  1. Self-Ownership, Freedom and Equality.Eric Mack - 1995 - Philosophy 72 (281):478-482.
  2. The Self-Ownership Proviso: A New and Improved Lockean Proviso.Eric Mack - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (1):186-218.
    In this essay I propose to explicate and defend a new and improved version of a Lockean proviso—the self-ownership proviso . I shall presume here that individuals possess robust rights of self-ownership. I shall take it that each individual has strong moral claims over the elements which constitute her person, e.g., her body parts, her talents, and her energies. However, in the course of the essay, I shall be challenging what I take to be the standard conception of self-ownership and (...)
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  3. The natural right of property.Eric Mack - 2010 - Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (1):53-78.
    The two main theses of are: (i) that persons possess an original, non-acquired right not to be precluded from making extra-personal material their own (or from exercising discretionary control over what they have made their own); and (ii) that this right can and does take the form of a right that others abide by the rules of a (justifiable) practice of property which facilitates persons making extra-personal material their own (and exercising discretionary control over what they have made their own). (...)
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  4. Self-ownership, Marxism, and Egalitarianism.Eric Mack - 2002 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 1 (1):75-108.
    This two-part article offers a defense of a libertarian doctrine that centers on two propositions. The first is the self-ownership thesis according to which each individual possesses original moral rights over her own body, faculties, talents, and energies. The second is the anti-egalitarian conclusion that, through the exercise of these rights of self-ownership, individuals may readily become entitled to substantially unequal extra-personal holdings. The self-ownership thesis remains in the background during Part I of this essay, while the anti-egalitarian conclusion is (...)
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    Elbow Room for Rights.Eric Mack - 2015 - In David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 1. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 194–221.
    If individuals possess robust rights over their own persons and legitimately acquired possessions does any action on the part of another person that has any physical effect on the right-holder or her property to which the right-holder has not consented violate those rights? If so, it seems that almost every ordinary exercise of one’s rights—e.g., starting one’s car up in one’s own driveway, emitting some smoke while grilling in one’s own backyard—violate the rights of one’s neighbors. To avoid this conclusion (...)
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  6. Self-Ownership and the Right of Property.Eric Mack - 1990 - The Monist 73 (4):519-543.
  7.  23
    Libertarianism.Eric Mack - 2018 - Medord, MA: Polity.
    In this book, leading expert Eric Mack provides a rigorous and clear account of the philosophical principles of libertarianism. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in political philosophy, political ideologies and the nature of liberty and state authority, from students and scholars to general readers.
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    (1 other version)Self-ownership, Marxism, and Egalitarianism.Eric Mack - 2002 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 1 (2):237-276.
    Part I of this essay supports the anti-egalitarian conclusion that individuals may readily become entitled to substantially unequal extra-personal holdings by criticizing end-state and pattern theories of distributive justice and defending the historical entitlement doctrine of justice in holdings. Part II of this essay focuses on a second route to the anti-egalitarian conclusion. This route combines the self-ownership thesis with a contention that is especially advanced by G.A. Cohen. This is the contention that the anti-egalitarian conclusion can be inferred from (...)
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    Deontic Restrictions Are Not Agent-Relative Restrictions.Eric Mack - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (2):61.
    The primary purpose of this essay is to offer a critique of a particular program within moral and political philosophy. This program can be stated quite succinctly. It is to account for agents' being subject to deontic restrictions on the basis of their possession of agent-relative reasons for acting in accordance with those restrictions. Needless to say, the statement of this program requires some further explication. Specifically, two claims require explanation: the reasons individuals have for or against engaging in particular (...)
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  10. Bad samaritanism and the causation of harm.Eric Mack - 1980 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (3):230-259.
  11. Non-absolute rights and libertarian taxation.Eric Mack - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (2):109-141.
