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    Towards an Aesthetics of Archery.Enea Bianchi - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (1):33-48.
    This article discusses the relationship between archery and aesthetics, developing two central claims. First, in order to deliver successful results, the archer should attend not only to efficiency, technique and equipment tuning but also to the aesthetic experience; second, archery shooting methods embody and express ‘life-issue’ statements and desires concerning our relationship with the world. Depending on the archer’s shooting style, i.e., depending on the way in which a shot is executed and performed, the archer’s ‘sportive philosophy’ is, so to (...)
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  2. Philosophies of Archery.Enea Bianchi - 2021 - Popular Inquiry. The Journal of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture 2:22-37.
    This article investigates how different philosophical traditions and schools of thought have understood the practice and the discipline of archery. Whereas the scholarly literature on the history, the techniques and the uses of bows and arrows is diverse and extensive, my aim is to contribute to the less developed research on the relationship between philosophy and archery. Specifically, I will explore in what terms philosophers have employed the bow as a metaphor for both their standpoints and, more generally, significant aspects (...)
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  3. The Adventures of the Thing. Mario Perniola's Sex Appeal of the Inorganic.Enea Bianchi - 2020 - AM Journal of Art Theory and Media Studies 22 (22):23-34.
    This paper explores the concept of "inorganic sexuality" in the work of Italian writer and philosopher Mario Perniola. The main objective is to develop the controversial and original aspects of Perniola's thought within his aesthetic theory of feeling. Perniola elaborates the so-called "thing that feels", namely a feeling in which the neutral and impersonal dimensions of the things flow into organic life and vice versa. This perspective, as will be clarified, by dissolving the vitalist and spiritualist drives of the subject, (...)
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  4. In Praise of a Strategic Beauty. Mario Perniola's Aesthetics between Stoicism, the Baroque and the Avant-Gardes.Enea Bianchi - 2020 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 4 (59):29-42.
    Several scholars (Bartoloni 2019, Bukdahl 2017, Vogt 2019) focused on Mario Perniola's perspective on art, post-human sexuality and political theory. Yet little has been written on the philosophical and literary sources - specifically Stoicism, the Baroque and the Avant-Gardes - which influenced his standpoint. The objective of this paper is to develop Perniola's conception of a strategically oriented beauty, which implies a connection between the aesthetic element and the political-effectual one.
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  5. Reality as Stratification of Surfaces. The Concept of Transit in Mario Perniola's Philosophy.Enea Bianchi - 2019 - European Journal of Psychoanalysis 1 (February):online.
    The aim of this paper is to show in what terms reality can be considered as a stratification of surfaces by developing Mario Perniola's philosophy of transit. The first part will deal with the etymology of the word transit, in order to explain its meanings and uses. As it will be clarified, the development of the notion of transit goes together with the conception of reality as deep in the sense of full, available, rich, as the realm of "difference" and (...)
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  6. Contro gli artisti. Tanizaki Jun’ichirō e l’uomo d’arte.Enea Bianchi - 2017 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 33:54-64.
    Against the Artists. Jun'ichirō Tanizaki and the Man of Art. -/- This essay explores the concepts of "art" (gei) and "man of art" (geinin) in Tanizaki's works. These two notions belong to an ancient Japanese aesthetic tradition. The concept of 'gei' means "realization", "skill", but also "technique" and "ability". Traditional stage performances such as 'nō', 'kyōgen', 'bunraku', 'kabuki', are typical examples of 'gei'. On the other hand the concept of 'geinin' implies three pivotal aspects: 1) a strict and harsh aesthetic (...)
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    Agnotology: a Conspiracy Theory of Ignorance?Enea Bianchi - 2021 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 41.
    This article develops the concept of “agnotology”, a term coined by the historian of science Robert N. Proctor and the linguist Ian Bolas. Agnotology implies the study of ignorance, especially how ignorance and doubt are strategically induced by specific agents through misinformation, misleading research and inaccurate scientific data. The aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand it summarizes the main objectives of the agnotological area of study, taking into account the state of the art over the subject (...)
