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  1.  36
    The Categorial Structure of the World.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1991 - Noûs 25 (5):726-728.
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    Time and Order.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2016 - Manuscrito 39 (4):157-168.
    ABSTRACT An ontological analysis of time and of serial order is offered within the framework of a comprehensive ontology wherein the category of facts plays a crucial role. It is applied to distinguish them while various ways and contexts in which both have been mixed up in past and in present philosophy are discussed. The good reasons for that mix-up and the astonishing difficulty of keeping them apart are considered. The focus is more on the ontology of order than on (...)
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    Ontological Categories.Javier Cumpa & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    This volume is about ontological categories. The categories of an ontology are designed to classify all existents. They are crucial and characterize an ontology.
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    Ontology of Time and Hyperdynamism.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (2):185-198.
  5.  26
    Parmenides’ Problem of Becoming and Its Solution.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1999 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 2 (1):51-65.
    Parmenides advances four arguments against becoming. Two of these are sound. Plato's and Aristotle's attempt to refute them fail. They react to Parmenides' challenge by differentiating and grading being and existence. Thus they deviate from Parmenides' strict concept of existence which is the only reasonable one. What's wrong with Parmenides' train of thought is a decisive premise: that becoming is a transition from non-existence to existence. The reality of becoming can be maintained if this premise is given up. One has (...)
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    Jon Robson: A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Time.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2017 - Metaphysica 18 (2).
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  7. Exemplification and Universal Realism.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2013 - Axiomathes 23 (2):261-267.
    The relation between universal and particular is considered to be the Achilles’ heel of universal realism. However, modern universal realism with facts does not have the difficulties which traditional Platonic universal realism had. Its exemplification relation connecting particulars and universals in atomic facts is very different from Platonic participation. Bradley’s regress argument against the exemplification relation can be refuted in two different ways. Nevertheless, there are good reasons to avoid the assumption of an exemplification relation and thus to go without (...)
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    Three Flawed Distinctions in the Philosophy of Time.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2007 - Metaphysica 8 (1):53-59.
    The distinctions between A-series and B-series, between synchronic and diachronic identity and between perdurance and endurance are basic in the philosophy of time; yet they are flawed. McTaggart’s claim that the B-series is static and that a series has to be changing to be really temporal arises from a misunderstanding of temporal relations and of the task of ontological analysis. The dynamic appearance of the A-series results from the incompleteness of the analysis. “Synchronic identity” is synonymous with “strict identity”, which (...)
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    Events as Facts.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 76:219-228.
  10.  34
    Bergmann’s universal realism: With and without fundamental tie.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):121-130.
    Bergmann advocated a universal realism different from that of Plato. His universals are different, and the fundamental tie connecting universals to particulars is also in many respects different from Plato's participation. Since Bergmann takes universals to be perceptible, it makes sense to argue empirically for the existence of the fundamental tie of exemplification. He holds that exemplification ties universals and particulars together into facts. However, finally he drops fundamental ties and attributes to diads of diversity the togetherness of universals and (...)
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    Diversity.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1995 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 3:175-183.
    Diversity, more often called numerical difference, is all-embracing and ubiquitous. Any entity (existent) of whatever category is diverse from any entity else. Diversity is also ontologically primary. All determinations depend upon it. Therefore, it is mistaken to define diversity as qualitative difference. Such a defintion is circular since qualitative difference is nothing but diversity of properties. This may be called into question by someone who conceives of qualitative difference in terms of negation.
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    Intentionality is not representation.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2005 - Metaphysica 6 (1):77-84.
  13.  23
    Phenomenological Realism Versus Scientific Realism: Reinhardt Grossmann - David M. Armstrong Metaphysical Correspondence.Javier Cumpa & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    The two eminent metaphysicians Armstrong and Grossmann exchanged letters for ten years in which they discussed crucial points of their respective ontologies. They have a common basis. Both do metaphysics proper and not linguistic philosophy. Both advocate universals and acknowledge the key position of the category of states of affairs. However, they differ on the simplicity of universals and the nature of states of affairs. There is also a fundamental methodological disagreement between them. Armstrong accepts only the evidence of natural (...)
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    Editors’ foreword.Valerio Buonomo & Erwin Tegtmeier - 2018 - American Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):111-112.
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    Ontology and Analysis: Essays and Recollection about Gustav Bergmann.Laird Addis, Greg Jesson & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.) - 2007 - De Gruyter.
