on the insights gathered in the Debate “Do Referendums Enhance or Threaten Democracy” to inform future normative and empirical discussions about the design of popular vote processes. We first offer some clarifications regarding three of the concerns raised by respondents about our introductory essay. We then propose a systematic classification of the lines of variation along which the design of popular vote processes usually varies. More precisely, we highlight nine lines (...)
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  7.  7
    La cité des peuples: mémoires de cosmopolitismes.Francis Cheneval - 2005 - Paris: Cerf.
    Les nouveaux et nombreux défis de la constellation " postnationale " rendent plus actuelle que jamais une ancienne idée philosophique : le cosmopolitisme. Dans ses variantes modernes, celui-ci pose l'autonomie de l'individu humain comme norme fondamentale de toute construction politique. Le cosmopolitisme représente donc une alternative aussi bien au nationalisme qu'à la théorie normative d'un monde multipolaire de confrontations entre empires. L'ouvrage montre que le cosmopolitisme peut être considéré comme une conséquence des principes de la philosophie politique moderne. Définissant les (...)
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  8. Conservatism: Analytically Reconsidered.Martin Https://Orcidorg Beckstein & Francis Cheneval - 2016 - The Monist 99 (4):333-335.
    This special issue is motivated by the observation that conservatism plays a marginal role in contemporary philosophy even though it appears to be of considerable importance in moral, social, and political reality. One reason for this neglect is that defenders of conservatism have often refrained from articulating their arguments in a language that is acceptable to and understandable by analytically -trained philosophers. The contributions of this special issue show that conservatism can profitably be approached from the point of view of (...)
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  9.  28
    Caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar: EU citizenship, direct democracy and treaty ratification.Francis Cheneval - 2007 - European Law Journal 13 (5):647-663.
    This article argues that obligatory, simultaneous, and simple Treaty ratification by referenda is the next step in the consolidation of the political core of European citizenship. In the first part, general remarks about the special nature of EU citizenship highlight the relevance of referenda on EU Treaties for EU citizenship. In the second part, the normative and empirical case in favour of direct democracy is put forward. It is followed by the assessment of direct democracy in European integration as we (...)
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  10. (2 other versions)An Ethical View on Remittances and Labor Migration.Francis Cheneval & Johan Rochel - 2012 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 5:16-30.
    The present contribution defends that remittances should be taken into account and integrated into an ethical framework on migration. This main thesis is two-fold. First, we argue that if a normative approach to migration is to claim practical relevance, it should integrate remittances as a relevant empirical parameter into an ethical framework. The empirical assessment of the scientific evidence available on remittances therefore proves to be extremely important. Secondly, assuming that remittances have to be taken seriously, we consider their positive (...)
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  11.  29
    Property rights as human rights.Francis Cheneval - unknown
  12. From peace to shared political identities: local, national and multilateral democracy in question: Exploring Pathways in Contemporary Bosnia-Herzegovina.Francis Cheneval & Sylvie Ramel - 2011 - Transitions 51 (1-2).
  13.  41
    Proclus politisé: La réception politique de Proclus au moyen âge tardif.Francis Cheneval - 1996 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 78 (1):11-26.
  14.  25
    Introduction to the Debate: Do Referendums Enhance or Threaten Democracy?Francis Cheneval & Alice el-Wakil - 2018 - Swiss Political Science Review = Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Politikwissenschaft 24 (3):291-293.
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  15. (1 other version)Property-Owning Democracy and the Circumstances of Politics.Francis Cheneval - 2013 - Analyse & Kritik 35 (1):255-269.
    The article argues that Rawls’s property-owning democracy should not be understood as a necessary standard of democratic legitimacy. This position contradicts Rawls’s own understanding to some extent, but a rejoinder with elements of political liberalism is possible. He concedes that justice as fairness is a ‘comprehensive liberal doctrine’ and that a well ordered society affirming such a doctrine ‘contradicts reasonable pluralism’. Rawls makes clear that reasonable pluralism in combination with the burdens of judgment lead to rare unanimity in political life (...)
