Results for 'Eric Lamm'

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  1.  28
    Attentional Conflict Moderates the Association Between Anxiety and Emotional Eating Behavior: An ERP Study.Greg Denke, Eric Rawls & Connie Lamm - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  2.  16
    Feedback-Related Negativity and Frontal Midline Theta Reflect Dissociable Processing of Reinforcement.Eric Rawls, Vladimir Miskovic, Shannin N. Moody, Yoojin Lee, Elizabeth A. Shirtcliff & Connie Lamm - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  3.  67
    Legitimacy and Organizational Sustainability.Tom E. Thomas & Eric Lamm - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (2):191-203.
    The literature regarding social and environmental sustainability of business focuses primarily on rationales for adopting sustainability strategies and operational practices in support of that goal. In contrast, we examine sustainability from a perspective that has received far less research attention—attitudes that inform managerial decision-making. We develop a conceptual model that identifies six elemental categories of attitudes that can be held independently or aggregated to yield a meta-attitude representing the legitimacy of sustainability. Our model distinguishes among three types of internally held (...)
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    Empowering Employee Sustainability: Perceived Organizational Support Toward the Environment.Cynthia E. King, Jennifer Tosti-Kharas & Eric Lamm - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):207-220.
    This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion of sustainability behaviors by introducing the construct of perceived organizational support toward the environment. We propose and empirically test an integrated model whereby we test the association of POS-E with employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors toward the environment as well as to job attitudes. Results indicated that POS-E was positively related to OCB-E, job satisfaction, organizational identification, and psychological empowerment, and negatively related to turnover intentions. We also found that psychological empowerment partially mediated the (...)
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  5. A Tale of Seven Elements.Eric R. Scerri - 2013 - New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  6. Scientific progress and incommensurability.Eric Oberheim - 2022 - In Yafeng Shan (ed.), New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge.
  7.  59
    From Primary Goods to Capabilities.Eric Nelson - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (1):93-122.
    The capability approach to distributive justice, as defended by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, represents perhaps the most influential recent attempt to reconcile the competing demands of liberty and equality. Specifically, capability theorists have claimed that their insistence on the universal cultivation of a set of capabilities for basic human "functionings" is fully consistent with a liberal neutrality commitment. Their reason is that these capabilities are, like Rawls's primary goods, rational to want "whatever else one wants." This article suggests, in (...)
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    The Ambiguity of Reduction.Eric R. Scerri - 2007 - Hyle 13 (2):67 - 81.
    I claim that the question of whether chemistry is reduced to quantum mechanics is more ambiguous and multi-faceted than generally supposed. For example, chemistry appears to be both reduced and not reduced at the same time depending on the perspective that one adopts. Similarly, I argue that some conceptual issues in quantum mechanics are ambiguous and can only be laid to rest by embracing paradox and ambiguity rather than regarding them as obstacles to be overcome. Recent work in the reduction (...)
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    Function, Gene and behavior.Eric Kraemer - unknown
    In this paper I begin by examining a particularly disturbing eliminativist argument from Evelyn Fox Keller against the continued use of the very concept of the gene. If Fox Keller’s argument were to work, then any attempt to continue with or attempt to revise behavioral genetics would be doomed. In the course of replying to Fox Keller’s argument a revised, functional concept of the gene is presented and defending. Using this revised conception of the gene I then consider how appeal (...)
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  10. The case for the philosophy of chemistry.Eric Scerri & Lee McIntyre - 1997 - Synthese 111 (3):213-232.
    The philosophy of chemistry has been sadly neglected by most contempory literature in the philosophy of science. This paper argues that this neglect has been unfortunate and that there is much to be learned from paying greater philosophical attention to the set of issues defined by the philosophy of chemistry. The potential contribution of this field to such current topics as reduction, laws, explanation, and supervenience is explored, as are possible applications of insights gained by such study to the philosophy (...)
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  11. Defending the use of animals by business: Animal liberation and environmental ethics.Eric Katz - forthcoming - Business, Ethics and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate.
  12. Thinking machines.Eric Drexler - 1986 - In Engines of Creation. Fourth Estate.
  13.  32
    Philosophy of chemistry—a new interdisciplinary field?Eric Scerri - 2000 - Journal of Chemical Education 77:522-526.
    Philosophy of Chemistry—A New Interdisciplinary Field? What could possibly be the connection between chemistry and philosophy, apart from the obvious superficial one of their both representing quests for knowledge? How do contemporary chemists and philosophers generally view one another? These are some of the questions I will try to put before going on to describe the connections that have recently been forged between these two seemingly very diverse fields of academic study.
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    Wonder in the face of scientific revolutions: Adam Smith on Newton's ‘Proof’ of Copernicanism 1.Eric Schliesser - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (4):697-732.
    (2005). Wonder in the face of scientific revolutions: Adam Smith on Newton's ‘Proof’ of Copernicanism. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 697-732. doi: 10.1080/09608780500293042.