    Gustav Bergmann was, arguably, the greatest ontologist of the twentieth century in pursuing the fundamental questions of first philosophy as deeply as any philosopher of any time. In 2006 and 2007, international conferences devoted solely to Bergmann's work were held at the University of Iowa in the USA, Université de Provence in France, and Università degli Studi Roma Tre in Italy. The papers in this volume were presented at the first of these conferences, in Iowa City, where Bergmann taught for (...)
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    Neue Ontologie und Metaphysik.Rafael Hüntelmann & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.) - 2000 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
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    Afterword: Read Bergmann!Erwin Tegtmeier - 2007 - In Laird Addis, Greg Jesson & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.), Ontology and Analysis: Essays and Recollection about Gustav Bergmann. De Gruyter. pp. 299-302.
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    (1 other version)Bergmann on Brentano.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2009 - In Langlet B. Monnoyer J.-M. (ed.), Gustav Bergmann : Phenomenological Realism and Dialectical Ontology. Ontos Verlag. pp. 29--7.
  19. Che cosa c'è di sbagliato nellapproccio all'intenzionalità basato sulla teoria della misura?Erwin Tegtmeier - 2004 - Rivista di Estetica 44 (27):215-222.
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    Complexes, Nexus, and Functions the Middle and the Late Bergmann.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2008 - In Guido Bonino & Rosaria Egidi (eds.), Fostering the Ontological Turn: Gustav Bergmann (1906-1987). Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 99-108.
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    Categorías y subcategorias.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico 47 (2):395-411.
    El artículo discute el papel tanto de las categorías supremas como el de las subcategorías a partir de la tradicional distinción aristotélica entre una división mínima y una división máxima del ente. Señala que para determinar las categorías son necesarias las propiedades categoriales. Se argumenta que un existente no puede poseer dos propiedades esenciales de tipo categorial, mientras que solo las subcategorías más bajas en la escala poseen propiedades categoriales simples. Se señala, además, que las categorías y las subcategorías se (...)
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    David Armstrong: Sketch for a Systematic Metaphysics.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2014 - Metaphysica 15 (2).
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  23. Das eigentliche Problem der Intentionalität.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (4):497.
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    Dragan Jakovljević: Das Selbstvertrauen der Vernunft und die sokratische Methodik.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2022 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 75 (2):107-110.
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  25. Direction of time.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2008 - In L. Nathan Oaklander (ed.), The philosophy of time. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--246.
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    Die Zeitlosigkeit der Existenz und das Vergehen der Zeit.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2019 - In Andreas Luckner & Sebastian Ostritsch (eds.), Philosophie der Existenz: Aktuelle Beiträge von der Ontologie Bis Zur Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 141-150.
    In diesem Beitrag wird versucht, die ethische Dimension des Existenzbegriffs, wie sie mit dem Ausdruck ‚authentisch sein‘ angesprochen wird, näher zu bestimmen. Während in Bezug auf Artefakte Authentizität gemeinhin als Echtheit hinsichtlich einer feststellbaren Autorschaft konzipiert wird, erweist sich die Authentizität von Personen und ihren Handlungsweisen als Ergebnis eines zusätzlichen eigenständigen Aktes der Aneignung. Personale Authentizität zeigt sich damit als Ausdrucksform real existierender Autonomie.
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    Epistemological Realism, Representation, and Intentionality.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2017 - In Katharina Neges, Josef Mitterer, Sebastian Kletzl & Christian Kanzian (eds.), Realism - Relativism - Constructivism: Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 129-136.
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    Facts and Connectors.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2009 - In Maria Elisabeth Reicher (ed.), States of Affairs. Heusenstamm: Ontos. pp. 71-82.
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    Grossmann’s Descriptions and Castañeda’s Guises.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2014 - In Adriano Palma (ed.), Castañeda and His Guises: Essays on the Work of Hector-Neri Castañeda. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 151-160.
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  30.  69
    Hartmann's general ontology.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2001 - Axiomathes 12 (3):217-225.
  31. Individuation, Identity, and Sameness. A Comparison of Aristotle and Brentano.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1988 - Topoi 2:117-126.
  32.  78
    Meixner über Parmenides.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1996 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 51 (1):253-257.
  33.  94
    Meinong’s Complexes.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2000 - The Monist 83 (1):89-100.
    In his book Realism, dedicated to the “The Glorious Memory of Alexius Meinong” and devoted to complexity, Gustav Bergmann claims that in Meinong’s ontology there are no complexes. Bergmann judges Meinong’s solution of the ontological problem of complexity, a problem he considers pivotal, to have failed. How can he, nevertheless, praise Meinong, which he does not only in the dedication? This is because Bergmann thinks that Meinong comes very close to the right ontological analysis of complexes which was a rare (...)