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  16.  16
    Demoicratic Self-governement in the European Union's Polycentric System.Francis Cheneval, Josephine van Zeben & Ana Bobic - 2019 - In . pp. 51-77.
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    Cultural and minority rights in European integration: promises and pitfalls.Francis Cheneval & Sonja Dänzer - 2013 - In .
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  18.  20
    Philosophische Werke / Über die Beredsamkeit in der Volkssprache I: Lat. /Dt.Dante Alighieri, Francis Cheneval, Ruedi Imbach, Irène Rosier-Catach & Tiziana Suarez-Nani - 2007 - Meiner, F.
    In dieser Schrift begründet Dante die Priorität der Volks- und Muttersprache vor der lateinischen Gelehrtensprache und fordert eine italienische Hochsprache. Er untermauert seine Ausführungen durch eine anthropologische Erörterung der menschlichen Sprachfähigkeit. Dank einer originellen Interpretation des biblischen Mythos vom Turmbau von Babel legt er eine vernünftig begründete Neubewertung der Vielfalt und der historischen Entwicklung der Sprachen vor. Das Problem der Sprache stellt sich im Denken Dantes in zweifacher Weise: als Problem der Sprache der Philosophie und unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Philosophie (...)
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  19.  8
    (3 other versions)Philosophische Werke / Das Gastmahl I-IV. Ital. /Dt.: Erstes Buch.Dante Alighieri, Thomas Ricklin & Francis Cheneval - 1996 - Meiner, F.
    Im ersten Buch des Convivio erläutert und verteidigt Dante sein Vorhaben. Es bietet den Zugang zu den nachfolgenden drei Büchern, in denen er zur inhaltlichen Vorstellung seiner Philosophie fortschreitet.
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  20.  10
    Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie bei G. W. Leibniz.Tilmann Altwicker, Francis Cheneval & Matthias Mahlmann (eds.) - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der Band beleuchtet Leibniz' Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie im Kontext seiner Metaphysik, Logik, Erkenntnistheorie und Moralphilosophie. Auch die Rezeption seiner Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie wird in den Beiträgen reflektiert. Gerade im Hinblick auf die aktuelle Diskussion um die politische Gestaltung Europas und die kosmopolitische Gestaltung der Globalisierung verdient seine Philosophie Aufmerksamkeit - nicht zuletzt auch auf Grund interner Spannungen, die das politische Selbstverständnis Europas bis heute kennzeichnen.
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  21. Actes du IXe Congrès international de Philosophie Médiévale, Ottawa, 17-22 août.Francis Cheneval, B. Carlos Bazan, Eduardo Andujar & Leonard G. Sbrocchi (eds.) - 1995
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  22. Applied legal philosophy.Francis Cheneval, Samantha Besson & Jose Luis Martí (eds.) - 2006
  23.  27
    Auseinandersetzungen um die civitas maxima in der Nachfolge Christian Wolffs.Francis Cheneval - 2001 - Studia Leibnitiana 33 (2):125 - 144.
    This article studies the reception of Christian Wolff's theory of the civitas maxima by Hermann Friedrich Kahrel (1719-1787) and Michael Hanov (1695-1773). According to his previous work mentioned in the article (n. 2), the author considers the concept of civitas maxima as a methodological innovation. It is the normative fiction of a presumed rational consensus of mankind and of the states. As the article tries to show, this concept was misunderstood, not only by the enemies of Wolff but also by (...)
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  24. Über die projektive Selbstimplikation der Geschichts-philosophie als Hermeneutik politischen Handelns Überlegungen zu Kant.Francis Cheneval - 2001 - Studia Philosophica 60:127-141.
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  25. Bibliographie zu Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1995 - 1997, mit einer kurzen Einführung.Francis Cheneval - 1999 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 46 (1/2):263-285.
