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  1.  73
    Clash of definitions: Controversies about conscience in medicine.Ryan E. Lawrence & Farr A. Curlin - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (12):10 – 14.
    What role should the physician's conscience play in the practice of medicine? Much controversy has surrounded the question, yet little attention has been paid to the possibility that disputants are operating with contrasting definitions of the conscience. To illustrate this divergence, we contrast definitions stemming from Abrahamic religions and those stemming from secular moral tradition. Clear differences emerge regarding what the term conscience conveys, how the conscience should be informed, and what the consequences are for violating one's conscience. Importantly, these (...)
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    Responding Wisely to Persistent Pain: Insights from Patristic Theology and Clinical Experience.Farr A. Curlin - 2023 - Christian Bioethics 29 (3):196-206.
    For most of the past generation, clinicians have been taught to treat patients' pain until the patient says it is relieved. The opioid crisis has forced both clinicians and patients to reconsider that approach. This essay considers how Christians in particular might assume and seek to overcome their experiences of persistent pain. Wise and faithful responses to pain, especially chronic pain, can take their bearings from how early Christians made sense of the place of both medicine and suffering in a (...)
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  3.  19
    The way of medicine: ethics and the healing profession.Farr A. Curlin - 2021 - Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. Edited by Christopher Tollefsen.
    Today's medicine is spiritually deflated and morally adrift; this book explains why and offers an ethical framework to renew and guide practitioners in fulfilling their profession to heal. What is medicine and what is it for? What does it mean to be a good doctor? Answers to these questions are essential both to the practice of medicine and to understanding the moral norms that shape that practice. The Way of Medicine articulates and defends an account of medicine and medical ethics (...)
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    “Just do your job”: technology, bureaucracy, and the eclipse of conscience in contemporary medicine.Jacob A. Blythe & Farr A. Curlin - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (6):431-452.
    Market metaphors have come to dominate discourse on medical practice. In this essay, we revisit Peter Berger and colleagues’ analysis of modernization in their book The Homeless Mind and place that analysis in conversation with Max Weber’s 1917 lecture “Science as a Vocation” to argue that the rise of market metaphors betokens the carry-over to medical practice of various features from the institutions of technological production and bureaucratic administration. We refer to this carry-over as the product presumption. The product presumption (...)
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  5.  23
    Solidarity, Trust, and Christian Faith in the Doctor–Patient Relationship.Christopher Tollefsen & Farr A. Curlin - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (1):14-29.
    In this article, we first give a normative account of the doctor–patient relationship as: oriented to the good of the patient’s health; motivated by a vocational commitment; and characterized by solidarity and trust. We then look at the difference that Christianity can, and we believe, should, make to that relationship, so understood. In doing so, we consolidate and expand upon some claims we have made in a forthcoming book, Ethics and the Healing Profession (Curlin and Tollefsen, 2021).1.
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  6.  45
    What Does Any of This Have to Do With Being a Physician? Kierkegaardian Irony and the Practice of Medicine.Farr A. Curlin - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (1):62-79.
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  7. Should Pediatric Patients Be Prioritized When Rationing Life-Saving Treatments During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ryan M. Antiel, Farr A. Curlin, Govind Persad, Douglas B. White, Cathy Zhang, Aaron Glickman, Ezekiel J. Emanuel & John Lantos - 2020 - Pediatrics 146 (3):e2020012542.
    Coronavirus disease 2019 can lead to respiratory failure. Some patients require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support. During the current pandemic, health care resources in some cities have been overwhelmed, and doctors have faced complex decisions about resource allocation. We present a case in which a pediatric hospital caring for both children and adults seeks to establish guidelines for the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation if there are not enough resources to treat every patient. Experts in critical care, end-of-life care, bioethics, and (...)
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    Palliative sedation: clinical context and ethical questions.Farr A. Curlin - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (3):197-209.
    Practitioners of palliative medicine frequently encounter patients suffering distress caused by uncontrolled pain or other symptoms. To relieve such distress, palliative medicine clinicians often use measures that result in sedation of the patient. Often such sedation is experienced as a loss by patients and their family members, but sometimes such sedation is sought as the desired outcome. Peace is wanted. Comfort is needed. Sedation appears to bring both. Yet to be sedated is to be cut off existentially from human experience, (...)