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    Rethinking the apocalypse: Zeno’s Conscience and Death Stranding.Paolo Bartoloni & Enea Bianchi - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (1):14-33.
    The moment we live in is a moment of multiple crisis – environmental, political, economic, and viral – a moment, that is, where the reality of damage, fallibility and faultiness, and the ensuing fear, anxiety, rage, trauma, protest, and mobilisation have reached a critical point. Past and present narratives of crisis and trauma can help navigate this process. In this article we have chosen to focus on Italo Svevo’s Zeno’s Conscience (1923) and Hideo Kojima’s videogame Death Stranding (2019) for several (...)
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    Eva Illouz e i paradossi del “capitalismo emotivo”.Enea Bianchi - 2015 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 30.
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    George Kubler o l’arte perenne.Enea Bianchi - 2015 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 29.
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    Il dandismo o la grandezza senza convinzioni.Enea Bianchi - 2017 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 34.
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    L’intimità di Internet.Enea Bianchi - 2013 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 25.
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    La nozione di autorità di Nietzsche nella letteratura anglosassone.Enea Bianchi - 2014 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 28.
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    More-Than-Life. Mario Perniola’s Early Writings on Art Theory.Enea Bianchi - 2020 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 39.
    The objective of this paper is to explore Mario Perniola’s perspective on art between the years 1966 and 1972. During this six-year period Perniola elaborates – mainly influenced by his closeness to revolutionary and protest movements such as the Situationist International and Ludd – a political and militant theory based on the dialectic overcoming of art. The year 1972, with the last issue of the journal Agar-Agar, marks the beginning of a theoretical rearrangement regarding art theory for the Italian philosopher. (...)
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  15. Le avventure del sentire. Il pensiero di Mario Perniola nel mondo.Enea Bianchi & Massimo Di Felice (eds.) - 2021 - Milano MI, Italia: Mimesis.
    Il 2021 segna gli ottant’anni dalla nascita di Mario Perniola, uno dei massimi filosofi italiani del secondo dopoguerra. Questo volume raccoglie interventi che esplorano la sua opera mostrandone la fertilità e sottolineando al tempo stesso la prossimità delle sue idee con le principali sfide del nostro tempo. Dall’Italia al Brasile, passando per gli Stati Uniti, l’Irlanda, la Francia, il Belgio, il Messico e la Cina, gli autori si soffermano su temi che comprendono l’estetica, la politica, la teoria della comunicazione, i (...)
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  16. The excessive contingency.Enea Bianchi & Matteo Maria Paolucci - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 30.
    This article explores the concept of “excessive contingency” through an analysis of the Situationist International’s practice of the dérive and Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy of exposition. It argues that contingency, rooted in our fundamental being-with-others, exceeds traditional subject-object divisions. In line with Improvisation Studies scholars Dan DiPiero and Alessandro Bertinetto, Situationist dérive is examined as a “deliberate” engagement with urban contingency that subverts functionalist approaches to space. Nancy’s ontology of exposition further illuminates how contingency is integral to our relational existence. By (...)
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    Enrica Lisciani-Petrini, Vita quotidiana. Dall’esperienza artistica al pensiero in atto. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2017 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 34.
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    Fulvio Carmagnola, Il desiderio non è una cosa semplice. Figure di Ágalma. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2014 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 27.
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    Jacques Attali, Sette lezioni di vita: sopravvivere alle crisi. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2012 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 23.
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    Lars Svendsen, Filosofia della paura. Come, quando e perché la sicurezza è diventata nemica della libertà. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2013 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 25.
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    Massimo Di Felice, Net-attivismo. Dall’azione sociale all’atto connettivo. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2018 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 35.
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    Marco Dotti, Il calcolo dei dadi – Azzardo e vita quotidiana. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2013 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 26.
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    Marco Vozza, Il nuovo infinito di Nietzsche – La futura obiettività tra arte e scienza. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2015 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 29.
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  24. Sette lezioni di vita: sopravvivere alla crisi. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2012 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 23.
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    Wang Jianjiang, Bie-Modern: Discourse Innovation & International Academic Dialogue. [REVIEW]Enea Bianchi - 2020 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 39.
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