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    Cosmopolitanism, endless history, and game theory.Francis Cheneval - unknown
    This paper assesses the theory, first voiced by Schelling and Kant, according to which an infinite historical process will lead to cosmopolitan institutions.The assessment will mainly be done on the basis of theories about infinitely repeated games. The first part of the paper reconstructs “infinitesimal” historical cosmopolitanism as proposed by Schelling and Kant. The second part confronts this position with the results of the theory of infinitely repeated games among groups. The third part offers reflections on additional conditions and contingencies (...)
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  27. Cheneval, Francis (1995). Dante’s monarchia: aspects of its history of reception in the 14th century. In: Bazan, B Carlos; Andujar, Eduardo; Sbrocchi, Leonardo G. Les philosophies morales et politiques au moyen âge / Moral and Political Philosophies in th.Francis Cheneval, B. Carlos Bazan, Eduardo Andujar & Leonardo G. Sbrocchi (eds.) - 1995
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  28. Cheneval, Francis (2010). Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual. In: Lacroix, Justine; Nicolaidis, Kalypso. European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.Francis Cheneval, Justine Lacroix & Kalypso Nicolaidis (eds.) - 2010
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  29. Cheneval, Francis (2009). Multilateral Dimensions of Republican Thought. In: Besson, Samantha; Marti, José Luis. Republicanism and the Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 238-255.Francis Cheneval, Samantha Besson & José Luis Marti (eds.) - 2009
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    Citizenship in segmented societies : lessons for the EU.Francis Cheneval & Mónica Ferrín (eds.) - 2018 - Edward Elgar Publishing.
    European Union citizenship is increasingly relevant in the context of both the refugee crisis and Brexit, yet the issue of citizenship is neither new nor unique to the EU. Using historical, political and sociological perspectives, the authors explore varied experiences of combining multiple identities into a single sense of citizenship.Cases are taken from Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey to assess the various experiences of communities being incorporated into one entity. The studies show that the EU has a (...)
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    Constitutionalizing multilateral democratic integration.Francis Cheneval - unknown
  32. Conclusion.Francis Cheneval & Mónica Ferrín - 2018 - In . pp. 189-192.
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    Constituting the dêmoi democratically.Francis Cheneval - unknown
    The original constitution of the dêmos by democratic means is a fundamental problem for normative democratic theory. In this paper, I make an assessment of different solutions to the dêmos problem that have been presented in recent literature. I find that none of them is adequate, and thus hold that the dêmos problem remains unresolved. At the end of the paper, I propose a constellation in which multiple dêmoi are thought to be constituted at the same time. I show that (...)
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  34.  97
    Demoicracy. The democracy of democracies.Francis Cheneval - 2013 - In .
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  35.  35
    Der kosmopolitische Republikanismus: Erläutert am Beispiel Anacharsis Cloots'.Francis Cheneval - 2004 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 58 (3):373 - 396.
    Der Artikel erläutert mit dem kosmopolitischen Republikanismus einen Aspekt, der in der nationalstaatlich fixierten und meist euroskeptischen Republikanismus-Forschung vernachlässigt worden ist, aber in der frühen Phase der Französischen Revolution eine wichtige Rolle spielte. In der Perspektive des hier vorliegenden Artikels erscheint der revolutionäre Republikanismus zumindest in seinen Anfängen nicht als Inbegriff nationalstaatlich gehegter Demokratie und Autonomie, sondern als kosmopolitische oder zumindest Europa einigende Idee. Das Beispiel von Cloots zeigt, dass der Republikanismus in jener Zeit des Umbruchs und am historischen Ursprung (...)
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  36.  14
    Die kosmopolitische Transgressivität der modernen Demokratie.Francis Cheneval - 2003 - In Georg Kohler & Urs Marti (eds.), Konturen der Neuen Weltordnung: Beiträge Zu Einer Theorie der Normativen Prinzipien Internationaler Politik. De Gruyter. pp. 102-119.
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    (1 other version)Dante's monarchia: aspects of its history of reception in the 14th century.Francis Cheneval, B. Carlos Bazan, Eduardo Andujar & Leonard G. Sbrocchi - 1995 - In Francis Cheneval, B. Carlos Bazan, Eduardo Andujar & Leonard G. Sbrocchi (eds.), Actes du IXe Congrès international de Philosophie Médiévale, Ottawa, 17-22 août. pp. 1474-1485.