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  9.  87
    Conflict and emotional exhaustion in obstetrician-gynaecologists: a national survey.John D. Yoon, Kenneth A. Rasinski & Farr A. Curlin - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):731-735.
    Context Conflicts over treatment decisions have been linked to physicians' emotional states. Objective To measure the prevalence of emotional exhaustion and conflicts over treatment decisions among US obstetrician/gynaecologists (ob/gyns), and to examine the relationship between the two and the physician characteristics that predict each. Methods Mailed survey of a stratified random sample of 1800 US ob/gyn physicians. Criterion variables were levels of emotional exhaustion and frequency of conflict with colleagues and patients. Predictors included physicians' religious characteristics and self-perceived empathy. Results (...)
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  10.  31
    Conscience and the Way of Medicine.Farr A. Curlin & Christopher O. Tollefsen - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (3):560-575.
    Doctors often refuse patients' REQUESTS, even when patients request interventions that are legal and permitted by the medical profession. This is a fact about the practice of medicine so familiar that it is easy to overlook.Doctors' refusals are neither new nor infrequent, and only a small minority occasion any controversy. Surgeons refuse to operate when they believe a surgery is unlikely to succeed. Physicians refuse medications when they believe the medications are unlikely to be helpful. Clinicians refuse requested interventions because (...)
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  11.  42
    Caution: Conscience is the limb on which medical ethics sits.Farr A. Curlin - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (6):30 – 32.
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    Conscience and clinical practice: Medical ethics in the face of moral controversy.Farr A. Curlin - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (3):129-133.
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  13.  31
    Medicine against Suicide: Sustaining Solidarity with Those Diminished by Illness and Debility.Farr A. Curlin & Christopher Tollefsen - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (3):250-263.
    The medical profession’s increasing acceptance of “physician aid-in-dying” indicates the ascendancy of what we call the provider-of-services model for medicine, in which medical “providers” offer services to help patients maximize their “well-being” according to the wishes of the patient. This model contrasts with and contradicts what we call the Way of Medicine, in which medicine is a moral practice oriented to the patient’s health. A steadfast refusal intentionally to harm or kill is a touchstone of the Way of Medicine, one (...)
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  14.  19
    The Power of Proximity: Toward an Ethic of Accompaniment in Surgical Care.C. Phifer Nicholson, Monica H. Bodd, Ellery Sarosi, Martha C. Carlough, M. Therese Lysaught & Farr A. Curlin - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (2):12-21.
    Although the field of surgical ethics focuses primarily on informed consent, surgical decision‐making, and research ethics, some surgeons have started to consider ethical questions regarding justice and solidarity with poor and minoritized populations. To date, those calling for social justice in surgical care have emphasized increased diversity within the ranks of the surgical profession. This article, in contrast, foregrounds the agency of those most affected by injustice by bringing to bear an ethic of accompaniment. The ethic of accompaniment is born (...)
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  15.  43
    Response to Commentators on "Clash of Definitions: Controversies about Conscience in Medicine".Ryan E. Lawrence & Farr A. Curlin - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (12):1-2.
    What role should the physician's conscience play in the practice of medicine? Much controversy has surrounded the question, yet little attention has been paid to the possibility that disputants are operating with contrasting definitions of the conscience. To illustrate this divergence, we contrast definitions stemming from Abrahamic religions and those stemming from secular moral tradition. Clear differences emerge regarding what the term conscience conveys, how the conscience should be informed, and what the consequences are for violating one's conscience. Importantly, these (...)
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  16.  25
    Setting Medicine in the Context of a Faithful Christian Life.Farr A. Curlin & Keith G. Meador - 2016 - Christian Bioethics 22 (1):1-4.
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  17.  53
    Attitudes of paediatric and obstetric specialists towards prenatal surgery for lethal and non-lethal conditions.Ryan M. Antiel, Farr A. Curlin, John D. Lantos, Christopher A. Collura, Alan W. Flake, Mark P. Johnson, Natalie E. Rintoul, Stephen D. Brown & Chris Feudtner - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics:medethics-2017-104377.
