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Eudaldo Forment [26]Eudaldo tr Forment [1]
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    Neoescolástica y 98. Otra "lectura" de la crisis de fin de siglo.Eudaldo Forment - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico:109-146.
    In the end of XIX century, the Spanish neon-scholastic mainly in her ethical-social and political direction, came near to the main problems of this time. This paper analyze the thought of Catalan priest Torras i Bages and his contribution with his regionalistic doctrine inspired by neon-tomismo, to the configuration of the traditional and catholic catalanism of beginnings of century XX.
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    Balmes y el criterio para filosofar.Eudaldo Forment - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (3):531-560.
    The method of philosophizing is connected with all the man phaculties. As well with the truth, which is captivated three ways: the conscience, the evidence and the “common sense”. The objective affirmation of the truth has five dangers: fanaticism, intolerance, lack of dialogie, rumination and twisting of thought. To achieve the truth involves defeating three obstacles: passions, selfishness and laziness. Balmes propose three ways to blat them: thinking, humbleness and strength of will. So the mishod requires understanding will and sentiment.
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  3. Crisis y retorno de la metafísica.Eudaldo Forment - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:67-91.
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  4. El humanismo gnóstico.Eudaldo Forment - 1988 - Studium 28 (3):485-510.
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  5. El legado agustiniano y la modernidad.Eudaldo Forment - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (115-16):219-267.
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  6. Estatuto ontológico del embrión.Eudaldo Forment - 2002 - Espíritu 51 (126):257-270.
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  7. El personalismo de Santo Tomás.Eudaldo Forment - 1990 - Sapientia 45 (178):277-294.
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    El problema del cogito en san Agustín.Eudaldo Forment - 1989 - Augustinus 34 (133-134):7-30.
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  9. El valor de ser persona en el nuevo humanismo.Eudaldo Forment - 2002 - Humanitas 29:113.
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    Filosofía de la muerte, según san Agustín.Eudaldo Forment - 1994 - Augustinus 39 (152-155):219-240.
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    La sistematización de Santo Tomás de los trascendentales.Eudaldo Forment - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1.
    RESUMENEn este trabajo se glosa la conocida exposición tomista de los trascendentales en De veritate I, 1, y se matizan las posiciones del aquinate en referencia a distintos desarrollos de su pensamiento.PALABRAS CLAVETRASCENDENTALES – SANTO TOMAS DE AQUINOABSTRACTThe paper comments the famous Thomistic exposition of transcedentals in De veritate I, 1, by discussing Aquina’s ideas as regards some of their notes.KEYWORDSTRANSCENDENTALS – AQUINAS.
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  12. La trascendentalidad de la persona.Eudaldo Forment - 2002 - Espíritu 51 (125):27-36.
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  13. Ontología del conocimiento y fundamentación de la metafísica.Eudaldo Forment - 1991 - Studium 31 (1):129-147.
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    Presentación.Eudaldo Forment - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:5.
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  15. Verdad y libertad.Eudaldo Forment - 2000 - Espíritu 49 (122):173-195.
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