    Rights-oriented libertarian theory asserts the existence of robust individual rights - including robust rights of property. If these property rights are absolute, then it seems that all taxation is theft. However, it also seems that, if an individual is (faultlessly) in dire straits, it is permissible for him to seize or trespass in order to escape from those straits. It does seem that in this sense property rights are non-absolute. This essay examines what contribution this non-absoluteness of rights makes to (...)
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    John Locke.Eric Mack - 2009 - Continuum.
    The second volume in the Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers.
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    In defense of blackmail.Eric Mack - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 41 (2):273 - 284.
  14. Moral Individualism: Agent-Relativity and Deontic Restraints.Eric Mack - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (1):81.
    My goal in this essay is to say something helpful about the philosophical foundations of deontic restraints, i.e., moral restraints on actions that are, roughly speaking, grounded in the wrongful character of the actions themselves and not merely in the disvalue of their results. An account of deontic restraints will be formulated and offered against the backdrop of three related, but broader, contrasts or puzzles within moral theory. The plausibility of this account of deontic restraints rests in part on how (...)
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  15. Libertarianism.Eric Mack - 2011 - In George Klosko (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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  16. In defense of the jurisdiction theory of rights.Eric Mack - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4 (1-2):71-98.
    This essay critically examines three theories of moral rights, theBenefit, the Interest, and the Choice theories. The Interest andChoice theories attempt to explain how rights can be more robustthan seems possible on the Benefit theory. In particular, moralrights are supposed to be resistant to trade-offs to supportprincipled anti-paternalism, to constitute a distinct dimensionof morality, and to provide right holders with a range ofdiscretionary choice. I argue that these and other featuresare better yet provided by a fourth theory of moral rights, (...)
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    Elbow room for self-defense.Eric Mack - 2016 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (2):18-39.
    This essay contrasts two approaches to permissible self-defensive killing. The first is the forfeiture approach; the second is the elbow room for self-defense approach. The forfeiture approach comes in many versions — not all of which make prominent use of the word “forfeiture.” However, all versions presume that the permissibility of X killing Y (when X must kill Y in order to prevent herself from being unjustly killed) depends entirely on there being some feature of Y in virtue of which (...)
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    Distributive Justice and the Tensions of Lockeanism.Eric Mack - 1983 - Social Philosophy and Policy 1 (1):132.
    An ongoing tension exists within the Lockean tradition in political philosophy between the claim that each individual is the “Proprietor of his own Person” and the claim that nature is “that which God gave to Mankind in common.” The former claim points to a realm of discrete individual entitlements only formally equal in the sense of each individual having jurisdiction over his own person and not over any other person, while the latter points either to a collective entitlement to nature (...)
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    Isaiah Berlin and the quest for liberal pluralism.Eric Mack - 1993 - Public Affairs Quarterly 7 (3):215-230.
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    Prerogatives, restrictions, and rights.Eric Mack - 2005 - Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (1):357-393.
    I offer a defense of the moral side-constraints to which Robert Nozick appeals in Anarchy, State and Utopia but for which he fails to provide a sustained justification. I identify a line of anti-consequentialist argumentation which is present in Nozick and which, in the terminology of Samuel Scheffler, moves first to affirm a personal prerogative which allows the individual not to sacrifice herself for the sake of the best overall outcome and second moves on to affirm restrictions (i.e., moral side-constraints) (...)
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  21. Defining Textual Entailment.Daniel Z. Korman, Eric Mack, Jacob Jett & Allen H. Renear - 2018 - Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69:763-772.
    Textual entailment is a relationship that obtains between fragments of text when one fragment in some sense implies the other fragment. The automation of textual entailment recognition supports a wide variety of text-based tasks, including information retrieval, information extraction, question answering, text summarization, and machine translation. Much ingenuity has been devoted to developing algorithms for identifying textual entailments, but relatively little to saying what textual entailment actually is. This article is a review of the logical and philosophical issues involved in (...)
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    Personal Integrity, Practical Recognition, and Rights.Eric Mack - 1993 - The Monist 76 (1):101-118.