    Background While prenatal surgery historically was performed exclusively for lethal conditions, today intrauterine surgery is also performed to decrease postnatal disabilities for non-lethal conditions. We sought to describe physicians' attitudes about prenatal surgery for lethal and non-lethal conditions and to elucidate characteristics associated with these attitudes. Methods Survey of 1200 paediatric surgeons, neonatologists and maternal–fetal medicine specialists. Results Of 1176 eligible physicians, 670 responded. In the setting of a lethal condition for which prenatal surgery would likely result in the child (...)
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  18.  91
    The moral psychology of rationing among physicians: the role of harm and fairness intuitions in physician objections to cost-effectiveness and cost-containment.Ryan M. Antiel, Farr A. Curlin, Katherine M. James & Jon C. Tilburt - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:13.
    Physicians vary in their moral judgments about health care costs. Social intuitionism posits that moral judgments arise from gut instincts, called “moral foundations.” The objective of this study was to determine if “harm” and “fairness” intuitions can explain physicians’ judgments about cost-containment in U.S. health care and using cost-effectiveness data in practice, as well as the relative importance of those intuitions compared to “purity”, “authority” and “ingroup” in cost-related judgments.
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    US primary care physicians’ opinions about conscientious refusal: a national vignette experiment.Simon G. Brauer, John D. Yoon & Farr A. Curlin - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (2):80-84.
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  20.  46
    Predictors of hospitalised patients' preferences for physician-directed medical decision-making.Grace S. Chung, Ryan E. Lawrence, Farr A. Curlin, Vineet Arora & David O. Meltzer - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):77-82.
    Background Although medical ethicists and educators emphasise patient-centred decision-making, previous studies suggest that patients often prefer their doctors to make the clinical decisions. Objective To examine the associations between a preference for physician-directed decision-making and patient health status and sociodemographic characteristics. Methods Sociodemographic and clinical information from all consenting general internal medicine patients at the University of Chicago Medical Center were examined. The primary objectives were to (1) assess the extent to which patients prefer an active role in clinical decision-making, (...)
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  21.  46
    By intuitions differently formed: How physicians assess and respond to spiritual issues in the clinical encounter.Farr A. Curlin & Chad J. Roach - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7):19 – 20.
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  22.  21
    Editors' Introduction: Examining Deeper Questions Posed by Disputes About Conscience in Medicine.Farr A. Curlin & Kevin Powell - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (3):379-382.
    Over the past decade, scores of articles have been published debating whether and when it is ethical for physicians to refuse requests from patients for legal, professionally permitted interventions. Numerous voices have condemned "conscientious refusals" for obstructing patients' access to needed and "standard" health-care services, for imposing physicians' personal ideologies on patients, and for contradicting physicians' professional ethical obligations. Conversely, other voices argue that conscientious refusals are essential for maintaining the integrity of clinicians as moral agents, for assuring the renown (...)
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  23.  23
    Holy Transgressions: Breaching the Wall between Public Religion and Patient Care.Farr A. Curlin - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):221-226.
    The stories in this collection can be described as stories of transgression. The writers have learned that public expressions of religious faith or reasoning are to be kept separate from the practices of caring for patients. Mixing the two is dangerous. Yet, as the stories indicate, many health practitioners cannot help themselves: their religion comes through, shaping their encounters with patients in all manner of ways. Religion comes through not as a distraction from medicine but as integral to their efforts (...)
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  24.  9
    In This Issue.Farr A. Curlin & Daniel P. Sulmasy - 2021 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 21 (3):369-373.
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    Of More than One Mind: Obstetrician-Gynecologists’ Approaches to Morally Controversial Decisions in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare.Farr A. Curlin, Shira N. Dinner & Stacy Tessler Lindau - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (1):11-21.
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    Misplaced flexibility: Revise policies but Cling to principles.Ryan E. Lawrence & Farr A. Curlin - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (4):36 – 37.
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    Taking societal cost into clinical consideration: U.S. physicians’ views.Alissa R. Stavig, Hyo Jung Tak, John D. Yoon & Farr A. Curlin - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):173-180.
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