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  15. (1 other version)The Physics of Information.Eric Steinhart - 2003 - In Luciano Floridi (ed.), The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information. Blackwell. pp. 178-185.
    This chapter has two goals. The first is to explain concepts associated with information and computation in physical terms. The other goal of this chapter is to analyze concepts in physics like space, time, and causality in information-theoretic and computational terms.
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    Conservative bioethics and the search for wisdom.Eric Cohen - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (1):44-56.
    : "Conservative" bioethics is informed by a rich view of human personhood, a decent respect for the well-considered views of people across the political spectrum, and a philosophy of the state carefully calibrated to ensure that imperfect people can live together in community. The deepest disagreements between conservatives and liberals are rooted in different ways of understanding the moral ideal of equality.
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  17.  21
    The Philosophy of Chemistry.Eric R. Scerri & Grant Andrew Fisher (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The philosophy of chemistry has emerged in recent years as a new and autonomous field within the Anglo-American philosophical tradition. With the development of this new discipline, Eric Scerri and Grant Fisher's "Essays in the Philosophy of Chemistry" is a timely and definitive guide to all current thought in this field. This edited volume will serve to map out the distinctive features of the field and its connections to the philosophies of the natural sciences and general philosophy of science (...)
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  18.  20
    Les manipulations du nom de Juif.Éric Marty & Yves-Charles Zarka - 2007 - Cités 3:151-170.
  19.  26
    Choosing death: philosophical observations on suicide and euthanasia.Eric Matthews - 1998 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 5 (2):107-111.
  20. Can national bioethics commissions be progressive? Should they?Eric M. Meslin - 2010 - In Jonathan D. Moreno & Sam Berger (eds.), Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics. MIT Press.
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  21. Can National Bioethics Commissions Be.Eric M. Meslin - 2010 - In Jonathan D. Moreno & Sam Berger (eds.), Progress in Bioethics: Science, Policy, and Politics. MIT Press. pp. 143.
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  22. The once and future role of policy advice for health regulation by experts and advisory committees.Eric Meslin - 2021 - In Graeme T. Laurie (ed.), The Cambridge handbook of health research regulation. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  23.  35
    The uniform content of partial and linear orders.Eric P. Astor, Damir D. Dzhafarov, Reed Solomon & Jacob Suggs - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (6):1153-1171.
  24. The explanatory stopgap.Eric Lormand - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (3):303-57.
    Is there an explanatory gap between raw feels and raw material? Some philosophers argue, and many other people believe, that scientific explanations of conscious experience cannot be as satisfying as typical scientific explanations elsewhere, even in our wildest dreams. The underlying philosophical claims are.
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  25. Hegel et l'État.Eric Weil - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:463-464.
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  26.  10
    Les néokantiens: valeur et vérité.Eric Dufour - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Le regain d'interet pour la philosophie kantienne est ne en Allemagne vers 1860 et provient essentiellement d'un declin de l'idealisme hegelien, d'une reaction au materialisme, et d'un climat politique qui favorise un abandon des questions morales et politiques pour retourner a des problemes theoriques. De sorte que ce qui caracterise tous les neokantiens est leur volonte de redonner a la philosophie son statut scientifique au titre de theorie de la connaissance. Mais comment construire cette theorie de la connaissance est une (...)
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  27. Multiple realizability.Eric Funkhouser - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):303–315.
    b>: This article explains the concept of multiple realizability and its role in the philosophy of mind. In particular, I consider what is required for the multiple realizability of psychological kinds, the relevance of multiple realizability to the reducibility and autonomy of psychology, as well as further refinements of the concept that would prove helpful.
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    Reply to Lynne Rudder Baker.Eric T. Olson - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (1):161-166.
    In “Was I Ever a Fetus?” I argued that, since each of us was once an unthinking fetus, psychological continuity cannot be necessary for us to persist through time. Baker claims that the argument is invalid, and that both the premise and the conclusion are false. I attempt to defend argument, premise, and conclusion against her objections.
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    Thinking Things in Themselves.Eric C. Sandberg - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (2):23-31.
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    Five Myths about Pragmatism, or, against a Second Pragmatic Acquiescence.Eric A. Macgilvray - 2000 - Political Theory 28 (4):480-508.
  31. The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America.Eric P. Kaufmann - 2004
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  32.  93
    Kant's Philosophy of Science.Eric Watkins & Marius Stan - 2023 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  33. Double truths and the postcolonial predicament of Chinese medicine.Eric I. Karchmer - 2016 - In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon & Harold Kincaid (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Buffalo-Killing and the Valuation of Species.Eric Katz - 1986 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 8:114-123.
  35. Tocqueville économiste.Eric Keslassy - 2005 - Res Publica 40:37-43.
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  36.  13
    Isaiah Berlin and the quest for liberal pluralism.Eric Mack - 1993 - Public Affairs Quarterly 7 (3):215-230.