  38. "die Philologen Bringen Aber Den Verstand Nicht Weiter." Von Der Notwendigkeit Und Nützlichkeit Des Kant-indexes.Francis Cheneval - 1996 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 43 (1/2):171-178.
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  39.  36
    Empowering the poor through property rights.Francis Cheneval - 2008 - In .
  40.  6
    Globalisierung – Hat sich der Nationalstaat überlebt?Francis Cheneval - 2014 - In Zentrum für Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit (ed.), Herausforderungen für die Politik und die Ethik: Moral - Terror - Globalisierung - Demokratie. transcript Verlag. pp. 53-66.
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  41.  2
    Introduction.Francis Cheneval & Mónica Ferrín - 2018 - In . pp. 1-9.
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    (1 other version)Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual.Francis Cheneval, Justine Lacroix & Kalypso Nicolaidis - 2010 - In . pp. 31-49.
    European Stories is the first book of its kind in any European language. Its authors explore the many different ways 'public intellectuals' have debated Europe - the EU and its periphery - within distinct epistemological, disciplinary, ideological and above all national traditions. The chapters focus on the post-1989 era but with a view to the long history of the 'European idea' and its variants across the continent. To what extent such ideas frame the attitude of European publics is left open. (...)
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  43.  62
    La réception de la “monarchie” de Dante ou Les métamorphoses d'une uvre philosophique.Francis Cheneval - 1996 - Vivarium 34 (2):254-267.
  44.  23
    (2 other versions)Multilateral Dimensions of Republican Thought.Francis Cheneval - 2009 - In Samantha Besson & José Luis Martí (eds.), Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  45. Multilateral democracy: The "original position".Francis Cheneval - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (1):42–61.
  46.  45
    Mind the Gap.Francis Cheneval - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):263-267.
    Globalization stands for systemic integration, mainly economical and technological. It is related to the expansion of the free market economy, trade, and the global integration of systems of communication and information technology. As such, globalization co-exists with strong cultural affirmations of individual and collective difference and with political fragmentation. Cosmopolitanism needs to take into consideration cultural and political conditions of human existence. The cosmopolitan imperative to form a political community beyond the nation state is a process-guiding principle or regulative ideal, (...)
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  47.  40
    Switzerland as a Model for the EU.Francis Cheneval & Mónica Ferrín - 2018 - In . pp. 10-39.
    This chapter compares the institutional setting and integrations processes in Switzerland and the EU. The major findings are that EU integration is trying to achieve more political integration and accommodation of a much higher degree of diversity in much less time than has ever been the case in Switzerland. Integration and expansion processes that were slower and non-linear in Switzerland and that happened in separate phases (e.g. religious diversification, linguistic diversification, territorial expansion, etc.) are all going on at the same (...)
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  48. Steven V. Hicks, international law and the possibility of a just world order. An essay on Hegel's universalism.Francis Cheneval - 2000 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 3 (4):457-459.
  49.  81
    Toward a normative theory of multilateral democracy: the original position and the principles.Francis Cheneval - unknown
    The normative theory of multilateral democratic integration starts within the context of liberal peoples engaged in the common realization of rights, freedoms, and life chances for their citizens while seeking to preserve self-government and popular sovereignty. The point argued in the paper is that the fair terms of multilateral democratic integration must be determined by an integrated original position of citizen and people representatives choosing basic principles of liberal multilateralism. The proposal to merge the two Rawlsian original positions offers a (...)
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  50.  71
    The Hobbesian case for multilateralism.Francis Cheneval - 2007 - .
    In this paper an analysis of Hobbes' argument in favor of the Leviathan is combined with a reassessment in a new security environment. The analysis shows that Hobbes' premises are complex and lead to conclusions that differ from the realist as well as from the world-state position, both attributed to Hobbesian logic in IR theory. A strict application of the Hobbesian argument in today's security context leads to a rationale of multilateral institution-building among states. In the first part of the (...)
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