    The intuitive core of moral individualism is the belief in the supreme moral importance of the individual. The task of the advocate of moral individualism is to provide a coherent explication of what is encompassed within this moral importance—an explication which extends and rationally reinforces the original intuitive core. My view is that there are two distinct, albeit fundamentally complementary, facets within a well-articulated doctrine of moral individualism. These two facets correspond to the common division of ethical theory into the (...)
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    Three Ways to Kill Innocent Bystanders: Some Conundrums Concerning the Morality of War.Eric Mack - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):1.
    1. Introduction This essay deals with the hard topic of the permissible killing of the innocent. The relevance of this topic to the morality of war is obvious. For even the most defensive and just wars, i.e., the most defensive and just responses to existing or imminent large-scale aggression, will inflict harm upon – in particular, cause the deaths of – innocent bystanders. 1 The most obvious and relevant example is that of innocent Soviet noncombatants who would be killed by (...)
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  24. Egoism and Rights.Eric Mack - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):5.
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    Natural and contractual rights.Eric Mack - 1977 - Ethics 87 (2):153-159.
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    Problematic Arguments in Randian Ethics.Eric Mack - 2003 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 5 (1):1 - 66.
    Mack critically surveys a range of arguments characteristic of Randian writings in ethics (including Craig Biddle's Loving Life). He focuses on "the Shuffle," a set of argumentative moves in which there is illicit shifting back and forth between causal and conceptual understandings and defenses of claims of the form: Man's survival requires man's behaving in manner X (e.g., being rational, being productive). Mack concludes that much Randian argumentation is deeply flawed and urges admirers to discriminate between Rand's genuine individualist ethical (...)
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  27. What is left in left-libertarianism?Eric Mack - 2009 - In Stephen De Wijze, Matthew H. Kramer & Ian Carter (eds.), Hillel Steiner and the Anatomy of Justice: Themes and Challenges. New York: Routledge.
  28.  29
    John Locke on Just Price.Eric Mack - 2024 - Locke Studies 24:1-26.
    Locke’s short essay, “Venditio,” offers a series of thought-provoking examples of prices that might or might not be viewed as just. Locke writes as though these examples and his comments about them point to a coherent doctrine about which agreed-to prices are morally acceptable and which are morally unacceptable. However, despite the acuity of some of Locke’s observations, no such coherent doctrine emerges from Locke’s discussions of these examples. Indeed, many of the conclusions Locke reaches as he moves from example (...)
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    Lysander Spooner: Nineteenth-century America's last natural rights theorist.Eric Mack - 2012 - Social Philosophy and Policy 29 (2):139-176.
    Research Articles Eric Mack, Social Philosophy and Policy, FirstView Article.
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  30. In defense of individualism.Eric Mack - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (2):87-115.
    This paper offers a programmatic philosophical articulation of moral and political individualism. This individualism consists of two main components: value individualism and rights individualism. The former is the view that, for each individual, the end which is of ultimate value is his own well-being. Each individual's well-being has ultimate agent-relative value and the only ultimate values are these agent-relative values. The latter view is that individuals possess moral jurisdiction over themselves, i.e., rights of self-ownership. These rights (along with other rights (...)
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  31. Against Agent-Neutral Value.Eric Mack - 1989 - Reason Papers 14:76-85.
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  32. Scanlon as natural rights theorist.Eric Mack - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (1):45-73.
    This article examines the character of Scanlon’s contractualism as presented in What We Owe to Each Other . I offer a range of reasons for thinking of Scanlon’s contractualism as a species of natural rights theorizing. I argue that to affirm the principle that actions are wrongful if and only if they are disallowed by principles that people could not reasonably reject is equivalent to affirming a natural right (of an admittedly non-standard sort) against being subject to such reasonably disallowed (...)
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    Distributionism versus justice.Eric Mack - 1976 - Ethics 86 (2):145-153.
  34.  27
    Gauthier on Rights and Economic Rent.Eric Mack - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (1):171.