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    Meinong on Measurement.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1996 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 52 (1):161-171.
    Meinong's realist theory of measurement is brought up against the presently dominating positivist and operationalist view. His criticism of 19th century positivist analysis of measurement (J. v. Kries) turns out to be pertinent to modern model-theoretic analysis (Suppes and Zinnes). Meinong's ontology of quantities as well as his view of associative and derived measurement is confronted with the operational analysis. The positivist cannot make sense of measurement error and tries to push it aside. In Meinong's view it is pivotal. This (...)
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    Meinong’s Realist Analysis of Perception.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2019 - In Arnaud Dewalque & Venanzio Raspa (eds.), Psychological Themes in the School of Alexius Meinong. De Gruyter. pp. 161-168.
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    Mein Weg zu und mit Hans Albert.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco (ed.), Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 341-343.
    Ich bin ein Überläufer gewesen, von Habermas zu Albert. Damals gab es doch die Front im sogenannten Positivismusstreit: Adorno gegen Popper und Habermas gegen Albert. Die Angreifer saßen tatsächlich in Frankfurt.
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    Ontologische Analyse der temporalen Indexikalität.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2011 - In Gerhard Schönrich & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.), Persistenz – Indexikalität – Zeit­erfahrung. Ontos. pp. 283-298.
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    Ontologie (Alber Texte Philosophie).Erwin Tegtmeier (ed.) - 2000 - Alber.
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    Object-theoretic foundations of logic.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2005 - In Alfred Schramm (ed.), Meinongian Issues in Contemporary Italian Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 297-308.
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    Particulars and Other Categories.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2015 - The Monist 98 (3):344-351.
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    Parmenides – Begründer der Substanzphilosophie.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2008 - In Holger Gutschmidt, Antonella Lang-Balestra & Gianluigi Segalerba (eds.), Substantia - Sic Et Non: Eine Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike Bis Zu Gegenwart in Einzelbeitrã¤Gen. Ontos Verlag. pp. 9-16.
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    Persistence.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2007 - In Christian Kanzian (ed.), Persistence. Ontos. pp. 185-197.
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    Realism and Intentionality.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa (eds.), Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 247-264.
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    Substances, Facts and the Problem of Complexity.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (5):659-668.
    ABSTRACTAristotle submits to Parmenides’ criterion of simplicity and he tries to cope with the phenomena of complexity by grading ontological status. He lowers the ontological status of accidents because of their dependence using another of Parmenides’ criteria, namely that of independence. Later Aristotle introduced potentiality to keep a simple substance by allowing for implicit complexity. He also prevented first matter from disturbing the simplicity of substance by denying it any ontological status. In the fourteenth century a really simple substance was (...)
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    Studies in the Philosophy of Herbert Hochberg.Erwin Tegtmeier (ed.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Herbert Hochberg is one of the most influential analytical philosophers and one of the most influential critics of analytical philosophy. He disputed with almost all leading analytical philosophers, from Quine, Goodman and Wilfrid Sellars to David Lewis and David Armstrong. His point of view is ontological and he harks back to the origins of analytical philosophy where he finds unknown precursors of current views. And he finds parallels to contemporary non-analytic philosophies. In his own ontology he tries to dispense with (...)
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    Soziologie und Ontologie der Institution.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2005 - In Gerhard Schönrich (ed.), Institutionen Und Ihre Ontologie. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 37-44.
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    The Concept of Unifier in Meinertsen: Metaphysics of States of Affairs.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (1):431-436.
    Meinertsen’s unifier is discussed on the background of Aristotle’s distinction between four kinds of unity. It argued that Meinertsen combines two different kinds of unity that exclude each other. Only Aristotle’s first meaning of unity seems to be relevant for Meinertsen’s unifier. But this meaning applies literally only to spatial complexes. Its application to states of affairs is problematic because they are mostly not spatial. It is also problematic because unity in the first sense requires an agent. Meinertsen’s unifiers are (...)
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    The Development of Bergmann’s Metaphysics.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2007 - In Laird Addis, Greg Jesson & Erwin Tegtmeier (eds.), Ontology and Analysis: Essays and Recollection about Gustav Bergmann. De Gruyter. pp. 13-30.
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    Two Kinds of Ontological Dualism.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2010 - In Christian Kanzian & Muhammad Legenhausen (eds.), Soul: A Comparative Approach. De Gruyter. pp. 263-276.
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    The Ontological Problem of Order.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2013 - In Herbert Hochberg & Kevin Mulligan (eds.), Relations and predicates. Lancaster, LA: Ontos Verlag. pp. 149-160.
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