  37.  28
    Classical and Nonclassical Logics: An Introduction to the Mathematics of Propositions.Eric Schechter - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    Classical logic is traditionally introduced by itself, but that makes it seem arbitrary and unnatural. This text introduces classical alongside several nonclassical logics (relevant, constructive, quantative, paraconsistent).
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  38. (1 other version)Incommensurability, realism, and meta-incommensurability.Eric Oberheim & Paul Hoyningen-Huene - 1997 - Theoria 12 (3):447-465.
    The essay begins with a detailed consideration of the introduction of incommensurability by Feyerabend in 1962 which exposes several historically inaccurate claims about incommensurability. Section 2 is a coneise argument against causal theories of reference as used as arguments against incommensurability. We object to this strategy because it begs the question by presupposing realism. Section 3 introduces and discusses a hypothesis that w'e call meta-incommensurability which provides the reason for the wide-spread accusation of question-begging and use of circular argumentation among (...)
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  39. Autonomy and the Legislation of Laws in the Prolegomena (1783).Eric Watkins - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 122-140.
    This paper attempts to shed light on Kant’s notion of autonomy in his moral philosophy by considering the extent to which he presents a similar doctrine in his theoretical philosophy, where he strikingly claims (e.g., in the Prolegomena) that the understanding prescribes laws to nature. It argues that even though there are important points of difference between the cases of theoretical legislation of the laws of nature and autonomy in moral philosophy, their extensive parallels make a strong, even if not (...)
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    In defense of the jurisdiction theory of rights.Eric Mack - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4 (1-2):71-98.
    This essay critically examines three theories of moral rights, theBenefit, the Interest, and the Choice theories. The Interest andChoice theories attempt to explain how rights can be more robustthan seems possible on the Benefit theory. In particular, moralrights are supposed to be resistant to trade-offs to supportprincipled anti-paternalism, to constitute a distinct dimensionof morality, and to provide right holders with a range ofdiscretionary choice. I argue that these and other featuresare better yet provided by a fourth theory of moral rights, (...)
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  41. (1 other version)A Note on Gibbard's Rational Credence and the Value of Truth.Eric Swanson - 2007 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Oxford Studies in Epistemology:Volume 2: Volume 2. Oxford University Press.
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  42. A time for shame : Levinas, diachrony and the hope of shame.Eric Severson - 2017 - In Ladson Hinton & Hessel Willemsen (eds.), Temporality and Shame: Perspectives From Psychoanalysis and Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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  43. Andrew Lang and the Making of Myth.Eric Sharpe - 1994 - Literature & Aesthetics 4:34-43.
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  44. (1 other version)Sins of the Founding Fathers.D. Smaw Eric - 2017 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (3):389-409.
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  45.  48
    The Dualist Project and the Remote-Control Objection.Eric T. Olson - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (1):89-101.
    Substance dualism says that all thinking beings are immaterial. This sits awkwardly with the fact that thinking requires an intact brain. Many dualists say that bodily activity is causally necessary for thinking. But if a material thing can cause thinking, why can’t it think? No argument for dualism, however convincing, answers this question, leaving dualists with more to explain than their opponents.
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  46. The system of principles.Eric Watkins - 2010 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  47. Laws and statistical mechanics.Eric Winsberg - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):707-718.
    This paper explores some connections between competing conceptions of scientific laws on the one hand, and a problem in the foundations of statistical mechanics on the other. I examine two proposals for understanding the time asymmetry of thermodynamic phenomenal: David Albert's recent proposal and a proposal that I outline based on Hans Reichenbach's “branch systems”. I sketch an argument against the former, and mount a defense of the latter by showing how to accommodate statistical mechanics to recent developments in the (...)
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    (1 other version)Mereological Singularism and Paradox.Eric Snyder & Stewart Shapiro - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (1):1-20.
    The primary argument against mereological singularism—the view that definite plural noun phrases like ‘the students’ refer to “set-like entities”—is that it is ultimately incoherent. The most forceful form of this charge is due to Barry Schein, who argues that singularists must accept a certain comprehension principle which entails the existence of things having the contradictory property of being both atomic and non-atomic. The purpose of this paper is to defuse Schein’s argument, by noting three necessary and independently motivated restrictions on (...)
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  49. Time as a human artefact.Eric R. Woolmington - 1979 - Duntroon [Australia]: Dept. of Geography, Royal Military College.
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    Levinas's philosophy of time: gift, responsibility, diachrony, hope.Eric R. Severson - 2013 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Duquesne University Press.
    A chronological approach that examines the progression of Levinas's deliberations on time over six decades, thus providing new insights about aspects of Levinasian thought that have consistently troubled readers, including the differences between Levinas's early and later writings, his controversial invocation of the feminine, and the blurry line between philosophy and religion in his work"--Provided by publisher.
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