    David Gauthier's Morals by Agreement is an impressive — indeed, daunting — exercise in contractarian moral and political philosophy. The primary purpose of his treatise is to explicate practical rationality as constrained maximization and morality as compliance with these constraints. Gauthier offers an account of which constraints on straightforward utility maximization each rational individual will be prepared to accept and comply with on the condition that other individuals also will accept and comply with them as well as an explanation of (...)
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    Hayek on Justice and the Market: A Reply to MacLeod.Eric Mack - 1983 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):569 - 574.
  36.  56
    Hart on natural and contractual rights.Eric Mack - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (4):283 - 285.
  37. On the Fit between Egoism and Rights.Eric Mack - 1998 - Reason Papers 23:3-21.
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    Two Demands Upon Luck Egalitarians.Eric Mack - 2022 - Social Philosophy and Policy 39 (2):233-259.
    I offer two objections to luck egalitarianism. The no-adequate-account objection takes note of the egalitarian insistence that the disvalue of inequality is only one of a plurality of values or disvalues that needs to be considered in arriving at a judgment about the ranking of alternative distributions of welfare. This turn to pluralism places a reasonable demand upon luck egalitarianism to provide an account of how the different sorts of values or disvalues that are supposed to attach to available distributions (...)
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  39. Rights, liberties, and expectations: A reply to Sterba and Markie.Eric Mack - 1979 - Ethics 89 (3):301-305.
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    Inside Public Reason: A Review Essay of Gerald Gaus, The Order of Public Reason: A Theory of Freedom and Morality in a Diverse and Bounded World , p 621.Eric Mack - 2013 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 7 (2):389-402.
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    David Weinstein, Equal Freedom and Utility: Herbert Spencer's Liberal Utilitarianism:Equal Freedom and Utility: Herbert Spencer's Liberal Utilitarianism.Eric Mack - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4):875-877.
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    Libertarianism untamed.Eric Mack - 1991 - Journal of Social Philosophy 22 (3):64-72.
  43.  31
    A comment on Steiner on presupposed rights.Eric Mack - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 33 (4):423 - 424.
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  44. A Theory of Natural Rights.Eric Mack - 1973 - Dissertation, The University of Rochester
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    Commentary.Eric Mack - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (2):35-38.
  46.  30
    Causing and Failing to Prevent.Eric Mack - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):83-90.
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    Critical notice.Eric Mack - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (1):135-147.
    Natural Goodness, PHILIPPA FOOT. Clarendon Press, 2002, 125 pages. Philippa Foot begins her short but intriguingly rewarding book on Natural Goodness by recounting a story about Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein interrupted a speaker who had realized that he was about to say something that, although it seemed compelling, was clearly ridiculous, and was trying (as we all do in such circumstances) to say something sensible instead. “No,” said Wittgenstein. “Say what you want to say. Be crude and then we shall get on.” (...)
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    Campbell's Refutation of Egoism.Eric Mack - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):659 - 663.
    In “A Short Refutation of Ethical Egoism,” Richmond Campbell purports to refute “the view that everyone ought to do what benefits him the most in a given situation.” This is the theory which is “sometimes called impersonal ethical egoism ” [249). Campbell takes the following proposition as fundamental to his refutation of IEE.I. If an agent ought to do something in a given situation and another agent ought to do something in the same situation, then it is not logically impossible (...)
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  49. Egoism and Rights Revisited.Eric Mack - 1977 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 58 (3):282.
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    Equality, benevolence, and responsiveness to agent-relative value.Eric Mack - 2002 - Social Philosophy and Policy 19 (1):314-341.
    Do differences in income or wealth matter, morally speaking? This essay addresses a broader issue than this question seems to pose. But this broader issue is, I believe, the salient philosophical issue which this question actually poses. Let me explain. Narrowly read, the question at hand is concerned only with inequality of income or wealth. It asks us to consider whether inequality of income or wealth as such is morally problematic. On this construal, the question invites us to consider whether (...)
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